001B6C0D Classified Ads. HA VE ('I.IENT for good modrtn house with three bcdtoomx. $750 cash. I H. Boom&oh. West 17. WEST VANCOUVBR Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall, Marine Dr. Dnndctovo Son&Icy Smvlco ot IL30 am Subject Novtmbot 28th: "Ant&Ant ccd hiudttn Nttto- mccty. Ause 1ltomtricm ccd Kypno&iom. Iitnooctod." Soadcy School at 10.00 o. m. Tootunony I(Cating every Wed- nesday at 1)6 p.m. DIIESSMARING -- Home ot by dcy. hits. Robbins. 29th ond Mothota Phone 1Voct 437RS. HAWAIIAN STEEL GL ITAR, as new, mellow tent; music ond cicnd. Phone West 4m&V. 'IV ILL TRA IIB tot Iota) property. boot or anything of value half xcc tion of land (cioot title) near Cal- gary; also Oidomobilo Six tooth, this yoot'o model, perfect condition fot sale or trode. Apply "Howell. next 1Vext Von. News office. FOR RENT -- F&mt-toom modern bungalow, $2i o month by the )vhct. Phone West 468R after 6 p.m. FOR SALE--1Vhitc Wyandotte ond 1Vhitc Ligbotn pnuetc. also co)un- did Regal Dotccx 1V. 1V. cock ccd cochero( cheap. Aicop, Ecquimoit Avenue cnd Tenth. St. Stephen's Church Advent Sunday (November 28(h). 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 10 a.m.. Sunday School. 11.15 a.m.. Dforning Prayer. 7.15 p.m., Evensong. On the Sunday evenings in Advent the rector will preach 6 series of sermons on the Last Things, Heaven, Hell, Death'nnd Judgment. &&Next Tuesday, St. Amlrew's Day, there will be 6 celebration of the Holy Communion, with nddress, at 10.30 a.m. Last Thursday night the senior and junior groups of the Cougar Camp of Trail Rnngern united for the initiation of many new members. Rex Rhbjes hns secured the team's game badge and several of the boys are working for the Safety First nnd First Aid badges. Both football teams met de- feat last Saturday in the mud, the Junior "B" team losing 6 hard-fought game to the IVest Vancouver United by 2-1 nnd St. John's Scouts defeating the old- er boys nt Queen Mary School by 5-2. Tomorrow the Junior uB" team will Play C&xxlmern United at Honyburn School at 2 p.m. The O. B. Allan Cup, won by the Sunday School at the track nnd field meet last September at Brockton Point hns arrived at length and found a resting place for the year in the Parish Hall. The lady who in mistake took a parcel of silk goods from the candy table at the bazaar is ask- ed to return the same to Mrs. Honkins, West 475Y. Successful Bazaar Favored with good weather and a very numerous patronage, the bazaar held IVednesday af- ternoon in the Parish Hall by St. Stephen'8 IVomen's Auxiliary wan most successful and realized 8 substantial num for the funds of the society. There was after- noon ten for an who came and a lavish display of sewing, both plain nnd fancy, to tempt the eager buyers. The home cooking booth, the cnn&ly table and the book stan were centres of inter- est, and the fish pond, with such colored fish as were never seen in any sea, held an irresistible attraction for the children. The general conveners wish to thank an who helped in any way to make the bazaar a success. CARPENTER -- Ai&ctotionc, tcpxitc, garages. fences, concrete vetcndohx, footing. Gleam, corner Bciictieit cnd Twentieth. VICTOR &'RA1IAI'HONB ond 50 tcc- otda 1V&ii sell. or exchange for kitchen range. Phone West 66SI FOR SAI.E--biocctth range in Rood condition. Apply b(to. Hampoon, corner Tacntieth and Fniton. $ 100 COAT, totcntiy putchcc&& never worn. 11 iii sell fot $60. Apply "Advert(cot," cjo 1Vcxt Vcn. News. OUR MORTGAGE PLAA provides for free discharge of the loan in the event of the borrower'c death. Sco nx for loans, insurance or anything in tbe brokerage line. Wo want listings of lots, acreage cnd honxea B1'R.&ELL &R hIAY At tbo Ferry onding. Phone 1Vcot 113 TROI. GHTON a BARRO1V 'tlxtino Drive Dondototc--Phone 1Vcot 8$ WE HAVE the following lots for c quick sale, cash only, for o fcw days: Lots 2 cnd S and 20 ccd 21, Bik. 4, D. I 555. .. ... $500 (thc four) Lot 3, Bik. 2 "B", D. L 565 ..$200 Lot 8, Bik. 3, D. L 655 ....$150 Lot 6. Bik. 19, D. L 655....... $400 Lots 7 cnd 26, Bik. 6, D. I 554, ..$650 (thc 2) Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. IVeekly prayer service each IVednesday at 7.30 p.m. IL P. CLARK R CO„LTD. 82$ Hastings SL W. Scy. 7483, 74S4 Local Rcptcocntctiro C. J. ARCHER, West 651L THE W'est Van News Published Ercty Friday H. HODGSON ond F. F. LOVEGROVB Pnbuchcts Basin&Co cnd Editorial Office& 1361 Matins Drive Phono West ISL Mail Addtcooi P.O. Box 101, Houybota, IL C. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION $1.00 ~ ycot by maiL Ncwmtcndll 6c pct copy. ROAD FRODI CAIBSON'S LANDING IVANTED A communication han been re- ceived from Gibson's Lan&ling through which it was intimated that 8 petition has been sent to the government asking for the construction of a highway from Gibson's Landing to Vancouver, via Squamish. Support wan asked towards the furtherance of this project. Dfiss B. Yntes is back at the Honyburn School, after a few days'bsence due to sickness. A UNIQUE PROPERTY, HAVING GREAT POSSIBILITIES Comprising s large wcuu(csigncd i house, SO by Ss feet (interior un- finishe) ), on I acre of land, cleared, with good fruit trees ond outbuiid- ingx. Situate 300 feet above xca level, it commands a vast cnd won- derful view of harbor, Lions'ate, gulf cnd surrounding mountains. It is entirely free of fog, on o good motor road and only 15 minutes'alk to ferry. Price $6,000 on at- ttccijvc terms. Savory 0 Duval, Matins Drive, at 14th St., Amble- side. Phone tweet 114; evenings, %cot 143. R. P. CLARK R Co., LTD. SAAPS IA BLILDING LOTS FOR LOCAL INVESTORS 2 LOTS, 50 fL each, total of 100 ft. frontage on paved road, three blocks north of Mat(ac Drive. Creek nmning through which could be beautified with little spare t!mc. Terms $50 cash; $ 15 monthly. 2 IA)TS on doable corner. Agtccxbic view. Attractive homesite. Con- venient to ferry. Price $850. Third ccxh, bc)coco to colt. 2 LOTS, one of which is cleared. Good toc&L Water, light, phone available. Price $550. half cash. Phone in yoot listings. Aii classes of property receive oot spccioiixcd attention. Fire inxntcncc placed in most reliable companies at xtcndxtd to&co. THE WEST VAN NEVVS United Church Nnvember 26th. (920i Despite Ihe inclement weather a large congregation ga(hemi in the United Church last Sun- day evening to hear the Rev. G. Pringle give an interesting nd- dress on "The Sky Pilot on theTrail.'ealing with the early days in the Yukon, the speaker Rave helpful advice tn those seeking the Christian life. The choir sang an anthem and Miss Joan Durbin a solo. Next Sun- day the choir will render special music morning an&i evening. The Quality Surprises &hem Two Icdioc camo Into out store o fow days ogo ond expressed outptixo ot the quality of the goodc we catt&Cd, but wo pa&cia( out to them that 27 years'xpotionco in iho gtototy buxintcc (10 ytotc In 'Ivtct Vontoutot) hcd proven to oc that the boxi qocnty ic the oniy hind worth carrying. You can be sure of getting ugooii" goods ct nttdc. SI ED'S GleoCI:r&Y IVO close at I p. m. every Thursday. Marine Drive, Amblesida. Phone Wast 28 WE DEI.IVER The annual sale of work in connection with the IVomnn'8 Association of the Uni(ed Church will be held in the Church Hnll on Fri&lny after- noon. December 3rd. Plain nml fancy sewing nnd home cooking &vill be for sale. Afternoon tcn will be served. Assets. S I, l00,000 Canxdion Registered Office) Vancouver Rioth, Vox&outer, B. C. OUR CO-OPERATIVE SAVINGS AND I.OAN SYSTEM WII.L INTEIIFAT YOU Call ot I'hone FRED. F. O'HALLORAN District Keptextntctito for )vest Vcncootct The Junior "Au team of the United Church met with their first defeat last Saturday. This team has done very well, having won five nnd drawn one out of seven played. Next Snturdny they travel to Kitnilnno High School grounds to play Trnfnlgnr United. Boys will take I o'lock ferry. The Junior uBu team of the United Church defeated St. Stephen's by the close score of 2-1. Next Saturday they play Knox Kerrindale at Kerrisdnle Park and will leave by I o'lock ferry. Ktcidtotc: 135i3 &'lydc Street FOR WATERFRONTAGE nnd otlier property HOUSES TO RENT, IA'IRE INSURANCE, ETC. soe JOHN LAWSON Phone West 5517th Street Price of Milk Far Too High There's No SenseOver one hundred members and friends nttemled the fu'st of the season's entertainments held in the Clachan last Friday eve- ning. The occasion wnn 0 lec- ture on "The Causes nml Re- sults of the '45 Rebellion," by Dfr. Dunlop, F.R.G.S. This lec- ture is one of the best of Mr. Dunlop's collection nnd given in his exquisite style nnd manner nnd in language too infrequently heard in today's hurry nnd bustle, held hin audience spell bound from beginning to end. The evening was interspersed with musical numbers rendered to emphasize the points brought out by the speaker, Mr. J. Cow- den and Mrs. J. T. IVntt an&i Mr. Dunlop being the noloists, while Miss M. Frame accompanied on the piano. To close the lecture a qunrtette had been arranged nnd sang with great fervor "Will Ye No Come Back Again." This Scottish qunrtette, consisting of Mrn. IVntt, Miss Jack, Mr. Dow- den nnd Mr. McGownn, promises to be a great acquisition to the talent which the society already han. Mr. Dow&len nnd Mrn. IVatt were in splendid voice and Mr. Dunlop expressed hin keen appreciation of the assistance given to him and the large and appreciative audience which filled every available seat. Ten was served and 0 delightful eve- ning terminated by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" nnd the National Anthem. This wns one of the most successful evenings which the society hnn had and augurs well for the remainder of the syllabus. There's no xcnxo in sending laundry work ettosx the Inlet while we have here on the North Shore o perfectly equipped modern Laundry with every scicntuic appliance, employing only girls resident on the North Shore. The uButtotdu does beautiful work ond their charges are extremely moderato. To the Editor. Sir: When the price of such an indispensable article in the diet of children nnd invali&10 as milk is as high as it is at present --13c 8 quart--it is nothing less than shameful profiteering. According to a statement made by experts on the cost of production of milk, it cost about 41/2 cents per quart to produce. Between cost of production nnd selling price there is 6 npren&1 of 8&/& cents. Who gets it? IVen. it does not matter to the con- sumer. What concerns him is that he is paying too much for hin milk. Allowing 4&/J cents per quart for handling and profit, which should be ample, good milk should be procurable at 9 cents 8 quart and even less. I won&lcr what some of your raaders who nhoul&l have 6 gal- lon 6 day for the right feeding of their families--instead of 8 pint between five--think about it. And nny, nir, what do you think? Yours truly, HALF STARVED. The Burrnrd Laundry Limited For Pruplc Irhc Arc Pari&to(w TRIRS STREET Ac& ST. SAT&os North Vancouver Phone H. H. Bnnnrd, North 1310 Mgr. Troughton & Barrow Soy ~ LOT Iot o Homo; ~ Homo mooco ~ LOT. Real Estate Jk Insurance Hans s)vaa i)ID Dondotovo I'hone &rect 83 The Board of School Trus(ees IVest Vnncouver Mountain Park Being Urged SUBSTITUTE TEACllEl5 WANTED The Boar&I of School Trustees w)sh to make up 6 list of Teachers who are available to nct as substi- tutes; and invite applica- tions. giving qualiflcatlons. Please give telephone num- ber if any. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary. Creation of a public mountain park on Iionyburn Ridge, to which the people of Greater Van- couver should have cheap and speedy access, wns discussed at the annual banquet of the B. C. Mountaineering Club. L. C. Ford, 6 past president of the club, urged that Honyburn Ridge, with Hollyburn Peak, Strachnn Peak and one top of Black Mountain should be &ledi- cnted an a public park. He pointed out that the B. C. Elec- tric Railway could cross the First Narrows by 6 public bridge and take the people from their doors to the top of Iiollyburn Ridge with no more exertion, he said, than it now takes to reach Stanley Park. He predicted that the railway woukl eventually be transporting 10,000 persons ev- ery week-end and every public holiday to Hofiyl)urn Park. Mr. aml Mrs. P. Dfnsterman sent a beautiful wreath for the funeral of Mr. C. McIntyre. Their name was inadvertently omitted from the report given on another page of this issue. CORI'Onr(TION OF THE OISTRIL"r OF )VEST VAACOUVER CARD OF THANKS Mtc. C. Mciotytc ood fcmny wish to thank the di&tctcnt xo- cictieo cnd the many friends for thai) expressions of sympathy ond beautiful fiotxi oifctiogs on the occasion of their great be- rcavement such cxptcooiono having helped very greatly to bear thc Ioxa COUI&T OF I&EVISIOA Votctc'.ict, 1927 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Court of Rcvixion to tcvioo Vutctx'iat for thc year &927 wiii commence itc ~ ittiog at the biucicipoi iicii, Hoilybotc, B. C., at 9.00 o.m., Ftidcy, December 10th, ii)26. JAS. OLLASON, Hoiiybutn, B. C. Municipal Clerk. lutermountaiu Building and Loan Association s ,il TI . I Fnn thales 1 Ic& ioners )I&II I sai Tbe I Charles B(e Mr Ss(un 4 on flAn I m 4 la&a Center 8 Van& G~H"View CCM Istin 0&esnoonnell o +m oj M 0 I maIII nu Ier A reh min Music yon&oui'clntyre 'hich'resides hii )lr. (, we ane n isla 0' song,mjejy" hymn I harP tnul ila In spp" tc( snd st he hIesP tin(eras, Y s the gr the sxjainkenin dmsdean, foils h I lyra Iysahs yh )ir Mc 8 for mony . g (hera fasts England. I, 'Some I Sting jn Liven ~ snd &8 Sga cash'er West Vs" inca. I reskla his ever m. 'l I snd very V I ysncouve clos in lycs couver I I tyre wss h& Mr,) c n both in h g Van&outa Aj h esteem, r d;slinct I& dasth js 8 community en!g~tbs ware , Ipest Vsnca(slowing Horti ul lcsl Saclatyh IV ciety, Vsncouva Voice Choir, Mr. Rn, don Hobson, bir. an 'in&Less,bir. Rnd Din Dh,s nnd Frs M, ,nd Mrs. T. A. Sp nnd Mrs. C, Downing Mrs. H. A. H&x gson, JR&)san nnd fsr Daisy Forrcster, Mr A p„nuce Mr and b nd Mts, A snd Mrs, Cough, jit. 8 I'otd, Mr,snd Mrs. S Dr. Rnd Dire. Stsinsb; Shore biotors, Ltd„bh'. F. X. Hodgson. West Vancouver Scottish I The members who & attend the joint fnrew Mrs. M&Clellsnd on parture for Kelowns gts(jgad to learn that I most trcssured gifts w McClellsnd took nwsy is the inemoty of pleasant evenings rdlj ciety in which she to& delightful ps&(, Airs. Watt spoke on the Scottish Society Plained how much uld iniss htr kindlysnd told how the uppewould b enhance'bpe ence. Mts. bicyesn, w y president of lhe ~ t en'8 o I n active member f'y prasau DicClellsnd with 3 bwrist wst 3 u s smsijts(eem ln wM Iby both 0+,We't tive gath'"'cot(jsh Sac& a very pj iety made tsnint tiine, ),~S. A two children h UrritG,C 8 two ""Rve retui mo(her, bim hs Visit Jsw, 3'en&oak h I h,„ &I:st qu 4uwm RA]~hh