001B6C13 ~ Hints For iI the Home .'I I~MA rf~c&A~ Trouble-Saving I dens Spilt toa will not leave a stain if a lump of sugar has been put in the teapot. iNever leave a jam spoon in the jam, nor a fork in the pickles, or verdigris will result. Do not pour cold &cater into enamel vessels while they are still hot from cooking. This causes the enamel to crack and peel nlf. ~ To freshen a stale loaf, &vrap it in a damp cloth for a minute. Remove the cloth and put the loaf in a hot oven for half an hour. If vinegar is boiled in a kettle that has become badly furrod, the deposit will soften and break avray from the sides and bottom. Two ounces of fuller's earth boiled in half a pint of vinegar and the juice of three onions is splendid for removing scorch marks from linen. hiix a little ammonia with the beeswax and turpentine used for floor polishing. The wax will then dissolve quickly. To freshen stale vegetables, soak for an hour in cold water to which the juice of a lemon has been added. Chamois leather should be washed in warm water in which a pinch of baking soda has been dissolved. In this way the leath- er's softness, which often is lost in the process of washing, is re- tained. Starched linen should always be soaked in cold water so that the old starch is softened nnd removed in the washing; other- wise there is a tendency for it to turn vellow. W. B. A. The regular meeting of the West Vancouver Wnn)en'9 Bene- fit Association, Review No. 24, will take place on )Vcdncsday evening, December 8th, in the New Ambieside Hall, at 8 o'lock sharp. At the election of officers for the ensuing year will take place that evening, a large attendance is looked for. The card party announced to take place on that date is there- fore postponed until )Vednesday, 22nd December, and a strong committee are preparing for a record attendance for this event. There will be handsome prizes offered for the whist players and refreshments will be served. At the last meeting of this Review (November 24th). hIrs. Emma J. Kidd, the newly ap- pointed district deputy, was a distinguished visitor, and re- ceived a most fricmlly welcome from the members. She gave a short but interesting talk on matters pertaining to the work of the )V. B. A., enthusing her hearers especially on the sub- ject of increasing the member- ship, and encouraging the gen- eral efforts of this the youngest review to greater success. Auto Collision Mr. Eric Harrison and Mr. George Payne were in an auto collision on Sunday night, when their cars crashed together at the corner of Fourteenth and Marine Drive. Mr. Payne was coming down Fourteenth Street while Mr. Harrison was proceed- ing along the Drive. Beyoml bent fenders, the cars suffered no damage and neither autoist &vas injured. Spring Is Here Again United Church Choir Concert United Church choir is giving a concert next Friday, Dscem- bar 10th, at 8 p.m. This concert, according to the programme at hand, will be one which is well worth attending. The hfcintyre quartette and Mrs. F. X. Hodg- son, hfr. W. Sparrow, and ihIr. A. J. Addy are all artists of recog- nized ability. hfrs. J. Durbin is the accompanist and Mr. J. Haydn Young the conductor. The proceeds of the concert will go to church funds and hymn books. Spring is with us again in West Vancouver. The roses are still blooming in a number of the gardens of our residents and the canes of others are still yielding a crop of raspberries. Wild roses have been seen in bloom in some parts of the municipality. The croaking of frogs has been heard in a num- ber of places in the district. All this in December, while the ice is forming thick in Eastern streams and the blizzards are blowing over the Great Lakes. There is certainly nn need for West Vancouverites to go to California in order to escape the winter. The Literary Society The next twn meetings of the Literary Society will be devoted to Scottish subjects. On Mon- day evening, December 6th. a summary of the writings of Sir Arcbibald Geikie on the rela- tions of Scottish landscape to Scottish poetry will be given. On the following hionday evening, December 13th, hfra. Selwood will give an address on "Roman- tic Poetry of the Scottish Bor- der," which vrill be illustrated with renderings of Scottish bor- der ballads. Both meetings will be held in the lower hall of the United Church at 8 p.m., and anyone wbo is interested u;ill be welcome to attend. F. Newman 8 D. Robbins BUILDERS Huaca Pa&a&a&a Pspcthsagccs aad Kaissmiaiag LLYBURN RAINFALL November, 1926 4 ..............13 inch 5 .. . ..., .... . 1 93 6 ................... .02 ~ 7 02 a 8 .= ..... .. .03 9 .........26 10 ............ . 39 1 1 .. ......... . . . 1 5 I 2 .. ....... ....... .47 13 ................. .17 14 ....07 I 5 .. ............. .04 1 6 ............... .03 20 . „............ .97 2 1 ......... ..... I .92 22 „......,.........24 23 ............44 24 ..................54 25 .......... ....... .88 26 .... ........... .20 27 . ............. .21 28 ........... .... .42 29 .....„............. .G G 30 . . ........... .36 Total 10.55 ins. HO Nov THE WEST VAN NEWS Fashions for Milady One would say that n gcorg- ette frock was the antithesis of a tailors&i nne. but nnt so. in this advanced ago. In navy blue, having long tight sleeves, high neck, with tic at back nr on the shoulder. flat pleats concealing the fullness and belted &vith embrolderod suede, this most attractive model was scen at 8 smavt shop in the city. With such a model can be worn 8 very smnrt hap&i-blncke&l felt, with scanty trimming for day wear, or a bright little silver hat with a touch nf rose, for din- ner and the dance. ~ ~ ~ A recent arrival among the girls'vening dresses was white talfeta with clusters of old- fashioned flowers in scattered design all over it. Silver laco and hanging ends of black velvet ribbon were the only trimmings. ~ s s Amnng the accessories that will make acceptable Chriptmas gifts are the hand-painted hand- kerchiefs of genrgette and crepe de chine. )Vith piquant littla faces in the corners, they make 8 cham)ing note of color when tucked in the left cuF or pocket. s s ~ Velvet roses in natural or un- natural colors are the vogue for Christmas wear on fur collars. They are very rich looking and becoming to nearly everyone. s s s Parma violate in silk, with very real looking foliage, are shown, also the English violet. Those made of shaded velvet are much more expensive, but won- derfully good looking and wear well. The regular meeting of the Scottish Society will be held on Friday, December 17th, in the "Clachan." The theme will be "Burns and His Songs." Miss Frame and Mrs. Selwnod will be in charge of the programme. Members may bring a friend. President, phone West 186L; Secretary, West 101. 'I Whimsical Review, "It is nnt what a man stands for that counts. It is what he falls for." s ~ s "The motor car today makes many men remember that home is where the mortgage is to be found." s s ~ Nude The naked hills lie wanton tn the breeze, The fields are nude, the groves unfrocked, Bare are the shivering limbs of shameless trees. )Vbat wonder is it that the corn is shocked? s s s Some people are good and get paid for it, while others are good for nothing. ~ s ~ Gentleman (sampling liquor):"I'l bet somebody changed thc bottle on this label 1" s ~ "Ullow, 'Awkins, woes wrong wif the bloomin'orse'1" ")Volt, yer see, guvn'r, '0 was rid by a lidy in pants, and 'es got a bit of a stiiy neck." ~ ~ ~ One on Doc. Dr. Corbett: "What ynu nee&l, my dear young lady, is a little sun and air." Patient: ")Vby the very idea! I'm not even married." Rcassaabia Terms Peep o'sy Ma&hers a 29th Hoasc Phase '&res& 437 RB A. C. SEAR).E Phoae West 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT Etc. Vernon Feed Store i aple Leaf Paints The Hollyburn Lumber Co., I.lhllTKD LUhIBER SHINGLE~RASH--DOORS--FINISH Coalmont Coal an4l Pembina Peerless Coal Foot of Eighteenth nnd Waterfront Oiflce Phone: )VEST G4 Residence: WEST 92R2 „,„.„„„„„,„, M. WILLIAMS CUSTOM TAILOR Special)slug Iu Bien's Su&&a aud Ovsccua&s &o Msssucc.. Large Assur&man& o& i'a&&crau &u choose &rcm. ORDER YOUR NEXT SUIT FROhi US. Dry Cleaning CITY Dyeing, Repairsand and Pressing PRICES A iterations WE CALL Ae&D DEL)VER PHohE WEST 20 SAVORY 84 DUVAL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE )429 Marine Drive Phone West )14 North 4 West Vancouver Stages Office sad Waiting Boom: 6 Lsasdaic Avenue WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vancouver for SHEE)&AN aud CYPRESS PARK on the hour from aud iuciudiug 7 a.m. to 6.40 p.m.; also 20 minutes past thc hour from and iuciudiug 6.20 s.m. to 9.20 a.m. aud ).20 p.m. ts i).20 p.m. RETCRN)NG from SHERMAN 80 minutes after above times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vancouver on the hour from 8 a.m. ts 8 p.m.; alsost ).40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.60, 9.20 aud )0.20 p.m., returning from Cypress Park 20 minutes after above times. NOTICE Change in Schedule on and after November bar 15th: The stage will leave North Vanconver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe 1640 Haywnnd Avc. West Vancouver Br. 3t. E. Knlyfel Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA-VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleside Block, Cor. 14th and Marine Ofllco Phone Wesb 166 FORTUNE t,'UP INN AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St. and Watarfroni TAXI rhsssai West 105 West For Heater, Range or Furnace EAST WELLINGTON LUhfl'ALT EGG for Hester or furnace for the ksugs b)OST HEAT fOR YOVR hlo&VEY Tbs East Wckiag&oa aad Gsk Caai is recognised as the best coal on &hs msrkeL THE WEST VAN SljPPLY (E. H. IVIinions) 14th and hiarino--I'hone West 105 nnd FI.OOR GI.A/Kl) KNAhlKI q In All Colors 'I')0-Minute lu&cquer Ennmels BRIGHTEN Ul'OUR )VOOI)WORK FOR XGIAS We can supply you with the I'nints. Oils, Varnishes and -bi l)rushes Seo Our Stock of )Vallpnper BUY IN )VEqT V kNCOUVFR AT CITY I'RICFq Eugene F. Tite ! New Store, next lo Shoe Repairing Stora 51ARINE DRI'VE A hl I) I, Kk 1 I) E D«enlbe 3 h„l Pn! High t give ilso I, tbe Tbe psP ~ Gcboo 'ubl,msecou«s Cbrtet «ing Ngneedsy 1„ tbe 7,50 1 m'Tbe P«tp Tb at&9 I dr"onsist snd 9 selves, 0 "Tickets 'en&be«andtbe P) b ce tb, fond ants eac 3 for &Z go to 5 qp 70"'851& Tbe follow "two &te.'of 9 home bsve tk for w ~ a borne t fll v&e bop me for 1 pro&or&nit Ft &tpmee To to&a 9 moving 0'&l& male when m,tice m'ouse ll vtng bsis&pm 6 dence; tb&oet int expcn " vritb fo h 'sbonldbs« the "one" dooblinf 'tself,tbn lion make butrience, nant em ition 'f ns in tbe P 'xctn ,fmt ty line6 Per + f this corn( in panto,'l the eam, b nnim e It&& mm sdnit ttcutt ior them to 0 It isn't often letter to sn editor nn know bow to tie I, t knowing that yo gentleman, I t 0 2 wouB write and le what 8 fix Tom an Up to about three we lived together in a fortable house and quite happy; bnt the 1 we used to live with the big city across and they quite forg& Poor Tom and my)elf I can tell yon it m pi on two respectable ea to find our own food, «14 wet weather, am «been for someone ur breakfast and 3& ay I really do not kni would have got on. You eee we are qo cats and have never to hunt for oor own f is eo unsettling to ba& that we can really cal I thought that per might know eomeon& Vancouver wbo want cat and I can assure both Tom and myself clean and well brougt I don't want yoa to & we are just stray ca are not; and we have without a home for al weeks-bnt I can a. that that is quite long The friends wbo fe 0 want that they do not w tbad a temble coldright down my backday when I heard tbsometbin Attkough I bhave n& , I don't thin afraid that ceo ese ee&eeone tek 'would no I really behet lmkl eve that I, sb i rt 1& ont nbspotleesl icb I al»y e Iean. 0IP e do not i'k and w ike a e& e, ior ben " Prefei feo'nt,'b»t'h baca wi think' h a W they call ite woold li great friende Mible, & People w ko onld get 1andme o outdl~k hi" PhoneVan 404L e number andoping y mk ioron are on& 1 ri quite82 frie& P