001B6C00 November 12th, 1926. THE WEST VAN NEIVS its nl- in ive nf. &ul'st Parent-Teachers'ssn. Reception There was a good attendance at the reception given by the Parent-Teachers'ssociation on Tuesday afternoon in the .. ew Ambleside Hall, about 100 being present. Miss Anderson gave a P. very interesting and convincing address on the necessity of hav- ing a chair of kIome Economics in the University of British Columbia. Mrs. Hoskins sang and Miss Hilda Wilson played the piano. Tea was poured by , I Mrs. Dauphinee, Mrs. Elgar and ) 4 Mm. Paterson. Mrs. A. E. Young had charge of the social arrangements. Auto Collision at Fulton and Marine Due probably to the increas- ing numbers of autos in use in Canada and the United States, auto accidents of all kinds have been for sometime largely on the increase. A collision took place on Friday night at Fulton and Marine between Colonel Bruce Powley's auto and the auto of Mr. G. Currie. Mr. Currie's machine escaped with little in- jut~, while the running gear and fenders on one side of the other car were badly smashed. Neither of the drivers was hurt. Celebrating St. Andrew's Night ', A splendid aivay of musical talent has been secured for the third annual St. Andrew's con- cert, to be held in the Hollyburn Theatre on Tuesday evening, November 30th, at 7.45. "Big- ger and better than ever." The full programme of artists and items will be published later. Meantime, remember the date, ~ PPlovember 30th. Piping, danc- 'mbtg, singing, elocution. The entire proceeds of this concert will be for benevolent pu&7&uses. An Art Exhibition By J. Porter I sincerely trust that as many as possible will take advantage of a remarkable opportunity which is presented to us of see- ing a good collection of land- scapes by painters of our own time. A firm of fine art dealers, Messrs. John A. Cooling & Sons, of London, England, has sent more than a hundred pictures, which are now on view at Mr. James Leyland's art gallery on Dunsmuir Street, just east of Granville. The pictures are well shown, and Mr. Leyland telL» me that everyone, whether a school pupil or a man with empty pockets, is welcome to go a&Hi feast his eyes, free! The collection is especially strong in English pastoral land- scape, which is one of the finest things in the world. There are places around Victoria which re- call certain parts of England; but we in Vancouver have noth- ing in the least like it, so our en- ~joyment of these pictures is sure Qo be heightened by the contrast. There is a picture of Rye by the famous Turner, priced at 53,000; and we must all look at it. There is a group of watercolor pictures of the East, with wonderful skies and those marvellous ef- fects of light which we never see in temperate climates. But my own preference is a little oil painting of a scene among the Welsh hills by B. IV. Leader, No. 4G. Next to it I should put a watercolor by W. Frost, No. 13. I shall go again, if it were only to see those two. October 1 o o o 6 7 8 o 9 ii 10 o 11 I 14 o si 16 17 23 o Ev Ferry Office Using New Coin Sorter " Little Things i! &I 'i V'l f' There is in use at the Ferry offlce a very ingenious device in- vented by Mr. William Thomp-'onfor the &Iuick handling of Coral Insects the quantity of silver received there every day from the fare It is written that "the foolish boxes. This device consists of things of the earth confound the three trays, the bottom of each wise," and that means the little of which is pierced with a series unnoticed things in life are very of holes. All of the coins re- important. ceived are first emptied into No. Nothing is too small to let pass I tray, which has holes just unheeded, for we find all that is large enough, when the tray is great is made up of but countless shaken, to allow all of the small tiny things. 6 cent pieces falling through. Successful lives of great men The coins that remain are then for instance, like Robert Louis placed in the second tray& the Stevenson, are made up of daily holes in which are large enough efforts put forth in the right dir- for small one cent pieces and ection; little unselfish thoughts . dimes to escape, and the third expressed in numerous ways, tray, when shaken, eliminates and such kindly actions as can- all the big nickels. Thus, only not fail to receive their reward. the quarters, big one cent pieces In God's universe there is a and larger coins that are left place and pu&7&ose for every- have to be sorted by hand, re- thing. You have your "small suiting in a considerable saving corner," and work to do--I mine of time and labor. --and even the tiniest creatures ocean have theirs! 66 II I Yh Amongst these are the coralHallowe en Party in the darkest depths of the workers -- insects so small we cannot think of them singly, but Mrs. Louis Ajello, Twentieth only in numberless masses. and Inglewood, gave a Hallow- Ages come and go while these e'n party to her friends last wee creatures live and die in the Saturday evening. The evening depths of the sea, each adding was spent in dancing and games his portion of labour tu the wak- Among those present were Mr. ing of a home for man. and Mrs. Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. As the bee makes honey from Sidney Penny, Mr. and Mrs. Tom the food he eats, so the coral in- Cutler, the Misses Frame, Miss sect builds a house for itself Eva Stevenson, Mr. Jack Bad- from the calcium carbonate it cock, and Mr. and Mrs. George gets out of the water. Cross. Miss Frame Presided at These insects join their homes the piano. together, and cleverly make little tunnels through which to pass Truck and Auto in Collision from one part of the mass of coral that mounts up, to an- On Wednesday morning, 3rd other November, Mr. Bert Hawkes, driving his Ford delivery truck, In the Past, shiPs have been was in collision at Twenty-fourth wrecked against these coral reefs and Marine with the car of Mr. that have risen in the oceans; L. S. Garthorne. Neither driver but now-a-days the seas are tvas hurt. but the Ford was bad- chartered and such places mark- damaged in front the radia- ed so that accidents may be a- tor, fenders and windshield be- ing smashed. Mr. Garthorne's Great chunks of coral are car escaped serious damage. broken off these masses throughsea worms boring their tvay into L. the rocks. The waves throw . O. B. A. these broken portions high up on the reefs, pounding them to powder which collects on the sur- The regular meeting of the face above, and thus ground L. O. B. A. took place Thurs- day, November 4th, in Dun y 6 darave Hail, when there was a Seeds wafted by the winds fall The election of offlcers for the trees washed out to sea by the coming year was the chief busi- tides lodge and grow; and tired ness of the evening, these being: land birds find a welcome resting Worshipful Mistress Sister Turner; Deputy Mistress, Sister Thus the coral isles provide a Rivers; Chaplain, Sister Bar- new home for man, who when he hour; Recording Secretary, Sis- arrives upon the scene discovers ter McTavish; Financial Secre- timb« ieady to be felled; birds tery, Sister Denniston; First nesting; flowers blooming; and Lecturer, Sister Sentence; Di- an thanks to the little»vo'rkers rector of Ceremonies, Sister of the sea, who may be classed Duckworth; Inner Guard, Sister among "the foolish things of the Carley; Outer Guard, Sister Jones; Committee, Sisters Jones, Rivers, Barbour and Denniston; Auditors, Sisters Sentance and WeSt VanCOuVer Brother McTavish; guardian, Brother McTavish. Scottish Society A whist drive will be hekl on Thursday, November 18th, in Dundarave Han at 8.15 o'cjock. Under the ausPices of the Good prize . above society a Jacobite recital, entitled "Bonnie Prince Charlie:oo prizes. Causes and Results of the '4o,' RAINFALI. FOR OCTOBER will be given by W. R. Dunlop, F.R.G.S., in the Clachan Hotel 74 ",, on Friday evening, Noveml&cr 40 „. 19th, at 8.15. Some splendid vocal numbers will be given, including solos hy Mr. J. Lowden, baritone. This recital is open to the public of IVest Vancouver aiul a most en- joyable time is assured for those who are able to avail themselves of this opportunity. A silver collection will be taken and tea .72 " will be served, The society meets regularly every third Friday in the month at "the Clachlan." All eligible and intending members please communicate tvith the President, phone )Vest 18GL, or Secretary, Total 8.89 ins. phone IVest 101. You'd Feel Good Too if when you recommended a cough syrup to a cus- tomer they liked it so well that they would in turn recommend it to nine of their friends in two days, who also bought. This happened right in West Vancouver with Gemmill's Improved White Pine Cough Syrup. Get a bottle and keep it on hand. Equally good for children as adults Our Phones are IVEST 57 sud WEST 606 THE WEST VAN PHARMACY THE DUNDARAVE PHARMACY NORMAND'S GROCERY 14th ssd IIJIRIIJE .. Pksse Watt 65 A Complete Supplyof... GROCERIES and CON FECTION ERY WE DELIVER Hollyburn Barber Shop MARINE DRIVE aud Istic OSS the Wvat Vaa hamhev Co First Class &york in Ladies', Gentlemen and Children's Haircutting No appointment is necessary Just come when it's most con- venient for yourself. G. RADLAND, Proprietor Troughton & Barrow Buy a LOT lov s Home; a Home means a LOT. Real Estate & Insurance Hstts SINCE Isla Duudsrave Phone West SS Pi/NO TUNING sndREPAIRS Msudohu, Banjo, Guitar, all styles accurately taught W. CUTHBERT Phone West 409Y AUTHORIZED Ford Service THE ONLY ONE IN WEST VANCOUVER WEsT VAN. 6ARAG E PHONE Wh:ST 130 Xmas Thoughts for Today Xmas Photos ""'"'" "'" """'hotos Established 1902 STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Shortbread and Nut Loaves Daily V. V. VINSON, Prop Automobile Club Members You have an Gaia&el Garage sud Towing Setvice in this District West Van Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phone Wmt 444 Free Towing to biemhevs. HAVE OUR DELIVERY MAN CALL Phone West 27 Established over 6 Years C. J. OVERINCTON BARBER For the convenience of the ladies of the District I have hed the teiephoue mstaRed PHONE WEST 135 aud make au appoiutumut. 14th and Marine DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phoae West 5 FRESH hiEAT AND FISH Wa DeRvav CHOICEST VIEW LOTS 2 blocks from hjurine Drive and Ferry. West Van. Investment Company 16th eud Marine Drive Phoae West IOZ, Day ov Night FUEL DryBarlf Coal & Wood of ail l-inde, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Currie, prop) 25th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed New classes now being formed J. M. Morgan iV EST VAN CO U VER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West 173 Seymour 8(56o HARRON BROS & WILLIAMSON jf irueral Qtrrctors North Vancouver Parlors 122 IVest Sixth Stree) Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 Iftfniff Srffrlfp 311 HastingsSrreet West