001B6C00 go b Ig- TIlE 1VFrST VAN NEWS Nnvemhor 12th. 1926. Mr. David McGregor Passes Away The death occurred on Satur- day evening of htr. David hlc Grogor, at &he 'home nf his daughter, r'&trs. Paterson of "Restholme," hfariuc Drive. Interment was made at the Ocean View Cs.metery, Vanrnu- ver, on htonday. The late htr. David hfcGrcgor, who had been ailing for cnmo time, was in his seventy~seventh rear. He was born at AHoa, Clackmannanshiro. Scotland, and came to West Vancouver from Scotland eight years ago. His wife pro-deceased him by four- teen years. He leaves to mnurn him four daughters, htrs. Pater- son, hlrs. Jack Yeill and ihlrs. Lochhead, aH of West Vancou- ver, htr&L Davidson, Kippen, Scotland. and three sons, htr. T. hfcGrogor of West Vancouver, htr. 1V. McGregor of Yew West- minster, aud htr. A. J. hlcGrcgor of Chicago. VETERANS, ATTEiVTION I The attendance of aa veter- ans is asked at a business meet- ing of the West Vancouver Branch of the Canadian Legion, which will take place on Friday, 19th Yovember, at 8 p.m., in the G. tv. V. A. rooms in the Ferry Building. It is intended at this meeting to arrange a schedule of socials and smokers for the winter season and a number of other important business mat- ters «flil come up for discussion. So far the branch has twenty- one members on the roll, and it is hoped that the other veterans in the district will join the or- der. It is particularly requested that au members of the old G. W. V. A. Branch here attend this meeting. BOYS'HOIR Under the leadership of Prof. Jas. Morgan, the regular prac- tice of the choir will be held on Saturday morning next in the H014burn School, at 10 o'lock prompt. There is still room for several voices in the choir aud the parents are urged to send the boys before the winter's work becomes too far advanced. The present members are very en- thusiastic aud this in itself speaks well for the future of this very worthy and interesting pro- ject. For SH information re- garding membership, etc., phone Prof. Jas. htorgan, West 178. Local Radio Reaches Across the Pacific Mr. Cummings Luke of Twenty-fourth and Ottawa, is one of the very few people in British Columbia who have had radio connection with Australia and Japan. Last Saturday night's programme (the corre- sponding time here being early Sunday morning) broadcasted by one of the Australian sta- tions was caught clearly and dis- tinctly by Mr. Luke, some por- tions of the programme being heard on the loudspeaker. Mr. Luke has also listened to soma Japanese stations. One of the remarkable features of this long distance connection is that htr. Luke has also a 75-foot aerial. Mr. D. WiHingdon, 1472 Ful- tou Street, is another local radio enthusiast who has "caught" these stations. BRIDGE PARTY Miss Nellie Stevenson of "the Clachlan" entertained on Thurs- day evening. the 4th Yovember, at a bridge party. A very en- joyable evening was spent, Nrs. P. C. Chapman winning the ladies'rize, while the gentle- men's prize went to hfr. Tom Turner. -- r The Weapon of the Weak W. B. A. West Vancouver tvoman's Benefit Association hei&1 their first card party of the season on Wednesday evening last in the New Ambieside Hall, and this event was attended by quite a large company of members and friends. Mrs. Castledine, Com- mander of No. 4 Review, also htrs. Spencer, Past Commander of No. 4 Review, were among the guests, many of those present coming from Vancouver and North Vancouver. Military whist was played aud the winning table was occupied by the fopo&ving ladies and gentlemen: Dr. and AIrs. Rob- erta Vass and Mr. and Nrs. R. A. Ogilvie, who were recipients of handsome prizes. Dainty refreshments were served, Mrs. Romans, assisted by Mesdames Pearson and Thompson, being convener for this occasion. Prior to the card party, West Vancouver Woman's Benefit As- sociation held their regular meeting, business being briefly dealt with, and the pleasing an- nouncement was made that Mrs. G. J. Kidd, of Vancouver Review'o. 2, has been appointed dis- trict deputy for British Colum- bia. Nrs. Kidd, a most capable and earnest worker of the W. B. A., was accorded many hearty congratulations on her appoint- ment. She is well known to the members of No. 24 (West Van- couver) and will be a decide&1 acquisition for future progress generally. West Vancouver Review meets every second and fourth Wed- nesdays of the month in the iVcw Ambleside Hall at 6 p.m. This Review is steadily grow- ing in its membership and en- thusiasm and their recent card party was a huge success. West Van. Resident in Auto Smash Allegedly due to the fog which prevaile&1 on Wednesday night, Srd November, a serious auto collision took place on Third Street hill, North Vancouver, be- tween the car of Nr. C. Goodwin, Twenty-first and Argyle, and an auto driven by Mr. Chisholm of Vancouver. hIr. Goodwin an&1 Mr. Chisholm both escaped in- jury, but Mrs. Chisholm, who was in the car with her hushun&1, was cut about the face when her head was driven through the windshield by the force of the collision. The two cars were badly wrecked. Take A Walk If it's Sunday afternoon, Take a walk. If you feel approaching gloom And your music's out of tune, You will find it such a boon-- Take a walk. Faithful puppy at your heels, Take a walk. Snatch a cane from friendly trerh It is there for you aml mc, 'Twill help you step along with glee-- Take a walk. If you love a quiet hour Take a walk tvhere shy squirrel stops to look, Stones washed clean in running brook, Make all outdoors your picture book-- Take a walk. --Youla Murray. West 105 West 105 For Heater, Range or Furnace EAST 1VELLtiVGTOiV I.Uiiu'AI.T EGG for )fester or Psvsscs for the i&coze htOST HEAT F0&i YOUR 'iiON EY The East Wcniog&oo ssd Gsit Coal is recognized as the best coal on thc msrhcL THE WEST VAN SUPPLY (E. H. Minio&)s) 14th and Marino--I'hone Wc&et 105 ltv 1)r I rank Crane Recently there was a procession of the maimed au&i wnundcd veteran snl&licrs nf France conducted in silence. with the hnpo nf inducing the Unite&i States tn relent in its &lcmaml for payment of its )var debt. This is snmcwhat akin to the hunger strike as recently practiced by advocates of various causes. In substance it is to say, that wc acknmvle&lgcd your superior poiver. but if you compel us to live up to the exact terms of our obligation we will come around nml bo sick on your doorstep. It is the tyrnnny of tenrs. hfany strong mcn are under the domination of their wives simply because to refuse the wives their way brings on an unpleasant scene. They will cry or have an attnck of nerves, or otherwise make the home disagreeable. Perhaps the ivcakor people cannot be blamed for this. for it is their oug weapon. They have not the strength to carry out their will. They have only strength enough to arouse pity and sentiment which they hope will accomplish their purpose. Babies learn this very carly. The only &veapon is to cry. By making a lou&I noise they hope to get their way. When we grow up we become arlcpts in hypocrisy and instead of crying )ve indulge in complaining. But it is afl the same. A complaining man or woman is simpLV a grown-up baby. We are aH familiar )vith the man or woman in a club or church rvhom all must placate in order to keep the recalcitrant in&lividuai from making trouble. It is uot a pleasant spectacle to see a mcn&licaut making a living by exhibiting his sores. nor to see a househokl dom- inated by a &vhining child, nor to see 0 strong man torrorizeri because he is afraid his wife will flop. It is uo disgrace to be weak, but it is a disgrace to use your weakness as a weapon by which to gain your owu way. The tyranny of the strong by force is intolerable, but it is no more intolerable than the tyranny of the weak by their adopting means to make matters unpleasant until they accom- plish their purpose. COAL COAL COAL WR Ai&F. SO&,R A&)FN')S Frill The Vltmous Co;Ilmont Coal. It ls unequalled for the range, Erato oc furnace. PilOiVE FOit PIIICES. The Hollyburn Lumber Co., Ltd. I.US&BR)t--Sii&N&il.ES-SAS)1 iu)&)i&s-- F)Nt&&H Foo& of 18th 8&iso& at Ws&eefeos& Residcscsi West SSR2Office Phono IVcs& 84 ,„„,.„„„„„,„,E Ms WILLIAMS GUSTOht TAILOR Spcoisiisiog In bien's $&eeles sod Ovsrcos&s io h&sssors. Lsrgo Aseovimeoi of 1'soeios io choose i&em. Olti)ER YOUII iVEKT SUIT Fltohl US. Dry Gleaning Dyeing, Itepsirs aud aod Pressing P Rich:S Alterations WE CALL AND DELIVER PRONE WEST 20 SAVORYc%. DUVAL RFeAL FrSTATFi AND INSURAiVCR 1429 Marine Drive Phone West 114 North III'est Vancouver Stages Office sod Waiting Room: 8 Lossdsic Avenue WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North vancouver for SHERMAN sod CYPRESS PARK on thc hour from sod including 7 o.m. to G.40 p.md also 20 minutes past tho hour from snd including 8.20 s.m. Co 0.20 s.m. ood 1.20 p.m. &o )1.20 p.m. RETURNING from SHERhfAN 30 minutes ofter above times. SUNDAYS nnd HOI,IDAYS Leaves North Vancouver on tho hour from 8 o.m. &o 8 p.md also at 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.80, 0.20 sod )0.20 p.m., returning from Cypress Psrh 30 minutes ofter above times. NOTICE Change in Schedule on anrl after November ber 15th: The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. t Br. 3l. K. KnipfelPhone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Ete. H P. Tearoe 1640 Hsywnnd Avc. Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA-VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Amblesido Block, Cor. 14th and Marine Office Phone West 166West Vancouver FORTUNE CUF INN TAXI Ches ~ i WEST i&8 Ress WEST &SGL AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St and Waterfront Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEA&&LE Phone Wssi 0 FEED, FUEL, CESIENT Ete. "'"-"' H DAWSON BUILDING CONTRACTOR ALTERATIONS, ETC. Phono West 4 D. MORGAN, J.P. REAL ESTATE sod INSURANCE BROKER Twenty-Acth sod Marine Dr. Ambleside Toa Rooms Iesccy Whscf WEST VANCOUVER Camp sod Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, stc, D. D ROBERTSONE. PALMER 1 i eh Si. i)soir ol iioiiy bors i&sit Cebleee Sfeeer see& Uslelererer Fora&toro ms&is io order. Sloncmoson & Bivollofcr Fireplaces s Specialty Cspiisoo P.O. Ph. North si)R2 Voftb 'lf Tke Stsges 11 ueefco chsotN veri) sligh sitef e No stsge 440 iust",fst ' Vsucou The "",1st sec , „ttcsdj vefwill Vsuco" Vol Iioft Church d IJobs'4 ext Suu 'er,"'" wtti Vm,'icrubeN Holi Vo I 0 4tgpm ver st; g will &'Isf mes Ill ou Tut dsfsve As ~ ;,1 df v 0P A&&his the uev be held'" lhe su Ilsll 0 St Authc dies o Voiemt on &Come su&I 'dsyi '.m. Irieuds e ~ Krs btr, s" wbosoli CN h""" "Wsteft erqr hove Pui ou the '8 time sgo house st Scribuefs 'f Fourte tskiug eoth S,ribuef g ht h their doug wit Om lett& Doug '»iteeu Fultou ussr i,, pf J E. Eutpfe evening usNG owl e'us occident when Tweuty.tilth StÃ'stelfrout his sul eollisiou with the fi F.G.E,trois. He& l f th hesdlight owiui part of the train the casing when the hill. Vefy little dose to leis auto, & fsct that the tfsiu slowly, sud he wss slowly. As 4 result of csbles breaking wi the old woodeu i)ridge above the & ke, four mouuts ere on Sunday moi ted into the Csp Fortunately they or eight to teu feet au being shallow, hsd in reaching the shc ~ e e A special meet Women's Auxilisi United Church is ce Wednesday sfteru& o'clock a the cbur& portent business ii cussed eud sll mern &tuested to attend, Miiieiere Iifl Agsijt to As 4 result of 8 Iz& ,Nfiug beld Ia evening in lh Hunter, North VM e st North Shorn Ci . iiilub, which has 1,for about i as function aud the six year& ilcers have b e I eusuisg 8 ele GeueislA 0 'orYear; esi cuts, ~ vicnpl d 'cRsi LAe Mey utive cc '+ L R George mngttee, thb tutu 'coadt Izstio "ouof the "ominion R'tag uumerrus I be il through ussocis The Smt usds wiR b hoot of held atrange ou M thi o'lock ov i the „hsvio ~ use ol inuyEG "uegfi keen 1st eecs, wh the club, &t in the