West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Nov 1926, p. 4

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001B6C07 THE WEST VA N &N EWS November 111th, 1026 I HINTs yon THE HOiilE i„ The Will To Be Noticed Trouble-Saving Ideas All dyes should be strained through muslin before being added to the water. Parson applied to windows mill make them clear as crystal. A brilliant polish will be given to glassware by adding a little vinegar to the rinsing mater. Enamelled pans can be thor- oughly cleansed by scouring ndth crushed egg-shells and snapi mater. Varnished paint nr enamel can be eifectively cleaned with a weak solution of vinegar and water. Linoleum will not crack if cleaned with oil and vinegar in equal parts. Oatmeal is responsible for more defective teeth than either white flour or rice. Sour milk will often remove iron rust from white fabrics. A little bicarbonate of soda mired to a paste with cold water is splendid for removing scorch marks perspiration and other stains from white silk. To prevent pickled cabbage from turning blue, place a lump of sugar in the jnr before the vinegar is poured on. Preserving pans the norse for wear are apt to burn. To pre- vent this, rub them over with olive oil before putting in the fruit. Grease can be removed from the hair by ivashing it in ivarm water to which a teaspoonful of borax has been added. To prevent a cake from be- coming heavy, when taken out of the oven it should be put on Party at WhytecliffWest Van. High Students'ssociation Mrs. F. S. Jones and Mrs. C. Read entertained on Sstuirlay evening at the Horseshoe Bay Hotel. Cards and dancing were enjoyed. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Colwell, Nrs. Patterson, Mr. Rogers, liir. F. T. Cnpp. Those present from Vancou- ver were: Mr. and Mrs. IV. Wels- ford, Nr. and Mrs. E. H. Hogg, Nr. and AIrs. G. H. Cohvell, AIr. and Mrs. Stan Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Allen NcConnell, Mr. aml Mrs. IV. H. McClellan, AIr. and Mrs. E. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Copp, AIr. and Mrs. F. Egan, Mr. Shirley. From West Vancouver: Mr. John IViison, Miss Clara IVIlson, Miss Kitty Wilson, Miss Vivian Jack man, Miss Helen Ritchie, Miss Emma Thorpe, Miss Lena Rogers, Miss Dorothy White, iiirs. F. Doivney, AIr. and Mrs. White, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rogers, Mr. T. Pretious, Mr. Lane, Mr. II. Thorpe. Mr. F. Jones. a wire meat stand to allow the steam to escape. Always mix pastry with a The last regular meetmg of the above association took the form of a concert by the Matri- culation Class. The following was the program: "0 Canada".......Student Body La Maison au Jacques ........... .............Monsieur le Principal Reading ..........Kenneth Garland "Like Pecans, They'e Nuts" Jean Hood and Molly Edwards Recitation ........Isabel Hammond Reading.....J. Northcott Earley Song ......................Matric. Girls Reading ........Reginald Hamilton God Save the King knife; it will be lighter than when a spoon is used. Touch it as little as possible with the hands. Afembers of the Women's As- sociation and members of the Scottish Society met in the United Church Hall last Thurs- day to bid farewell to AIrs. AIc- Clenand, who was leaving IVest Vancouver with her two boys to join her husband at Kelomna. Afrs. Ritchie spoke very feeling- ly of the loss the whole com- munity was suffering in the de- parture of Afrs. AfcClelland and her family from the community in which they had lived so long and referred to Nrs. McClel- land's bright happy nature. AIrs. McVean, representing the two societies, presented Mrs. AIc- Clelland with a gold wrist watch ~ and bracelet. Afrs. AIcClelland replied in her usual bright fash- ion and promised that she would come back as soon as she could. Refreshments were served at the close. VETERANS, ATTENTION! A meeting of the AVest Van- couver branch of the Canadian Legion will be held in the G. W. V. A. rooms, Ferry Building, at 8 p.m. Friday (tonight). All members of the Legion and old members of the G. W. V. A. are asked to attend, as a number of important business matters will be discussed, and it is intended to draft a schedule of the social activities of the Legion during the winter. "Douglas" Day November 19th The Native Sons of British Columbia have asked the coun- cil by letter to do their utmost to bring before the children of IVest Vancouver the circum- stances surrounding the found- ing of this province. On Novem- ber 10th, 1858, Governor James Douglas administered the oath of oir&ce to Justice Begbie. Pro- clamations were read creating the colony an&i cancelling the trading monopoly of the Hud- son's Bay Company. TIIE NEWS publishes this informa- tion on the request of the coun- cil, Principal Brealey having re- ceived a similar request. Phone West 4 D. MORGAN, J.P. REAL ESTATE nnd INSURANCE BROKER Twsnty-AC&h snd Mnrinn Dr. "News" Carrier Saves Life of Child George Tite, one of the West Van. News'arriers, on Sunday morning saved little Bud Jenvey from drowning on the water- front at the foot of Fourteenth. Little Bud, who is only 3 years old and a new arrival with his parents from Swift Current, has not been accustomed to playing near water and slipped in above his depth oif a log. The ti&le, at the full, was carrying him out to sea when George Tite, who is only 13 years old, jumped in and brought him to shore. A great deal of credit is due George for his plucky action in saving the little child from certain drown- ing. Neither the victim nor his rescuer were the worse for their immersion in the cold water. D. D. ROBERTSON 14&h Sc. Bsck ci Hniiybnrn Ball Cck&cc& Srn4 cnd Unlcls&cccr Furs&ccrc made cn order. F. Newman 5 D. Robbins BUILDERS Musical Society to Attend Funeral All members of West Van- couver Musical Society are re- quested by Professor Aforgan to attend the funeral of Air. Charles Alclntyre, late president nf the society, which will take place at Center dc Hanna's chapel, Georgia Street, Van- couver, at 2.30 p.m. Saturday. Iinnsc Psis&crs, Pspcrhnngcrs nne Knisnslilllilg Reasonable Terms House Phoae Wcsi i.'17RS Peep O'sy Ms&hers & 29&h By Dr. Frank Crane The other day a small bny in Chicagn sivnllmv&d n nail to attract attentinn. The desire to be noticed follows men from the first breath to the last. It is a craving an real as the desire for food. This "&vill to be noticed" results in daily demonstrations, some fantastic and some tragic. In an eastern state a young man put several sticks of dynamite upon a railroad track. He said he intemled to rush out and remove them just as the fast passenger train appeared --thus making himself a hero. Unfortunates for his plan the explnsive wns discovered before the train appeared and he ivas arrested nnd sentenced to the penitentiary. Another young man told a thrilling story of leaping from the deck of a vessel and rescuing n drowning man. While he ivas in the ivater, he said, someone stnle four hundred ilollnrs from the pocket of the cont which he had stripped otf on deck. This last detail proved too inte&r.sting. It gave the story front-pnge prominence all over the roun- try. This publicity led to the discovery that there hnd been no droivning man and no four hundred dollars. The youth confessed that he had macle up the story to attract attention and to appear a hero in the eyes of his friends. Even in death the desire to attract attention has power. Many of the suicides in New York occur nt the 125th Street elevated station during the middle of the day. Those who leap from this platform land in the middle of a busy street. It is caid that in a town in Italy a guard has to be kept on a certain cIIII overhanging the business district to prevent suicides. The reason the spot was so often chosen is that those who leaped from it landed in the centre of the town be- low. Ever since--and probably before--Empcdocles chose to make a spectacular exit from life by leaping into a flaming volcano, men have sought to attract attention for n final brief moment by means of an unusual death. The "will to be noticed," when directed in lines of real worthwhile effort, has accomplished many of the great achievements of the world. But when applied to vain and useless demonstrations it produces only the tragic or the laughable. COAL COAL COAL WR Aiin 8&&LB AOEN7S FOii The l'amous Coalmont Coal. It ls unequalled Cor ihe range, grate or Curnnce. PIIONE loOR PRICES. The Hollyburn Lumber Co., Ltd. LUMBER--SIIINCL~ASH--1)OORS--FINISH Fnni ci 19&h Street at 'ivsiccicsni OCCics I'hnnn 'ivcsi 94 Residence& Weel 92R2 WE CAll AND DELIVER pnonE wEST 20 SAVORY & DUVAL REAL ESTATFc AND INSURANCE ]420 htarine Drive Phone Went 114 North II'est Vancouver Stages Office snd Waiting Room: 0 Lnnsdsic Avenue AVEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vsnccuvcr for SHERMAN nnd CYPRESS PARK nnthe hour from snd including 7 s.m. &n 0.40 p.mu nisn 20 minutes psst ihs hour from nnd including 0.20 s.m. in 0.20 n.m. and 1.20 p.m, in 11.20 p.m. RETURNING from SHERMAN 20 minutes sC&cr shove times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Lcnvcs North Vnncnuvcr nn the hour from 0 n.m. in 9 p.mu also ni 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, A.SO, 9.20 snd 10.20 p.m., returning Crom Cypress Park 20 minutes after above times. NOTICE Change in Schedule on aml after November ber 15th: The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc.. H P. Tearoe 1640 Haywond Ave. West Vancouver jar. 3f. K. Knjpfel Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA-VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleside Block, Cor. 14th and Marine OIBce Phone West 166 FORTUNE CUP INN AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St. and Waterfront TAXI rn ~n~ s: WEST 110 Rss,: WEST 1001, Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 . FEED, FUEL, CEAIENT Etc. "'""'"' H. DAWSON .A.. BUILDING CONTRACTOR ALTERATIONS, ETO. West 105 West 105 For Heater, Range or Furnace EAST WELLI&VGTON LUMI'AI.T EGG Cnr tinnier cr Fnrnncc for the iisngc 91OST HEAT FOR YOUR hiONEY Thc East Wciiingisn sne Cali Cnsl is rccngniscd ss thc beni cssi nn ihs msrkcl THE WEST VAN SUPPLY (E. H. Mioions) 14th and hfarine--I'hone IVent 105 „„,„„„„,„„,„, McWILLIAMS „„,„„,.„,„, CUSTOM TAILOR Spec&slicing in bien's Su&in nne &&vcr&osis to hicnsurn. Large *nscrtmcni ni Pnitcins &o chcnsc Ocm. OIIDER YOUR &IEXT SUIT I"ROht US. Dry Cleaning l)yeing, ltepalrs and and Pressing P itlCIRS h lie rations Ottii BIsck, psc 'noble lion tsl&Ic. E In&soli 9 see do 0600.gs Dusdi 'ss s Anther tstios9 . gssol ~, ~sosi AIC. Js I jig&inc, nibs Iccidb ssd vecsl &no"m pciidiilii ~ teria. lors&9 If illis~ is visit Prlt 711 " ecch& broth'l.known ihe &cc bicside ~ c )Voodrs 'ir' left "4 Boys visg n the binun Air Gloie 0( the bs piesssst b tbe &blount Iyoodcstl 0 ,~s AIC. I Vancouver ~ ~ Y tcs, of tb& bool I' AII&n& B'ositsed I ~ born 8&b b sickness, 0 ibcosg ~ c I F O'Hsllor Air. "I "ye of trlct cep B ilding slresestS,', ter&soon SS rcs« ill 0 Associstios'050 boosei,Esg» s Ibe winter,street, «I ~ ~ B Iylstle gill ' ber moth st thebomeo 1202 In F Tsboit IVedsesdsy 9 November 2 Avenue 4th from 3 jn Feeds Herrls f tbe Cypress stree bie to attend Io I there owing to sicks ~ ~ ln oor isise ', bsd an article 10 nbI " stated that Hr. G. E., principal of the West Vs public Bcbools, bsd bees cbsirmss of the North Tescbers'ederation. T s mlstske, Mr. Iy. Grsy North Vancouver HISb stslf having been made iosn of this fiderstio Bresley bss been elects& msn of the North Bbori crs'onvention for 1921 will be held in West Vai ~ ~ ~ Air, G. Esies, nbo bs& guest at the cClscbsi early spring, bss gone to isb for 9 fes& months. t;I