001B6C13 December 3rd, 1926 High School Pupils THE WEST VAN NEWS tf REENWDD D S GROCERY WEST 16 SPECIALS Xmas Cakes and Puddings To Give Concert The pupils of the West Van- couver Public Schools are put- 'ting on a Christmas concert on Wednesday, December 15th, at 7.30 p.m., in the Hollyburn Theatre. The programme will consist of drills, dances, sketches, and a Christmas play, all given by the pupils them- selves, under the direction of the teachers. Tickets will be 50 cents each and the proceeds will go to the funds for school sports. BE KIND TO ANIMALS The following eloquent appeal for a home for two deserted cats will, we hope, have the eifect of procuring a home for the felines. To turn adrift domesticated ani- mals when moving or closing a house is a practice much in evi- dence. Having had one such experience thrust into my own home, I write with feeling, that the "one" should have mult.:plied itself, thus doubling the irrita- tion, makes it not only a poig- nant experience, but also puts us in the position of supplyinq a perfectly fine specimen to an:, in want of this comfort. Just the same, it is real cruelty to turn adrift such animals at this time of the year, when it is dif- ficult for them to obtain footl. Dear Mr. Editor: It isn't often that I write a letter to an editor and I do not just know how to go about it, but knowing that you are a kind gentleman, I thought that I would write and let you know what a fix Tom and I are in. Up to about three weeks ago we lived together in a very com- fortable house and we were quite happy; but the people that we used to live with moved to the big city across the water and they quite forgot to take poor Tom and myself with them. I can tell you it is pretty hard on two respectable cats to have to find our own food during the . Cold wet weather, and if it had pot been for someone giving us recur breakfast and supper each ay I really do not know how we would have got on. You see we are quite refined cats and have never been used to hunt for our own food, and it is so unsettling to have no home that we can really call our own. I thought that perhaps you might know someone in West Vancouver who wanted a nice cat and I can assure you that both Tom and myself are quite clean and well brought up, and I don't want you to think that we are just stray cats, for we are not; and we have only been without a home for about three weeks--but I can assure you that that is quite long enough. The friends who feed us say that they do not want cats, and I had a tenible cold feeling go right down my back the other day when I heard them saying something about drowning, and Although I have never been drowned, I don't think that it can feel vetT nice and I am so afraid that they may try it on unless someone takes us over. Of course I would not like you to mention anything to Tom, but I really believe that I am a bet- ter looking cat than he is, for I am all black with a nice white shirtfront which I always keep spotlessly clean. Of course some -- 4(eople do not like a cat that is I)ISck and would prefer Tom to m'e, for he also has a white shirt- fi ont, but he is a grey tabby, I think they call it. We would like to go to the same home if possible, as we are great friends. But if you can' get someone to take us both, per- haps you could get two kind people who would look after Tom and me. My phone number is )Vest ~ Van 404L and ask for "Tabby." Hoping you are quite well. Your loving friend, PUSSY. PERSONAI&S 5Irs. John Hart, Sixteenth and Esquimalt, who has been ill for a week, is a patient at the Gen- eral Hospital. 1 Special orders made up ORDER NOW Don't leave it too close to Christmas We have a big selection uf Seasonable Chocolates and Candies CANADIAN WINDDW BAKERIES (R. L. Taylor, Agent) Marine at Fourteenth (Next Drug Store) To ensure delivery before Christmas, parcels for the United States should be mailed early, preferably within a week of 1st December. 1 1 ~ Mrs. Holliday, Thirteenth and Duchess, is moving to the city.1,1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kissick have moved from the Waterfront to a house on Clyde Street betiveen Thirteenth and Fourteenth. Fishing has been good in the streams that empty into the bay. Several speckled trout of good size have been caught, the larg- est being about 18 inches long and weighing 2'/2 pounds. 1 ~ 1 Mrs. Taylor, Thirteenth aml Duchess, attended the children' entertainment in the New Ambleside Hall last Wednesday. When she returned home, she found that her house had been entered, but only a bottle of milk was missing. Mr. Duval, of the firm of Savory & Duval, has moved from West Bay to Caulfeilds. West Vancouver L. 0. L., No. 2990, are giving a dance on Tuesday, 14th December, in Dundarave Haik Tickets may be obtained from the members. Don't forget the Elks dance to be given in the Hollyburn Pavi- lion tonight. All proceeds will go to a fund for providing Christmas cheer to the poor. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kevill have taken a house for the winter at Gordon and Fifteenth. Mr. and Mrs. Waugh have moved from Marine Drive near Fourteenth to Mrs. Brown's cot- tage on the beach. Captain C. J. Archer attended the dinner given to Hon. S. F. Tolmie last night in the Hotel Vancouver. FOR THE WEEK B. C. Pink Salmon, I/z-lb. tins; 3 for........... 25c Heinz Tomato Catsup, per bottle................ 29c Maple Ridge Green Peas, 2 tins for....................25c K. B. Pure Strawberry Jam, 4-lb. tin...........63c Pure Apricot Jam, 4-lb. ti n ................ ............. 50c Miss Vera Newport, a talented young vocalist from Vancouver, gave several numbers at St, Stephen's bazaar last week, with Mrs. Turner as accompanist, and contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the occasion. The continual rain has prac- tically put a stop to all athletic activities in the schools. No football matches have been play- ed and practices have been im- possible. We Are Now Carrying a Good Selection of SHEET MUSIC RMAS NEEDS Fruits Peels Nuts Spices, Etc. We Have Them in All Varieties All the Latest Song and Dance Hite City Pricea CHET SHIELDS'or Confectionery, Periodicale, Tobacco, etc. 14th St., right at the Railway Crossing 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hill, who form- erly resided at Twenty-first aml Marine, have moved back from South Vancouver and are no v living at Twenty-first and Belle- vue. 1 On Monday evening a wheel of one of the motor trucks of a local transfer company went through the culvert at the cor- ner of Fourteenth and the lane on the south side of the P. G. E. Railway track. The truck suf- fered no damage. 1 Mr. Thethe is building an addi- tion to his parking station at Whytecliff. West Vancouver L. 0. L., No. 2990, will hold their regular meeting next Tuesday evening, in the Dundarave Hall, when two new candidates will receive the First Degree. Mr. Jupp has taken up resi- dence in his new home at Twen- tieth and Inglewood. 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Witchire have moved from Point Grey and have taken up their residence in West Bay. Mrs. Faulkner gave a bridge whist drive at her home at Wing's Point on Thursday, November 25th. Mrs. Gray won the ladies'rize, the gentlemen' prize going to Mr. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Tidering- ton of Vancouver are guests this week at "the Clachan." Mr. and Mrs. Cooke of West Bay have moved to Lynn Valley. Pastor Lenon of Vancouver has rented a building on the south side of Marine Drive, just west of Twenty-fifth, where he will conduct "a Faith Mission." Mr. King is erecting a house at Eleventh and Esquimalt. Miss Madge Speck, Twenty- ninth and Mathers, is able to be up and around again, after her accident. Phone Your Orders DAILY DELIVERY NEILL'S GROCERY Hollyburn Theatre Fndev eed Sa1ecdev. 01c.314 4 41h "Skillner's Dress Suit" Marine Drive, (between 21 and 221 TOBACCO, CONFECTioNERY PHONE WEST 690 Reginald Denny and Part Two "BILL GRIMM' PROGRESS" West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th CLONGUINIE RABBITRY 16TH AND QUEENS Phone West 163R London Fashion Fuc, Chinchi.la Pelting Seaeon About to Open NO STORAGE PELTS Fresh Tanned Pelts 64.00 each TO/1 S TOQS Special DRESSED DOLL, 95e each at I'EARCE'S DRYGQQDS HALL TO RENT The New AMBLESIDE HALL Corner 14th and iilarine with a floor apace of 2,000 square feet, ia available for Receptions, Dances, Private or Public Parties, Etc. This is the most modern and up-to-date Hall in the District and is fully furnished for such occasions, having Piano, Crock- ery, etc. For terms appiy-- 31RS. C. HAY Telephone West 21 14th St. and hfarine Drive Phone West 144 Troughton Bc Barrow Suy a LOT lor a Home; ~ Home means a LOT. Real Estate & Insurance BERE SL1CE ielo Dundarave Phone Weat 63 RATEPAYERS'EETING ON THE 7TH The West Vancouver Rate- payers'ssociation will hold a general meeting on Tuesday, December 7th, at 8 p.m., in the Ambleside Hall. Mr. H. L. Sey- mour, C. E., resident engineer for Harland, Bartholomew and associates, will address the meeting on "Town Planning." Committees will report on (I) Playgrounds; (2) Improved Mail Service; (3) Ferry Landing Fa- cilities. All interested are cor- dially jnvited. J. H. REID FULTONPHONE40SL Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork pgANQ TUNING andREPAIRSAmbleside Tea RoomsFerry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. lliandolin, Banjo, Guitar, all styles accurately taught W. CUTHBER1'hone Weat 409Y To the Winter Fair DELUXE COACHES Little Pat Stainsby, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Stainsby, was taken to St. Paul's 'ospital last Friday night and operated on for ear trouble. She was brought home on Monday and is getting along nicely.I 1 Mr. George Georgesen of Van- cuover has leased Mr. Wells'ouseat Fulton and Eighteenth. ~ 1 1 Colonel Savory, of the firm of Savory & Duval, who has been away from his oflice for several days owing to sickness, is much better. The IVinter Fair, British Columbia's great indoor display, opens at the Vancouver Exhibition Grounds Tuesday, December 7th, and continues all week. Grand Carnival and Apple Show. 51agnificent Horse Show, bloods from the Pacific Coast in competition for rank and honor. Also Fox Show, Rabbit Show and many other attractions. Many prizes given away on admission tickets. GO AND SEE THIS GREAT ANNUAL DISPLAY IVITH 'IHE BEST TRANSPORTATION SERVICE ON THE NORTH SHORE 1 ~ Mr. Eugene F. Tite has now opened his new paint, oil and wallpaper shop on Marine Drive. ~ 1 Mrs. Lynn, Seventeenth and Marine Drive, is seriously ill in the North Vancouver General Iiospital. FROM HONE TO FAIR DIRECT For information phone Sey. 4000 H.C. MOTOR I IGLNSlIO~IQ'