001B6C1A THE WEST VAN NEWS Classified Ads. DRFqSb)AhiNG -- Home ot by day. Mta. Robbins, 49th aad Ma&hot« Phono Wast 437LL FIRST 1'R)ZE W)NNER pure «ooi cocks. Tgc. Knit ftom your wool, ggc. A)co c&ockiagc. A&fred Craig. gi)7 Argy)a Wcc& 645L FOR SALE scrcrai 50-Too& ricw lots on Marine Drive, 3500 op. These lots are mach cacapct than the average aad ate listed with uc fot quick sale at opec)a) pt)ccs. Savory 0 Dora), phoae )Ycc& )&4; ercainga, )Ycc& t gn FOR SALE--Four-hole kuchca taagc, pc&foe& shape, 330. J. P. Brooke, is&b aad Bc)ictus. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarare Hall, Marine Dr. Daadatara 'aaday Sacr&ca ag TLS4 a.m. Subj&mt December 12th: "God ihe I'reserrer of Sinn" Saaday School at 14.44 a. m. Testimony Meeting arety Wed- nesday at L)5 p.m. St. Stephea'8 Church HOI.I.YBURN EIA I.L & ot. &4&h aad t)ache«a Sundny, Dec. 12th. at 7.30 Addtccs br SIR. H. D. RAE Sob)et«. "btAN'S FXTRKgiiTY GOD' OPP'nRTt'&'Nt TY" 'A man who lost hic only daagh- &ct." "A woman who lost hct only eon." "Two air&etc who ioc«heir only brother." United Church MRS. FRASER, ig&h aad Eros&mal&, graduate of gioa&cccoti School. will be open stet week in January to &eccirc pap&is fram 4 &o 9 years. School room fully equipped, COSY three-roam acw bungalow imodcta) on large iot. Good view. 3500 tach. balance as rent. Tt«cgh- toa a Barrow, Marine Dthw, Dua- datare P. O. WANTED--Young giti &o catt foc &htcc-yea~)d child twice a week from 3 &o S. Apply gita Stoma&le, )5&h aad Waterfront. WANTED FOR CL)ENT 5-toom made&a bungalow by January isu I H. Bcamich, '&vest )7. LIVE IN YOUR n)YN HOME--i«it&- Mountain Building aad Loan Acco- ciation. District top&octa&at)re. F. F. O'Ha)iotas, 1353 Clyde S&tcct. RENTER'S OPPORTUNITY -- im- mcd&a&e p&waccaion, fatty furnished &htcc-toom home, cern)-modern, nearly new, convenient to ferry. Just 3300 cash. balance as rent. Full price 3)400. Phone West ink OUR hiORTGAGE PLAN provides for ftoe discharge of the loan in the creat of the borrower'c death. Scc oa for loans, iacutance or anything in the brokerage line. We want listings of lots, acreage and houses. BYRNELL &5 SIAY At &hc Ferry aadiag. Phone Wee& i)3 R. P. CLARK R CO„LTD SNAPS IN BUILDING LOTS FOR LOCAL LVVESTORS HnbiE WANTED--)Yc have a client looking fot moderate priced home with three bedrooms. Please sub- mit particulars by letter fot con- sideration. FIRE INSURANCE Is your borne fully protected 7 is your furniture, piano, personal cgectc, e&c., coveted against a pos- sible total ioccf Aii you aced do is &o phoae this office. Do it oow. IL P. CLARK &5 CO„LTD. Sgg Hastings St. W. Scy. 7483, 7494 Loca) Rcptccca&a&irc C. J. ARCHER, West 6511 Foreshore Rights The question of the foreshore rights at Horseshoe Bay, Copper Cove and Fisherman's Cove came before the council on Wednesday night. The municipal clerk was directed to write the Superin- tendent of Lands, Victoria, in- quiring whether tks foreshore rights at these three points were thrown into Crown Reserve sub- sequent to November 4th, 1918, and to request that, if they were so reserved, any application to take them out of reserve be re- ported to the council. West Van 1Vetas Pabiichcd Ercty Friday H. HODGSON aad F. F. LOVEGROVE Publishers Advent 3 (Dec. 12th). 8 a.m., Holy Cc)mmunion. 10 a.m.. Sunday SchooL 11.18 a.m.. Morning Prayer. 7.18 p.m., Evensong. The annual meeting of the It omen'0 Auxiliary for the pre- sentation of reports and the election of oflicers will be held next IVcdnesday, in the Parish Hall, nt 2.30 p.m. The monthly meeting of the church committee takes place next Tuesday evening. Several of the Sunday school classes have sent oif gifts this week to Bertha Hammond, the Indian girl at Carcross Mission School, who has been "adopted" by St. Stephen's Sunday school. At the A. Y. P. A. on Tuesday night the charter of the branch was displayed, some twenty members were initiated and the officers installed. The rest of the programme consisted of stump speeches, which ranged in subjects from the Lions'ate Bridge and Orle&Ital Labor in B. C. to The Advantages of Bobbed Hair, this last being cleverly handled by one of the boys. First United Junior "B" team was defeated 2-1 by St. Stephen's last week. To morrow the boys are asked to meet at Mr. IVard'0 or the Rectory, at 12.13, to pro- ceed to Kerrisdale for the match against Knox Juniors. Death of Mrs. Hoy The death of Mrs. Chas. Hoy, Eighteenth and Fulton, took place in the General Hospital on Thursday. The funeral services will be held from St. George' Church, Laurel Street, Van- couver, at 1.30 p.m. Saturday, Rev. A. Harding Priest officiat- ing. AIrs. Hoy leaves to mourn her loss her husband, 81r. Chas. Hoy, two daughters, ijIrs. A. L. Cam- eron of Vancouver and Mrs. Foster of New IVestmlnster, also two sons, one resident in the city and the other in New York. The deceasdd was ahvays an "ctive worker in St. Stephen's Church and a member of the IV. A. Had she lived until next spring, she and her husband would have celebrated their golden wedding. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. Disconnection of Vfater To Be Investigated The Junior "B" team of the United Church Sunday School defeated the strong Chalmers team last Saturday by 2-0. The Junior "A" team sufl'ered defeat. Next Saturday both teams play at Hollyburn School. At 1.30 the Junior "B" team play Kcrris- dale Baptist and at 3 o'lock the Junior "A" team play Colling- wood. The Junior "A" team has been suffering from har&l luck these few Saturdays, owing to all the players not turning up. Next Saturday all the boys are asked to be on deck and main- tain the honor of the team. Business aad Editorial Office: )36) Stat)ac Drive Phone W&wt )9L Rail Add&coo& P. O. Box 1st, Hoiiybata, IL C. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION 3L00 a year by mail or carrier. Nca a- ~made gc pat copy. Boys'hoirSfr. P. Hardman, Twenty-first and Marine, presented in person the letter to the council, a copy of which appears in this issue, in reference to the disconnection of his water service for non- pa)quent of rates when he had already paid them. The muni- cipal clerk was ordered to inves- tigate the circumstances sur- rounding the case and report to the council. The regular practice of the Boys'hoir takes place Satur- day, December 11th, at 10 o'lock. This choir is doing splendidly. The membership is now 40 and the boys are moat enthusiastic. For all informa-'ion phone Prof. Morgan, IVest 173. Large nnd appreciative con- gregatimis nttcn&led tho United Church last Sunday. At the evening service the Rcv. Cap- tain J. G. Gibson gave an in- teresting address on his work in the penitentiary and told of the real efforts made to reform nnd prepare for future welfare of the inmates. In addition to special music by the choir, Mr. Ivor Thomas sang n solo. Next Sunday the minister of the United Church will prench on "Conscience." The choir will render specinl music nt both services. Tonight the United Church choir will present an interesting concert in the church. The fol- lowing artists will assist: So- prano, Miss Anne Ritchie; con- tralto, Mrs. F. X. Hodgson; tenor, Mr. IVilliam Sparrow; bass, Mr. A. J. Addy; the Mc- Intyre Orchestra, Miss Martgaret MCIntyre leader; Mrs. J. Q)ur- bin, accompanist; Mr. J. Ha)dn Young, conductor. The choir regret that the name of Miss Ritchie was omitted from the list of artists in last week' issue. The annual meeting of the Woman's Association of the United Church was held last Tuesday in the Church Hall. Re- ports were read of the past year's work, which indicated a flourishing condition of the so- ciety. A report was read of the sale of work which was held on December 3rd and a vote of thanks was passed to all the friends who helped to make the affair such a splendid success. Officers were elected for the year as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. C. B. Archibald; president, Mrs. D. C. Ritchie; first vice- president, Mrs. P. Waite, second vice- president. Mrs. J. D. Watson; secretary, Mrs. H. E. Hoskins; treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Davis. Con- veners--Sick committee, Mrs. YV. C. Thompson; flowers, Mrs. H. A. Eagar; social, Mrs. George Gardiner, Mesdames Patterson, Blair, IVatson and YVaite; Tea, Mrs. A. Harvey. November 10th. 1928 "The Best Procurable" That'0 what you get &then you cleal here. Our iirst concern Is our reputatlon an&I your satLsfactlon. Ours was the firat store in )Vest Vnncouvtr nnd we insist upon keeping the FIIIST IIUAI.ITY. SI" LD'8 OROCL'RY GROCRIIIFV, IIARI))YARE. I'AIVTS dk OILS We close at I p. m. every Thursday. Marine Drive, Amblcslds. Phone West 28 ig E DRI 1\ FR p FOR WATERFRONTAGE aml other property IIOUSRS TO IIRNT, FIIIR liVSUitA NOR, RTO. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West SS ENGINFFR HANk,&s REI'ORTS ON WATER SUI'PI.Y Engineer EIancs placed before the council on IVednesdny night an additional report &lealing with the water supply of the dis- trict. This report refers par- ticularly to the westerly portion kof the municipality and has nothing to do with the water supply on the higher levels. The council lai&l the report over for further consideration. NEYV STREET LIGHTS INSTALLFD New lights have been installed at the following points, the B. C. Electric having, written the council this week advising them of the completion of the work: Radcliife and Park Lane. Duchess and Thirteenth. King's and Eleventh. Fulton and Thirteenth. Marine Drive between Twenty- fourth and Twenty-fifth. Haywood between Twenty- third and Twenty-fourth. Mnrino Drive and Sixteenth. Mnrine Drive, third pole west of Rose Crescent Marino l)rive third pole cast of Picca&lilly. There's No Sense Theres no sense in sending laundry work across iho inlet whiio we have here on the North Shore a perfectly equipped modern Laundry with every ccicotiuc appliance, cmpioyiog only girls taxi&leo& on the North Shore. The "Bottatd" docs beautiful work and their charges atc ca&tamely moderate. The Bmrgrd Laundry Limited Fcc People &Vgo Are Par&lcrl&c Tuigg XTSEKT &cg ST. SST&gg +4,'orthVancouver Phone H H Ballard North 1310 Mgr. TRUTH IS NO INVALID h r or o ca c N r r h J By Dr. &..rank Crane Thc real enemies of truth are the ones who seek to "pro- tect" it. They are the ones who suppress argument, ward oif attacks, sit on the controversial lid. They speak of truth in a reverent voice and han&lle it with gloves. Truth is no invalid. It doesn't need to be pam- pered or kept in a wheel chair. Mollycoddling hinders its growth. Let it out. Let it mix. It can hol&l its own. One of the points of greatness about the late Charles W. Eliot was his understanding that truth isn't an empty sack that crumples as soon as tho win&I strikes it. When he was president of II&trvard University one of his cherished plans was challenged as unwise. Instead of suppressing opposition, he gave free uso of the University Press to the faculty minority that wished to make their side public. Eis sai&l that he was confident that if the whole matter was thrashed out publicly the si&le with the most truth would win. Thc touchstone of truth is its ability to overcome oppo- sition. The scientist who &loesn't mollyco&l&lie his conclusions Is the most accurate and trustworthy. 9 He invites attacks. Iis subjects his i&lean to hardshipng He lets them gct buifetcd about. He lets them tako care of', themselves, admitting that it they can't defeat all opposition they are not true The staunch okl Scotchman, Carlyle, preached the doc- trine of letting an enemy of truth have full rein. "Lct it preach," ha wrote, "and pamphleteer, an&I flght. and to do its utmost bestir itself, and &lo, beak an&I claws. whatsoever is in it, very sure that it will in the long run con- quer nothing that &loss not &lcscrve to be conquered." Fight for your beliefs, but don't shelter them from oppo- sition. Make them face all the facts. If they can't stand up under the blu&lgconing of attacks something is wrong. There ls alloy mixed with their pure metal an&I they neo&I refining. ttaj& 887 8 8I66 891 Cic""' kmcs. So 'l H[gfs q'HE 7&cubi& gs juice i Leman I m move Tu" article& gu& 70 dcgu, kgb wit,hecg „k, d; most ek mgf 3&etc Mmmprcd cs ~s mixed &0B wgtcf Cakes will ue f Cercfm ~proof Pgi be rcmeved gk b Core the &Ski tke oven Furniture 9 'sgtcrgoften 5& g m when it ~igcanbe svg pi Celt sre gl"c ei the legs oI IC kpt-wstcr sft&clcg made 0 wsgkcd every i water to which smmeuis ksg b prcycgt them gud getting hgi 70 blacken gkocg s uuxtul worth of gfdim 5 kgIC pint cf is&tive. SPoug it, then with i sud leave te dr lore poligldug i Don't waste i for mixing gcgr sud suet puddii 'gtitute for gk& dressing, Frying psug Perfectly &legs immedigtcly SC Alwsyg Tiu water of tkc g as the water in wgshed, sponge c& quickly clcgug in 5 pint ei wi Juice of 5 lcmgi I( milk pu heavy fer ygu, with half mdk Ilsde in tku, digest them. United Ctjcj Coni Tonight gt g 0&utch tke several we[] k„»li give «cdg will k,«i Cuudg, "ui&dlth mous thcgc pgithe II Iuty, CiX I[cdggcg 3I Addy.'b ng &,IV 8 'I «e&pggigt,gc .CJ P..] 'd the ty ht Tke Tc son.pfl ue'oute 8 Pgl & gngdd igh8, c&u pu &