001B6C00 November 12th, 1926. THE WEST VAN NEWS The North and West Van- couver Stages are making a slight change in the schedule. On and after November 16th the stage will leave North Vancou- ver at 6.40 instead of 7 p.m. 1 ~ The IVest Vancouver L. O. L. will attend joint service with the North Vancouver Lodge at St. John's Church, North Vancou- ver, next Sunday at 7 p.m. Members will meet at the I. 0. 0. F. Hall, North Vancou- , ver, at 6.16 p.m. The next regu-'ar meeting will be held in Dun- darave Hall on Tuesday at 8 I p.m. ' whist drive and dance will be held in the new Ambleside Hall under the auspices of the Ladies of St. Anthony's Church on Friday, November 19, at 8 p.m. Come and bring your friends. o Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Crowhurst, who sold their prop- erty on the Waterfront a short time ago, have purchased Mr. I Scribner's house at Clyde and Fourteenth. Mr. and Mrs. Scribner are taking up residence with their daughter, Mrs. Mc- Dougall, at the latter's house on Fulton near Fifteenth. Dr. J. E. Knipfel on Sunday evening narrowly escaped a seri- ous accident when in driving up Twenty-fifth Street from the Waterfront his auto came into collision with the rear pgrt of a P. G. E. train. He did not notice the headlight owing to the fore part of the train having passed the crossing when he came up the hill. Very little damage was done to his auto, owing to the fact that the train was going slowly, and he was also driving slowl . ,4 1 As a result of one of the cables breaking which support the old wooden suspension bridge above the Capilano in- Wke, four mountain climbers ere on Sunday morning precipi- ted into the Capilano River. Fortunately they only fell ahout eight to ten feet and, the water being shallow, had no difficulty in reaching the shore. A special meeting of the Women's AuxiliatT of the United Church is called for next Wednesday afternoon at 2.15 o'lock in the church hall. Im- portant business is to be dis- cussed and all members are re- quested to attend. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. King of Victoria were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mabon, Eleventh and Esquimalt, on Thanksgiv- ing Day. o ~ Mr. and Miss McLeod have taken the Howe cottage on Travers Avenue, West Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dau- phinee have returned to their home ab Twenty-ninth and Bellevue. Ferry No. 6 was off for a day or two this week, during the slack hours, while undergoing minor repairs. Mr. Dicks is having a house built on his property at Twenty- fifth and Lawson. While the weather on Thanks- giving Day was not all that could be desired, the gloomy skies and occasional rain did not in anyway dampen the ardor of the hikers. The ferries carried between 400 and 600 more of them than on Thanksgiving Day last year. Mr. David Dewar, Twenty- second and Marine, returned on, Saturday from Gull Lake, Sas- katchewan. He reports the wheat crop in that district as below the average, due to the spell of extreme heat in July. Mr. Hardy is having a house built on Twenty-first and Ful- ton; Mrs. Forrest of Birmingham, England, who is going to China, is a guest of Dr. and Mrs. Stainsby. Nine local hunters left here for Howe Sound last Friday and returned Tuesday night with nine deer, a very good bag for such a short trip. s Mrs. Clara Wilson, Marine and Twenty-fifth, has moved to Twenty-third and Marine. The North and West Vancou- ver stages, which hitherto have been running with four-horse- power engines, are being fitted with six-horsepower engines, the work being in the hands of the North Shore Motors, Ltd. Smoother and swifter service will be the result of the change. Mr. Duncan has rented a house on Twenty-fifth and Law- son. Mr. G. H. Paterson, the elec- trician, has purchased the prop- erty on the Marine Drive adjoin- ing the east side of the premises of the West Vancouver Lumber Company. The building con- tains two stores and a flat above. After he has fixed it up, it is Mr. Paterson'6 intention to open a store there. s o Mr. C. J. Legge has rented one of the cottages of Miss I. M. Knox at Heywood and Twenty- seventh. ~ s The West Vancouver Elks'ance will take place on Friday, 3rd December, in the Hollyburn Pavilion. A good time is as- sured to all those who attend it. o s Mr. and Mrs. Hart of Edmon- ton are staying with the latter's father, Colonel A. Bruce Powley, Twenty-fifth and Haywood. o More boys than girls were born in Greater Vancouver dur- ing October. Males, 68; fe- males, 63. Mr. Vance has purchased a lot at Twenty-sixth and Marine from Mr. Graddon and will build his home there. Mrs. Atkins on Friday caught a 51/i-pound salmon with a rod and line from the stream beside her house on Eighteenth and Marine. Mr. Blair Babcock of Channel View, Keith Road, underwent an operation last Saturday morn- ing in North Vancouver Hospi- tal, and is progressing as well as can be expected. The West Vancouver Branch of the Canadian Legion attended divine service in the United Church last Sunday morning and in St. Stephen's Church in the evening. 1 Mr. Jack Watt of Twenty- first and Bellevue, is in the hos- pital, being treated for ear trouble. Mr. Watt is connected with the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. It is rumored that the Ford Company has bought a site on the waterfront near the westerly limits of North Vancouver City for its new plant. The Thanksgiving service held by the Christian Scientists last Monday was well attended. =-eu=-- p K R S 0 N A I S --=~4~ C. N. BARTON CLONGUINIE RABBITRY ISTH AND QUEENS London Fashion For CHINCHILLA Pelting Season About to Open NO STORAGE PELTS Fresh Tanned Pelts $4.00 each Order Your Favorite Magazines or Periodicals from os Single Copies or Annual Subscriptions Chet Shields CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO PERIODICALS 14th Street at Railroad Trsch NEILL'S GROCERY Msrlno Drive, (bctwcso 21 sod 22) TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY PHONE WEST 690 GREENWOOD'$ GROCERY WEST 16 SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK K. B. Pure Strawberry Jam, 4-lb. tin............63c Pure Apricot Jam, 4-1b. tin . .................... .. 50c Quaker Green Beans, per tin ..................16c Heinz Tomato Soup, 3 for .........................35c Butter, finest Alberta 3 lbs.....................$1.20 Choice Mincemeat, per lb.........................20c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag ............. SSc Fresh Fig Bar Biscuits, per lb....................25c EXTRA SPECIAI. Crosse & Blackwell's PICKLES Four Varieties, Vase Jars Regular 45c for .............. 25c West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily, Phone Your Orders DAILY DELIVERY WANTED TO RENT Four-room unfurnished bungalow or cottage, full plumbing, bath, be. tween Altsmoot sod Shcrmsn's. Good view. About 626 pcr month for year's lease. Apply, with full particulars, "Renter," cto West Van. News. HALL TO RENT THE NEW AMBLESIDE HALL Corner 14th and Marine with a floor space of 2,000 square feet, is available for RECEPTIONS, DANCES PRIVATE OR PUBLIC PARTIES, Etc. This is the most modern and up-to-date Hall in the District and is fully fum- ished for such occasions, having Piano, Crockery, etc. For Terms apply-- MRS. C. HAY, Telephone ivcst 21 Hollyburn Theatre rcldav vvd sa&umav. sar. Iz&b a Isis Rudolph Valentino The Son of a Sheik XMAS and NEW, YEAR GREETING CARDS Good Selection to Choose from at PEARCE'S DRYGOODS 14th St. sod bfsrioc Drive Phone West 144 BOOTH 6Ik LEYLAND We handle Insurance only, and specialize in all branches. As Agents for large British snd Canadian Companies, wo are able to give the best of service snd prompt settlements. s pi Isil \ Miniature Rifle Club Again to Function As a result of a largely attend- ed meeting held last Thursday evening in the store of Ed. Hunter, North Vancouver, the North Shore Miniature Rifle Club, which has been inactive for about six years, will again function and the following of- ficers have been elected for the ensuing year: Hon. president, General A. D. McRae, M.P.; hon. vice-presidents, J. M. Bryan, M.L.A., Mayor G. H. Morden; president, C. E. Lawson; secre- tary-treasurer, L. Rochon; exec- utive committee, F. Watson, George Gauld, W. Green, B. )fright, D. Broadhurst. It is thb intention of the local organ- ization to affiliate with the Dominion Rifle Association an&1 matches will be shot against numerous association teams throughout Canada. The first shoot of the new club will be held at the Drill Hall range on November 16th, at 8 o'lock, the use of this range having been offered by Major W. R, Flewin of the 6th Field Com- pany Engineers, who is taking a keen interest in the formation of the club. VofJ Can Save One Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY FIRE --- AUTOMOBILE --- LIFE 805 Yorkshire Bldg. Phone Seymour 3778 PHONE 4SS L J. H. REID FULTON Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. 111 FIRST EAST PHONE NORTH 1370 NORTH VANCOUVER HUDSON AND ESSEX DEALERS Guaranteed Used Cars ONLY 3 LEFT In order io make space for Neiv Essex shipmenfs, ive ivant to clean up on the balance of our Used Carat and so are going Io sell the last 3 at snap prices: 1922 FORD TOURING, full price ...............................5137o00 1925-6 STAR TOURING, new tires, car like new..... $5?5.00 1923-4 STAR TOURING. blake us an offer. You ran trade in your old car as cash, and the balance ivill be made to suit you PHONF. NORTH 1370 FOR DE310iVSTRATION