West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Nov 1926, p. 5

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001B6C07 November 19th, 1926 THE WEST VAN NEWS Mr. E&l Black is putting in a new double gasoline pump and another 5500-gallon tank at his gasoline station at Dundarave. r u Mr. Jack Williamson, S ven- teenth and Marine, is home after spending several months in Vic- toria. u Mr. William Normand of Pritchard, B. C., is visiting his brother, 1&lr. James Notvnand, the well-known merchant of Ambleside. u u Mr. N. L. Woodruff, of the Royal Bank, left here on IVed- nesday, having been transferred to the Mount Pleasant branch of the bank. Mr. Glover, from the Mount Pleasant branch, suc- ceeds Mr. Woodruit't West Vancouver. Miss B. Yates, of the Holly- burn School is confined to her home through sickness. u ~ ~ Mr. Fred F. O'Halloran, dis- trict representative of the In- termountain Building and Loan Association, has rented Mr. Eagan's house, 1858 Clyde Street, for the winter. Mrs. C. E. Wintle will receive at the home of her mother, Mrs. A. F. Tabor, 1202 Inglewood Avenue, Wednesday afternoon, November 24th, from 3 to G. r Miss Freda Herrin, of the staff of the Cypress Street School, is unable to attend to her duties there owing to sickness. u In our issue of last week we had an article in which it was stated that Mr. G. E. Brealey, principal of the West Vancouver Public Schools, had been elected chairman of the North Shore Teachers'ederation. This was a mistake, Mr. W. Gray of the North Vancouver High School staff having been made chair- man of this federation. Mr. Brealey has been elected chair- man of the North Shore Teach- ers'onvention for 1927, which will be held in West Vancouver. Mr. G. Eales, who has been a guest at the "Clachan" since early spring, has gone to Squam- ish for a few months. Mrs. C. Helen Chinery has re- turned to West Vancouver after an extended trip by way of Pan- ama Canal, visiting Havana, New York, Boston and other eastern cities. u ~ u Mrs. Gray, Twenty-fourth Street, entertained at a bridge whist drive on Thursday, 11th November. Miss Nellie Steven- son won the ladies'rize, that for the gentlemen going to Mr. W. B. Thomas. u Mr. Donald Davidson, of the Pauline Johnson School, is away sick. Mr. H. A. Millan is building a house at Twenty-fifth and Mathers. u Mrs. Parkinson, Travers Ave., has moved to the city. Mrs. McLeod has rented the Sparrow house on Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson have rented the house of Mr. B. R. Harrison on Marine Drive. A special meeting of the L. 0. B. A. will be held on Fri- day, November 26th, at 8 p.m., in Dundarave Hall, when the Right Worshipful Grand Mis- tress will pay an official visit to the lodge. Miss Marjorie Pineo, who has been a resident of IVest Van- couver for the past few months, has left for San Francisco, where she will join a party of friends sailing to Honolulu for the winter. The friends of Mr. J. A. Cot- ton will be glad to know that he is making satisfactory progress after his recent operation at the General Hospital. Dr. A. C. Nash of Lillooet has bought the house of Mr. Rimmer at Fifteenth and Clyde and he and his family will arrive here in two weeks'ime. Dr. Nash, who is a M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P., has been resident agent of In- dian affairs and inspector of schools for eight years. He was also resident physician for some years at the Miners'nion Hos- pital, Sandon. Ferry No. 6 was laid off for a day or two this week during the slack hours for minor repairs. u u u Mr. MCCandlish, for many years a resident of this munici- pality, left this week for Kam- loops to enter the Home for the Aged there. Mr. Wallace has bought a lot on Jefferson and Twelfth, where he intends to buikl a house im- mediately. r Mr. Rnd Mrs. Charles E. Win- tle have returned from their honeymoon trip and are resid- ing at York Cont%, Kitsilano. Mrs. J. G. Teare has returned from Vermilion, Alta., where she has been visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. R. S. Colpitts. Real estate dealers report more activity in West Vancou- ver realty than has been the case for some weeks. A number of inquiries are being received and some sales have been made. There is still a dearth of houses, with conveniences, for rental in the district and most real estate men find it difficult to supply the demand in this respect. C. MclNTYRE PASSES AWAY Mr. Charles Mc&ntyre, so well known to the people of West Vancouver, passed away yester- day morning. Interment will be made in Ocean View Ceme- tery from Center & Hanna's par- lors at 2.80 p.m. tomorrow (Sat- urday). The Board of School Trustees West Vancouver SUBSTITUTE'EACHERS WANTED The Board of School Trustees wish to make up a list of Teachers who are available to act as substi- tutes; and invite applica- tions, giving qualifications. Please give telephone num- ber if any. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary. PERSONAI S =~~a C. N. BARTON CLONGUINIE RABBITRY 16TH AND QUEENS London Feshioo Fur CHINCHILLA Pelting Season About to Open NO STORAGE PELTS Fresh Tanned Peite $4.00 each THE SPOT CHET SHIELDS'TORE for Confectionery, Periodicals Tobacco, Etc. 11th Street, near Ferry Landing NEILL'S GROCERY Marine Drive. (between 21 2nd 22) TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY PHONE WEST 690 West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th WANTED TO RENT Four-room unfurnished bungalow or cottage, full plumbing, bath, be. tween Aitamost 2nd Sherman's. Good view. About $25 per month for year's lease. Apply, with full particulars, "Renter," clo West Van. News. HALL TO RENT THE NEW ANBLESIDE HALL Corner 14th and Marine with a floor space of 2,000 square feet, is available for RECEPTIONS, DANCES PRIVATE OR PUBLIC PARTIES, Etc. This is the most modern and up-to-date Hall in the District and is fully furn- ished for such occasions, having Piano Crockery etc For Terms apply-- MRS. C. HAY, Telephone West 21 tI REER w 00 D S GROCERY WEST 16 SPECIAI S FOR THE WEEK K. B. Pure Strawberry Jam, 4-lb. tin...„......., 63c Pure Apricot Jam, 4-lb. tin ................ . .., . 50c California Grapefruit, 4 for .........., ... 2;&c New Prunes, 2 Ibs. for....25c Heinz Tomato Soup, 3 for ...................... 35c Butter, finest Alberta 3 lbs..................$ I.20 Choice Mincemeat, per lb....................20c Wild Rose Pastry Hour 10 lb. bag .......... 55c Fresh Fig Bar Biscuits, per lb................ 25c Hollyburn Theatre rrlduv uud 6 ~ &urdu&. Nur. isib C 20ib "K I K I" kpsieur, uKikiu is the finest thing Norma Tatmadge bas dane in her Career, an&i need it be caid, moa ami, that's the finest the screen has. XMAS and NEIV YEAR GREETING CARDS Good Selection to Choose from at PEARCE'S DRYGOODS idtb St 2nd fifamne Dnve Phone West ldt XMAS NEEDS Fruits Peels %uts Spices, Etc. We Have Them in All Varieties Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily Phone Your Orders DAILY DELIVERY LOADS THAT ARE UGHT PHONE 48SL L H. REID OH, ffitCHEY, WE &SOT HOREN A SVSHE L, HONE S 'T COCOttHESSI AW, WHATC HA WANTA TELL 'I M Fotb I i' NE R'E SNE P HE&LE SNEP! ttE-E.EIL SNEP'. 0 Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Whar! WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. PI+NO TUivli&G and1&EPAIRS h1andotin, Banjo, Guitar, aii styles accurately taught IV. CUTHBERT Phone iyeut 149T SereYoIIr EnnggP gkfi FIItIUe lg~ i /~tf GONNA &&A&N NO HO RE you wearing out your healthA Rnd strength every week over a Rshtub as your mother and grand- other did & Save your time and energy for other and better purposes by using an Elec- ric Vfashing Machine. The great force of electricity can do the wort more perfectly than your two hands, saving you long hours of rub Rnd scrub and the backaches. Vfe will be glad to extend the usual time-payments on our washing mach- ines which make it possible for anyone to acquire one. See our nearest agent. Rwur&AV.C( .- rui ~ ru BIIrnSII COIISM 'ZCTIIICRmKINIrCe VANCOUVER VICTORlA ~l-td