001B6C13 December 3rd, 1926 THE WEST VAN. NEWS St. Andrew's Day 1926Auto Licenses To Miss Davis Entertains Be Displayed in 1927 at Blue Dragon Inn One of the most delightful evenings of the early season was spent at the Blue Dragon Inn, Whytecliit', on Saturday, the 27th of November, when Mrs. Dalgleish and Miss Gladys Davis entertained about thirty of their West Vancouver friends. The ballroom, with its perfect floor, was decorated with burnt orange and yellow 'mums, as also were the charming sitting- out rooms with comfy chairs and log fires. A feature of the evening before the dancing com- menced was an artistic compe- tition at which Mrs. Wm. Small won the ladies'rize and Mr. F. X. Hodgson the gentlemen'. A sumptuous supper was served at midnight. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Robson, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Sheriff, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Small, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Haworth and Mr. and Mrs. T. Dauphinee. Attorney-General A. M. Man- son states that the provincial government will supply the con- tainers to hold the copies of the motor licenses, which it will be necessary for every motorist to display somewhere on his car after the first of January, 1927, an act having been passed by the Legislature making this dis- play of licenses necessary. It is hoped that by this method motorists will be pro- ted from theft and that it will be made easier to locate missing cars. The covers will be given out to each license holder when he re- ceives his 1927 plates. The Sleeping Beauty While poets sing the Lions'raise- The guardians of the Gate-- Neglected by their Sapphic lays Must Sleeping Beauty wait? In tranquil, everlasting sleep Reclines that queenly form, Her couch athwart the canyons deep, kIer bosom braves the storm. Life Saver Rewarded Her canopy the fiery cloud When lightnings hiss and spring, She sleeps amid the thunders loud That make the welkin ring. What might very well have been a fatal drowning accident in West Vancouver waters is recalled by the recent issuance of a parchment certificate to Mr. Thomas Johnston, 535 Broadway East, Vancouver, by the board of investigating governors of the Royal Human Society. Mr. Johnston last summer plunged into the bay here fully clad and rescued Miss Phyllis Grey from drowning. It was necessary to apply artificial re- spiration to bring her back to consciousness. When rides the moon, and silv'ry light 0'erspreads the mountains high, How lovely in the silent night Her form against the sky. In winter snows and summer beams Majestic through the years-- 0 may she sleep to pleasant dreams, And never wake to tears. : L. 0. B. A North Vancouver. W. Winning A special meeting was held on November 26th, in Dundarave Hall, at 8 o'lock. The Right Worshipful Grand Mistress, Sis- ter Smith, also the Right Wor- shipful Grand Mistress, Sister Allen, paid an official visit to the lodge. Installation of of- ficers took place at the meeting, after which refreshments were served. Funeral of A. E. Cramond Funeral sen ices for Mr. A. E. Cramond were held Saturday afternoon from the chapel of HarTon Bros. & Williamson to North Vancouver Cemetery. Many war veterans, friends of Mr. Cramond, attended and many beautiful floral tributes were received. The pallbearers were Messrs. John Lawson, A. Dickie, G. Simmonds, A. E&l- wards, J. Duckworth and G. Hay. Rev. A. Harding Priest officiated. Mr. Cramond saw service in the South African war with the 3rd Dragoon Guards and in the I'-teat War with the 16th C.M.G. He is survived by a wife and two sons. Young People Give Dance The young people of Amble- side gave a very successful party and dance on Wednesday night in the New Ambleside Hall. The affair was gotten up and run en- tirely by themselves, the music being supplied by musicians from their own ranks. P.-T. A.BOYS'HOIR The regular practice of the Boys'hoir will be held on Sat- urday at 10 a.m. in the Holly- r burn School. For information phone Prof. Morgan, West 173. The first stanza of a chorus they are practicing is as follows: 4i "I saw three ship go sailing by, sailing by, sailing by, "I saw three ships go sailing by on New Year's Day in theI'orning." I, The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver Parent- Teachers'ssociation will be held next Tuesday, December 7th, at 8 p.m., in the Pauline Johnson School. Mrs. Fred Pat- terson, principal of the West Vancouver High School, will de- liver an address on "French Canada," It is hoped that a large number of parents and friends will take advantage of this opportunity. Ray Bros. Tailoring Co. BIGGEST BARGAIN YET OFFERED Genuine English Navy Serge Suit, ma&le to your own measure by our own skilled workmen. Regular value $50. I I 80 Hastings Street West Aince mair St. Andre's Day draws roun'n'inds us o'he hameland, And ilka loon, cern'e frae toon Or frae the misty muirland, Cocks his'bonnet, lifts his heid, Whilst pride lichts up his e'e, "I'm prood I come frae Scot- land-- And Scotland'6 prood o'e." SCOTTISH CONCERT The Hollyburn Theatre was filled to capacity on Tuesday last to greet the artists who took part in the third annual St. Andrevevs concert. The entire programme was &le- lightful and each item wee well worthy the enthusiasm that the audience accorded them. Little Ann Lamont once again captured the hearts of her audience with her with her Highland dancing. "Harry Mc- Kelvie," as usual, was "a scream." Madame Este Arete and Miss Ritchie were in splen- did voice. Particularly pleasing was their rendition of "0 Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast" (in duet). Mr. George McInnes sang three numbers with splendid depth of tone and wonderful in- terpretation. Mr. Kidsoii's solos were well taken care of by this promising artist, as also were the numbers rendered by the quartette. Mr. Jack Allan with his cornet was a surprise and a joy to the entire audience, as was evidenced by the repeated encores. We hope to hear more of this worthy resident. Miss Robertson's rendition of J. M. Barrie's story was a master- piece. Harry Lauder's under- study in the person of Mr. Wm. Thompson was thoroughly en- joyed. It seemed natural for West Vancouver residents to have Mrs. F. X. Hodgson take care of some of the accompani- ments of the evening, as also did Miss M. Frame, and once again the programme would have been incomplete lacking the brilliant piping of Messrs. Niven and Walls. The curtain was rung down on what was a splendid evening's entertainment. The accommodation of the splendid Hollyburn. Theatre was much appreciated by all, com- fortable and cosy, with the stage and the lighting throughout just as it ought to be for concerts. This is a great help to the pro- motion of any concert. The pro- prietor, Mr. H. Fletcher, is anxi- ous to make the theatre accom- modating in every way for the entire community I. 0. D. E. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., will hold a tea at the home of Mrs. W. L. Vaughan, Eighteenth Street, on 1Vednes- day afternoon, December 15th, and look forward to this event to assist them in their Christ- mas charity work. The soldiers'lot and the Shaughnessy Military Hospital receive considerable attention from the chapter. Educational work along many lines and much good work has been accomplish- ed during the year. Mrs. Peter Wait and Mrs. Wells Crawford have charge of the home-cooking and short- bread; Mrs. C. Donohoe, candy, and Mrs. Robert McVean and Mrs. Prentice the afternoon tea. All are cordially invited. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF iVEST VANCOUVEI& COURT OF ItEVISION Voters'ist, 1927 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEiV that the Court of Revision to revise Voters'ist for the year 19'&7 will commence ite sitting at the hiuuicipol itaii, Hoiiyburu, B. C., at 9.00 o.m., Friday, December 10th, 1920. JAS. OLLASON, Hoiiyburu, B. C. Municipal Clerk. It Looks Better if you dress your Christ mas Gifts with our Tags, Seals, Holly Paper, etc. When you are getting these, look at a line of cards we sell at ten cents. They have been seen at a Hastings Street store at 20 cents. Our Phones are WEST 37 eud IVEST 606 THE WEST VAN PHARNACY THE DUNDARAVE PHARHACY NORMAND'S GROCERY 14th eed IIANINE Pkeee West 66 A Complete Supplyoi... GROCERIES and CONFECTIONERY WE DELIVER Iollyburn Barber Shop MARINE DRIVE eud Isub opu tbe West veu. Lumber ce Firet Class Work iu Ladies', Gentlemen and Children 6 Haircutting No appointment is necessary. Just come whee it e moot cou veuieut for yourself G. RADLAND, Proprietor AUTHORIZED Ford Service THE ONLY ONE IN WEST VANCOUVER WEST V&X. GXVXGE PF10N E WEST 130 Kill Two Birds With One Stone Win a Prize and have Xmas Presents to Boot SP ial Offer Untd Nov 30th Only 6 BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS OF YOUR BABY FOR $5.00 Aud we wdi enter the Photo FREE iu the BABY PHOTO CONTEST at the B. C. IViuter Fair "Everybody Knows" XMAS CAKES eud PUDDINGS hfode to Your Order Place Your Order Eor.'y Scotch Currant Buue oud Shortcokee Automobile Club Members You bove an Otnciel Garage aud Towing Service in tbie Dietvict. West Vnn Auto Service DUNDARAVB Phoae Wast 444 Free Towing to bfembere. STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE PHONE iVEST 27 Phone for our delivery mou to call Established over 6 Years C. J. OVERINCTON BARBER For the convenience of the ladies of the District I have hed the teiephoue installed PHONE WEST 135 end make an oppoiutmout. 14th and Marine DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phono Weet 6 FRESH hlEAT AND FISH We Deliver F UEL Dry Bark, Coal 5 Wood of ail kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Currie, Prop) 26th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed Netv classes noir being formed J. M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West 173 Seymour 305so I.OTS HOUSES ACREAGE ( OAL SAND GRAVEL NOTARY PUBLIC West Van. Investment Company 13th eud Mevlue Drive I'bouc brest 102, 1)ey or Night HARRON BROS. Sz tVILLIAhlSON gunrral Qirrrtt? rs North Vancouver Parlors 122 tyest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street West, Vancouver ESTABLISHED 1902 V. V. VINSON, Propphone Sey 1046 for uppolutmcnt p