001B6C13 A Weekly Newspaper Circulati kg in $1.00 per year. Vol. I SIX PAGES the District of West Vancouver-- A mblesi de, Hollyburn, Weston, Duyfdararre Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Cypress Park, Etc. Newsstands 5c per copy HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B C, FRIDAY, DEC. 3rd, 1926 No.. 41 e I ii '" Municipal Elections \ Nominations for candidates for the 1927 municipal elections will be held at the Municipal -- Hall on Monday, 10th January, from 12 noon to 2 p.m. The poll will be opened irv Ambleside Hall on 15th January; from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Little interest has yet been shown in the January elections, though many rumors are afloat about prospective candidates, but when these are "run down" they seem to have little verifica- tion. Prospective candidates are evidently hiding their light. It seems fairly certain that Reeve Morgan will not again stand for re-election. The two councillors whose terms expire this year are Councillors Watt and Davis. Councillors Ray and Leyland, having been elected for a two- year term, retain their seats for the year 1927. It is anticipated that there will be changes made in the Board of School Trustees, if our information is correct. Building Bylaw Quashed by Courts The town plar™g byl«v passed by the Point Grey council on August 31st, 1922, was quashed in Supreme Court last Tuesday on the contention of Mrs. Annie Carrick that the by- law was ultra vires and beyond the competence of the defendant corporation to enact. Mrs. Carrick claimed a man- damus to compel T. A. Ker, building inspector for the muni- cipality, to issue a building per- mit for the erection of a gas sta- tion on the northwest corner of Forty-ninth Avenue and West Boulevard. The permit had been refused on the ground that the site was in a residential area as defined by the municipality's town planning bylaw. Town planning has become somewhat of a municipal disease and, whilst the planning of a town from the point of view of contour and approach receives almost unanimous support, the business building restrictions usually incot~orated in town planning bylaws would seem to be somewhat difficult to enforce and cannot be said to meet with great unanimity. Geo. Hay Proposed For President The many friends of Mr. George Hay are urging him to "stand" for president of North Shore Liberal Federation, in place of Mr. Angus McGougan, who has expressed his intention of not being a candidate for re- election. If Mr. Hay can be per- suaded to allow his name to go before the convention on Satur- day, December 11th, it is fairly certain that he will be elected, as he seems to be generally ac- ceptable to all branches of the North Shore Liberals. There is a doubt of his acceptance of the nomination though, as it is a well-known fact that he is not desirous of adding to the many demands upon his time. New Ferry Tickets Liberals To Hold Social The West Vancouver Liberal Association is holding a social The report given in the Prov- evening next Tuesday in the ince of the delay in issuing the New Ambleside Hall, Fourteenthand Marine. Cards at 8 p.m., new ferry tickets has proved d 9 R f very misleading. These new will be served and a special or- tickets, calling for 25 rides for chestra in attendance. The last $2, with a maximum of foui'ntertainment given by this as- punches at one time, are now sociation was a tremendous suc- being sold by the ferry authori cess and the repetition is at the ties. request of many who were then The propoosed new tickets for present. the bus service will not be avail- able until the fare boxes arrive FERRIES SHOW from the eastern manufacturer. OPERATING SURPLUS Meantime the old rate of fares is being charged on the busses. The auditor's report on the municipal transportation system for the ten months ending 31stOttawa Acknowledges October, 1926, came before the Registration Fce from council 'on Wednesday night. The total surplus on operating is $17,876.75. The revenue from A communication has been re- the boats amounts to $60,237.93, ceived from the Ottawa authori- that from the busses being $11,- ties by the secretary of the 764.10. Wages were $22,115.65. West Vancouver Board of Trade, acknowledging receipt of the COURT OF REVISION registration fee. It is expected that the charter will be here The court of revision of the shortly. Meanwhile, it has been voters'ist will sit at the Muni- suggested that the opening cipal Hall on 10th December, meeting after the receipt of the starting at 9 a.m. The Reeve, charter take the form of an ban- with Councillors Watt and I ey- quet. land, will constitute the court. Christmas Shopping'o your Christmas shopping at home. Be fair to your home town merchants. See what they have to oifer before buying elsewhere. You will find the prices reasonable and will receive personal service and guaranteed satisfaction. You will prosper as the city prospers, and the city will prosper as the merchants prosper. NEW BUS ROUTEWarmest November in Twenty Years The question of the establish- ment of a new municipal bus route along the higher levels be- tween Thirteenth and T&venty- fifth was up before the council on Wednesday night and it was decided that the superintendent of the ferries be instructed to bring in a report at a special council meeting on December 8th on the service he would rec- ommend on the propose&1 new route and the type of car he would consider best to use. Last month was the second warmest November in twenty years, with a mean temperature of 46.8 as compared with a rec- ord of 47.9 established in November, 1917, the monthly re- port issued by the Dominion Meteorological Service shows. Even the rainfall has been less. In spite of all the rainy, wet days, the month's rainfall was considerably below average. Only 7.80 inches fell, as com- pared with the average of 8.68. The total precipitation for the year is 44.22 inches, a deficiency from the average of 3.51 inches. Altogether, November be- haved very well, the report adds. Three cold days, November 18, 19 and 20, registered a tempera- ture below freezing, 29 degrees on November 20 being the low- est point. The highest tempera- ture for the month was 69, on November 11. Ifcard First Words Elks'and to Give Sunday Concert Dn Thomas A. tvatson, who worked with Alexander Graham Bell inventing the telephone, heard the tirst sound or word ever trans- mitted by wire. In the test, hlr. Bell spoke over the phone saying, "Come here, ivatson, I want you." A tablet was recently unveiled com- memorating the 50th anniversary of this great scientific marvel, the telephone. Permission was given by the council on Wednesday night to the Elks'and to give a Sumlay band concert on December 19th at 9.15 p.m. The band will con- sist of not less than thirty pieces and the proceeds will go to the B. I'. O. Christmas Cheer Fund. Lions'ate Bridge So far as the proceedings in the Board of Inquiry into the Lions'ate Bridge have gone, the opponents of the scheme do not appear to have succeeded in making a very good case. Several of them have found it difficult to answer the pertinent questions of Mr. Dugald Donaghy, who is very much au fait with the situation in all its bearings. The Board made it very clear at the beginning that it was a case of proving to them, not that the bridge was not wanted, but that it would be an impediment to the safe navigation of the First Narrows. They were there as engineers, first, last and all the time, to investigate the engineering side of the construction of the bridge and its effect on navigation. It evidently came as a shock to some objectors to find that ques- tions of its effect on real estate and the pockets and desires of private individuals were extraneous and would not be con- sidered. Objections to the bridge on the score of its piers and height being an impediment to navigation were voiced by a number of seafaring men. They stated that the channel ought to be widened from its present 1,100 feet to 1,600 feet, with the object of decreasing the strength of the current--that it would do so, however, being in the nature of a supposition. It is noteworthy that most of these objections came from those connected with the small coastwise steamers which ply in and out of the port. The beam of each of the four largest steamers in the world is under 100 feet. Four such steamers, two going in and two out of the Narrows, would take up 400 feet of sea space, which leaves 700 feet of clearance for maneuvre. The mere landsman will be apt to lost the respect he has always had for the British Mercantile Marine if he finds that this clearance is not ample, unless the Harbour Board intend to issue new instructions to the efFect that all ingoing and outgoing ships play "ring around of roses" in the Narrows before proceeding on their way. Considerable objection was also raised to the height of the bridge, which is proposed to be 165 feet, approximately, above h'gh water, some sta'ing that a number of ships would not be able to get into the harbour owing to the greater height of their masts. The largest bridge in the world has just been completed over the Delaware River. It has a height of 135 feet and all the traffic to the busy seaport of Philadelphia has to go under it. The Firth of Forth is a still busier watemvay and the Forth bridge which spans it is 150 feet high. So far we have not heard of any interference in sea traffic in either case, and Commander Reed admitted to Mr. Donaghy that thc height of ship's masts was, to a large extent, not an important feature as regards bridges. As a matter of fact, 125 feet is the greatest height required for aerials, the only use to which masts are applied nowadays, which probably explains the reason why the Delaware bridge is only 135 feet high. A lot has been heard during the inquiry about the diffi- culty connected with towing of logs. All of it would appear to be rather puerile in view of the fact that a tow of logs presents no more difficulty than a single ship if properly controlled. Proper control merely means the employment of a sufficiently powerful tug or tugs, and if these are not employed, then one of the standing rules of navigation has been broken. There were lighter, indeed almost laughable, incidents in the inquiry, such as "the continual chugging" of cars in Stan- ley Park while on their way to the bridge and their baleful effect on the nerves of children and grown-ups. Also, if a 100-foot roadway through the park would be required, as one witness suggested, then it is certain that such a tremendous traffic is proof positive that the bridge is an urgent necessity. THE NEWS is still of the opinion that the bridge will be built, because its supporters can produce far more cogent reasons for its construction than can those who are against il, which reasons are well epitomized in a letter written by Coun- cillor Ray, which appears in this issue. In conclusion, if s channel 1,200 feet wide, which is wider than Liverpool, ivill not suffice, as some witnesses have stated, then the First Narrows is a dangerous piece of water and the future of Van- couver as a great port becomes problematical. Councillor Ray's Opinion of Bridge The Vancouver Board of Trade, in passing a unanimous resolution against the building of the proposed Lions'at. Bridge, is shoiving discrimination. As a layman, I must ex- press my surprise that a body of the most prominent busines- men of Vancouver should adopt a resolution of this kind. Had they recommended 400 or 600-feet span of a sufficient clear- ance, or some other type of bridge or span, in accordance wit'i their experience of the requirements of navigation, it ivoul,i have been reasonable. The reasons given by them as reported by your paper are not fair, because a structure spanning the width of the Narrows sufliciently large enough td take care of ail traffic in and out, cannot be of any danger or himlrance to navigation. I have learned that the large ships using the harbor ar" (Continued on Page 6.)