West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Nov 1926, p. 3

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001B6C07 Mr. James Jefferies, the well- known butcher, met with an un- fortunate accident early this week, having his thumb and right hand severely cut, necessi- tating several stiches by the doctor. As Mr. Jefferies is a right-hand worker, this will cause him considerable incon- venience and it is hoped that the wound will heal rapidly. TEACHERS WANTED In the current issue of THE NEWS will be found an adver- tisement by the Board of School Trustees inviting teachers who are available for substitute work to send in their names. A list is being prepared from which appointments will be made. Why Wear a Hand Down? when you can get Suits made of Best Quality British Cloth tailored to your own individual measure for $40 and $50 FiT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED RAY BROS. LTD. 80 Hastings Street West Announcement The Royal Bank of Canada The West Vancouver Branch of the Royal i Bank of Canada wish to announce the opening of their new building, corner of Marine Drive aml Seventeenth Street, on Monday next, November 22nd. The new oflice has been fitted with SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, for which a rental charge of $3 and up will be made. Those wishing to procure this service should make early application, as the number of Deposit Boxes is limited. Telephone West 1 A. CHILTON, Local Manager November 19th, 1926 West Vancouver Radio Enthusiasts L. O. L. No. 2990 Andy Reid, 1428 Esquimalt Avenue, operating a three-tube The regular meeting of the set, picked up Sidney, AustraliaL 0. L. No. 2990 was held in (2BL) at 3.20 a.m. on Saturday Dundarave Hall on Tuesday morning last and Brisbane, Aus- night and was attended by tralia, at 4.20 a.m. of the same practically every member of the morning. A concert, the pro- lodge. A number of North gramme for the following day Vancouver Orangemen were also and a dance program was heard Present. The election of officers from Sidney. The results of a took place and they will be in- cricket. match and some an- stalled at the second meeting of nouncements were heard from the lodge in December. Their Brisbane. Reception was fair. names will be made public fol- On Sunday morning, at 3 a.m., lowing the installation. A whist Allix Duncan, Duchess and drive and dance will be given by. Fourteenth Street, operating a this lodge next month. four-tube set, picked up Sidney, Australia. Reception was poor, owing to local interference. Veteran of Two John Thompson, Eleventh and Esquimalt, picked up Sidney the WarS PaSSeS same morning (Sunday), be- tween 3 and 4 a.m. Mr. William Henry Cooke, son Twenty-second and Marine, died on Monday from the effect of in Fatal Accidenthis long service in the Great War. Mr. Cooke was only 16 when he enlisted in the Strath- pn Monda afternoon Mrcons Horse for the South African IVar being the first in Thomas DauPhinee, while driv-e Battleford to do so, and he was ing his sedan down Railway with that unit throughout their Avenue, struck Alphonso James, service in that camPaign. At an Indian from the Squamish the outbreak of the war in 1914 Reserve. The latter is a)leged he again enlisted with the Strathconas and was with them to have stePPed from the side of in France for four years. Dur- the road into the path of the car. ing that time he was gassed and Apparently he was struck a on one occasion buried by the glancing blow by the front and explosion of a large shell. He it is supposed was hit on thehad been in failing health for some time The funeral was head by one of the door handles. held in Vancouver on Wednes- He died in North Vancouver day, the pall bearers all being General Hospital on Tuesday men of his old regiment. night after being unconscious for over thirty hours. Mr. Accident to 'auphinee was held on a formal charge, but has since been re- JameS JefferieS leased on $2,000 bail. THE WEST VAN NEWS Geological Lecture Dr. Burwash, of the Geolog- ical Department of the Univer- sity, will give a lecture on "The Great Extinct Animals" on Mon- day evening next at 8 o'lock. The lecture, which is fully illus- trated with colored lantern slides, will be given in the large hall of the United Church, under the auspices of the Literary So- ciety. There will be no charge for admission. Although the lecture is popular in character, it is not intended for young children. All others ivho are interested are heartily welcome to be present. I. O. D. E. The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., was held at the home of Mrs. David Morgan on Wednesday afternoon, the re- gent, Mrs. W. B. Small, presid- ing. Mrs. Walter Gourlay, educa- tional secretary, was authorized to order three I. 0. D. E. libr- aries, to be donated to the Whytecliff, Cypress Park and Capilano schools respectively. A committee was also appointed to select books for the children' department of the local Public Library. The usual donations to the Hospital Host Fund and the Disabled Veterans were made, also a donation to the Imperial Veterans Christmas tree. Plans for a tea to be held at the home of Mrs. Vaughan on Wednesday, December 15th, were made and the following conveners appointed: Mrs. Pren- tice and Mrs. McVean, afternoon tea; Mrs. Crawford and l)lrs. Waite, home cooking and short- bread; Mrs. Donohoe, candy, and Mrs. Walter Gourlay, the pro- gramme. The hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. David Mor- gan and Mrs. P. C. Chapman. Boy's Choir The regular practice of the above choir will be held as usual Saturday inorning, November 20th, at 10 o'lock, in the Holly- burn School. Chorus work will begin at this practice and the boys are eagerly looking for- ward to the winter's work and their concert. Parents are asked this week to send the boys NOW who are intending to become members in order that they may be fully acquainted with the work. For all information phone Professor Morgan, West 173. Armistice Day Service The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E. wish to publicly thank those who assisted in their Armistice Day service, the offi- ciating clergy, the council for permission to hold the service at the Memorial Arch, Mr. Colin Turner, Mr. Lovegrove and Mr. Duckworth, who helped with the arrangements, Mr. James Mor- gan, who lead the singing, and Bugler A. D. McLachlan. Polly Day Approximately $ 100 was col- lected from the sale of "poppies" and the Duncan Lawson Chap- ter, I. O. D. E., is very grateful for the generous response and apparent good feeling which pre- vailed. This money is turned over to the local branch of the Canadian Legion and is used to assist returned men and tlieir families when necessary. Atta Iloy Mom to Pop: "For two pins iu knack your head off, you reptile." Johnny: "Here's the two pins, ma, let's go." All Sorts Drug etores have to carry au sorts of things. We have Tooth Pastes and Tooth Brushes, Face Powders, Rouge and Lip- sticks, Cough Medicines, Aspir- in, Writing Pads aiid Envelopes aiid Boxes of Stationery, Candy --both bars and bulk--Iiik and School Supplies, Soaps and Liniment end Gum and maybe a few stamps, because "it's too far to walk to the Poet Office," ss one lady naively remarked. Our Phones are WEST 37 and WEST 606 THE WEST VAN PHARMACY THE DUNDARAVE PHARMACY P. S.--We have the things to fill Prescriptions at well. NORMAND'S GROCERY l4ib tt4 IlAR166 .. Pbttt Weft 66 A Complete Supplyof... GROCERIES and CON FECTION ERY WE DELiVER Hollyburn Barber Shop MARINE DR1VE end lbtfh 0th the West Van, Liixiher Ca First Class Work in Ladies', Gentlemen and Children's Haircutting No appointment is necessary. Just come when it's most con- venient for yourself. G. RADLAND, Proprietor AUTHORIZED Ford Service THE ONLY ONE IN WEST VANCOUVER WEsT VA.N. GAP~KG E PHONF WEST 130 Kill Two Birds With One Stone Win a Prize and have Xmas Presents to Boot XMAS CAKES attd PUDDINGS Made to Your Order Place Your Order Early Scotch Currant Bumi and Sbortchhes Automobile Club . Members You have an Ogicial Garage and Towing Seiiice in this District. West Van Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phone West 444 Free Towing to Members. STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE Phone for our delivery van to call Established over 6 Years C. J. OVERINCTON BARBER For the convenience of tbh ladies of the District 1 have bad the telepboxe installed PHONE WEST 135 and make an appoiatment. 14th and l)Ianne DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phone West 6 FRESH MEAT AND FISH Wa Deliver FUEL DryBark, Coal 5 Wood of all kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Currie, Prop) 25th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed New classes now being formed J. M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West 173 Seymour 3058o I.OTS HOUSES ACREAGE C:OAL SAND CRAVEL 16th h'. bfarine Phone W.102 NOTARY PUBI.IC West Van. Investlnent Company 16th and bfarine Drive Phone 'Ãett 102, 1)hy or Night HARRON BROS. ttk iVILLIAII ISON guurrlll Birrrturs North Vancouver Parlors 122 IVest Sixth Stree) Phone North 1S4 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 1S4 Special Offer Until Nov. 30th Only 6 BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS OF YOUR BABY FOR $5.00 And we will enter the Photo FREE in the BABY PHOTO CONTEST at the B. C. Winter Fair "Everybody Knows" THE KING STUDIO ESTABLISHED 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop Phone Shy. 1016 for appointment