West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Nov 1926, p. 6

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001B6C07 ,I J THE hVFST VAN NE)VS CORRESPONDENCE St. Stephen's Carries Off Province Cup )Vith a total of 54&((p points In the Arst evening's events, boys an&i girls from St. Stephen's Sunday School were placed sec- onal in the graml aggregato at the swimming meet of the (Il. V. S. S. A. A. Un&I have virtunlly won the I'rovince Cup for Sun- day schools umler 200. not hnv- llig prl.'rip&&sly ivo(i an ii(i&istic championship. In the individual point scoring Edith )Vhlte won the tad championship, I'hyflis Johnson the junior girls. nml Jbiofly Edwards was plnced sec- ond in the intermediate girls'lass,while Metford Chapman secured most points among juvenile boys. The St. Stephen's points were secure&l ns follows: Ta&ls, boys--G. Conway, sec- on&l; II. Montgomery. third. Tads, girls--E. )Vhite, frat. Juveniles, boys--One length, Met Chapmnn, A&st. Diving- bl. Chapman, second. Juveniles, girls--One length. D. Cuflin, third. Juniors, boys--Relay--J. Con- ivay, H. Stephens, bI. Chnpman, A. Kendrick. third. Juniors, girls--Fifty yards-- P. Johnson, first. Diving--K. Hampson, first. Novelty -- P. Johnson, first: K. I inmpson, third. Relay--I'. Johnson, K. Hampson, D. Rivers, D. Cuflin, second. Intermediate boys--F. Cuflin, C. Haworth, E. Grout, T. Turner, third in relay. Intermediate girls -- Fifty yards--Nolly Edwards, second. Diving--Molly E&hvar&ls, first; Betty Beard, third. Breast stroke--M. Smelt, second; B. Beard, third. Relay--M. Ed- wards, B. Beard, M. Smelt, F.. Cullin, third. The senior events will take place Friday night at the Cana- dian Memorial tank. The show- ing of the local team is the more commendable in that none of them have had experience in in- door swimming prior to this meet. HERE YOU ARE as ea s Choice cuts of Meat--tender, fresh and tasty--that's whatvou'B get when you order your meats here. Our customers are well acquainted with the quality nf m&v)ts we sell an&Iirith our courteous service. "trill close Thursday afternoon as usual." JEFFERIES Next to Hollvburn Theatre PHOJVE IVEST 3 'bVE DELIVER ALL MEATS KEPT IN REFRIGERATOR Fresh and Cured Meats. Butter. Fggs, Baron and Lard Voi ember 17th iqo6 The Editor. West Van. iVews. Dear Siv: In the last feiv issues of your paper I have notireil several articles re Mnrine Drive bridge. )Ve arr afl ivifling tn mlmit that oily present brnlgi'. Iii (i loiig ivay from bring n cre:lit or even an ornament to our ibiarine Drive, but ive must not over- look the fact that it is exceed- ingly useful. It is the only means by which heavy traiBc can get into or out of our muni- cipality. ibfost of us that nave lived in )Vest Vancouver for any length of time knoiv a frw of bliss Capilnno'8 tricks. Pfe knoiv thnt she is not a bit particular ivhere she goes, so long as she is able to get to tide wnter. Any place betiveen tho boundary of North Vancouver District aml Thir- teenth Street, )Vest Vancouver. ivould suit her. An&i so I should think that before contemplating the buikling of a new bri&ige we should satisfy ourselves that we have a river to put under it. )Ve know thnt during the last five or six years there have been thousamls of dollars spent in getting the river to follow a cer- tain course. This, I think, to 0 great extent has been accom- plished. But I regret that the work is only of 0 temporary na- ture and would not, I think, stand the ravages of a severe flood, such as we had in October, 1921. If the people of )Vest Van- couver are determined to have a new bridge over Capilano on our present Marine Drive, I think we should be absolutely sure that the river will go under it, not only for the time being, but for all time. This of course means the ex- penditure of a lot of money for permanent work along the river banks. IVithout such work be- ing done, it seems to me that the construction of a new bridge at the present site would be futile. AN OBSERVER. 4 AND 5 ROOMED HOUSES TO RENT Desirable Locations and Reasonable Rents Furnished and Unfurnished Vacant Lots and Houses in every part of )Vest Vancouver. Buy now &vhilst prices are loiv. REAL ESTATE--IJVSURAiVCE--LOANS NOTARY PUBLIC6I. HAY City Oflice: 315 Cordova St. iV Phone Sev. 1260 14th 4b hlarine )Vest Vnncouver Phone West 21 West Vancouver Lumber Co. Li hp 1 TE D 15th and Siarine Phone West 115 RES1DENCE PHONE& WEST 73X Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE Get your Shoe Repairs in Early for Christmas THE ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR SHOP F RED TITE NORTH SIDE OF bIARINE DRIVE Capilano Bridge CORPORATIOJV OF THE D)STI&1CT OF '&VEST VAVJCOUVE(1FOOT SP EC:(AL(ST s& Amblcside. Two doors fvcm Gsvsgc The question of the Capilano bmdge came before the council again on )Ye&ines&lay night, when a letter was read from the Department of Public Worl&s in Victoria that the classification of the North Vancouver District Marine Drive would involve thc classification of the Capilano bridge in any highway improve- ment scheme. According to re- ports in the hands of the de- partment, the highway is shown to be in good shape aml, conse- quently, the Victoria authorities cannot comply with the request for classification of this section, as in their opinion the Capilano bridge matter is one that apper- tains to this municipality alone. VOTERS'.IST, 1927 Voters'ist now in course of prc- psvs&icn. Scc thst your name is in- c)udcd if entitled &o vote. SPECIAL ATTENTION--None but registered deed ho)docs ssu registered sgvccmc)J& for sale holders are placed on list. Where agreement is regis- tered, deed holder cannot vote on some property. Agvccmcn&s or dccps must be vcgis&cvcd at the Land itcgistvy Office, Vsnccuvcv, B. C., on or bcforc 30th November, 1925, on which pote list closes. JAS. OLLASON, HJJRybuvs, B. C., hiunicipsi Clerk. 11-11-1920. Expen Workmanship Watch. Clock and 27 Years'xperience Jcwcllery Repairing 2 YH„WatChmaker and JeWeller (IV. SAGA R) Residence Phone West 635 Y A go(x( assoc&most of Ladies'nd Gents'atches ssd Gift Soggcs- &icns at moderate prices. Select your Christmas Gifts sow. A small deposit will reserve any article until required. 14M N~ D'YE AMBLESIDEsc)v vis. &sss(x What is 4'[ Value ~ A particularly interesting lec- ture w)B be gnen by Prof&.ssor Odium next Thursday at the meeting of The British Israel Association in the New Amble- si&le Ilafl. The subject will be "The Transfer from Jacob to Joseph of Israel's Guardian Stone." A photograph of the stone, which is now in )Vest- minster Abbey, will be shown at thc lecture. 1923 STAR SEDAN This car has had the best of care, paint in splendid condition, tires good --a reai winter car for the whole family. It is a car any one will be proud to drive. )Ve guarantee it to be in perfect condition. price ................................. $ .)50.00 Only 8 small cash payment necessary. Too many people confuse the words Value and Price. Value is more than price--it is quality plus price. If you looked at our prices on the Used Cars we are oifering this week you would realize that they were in- expensive cars. But if you SA)V TIIE CARS AiVD THE I'RICES, you would know they were remarkable values. That is the diiyer- ence between value and price. And that is why we want you to come in and see the rara. )Ve think the prices are so low ihat you might get a wrong impression of the cars. Then, too, we would like to discuss our easy payment plan. An Unbciicvcv Two little children coming os& of Son&)sy school were cvhtcntly refer- ence hsd been msds to his So&spic Msicsty, wore discussing In their childish wsy the lesson. "Do you be- lieve there is s dsvu7" asked one. "Nsw," ssid &ho other, "It's Just like Scots Cisus; it' your fsthsv." hiistvcss (to gsRy-dvcssc(t scrub- woman): "Yco'rs )peking very smart today, hlvs. Hsvris. Where diu ycs ac& sii those nice sic&hop from)" Mvs. iisvrisi "My wardrobe is cn- tivciy supported by vs(os&cry ccn- tviboticss," 1924 CHEVROLET TOURING Ba!loon tires, good upholstering, fully equipped. A smooth-running car at 8 bargain price. You "an' get a better buy any- where at.................$500.00 SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street West, Phone North 1166 North Vancouver Phone North 1350 THE OFFICIAI. AUTO CLUB GARAGE ON THF NORTH SHORE NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. JVovrmber 19th, 1926 West Vancouver Musical Society Moral Would Appear To Be Read the "Adsfy Montreal, Nov. 17.--)V. H. Barrett, young farmer of Port Dover, Ont., returned to Can;ula on the liner Montcalm after hav- ing confirmed advices that he had fallen heir to an estate in Ireland valued at $2,000,000. Six months ago Barrett read an ad- vertisement in an English news- paper asking information as to his whereabouts. Beyond tell- ing fellow passengers on the Montcalm of his goo&I luck, h(i gave no details. WEST VANCOUVER MUNICIPAL FERRIES Change of Schedule &o Toke E(foci WE()NESDAY, NOV. 10'fit, 1D25 q )move &VEST VANCOUVER Leave VANCOUYE11 '0.00 ~p.'45 '7.15 '7.45 78.00 vu. IS 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 1.00 2.UO 3.00 4.00 S.UO 'S. 1(i 0.00 7.00 8.00 D.UU 10.00 11.00 2)2.00 s.m. p.m. I I II I S.ap s,m. ~715 v7. If& 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.30 12.30 p,m. 1.30 2.30 3JP Jl 4.30 ~5 irl 5.30 vs.15 P. 3() 7.40 8,30 0.30 10.40 i).'ao 212.'ao I I I 'Nct on Sosdsys cv hcndsys. ~ tsundsys ssd holi&toys only. 4Ss&ovdsys only. Schc(tule subject &o change without notice Nci iisbic fcr ()s(sys The ilrst ronrert of the sea son I 026-19"7 took place on Turs&lay evening Novemlier 16th, at the lloflyburn Then(re, West Vancouver. under the able Ira&lership of I'rofessor J. 51. Jblorgan. The theatre was well hflrd with nn appreciative amlienre, who were wrfl satisfle&l with the ren&lerlngs of each Item of the splendid programme given, if the numbers of encores naked for can be taken as a criterion. The careful training of Pro- fe&usor Morgan showed wonder- fully In the Indies'horus, "Agiiils D& I, b)' ilzet. The solo by (bliss ltitchie was exrrl- lent and the violin nn&l ceflo nb- ligatos by Mrs. Knight-Ilollge an&i Mr. Day were delightful. the whole i)sing splendidly balnnce&l aml 8 ivcafly remarkablu rtf()rt. Another chorus, "liow Lovely Are Thy Dwellings." gnve the choir an opportunity to show their festival form, it being ren- dered in true festival style. The soloists, nfl members of the choir, werc Miss A. Ritchie, soprano; Mvs. F. E. Stalnsby, contrnlto; Mr..f. L. Evan~, tenor, and Mr. A. J. A&l&ly, bnss. Their various items were nfl of 8 very high order aml were well received. Mr. Day's cello solo was also very pleasing nn&l AIrs. Knight-Hodge on the violin was as delightful as ever. It woul&l be impossible to f(lve an account of a concert by this choir without mention of the splendid work of their accom- panist, Miss Margaret McIntyre, whose playing always inspires great confidence. The Musical Society is sl ar- ing the proceeds with the Parent - Teachers'ssociat:on, and the attemlance was sulflci!nt to give 0 nice balance to e.)ch society. r ~ ',(( 8 3 gj fCII Sy II" (,theo ', «pItopoP b 5 co(u Ogopog'. g fpcpptlJip, bsvis &bed by pbtur lace on the 3 lskipiIP ',kp TI Okppsgp b distipctl)'ev'm bpvp been 3 previous o bss pve of Og+ g Ippd &vb( IA)pdo» s" b (igave peppcpmpcpp "F'd." once spd isvep igs e we pbpii have 30 I Americas mieptj ipg 8 committee of tl t lm)k into the mattei oi d pssjbiy mpkipg one interesting scleptigc of modern times. Can't we discover ( Ogopogo in the wsten Vancouver? Tl J Jl Ill Vancouver is going to I Istercpflpg one, if ocr (hipg io the mmmm 8 ipg around, about P(s&sg The West Vpprouvei of the Canadian ipgip business mpctmg an November 19th, at 8 p.r G. W. V. A. rooms. the reading ppd pdpptb minutes of the previous an entertainment comm appointed, cppsistipg ol lowing: Comrades C, I, lb G, Ware, F. H, C& Childs, ppd A. Gmcpy, gps decided tp smoker in Ambleside Thursday, 2pd Deceml P.m., at wbicb all (utu(spd their friends wiflcome. II wus moved byCooPer, spcopdpd byChilds uud carried, thaiAxed at 25 ceutp perAfter some discussiouWare made 5 motiou, 8 carr!cd ~Pad~by Cpm d'CI Ipr moptbl cd tp the pifpct ti tmgp bi the sam I b y Pf Pari p Ird Fridp i~pl presa A rtls p tobe pdvp 'dp W 'uolioup Ware, ppcpudg b meeting tb'hat 3 rcccsp i(r u fm ere be A lett Paymput )Veicrppp +& ibe pr frog Pre»deut, pt the cp A 4 iteuliou! West yp I be gi„ 'mpber )vfl appdipu 4"pi'rpu b2nd D& giou 0 Amblmld H r, at 8pll. ps 8 ~0Tpim Aid, G 'uible '5 mpGeorge li ppppueut 4 liy of blprdpu I ut tbpcpm Npnh Vortl'nir plat'ucp( ion. upis for civic honours. ( 1 .'Veterans Hold M