001B6C13 Classified Ads. DRKSSIIAKING -- Home or by day. Mrs. Robbins, 29th aud Ma&hers. Phone West 437RK LAURELS. I.AI'RKLS, LAI'IIKI.S If you are intending io plant any. you have uo time io lose. Bandies of six (6) for .. 3 1.00 By the hundred (100) for.... 10.00 Phone '&Vest 2, Geo. Dour)ay. EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper, i)pish, wants work iu sioiu or oifica. I'hone 'West 695L WA.'&TKD -- Small ('baoiersoid or Khiueiei'avcueiia. Phone West ISO. '1'DUNG LAD1'ishes aaoiher io share her bungalow for a few months, uow ov later. We)ting d&s- iaueo from Ferry. Phone Woai 4 SY. FOt'ND -- Small black &ough-haired terrier. No name on couar. Ring &Vest 441R. RENT--6-Room house, fall piumbiug, in arsi-ciass repair, on )ease SSL 4-Room bungalow, furnished, full piumbiug $27. 3-Room 6uugaiow, furumhsd, $2&k AU of above are close io Ferry iV harl. L H. BKhiiiSH, West 17 FOR S.4LE--Beautiful Aagora Rab- bit, $5. Very tame. Lovely pei. Mate ox&wfieut Christmas present. Will deliver Xmaa Phone )Vest 644L CARPENTER -- Alterations, repairs, garages, fences, concrete veraudahs, iiooriug. Gleam, corner Beiievue and Tweu&y-four&k BARGAINS IN FURNITt!RE AND RANGES FAWCETT "SUPERB" RANGE, iike new, with white enamel door and clock aud waterfront....$65.00 FAWCETI'HORNB'1 IL4NGE, in good order ........ $20.00 "THE hIALLEhBLE" Steel Raaga 6-hoie, in Sruti)aas order...$ &0.00 OTHERS from $20.00 ap..Cash or &anna. Good allowance on old Range. Square Extending Dining Table sud 6 Chairs, a auao .= =..., $ 16 Famed Osk Rauad Extending Dining Table .............. $ 10 4 fu 6 ias. Ivory Enamel Bed. com-plete............$ 14 Sets of Drawers.. $7, $ 10 aud S12Dreasers........$9. $ 10 aud $ 15 Sei of 6 Round-Bask Chairs. $ 1.10 ouch Roam) Gaieleg Tab'o io match ..$5 Airtight Heaters $250. 33.25. $3.60. S4.50 Caps aad Saucers... 2 for 25c or ..... SIM doxsn KKVILL FURNITURE STORB Ambieside Phone )Vest 36 OUR MORTGAGE PLAN provides for free discharge of the loan in the event of the borrower's death. Soe as for loans, insurance or anything in the broterags line. Wa want listings of lots, acreage and houses. BYRNELL R 5IAY hi iba Ferry audiag. Phone West 113 h UNIQUE PROPERTY. HAVING GREAT POSSIBILITIES Comprising a large well-designed house, 30 by 33 feet (interior an- auisbed ) ), on I acre of land, cleared, with good fruit trees aud outbuiid- inga. Situate 300 feet above sea level, it commands a vast aud won- derful view of harbor, Lions'ate, gulf aud surrouudiug mountains. It is entirely free of fog. on a good motor road aud only 15 minutes'alk to ferry. Price $6,000 on at- trartive terms. Savory & Duval, hfariue Drive. at 14th Si., Amble- side. Phone West 114; evenings, Wast 143. R. P. CLARK &t CO.. LTD. SNAPS IN BUILDING LOTS FOR LOCAL INVESTORS 2 LOTS, 50 IL each, total of 100 fi. frontage on paved road, three blocks uorib of hiarine Drive. Creek running through which could be beauti&iud with little spare I:me. Terms $50 cash; $ 15 monthly. 2 LOTS oa doable soracr. Agreeable view. Attractive bomeaiio. Cou- veuieui io ferry. Price Sssm Third rash, balance io suit. 2 LOTS, one of whish is cleared. Good road. Water, light, phone available. Price $550. half oaab. Phone iu your listings. Ail classes of property receive our s~isfixwi aiieutiou. Pire iuaurause placed in moat reliable «omyauios at standard rates. IL P. CLARK R CO., LTD. 323 Haaiiugs SL W. Ssy. 7433, 7464 Ix&aa) Ropvsssaiaiiva C. J. ARCHER, West 651L Tardy Girl: "I'm sorry you had to sit here so long alone." So-So Boy: "Oh, don't bother. I assure you it was 0 pleasure." THE WEST VA&N NEWS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall, Marine Dr. Duudavavo Saaday Sovriao at II.S0 am. Subject December 6th: "God the Only Cnuse nnd Creator" Suaday Sahooi at 10.00 a m. Testimony Mashing every Wed- nesday at 0 16 p. na Bntish Israel Association of W&mt Vancouver iviU I i oui Next Thursday (l)er. Sth) ai S I'.lit. iu the New Ambleslde Hall Corner 14&h aad !iisriao Iiviro Speak&'I"i Rev. Slnrk Jukes, F.R.G.S. haglicau Subject: "i&id Adam, Ka&wh, Noah and Ahraham hive& Jehovah 'Fsao io Faao'I" St. Stephen's Church Second Sunday in Advent (December fith). 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11.16 a.m., Holy Comnumion. 7.16 p.m., Evensong. Sunday morning will be ob- served as Bible Sum(ay at St. Stephen's, with special reference to the work of the British and Foreign Bible Society. In the evening the rector will continue the series of Advent sermons on the Last Things. At a meeting of the Sunday School teachers this week it was decided to hold the annual Christmas entertainments on Tuesday and Wednesday, Decem- ber 28th and 29th. Next hfonday night there will be a rural deanery meeting for all laymen on the North Shore at St. John's Parish Hall, North Vancouver. At next week's meeting of the A. Y. P. A. there will be the in- stallation of officers and initia- tion of new members. Last Saturday the junior foot- ball team played their third scoreless draw of the season, this time against Chalmers United team. Tomorrow their opponents are the First United boys, at Hollyburn School, at 1.30 p.m. The Province Cup and the many individual awards won in the recent swimming meet will be presented next Thursday night by Mr. W. A. Rundle in the Parish Hall. The Allan Cup will also be formally presented. All the boys and girls of the Sun- day school who were on the track team or the swimming team and their parents are in- vited to this event. Reference was made last Sun- day to the use for the first time of riddell curtains, part of a beautiful set in the liturgical colors recently given for th&0 n w church by St. Mary's Church, Speldhurst, Kent, England. United Church Next Sunday morning the minister of the United Church will preach on the Apostle Paul's advice to Timothy, "Give Heed to Thy Reading." At the eve- ning service the Rev. Captain J. G. Gibson, chaplain of the Penitentiary, will give an ad- dress on his work. Captain Gib- son was a chaplain overseas at Gallipoli and is now chaplain at the Penitentiary, New West- minster. He will tell of the work carried among the prison- ers. The choir will render special music in the United Church next Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the United Church Sunday School Teachers was held on Wednesday evening at 7 o'lock, with a large attendance of teach- ers. Arrangements were com- pleted for the Sunday School Christmas entertainment, which will be held in the New Amble- side Hall on Tuesday evening, December 28th, at 7.30. White Gift Sunday will be held on Sun- day, December 19th, at 3 o'lock. Next Saturday, at 3 o'lock, the West Vancouver United Junior "B" team plays Chalmers Church at Hollyburn. The Junior "A" team will journey to South Vancouver to play South Hill United. The church choir will give a concert next Friday, in the church, at 8 p.m. prompt. Pro- ceeds in aid of church funds and hymn books. This will be an excellent concert, as several outstanding artists will partici- pate. You are asked to give support to the choir by attend- ing. An enjoyable evening is assured.Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Veterans Give Smoker Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. CARD OF THANKS Mvs. Crammond aud family wish io express their thanks io aii their friends for the many expressions of sympathy in their recent bereavemeui. THB West Van Nees Published Every Priday H. HODGSON aad P. P. LOVEGROVB Publishers Busiaaas aud Eduoria) Office: 1361 Mariuo Drive I'hose Wmt IDL Mail Add&sos: P.O. Box 101, HoUybara, B. C. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier. News- stands 6s psr copy. A very successful smoker was held by the West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion last night in the Ambleside Hall. Songs were sung by Messrs G. Childs and T. Killin, which earn- ed well-merited applause. Ex- Reeve V. V. Vinson, Mr. George Clarke and Mr. Colin Turner also contributed songs to the pro- gramma which were much ap- preciated by the comrades. Mr. Glen Hayden presided at the piano in his usual acceptable manner and the numbers given by the Childs'rchestra were very popular. During the evening books of tickets for the annual Christ- mas raSe in aid of the Christ- mas Cheer Fund were distri- buted. for which over twenty- four prizes have been donated by local firms and others in Van- couver. The local firms who have presented prizes are the Dun- darsve hleat Market, F'crguson's hlotor Transfer, Robinson & Sons, Smith'0 Grocery, hir. James Je(feries, Strat ton'6 Bak- ery, Mr. R. See&Is, Mr. J. Nor- mand, hIr. Granger of Davies Grocery, Mr. George i'syne and Mr. Searle of the Vernon Feed Store. December 3rd, 1928 Everything in Hardware ivheihar It ia for building a house ov furs)shing a house: whether ii is for us on ihe table or for uae In preparing ihe meal; whether It is for making new furniture or fov vapo!rin old fuvuituvo YOU CAN &1BT )T AT &KKI)'S maa Preaent A Sa& of Tacds wiii piss"o ihe boysX &'ookiag 1!&ass&is fov hioihov. SEED'S GreOCI;re Y GROCERIES. HARD)YARE, I'AINT' oil N We close at I p. m. every Thursday. hfarlne Drive, Ambleside. Phone West 28 WE 1&KLI'VFR Intermountain Building and Loan Association Asset&a 81,400.000 Cauadisu Registered OfFice: Vancouver Bloat. Vsaaouvov, B. C. OUR CO-OPERATIVE SAVINCS AND I.OAN SYSTEhl W I LL I N TER FAT Y0 U Call, or I'boas F1&KB. F. O'HALLORAN Dia&ric& Reprsssa&a&ivo Res)douce:fov West Vancouver FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETO. See JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West 55 MARINE DRIVE AT WEST BAY TO BE PROTECTED p The number of auto accidents There S No SenSe that have occurred the last six Thaimonths on the hfarine Drive s ao"'e I" seudiug laundry nesi West Bsy culmjnated jn w rk across iho Inlet while we have that in which the late Mr. A, here on the North Shore a'perfectly Cramond recently lost his life. equipped modern Laundry with everyThe council on Wednesday night scicuiinc appliance empioyiag oneinstructed the municipal clerk iris residenttO Write the COrOner, Wha had M c Ment on the No ih Sh~re. mage representatjonS regarding The "Burrard" does beautiful work, this, i&)forming him that the aud their charges are extremely matter of protection of the road moderate. F.,q in the vicinity of West Bay will receive their attention. T gb I 3 Mr. Chet Shields'dvertise- Limiied i ment laSt Week dreW attentiOn P«Porn&a )Vho Arr ps»lcslsa ~ ~ to his store as being "the Spot." 73)SD STSZIT m4 57 DAVDS This week he himself is a sub- North Vancouverject of the spotlight, being a soloist at the Strand Theatre, Phone H. H. Ballard,'herehe and Mr. Haywood play North 1310 Mgr 0 duet from the opera "Aids." 65 gLQE')9 By Dr. Frank Crane A fit of "blues" is as much a physical ailment as a fit of any other kind. When the world begins to get "blue--violet- jndigo," there is something the matter with your body--not your eyesight nor the world. A case of the "blues" is as much an intoxication as a drunken spree. The body is drunk with the poisons in the system. Efforts of the will to be cheerful are only partly success- ful until the poisons have been eliminated. When you are blue, DON': 1. Make important decisions until the spell is passed. ". "Speak your mind" to your friends. V But DO: Watch your posture. Stand up straight. Sit up in your chair. Don't slouch. Bad posture gives rise to conges- tion of the kidneys and excitement of the adrenal glands brings «P. 'g on an excess of their secretion in the blood. Eliminate. Get up 6 good perspiration: Be sure the bowels are in good con&litlon. The blues are nlmost universally associated with constipation. Dring large quan(ities of water. Clean out the system as much as possible. 3. Exercise. A sedentary life allowing an undue arcu- mulation of waste tissues is fallow grouml for the blues. Any form of exercise--work in 0 gymnasium, a tramp, working in I the garden--that is vigorous enough to in&luce n good "sweat" that is beneficia. Exercise that brings the large muscles of the legs snd trunk into active use an&I sets the lungs into full play is of the greatest value 4. Beware of loss of sleep, the use of drugs an&! the too free use of comliments and highly-seasoned foods. They are often responsible for depression of the spirits by causing over- action oi'he adrenal glands. "The best mental remedy for the 'blues," says Dr. J. H. Kellogg, to whom I am Indebted for these suggestions, "is to turn the face resolutely towards better things an&I wait for the poison wave to pass, just as one holds his l&reath in the surf until the foaming crest has passed over, at the same t!me endeavoring to remove the causes." ~ ip26 Mf S nsos Auto "'»&,d y Dislj~ , .Genefs&4(to«'j&st tj)e i te t ig supp aoo '&est "'j&e 4& gove+ (shed vj)jcj ui ¬e ff for r ljc eve n«em'isew JSDbe diyp the f&III beeD jsy ' oj sf(el( hsvjpg Sj&j the ~( jjces161 tj&I plsy Di hops H wit meter(IH( I &neth (rom tj& 'r ms «ted sde essi missing c m «ill be Tbe &oi bold« 'sc I Ip. h jj&eom 41 Pist& ceives "'I„Slool~~ „1&Dg tybije P p&SIK . 0( Neglec isg 8& 1(uat " sg, ever l 'ntfssq" tj&st qo& Be&(i thw ft I(cf cpocli 3 deeP lier be&&em brave the 6« H,r &ssopy M Dg tyj&es lig "'pring She sleePs sm'oud Tbst make tj&e 9 tyheo rides the m~ fight (yerapfesds high, liow lovely js the Hei folio sgsjm In winter 190ws besms Msjistjc thfOUg 0 msy abe I(eel dreams, Asd never wake North Vancouver. Funeral of A.E, Funeral service: Crsmosd were I afternoon from t Barren Bros. & North Vancouver hissy war vetei hlr. Ciamosd, many beautiful were received. 'l were Messrs. Jol Dickie, G. Simii w«da J Docki Ijsy. Rev. A. } Ollicisled, Mr. Cvamood i the Sooth Africa& 3'" D'Igoos Goa Palest (Var wj(b I Ije is R&rvjved by sons, BOVE ( The regular pBoys'hoir will urdsy It 16 a.mburS School, F, Phone pl&,( jjj „'j&«rat 14„they are pmcticii mw three aj)&I miljog by+0 three Ij)ij on New yei morojng e Ray B(GGRST Genuine R to 0yoqr pm "orkisees. B 80