001B6C13 ~~ TOYS, XMAS CARDS.-; TREE DECORATIONS and Fancy Goods aui(able for X'.I(AS I'RESENTS including Silk Hosiery. Silk Handkerchiefs, etr SELI.ING AT CITY I'RI(.'ES Smith's Giocej.y (A. HARVEY S)I(TH, Prop.) GROCERIFq, HARDWARE, DRY GOODS a SUNDRIFS phone )aar wants aad we «iii give yoa quick de!(eery 21TH AND 5IARINE. Opg. Daadaraee HaB I'hase W'ESI'50 COUNCILI.OR RAY'8 Ol'INION OF BRIDGF. (Continued from Page 1.) navigating within a channel of 800 feet at the most, and the channel entrance at the port of Liverpool, which is recognized as one of the busiest ports in the world, is about the same width, and if &ve have 1,200 or 1,400 foot span, to provide for any dredging or &videning in the future, this choul&l be suff- icien to prove that the facilities provided for here are greater than many other important seaports. The fear of a highway spoiling the beauty of Stanley Park is not logical. According to their remarks one would think there were no autos using Stanley Park. Automobile trafiic, ho&vever, is very heavy, especially during holidays nnd Sun- days, and this will continue to increase &vhether there be 3 bridge or not. When the bridge is built it will be a great outlet to relieve Stanley Park from auto congestion and it will a&hi greatly to its charm and beauty. The bridge will be the big- gest kind of tourist attraction, adding prestige to the province and not alone to )Vest Vancouver, as &vas suggested by some of the members, who evidently by their remarks fear that &&Vest Vancouver real estate will increase in value and interfere with their present holdings on the south pi&le of the Inlet. I also think it is a poor policy to hinder a project of this kind and deprive the workers of this city of a payroll of at least $3,000,000, assuming that the bridge will be built for about $5,000,000 and no outlay of public funds. If the type of bridge suggested by the committee op not approved by the members of the Vancouver Board of Trade, let them suggest something to improve it, but not bitterly condemn it. Vancouver, November 26th. K. A. RAY. Building Permits Nearly Four Timas Greater Than Last November The buil&ling permits for the District of )Vest Vancouver for the eleven months ending November 30th total $392,000, as against $ 176,000 for the cor- responding per(od last year, an increase of 111 per cent. The figures for the month of &Vovem- ber, 1926, are $25,750, as against $7,800 for &Vovember last year, almost four times the amount. The permits for last month in- clude ten houses of a value of $24.500 and three garages $450. These figures are eloquent of the remarkable growth taking place in West Vancouver. November is usually n shck month in the building trade, but West Vancouver is one district where there has been no lull in the construction of new build- ings. Following is a compara- tive statement of totals for Greater Vancouver for the period ending November 30th and for the same period 1925: 1926 1925 Vane'r $ 15,084,247 $7,534,12,& P. Grey 5,665,250 4,931,100 N. Vane'r 548,073 234,054 S. Vane'r 1,320,370 989,050 Burnaby 1,062,160 2,069,795 W. Vane'r 392.,000 176,000 The strong southeast gale with driving rain, which lashed the Gulf of Georgia on Wednes- day night, caused nothing but inconvenience to shipping at sea. so far as could be ascertained. Dorothy Hei(and, 15, of Rad ioa, Pa., has bobbed hair and iz &ao young &o have a driver's ((- cense, eo zha walks fpaz miles &0 preach in her father's church. He) eehpal-mates serve ia the chair. HOI,I.YBURN HAI.L Car. 14&k aad Daeheee SUNDAY, DEC. 5TH, 7.30 SPECIA L ADDRESS by 5(R. W. )V. REID Subject: "The i(((stakes of n Great General" Special a&as&as by )IR. J. CLELLAND A Bright Service '"""-';o"'".';"; ., OH! MY FEET Give Fred Tits a call with your Shoe Repairs and pave disappointment THE ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR SHOP I& R ED TITE NORTH SIDE OF SIARINE DRIVE FQQT SPECIALIST at Ambieaide. Twa d&mra fram Garage THE )VEST VAN NEWS Capt. Batchelor For Bridge Captain lb&bert A. Bncheh&r, Vancouver pilot since 1910 nnd n mariner of 60 years'xperi- ence. dealt the opponents of the bridge a hcavy blow at thp in- quiry yesterday. In the face of the storm of opposition to the proposed bridge which has been in evidence from shipping men, harbor authorities and other pilots since the enquiry opened Tuesday, Captain Bachelor gave expert testimony that the bridge &vould not be detrimental tn the shipping business of the port. ()capite the niost severe ques- tioning by F. G. T. Lucas, coun- sel for the Merchants'xchange, Captain Bnchelor stuck to his statement. He dec(a&ad that if 1,300 feet of clear. well defined channel were provided nt the harbor entrance, 200 feet more than under existing conditions, absolutely no damage would be done to the port'0 shipping. He &vent so far as to say that n channel of 1,300 feet wi&lih an&I sufficient depth would care for 150 times the traflic o(fering today. He declared it was the ten- dency today for ships to have lower masts. The section be- yond what he termed the work- ing mast was nothing more than an ornament, which he com- pared to a man's hat or a &voman's bobbed hair. "Even empresses have their hair bobbed these davs," he said, Captain Bachelor confirmed evidence given previously by Captain G. W. Robart, another Vancouver pilot, to the effect that by cutting oif the "spit" at the mouth of the Capilano, west of the proposed bridge, would eliminate one of the greatest dangers to navigation in the Narrows. Book Issued by B. C. E, Railway For 29 years the B. C. E. R. Company has served the public of this province. In a hand- somely illustrated booklet, just issued, the history of the com- pany is outlined. It is replete with information of the most en- grossing character. Charts are included in the booklet showing the present sources of power, while a de- scription is provided of the huge enterprise which is umler way at Bridge River. It is asserted in the public- tion that the use of electricity in modern communities has only commenced, while gas -- the modern fuel--is more aml more in demand. December 3rd. 1926 " YOU CAN'T RESIST g OUR MEATS When you purchnse your 5(eats from us you know that you are gatling the best possil&le qunlitles. That'0 why our business is growing cv6ry day. We never sell anything but the best. You'l fin&l it so at nil times--for we know Men(s. JEFFERIES Next fo Houyb&irn Theatre PHO&VE WEST 3 WE DELIVER AL(i h(EATS KFPT IN REFRIGERATOR Fresh and Cured Ments, (Iu&«r, Fig&&a, Baron pnd (iard )VEST VAN('OUVER I'UBI.IC SCROD(i I'Ul'H&S w&ll hol&l n spccinl XMAS CONCERT -- on-- WEDNESDAY, December 15th, at 7.30 in the HOLLYBUI&N TH I'TI&E Tickets 60c DRILLS, DA&VCFS, SKETCHES nnd Ci(RIST&5(AS PLAY West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMITED 15th and Marine I'hone West 115 RESIDE&VCE PHONE: '&VEST 73X Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE Phone West 4D. D ROBERTSON l&&h S&,. Bnak af Hpilyburn Hali D. MORGAN, J.P. REAL ESTATE aad INSURANCE BROKER C&d&inc& hfe)&e& eed I)shel&re&e& Rural&are made &o or&lee. Twenty-Sf&h aad h(arias Dr. GIVE JEWELLERY FOR XMAS ~ A good assortment of Gift Suggestions at moderate prices qeiee& your Chrie&maa Gifts now. A small deposit will reserve any art(cia until Xmas. gfegf Var& Jewellery Store (IY. Sager) l484 nfimac on»E,,;,„,',".; „: AMBLESIDE Gears'p-Kara& Signet Riage....................................„...,..........,.51.25 )Hazes'0-Kara& Signet Rings..„..................„.........„,„....„.„„„..„„$2.2.'& Emblem Riage feum,....,...,,,................,.......,..„......,..„„. „.... 57,50 Diamond Riage, 10-Kara& Basket Se«iax.............,................,,...510.50 CO)I)(UNITY Pi ATE, ADA)I I ATTERN, STAINI ESS Carving Se&, regular 517.50. fe&.........................„.....„.„..„...„...510.50 Half Dozen 1)iaaez Knives, rezaiar 510.5&0, fee.............„,...„„„.,„... S.ip Half Dozen Dinner I'arka, rassler 00..&0, for, f& 55& .. REE 50 FIFTY .. REE 50 Gallons of Gasoline to every Purchaser of USED CARS Here's a Few From Our Stock I.OOK )VHAT $ 100.00 DOWN )VII.I. BUY: YTAR TOURING .......................................... Balance a( $:(2.00 per month CHEVROI.ET TOURING .............................. Bsluncc nt $32.00 per month FORD TOUR(NG .......................................... Balance at $ (R.50 per month FORD ROADSTER „...„................................ Ib&(ance at $ 11.50 per month CHEVROI.ET TOURING .............................. Balance at $ (8.5&0 epr ru&n(h CIIEVROI.FT ROADSTER .......................... Balance n( $2(.OO per monih OVERI,AND TOUR(NG ................................ Balance ni $21.00 per monih All payments include Interest, Finance and Insurance. Our Iron-('lad Guarantee covers every car. Drop in and see the va(ues. NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. SA I.ES CHEVROI ET SERVICE 135 First S(rect West, Phone North 1186 North Vancouver Phone Nor(h 1350 THE OFFICIAI, AUTO CLUB GARAGE ON THE NORTH SHORE p'I p Ci ~o,nI'I~n giscllSS Ratel)s A( 0 wc((4&t(c& the (Vest bek(Asspcistip",b h Amb(e&lde b.m vplcg ti the Hei future o A msplp(100 w forwarded to I"0 Commizzipp spd asking these bpd pus cppzi((erst&pl I tpwp plsppipg tp get in touch sultsats 00" .", vcf sp pul After 0 reppf been received, d'xtensionpf A'hairman Chapman, (ptf™ jcct spd the 'laanipg, by I mpur, fcz(dent ei lan&i Bsrtbplpm cistes. The speaker cp municipality on rea&ly made sl planning lines ai felt himself pns justice tp the wp advantages of tl wss evident neer 0 comprebeasbre that the fpturi should be came&( ier that wppid gtb Nature'I bp .The talk spd that fp((pwpd I Practical, ss (br that the need apd town planning wr nize&l by the mr Rstepsyers'szp In the dere(p; street system the topographical Iur ed put. A grps(( should be fairly toured if strep(3 were tp 30 f&t u reasonable gm&(43 «icws could bp(b The area referrc "orth of )(suer, wss felt that up Matbers Avenue i Proved by fp.plat divisions, m bss 1great supp&)3 is psPeaker urger( tbof W'03( Vapcpuv I"". I tbe enactmr legislation tp (dvere-Plotting sled along the lineGrey special Act Mention wm 0(hei'(erne ( transport, ter&ms( and civic art 'iqs& pl Some stm a)atter pf 'xperience pf p g'ppip ntioned 3 Pn bgd take 0 Point Pass a 0 mmeb pr(g(na( b . by-la dec(a d y-law of] that I( e slid pp inv It wasf Pa(A 0 5(upici t (Vest Va pit (bat lates tp "P»er bi undpubtel appinl! pwn pl '. Part(cub I Planning ss Psrr were m &be&pesde I (C( Ph((00+ on