001B6C00 COrrCSPOndenCI: West Vancouver, Nov. 11th, 1926. The Editor, West Van. Ne&vs. Dear Sir: re West Vancouver Water Supply. During the summer months the residents of the higher levels were told they could not have water because there was none. Nopv they are told that they cannot have any because the intake is full of leaveih One supp&mes that when winter comes they will be told that the water is frozen, but what «dll the reason be in the Springy One was always lead to believe in one's childhood davs that the saw, ")Tater, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink," applied to the ocean. but apparently it really applies to West Vancou- vei'. I have been in the sandy wastes of Eg)~t and in the waterless area of the Little Karoo, but never yet have I been short of water, except by enemy action. Is it out of order to ask what steps the municipal council is taking to remedy this intoler- able situation I Apparently writing has no effect, but per- haps the publicity ot'our col- umns will persuade the council to move in the matter. your s faithfully, K. )V. SAVORY. Voters'ist St. Stephen's Church Trinity 24 (November 14th). 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 10 a.m.. Sundav school. 11.16 U.m., blorning Prayer. 7.16 p.m., Evensong. Next Tuesday's meeting of the A. Y. P. A. will take the form of a mock trial in which U &veil-knn&vn young lady wil! be charged with reckless driving a&id doing lnjlll v to a )'uu&lg gentleman of Dundarave. Several boys and girls of the Sunday school are taking part in the swimming meet of the G. V. S. S. A. A. tonight in the C4&na- dian ii(emorial tank. The juvenile football team played a dra&vn game against the strong Knox Kerrisdale team last Saturday and the older boys defeated St. John's Scouts from North Vancouver at Irwin Park by five goals to two. Tomorrow the juveniles will nieet at the rectory at 12.30 to proceed to Kerrisdale an&I the ol&ier boys will play at North Vancouver at 3 p.m. An anonymous contribution of 310 towards church expenses received through the mail is gratefully acknowledged. Six juveniles and one junior from St. Stephen's took part in the Anglican roe&i race in South Vancouver on Thanksgiving Day, but failed to bring home any of the trophies. There was a large turnout of Veterans to the evening service last Sunday, when the rector preached a very impressive ser- mon. The attention of all property owners in the municipality is drawn to an advertisement which appears in this issue. From this it will be seen that in order to qualify as a voter a property owner must register his deed or agreement at the Land Registry Offic in Van- couver on or before 30th inst. Liberals Hold Successful Party Last Friday evening the New Ambleside Hall was crowded to capacity for the invitation whist drive and dance given by the heal Liberal Association. In the early part of the evening the game of whist was indulged in. b(r. Magnus Ross and b(rs. Gar- land carried ogf the prizes. The latter part of the evening was given up to dancing, which con- tinued with very evident enjoy- ment up to midnight. During the evening brief talks were given by Mr. G. G. bgcGeer and Mr. George Hay. Refreshments were served by a committee of ladies and music was furnished by a tuneful orchestra This was voted one of the most enjoyable evenings that has been put on for some time and the general consensus of opinion was that these functions should be given more frequently. blr. Charles Hay and b(r. J. Cra- mond acted as the masters of ceremony. The officers of the Liberal Association were out in full force, as were all local Lib- eral workers. St. Stephen's Bazaar At a well-attended meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Stephen's final arrangements were completed for the annual bazaar, to take place in the Parish Hall on Wednesday. November 24th, from 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. Three new mem- bers were welcomed. The following conveners were appointed: Needlework stall, ib(rs. IV. E. Davies (convener), Mrs. L. Burley Un'd Mrs. Blox- ham assisting; home cooking, bgrs. Millard (convener). assist- ing bgrs. Jorgenson, Mrs. Fieid and bfrs. Phillips; afternoon tea, Mrs. Berry (convener), assisting Mrs. Faulkner, Mrsu Duckworth, IiIrs. Rut(edge and Mrs. Turner; charge of door. Mrs. Hastings and Mrs. J. H. Smith; lish rond, Mrs. Hayes and bgrs. Priest; decoration of hall, Miss Almas. The Junior Auxiliary, in charge of bIrs. Hampson (super- intendent), assisted by Mrm )V. Davies, Mrs. Page and ibIrs. Hug- gins, with the junior girls, will have 8 needlework and candy stall Book stall in charge of ibIrs. Millan. On Tuesday afternoon a sewing meeting will be held in the Parish Hall at 2 p.m., when donations of any kind of books will be received, new or used. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Busiacss aad Editorial OIIics& 1351 Marine Drive Phone Was& 19L ilail Address& P.O. Bsx 101, Haiiybacu, L C. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION 51.00 a pear by mail Nswssiauds 6c p&w &mpy. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Church service, 11 U.m. )Veekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. Mrs. W. Adair, Marine Drive, opened her home to the ladies and friends of the West Van- couver Baptist Church on Tues- day, November 9th. After a pleasant afternoon, tea was served and 8 generous collection taken in aid of the newly or- ganized Mission Band of the church. THB West Va.n Nees Pabiisbsd Every Friday H. HODGSON aud F. F. LOVEGROVE Pabiisbacs ci Bachej Pggn Ths ~tptja, Asn gi& si the Tan&he& ~rani-T (jcrnaan Taea&jny Bsjj, 5 „U blcsi"c .„An« vni. ' Sng Pose"ntst cling e4 «Ty jna the«e- I jjmman (iiafn&s&,hsjr a ing s (jnj«m'l& in the, )I& i CUIUm (jids snd )(&ss Tcs Us. Auto Collision Fi)lt()II a 'ovemlier12th. 1926. THE )VEST VAN NE)VS &VBST VANCOUVER Ciii&ISTSIAS '&TILI, SOON I&B IIFBE IIAYE YOU MADE YOUR PUDDINGS AND CAKES Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall, Marine Dr. Duudarava Sunday Sscvics si 11.30 a.m. Subject November 14th "blurtala and Immortals" Saaday Schssl at 10.00 m m. Tssiimsuy Mssiiug every Wed- nesday at 8.15 p.m. Ivs csn supply ycu with ~ II the iagcsiiicuis is make your Chris&mac dclkacics aud the Uusiiiy is such ihai ycu cau absslu&siy rely upcu, C'urcauis, Raisins, Ix man anii Ci&ccu I'cci. Nuts ahii saucy. &hing calicd for by ynur Iavs~ i&c rue&ps. Vsu can also go& herc the Pass aud Tins In which &u cuak them. Evi cy&hing ia Grcccrhs aud Hscdwars. S L K D'S 0-1+OC 14~1& Y )Ve close at I p. m. every Thursday. Marine Drlvo Ambleslde Phone West 28United Church PVE I&ELI'VEII Armistice and Thanksgiving services &vere hekl in the United Church last Sunday. Many war veterans attended the morning service arid took part in the wor- ship. At the evening service the choir sang very finely iwo anthems and bir. Loudon a solo. Next Sunday morning the pastor will preach on "Some Im- pressions of the Conference on World Service," held during the past week in St. Andrew' Church. Intermountain Building and Loan Association Assets, $ 1,100,000 Caaadiaa Rcgisicrcd Office: Vaucsuvcc iilsck, Vancouver, Il C. OUR CO-OPFRATIVE SAVIN(iS ANI) I.OAN BVSTESI Wit.i. INTEI&EST TOU Call ar I'hsac F1&ED. F. O'HAI.I.GRAN Iiis&ric& lisp&casu&a&isa for Pres& Vancouver Rcsidcucc: Twenty.Third and Bclicvuc I'hoss: Was& 56&ii C babb' Bne 9+M I Snt ing na ka U& Cans( (dents of sl inc&cise kt st Ivjdsy nigon b tween Ca )(spine I an&ipawlcy'I su o Cnprie.br' s e&l wmachine em p n JUryi I rs on one side (n rs csr were bsd y s of the drivers wss Celebrating St Andre) A splendid array talent hss been a&xi third snnusi st Al cert, ta be held in tl Theatre on Tuesd November goih, sj gcr snd better ihsa gull programme of items will ba pnbas 4 ~ bicsntjme, rcmsmj .'I'avember 30th. p g, singing, ciacutj The entire pvacc& can&art will be for pU&poses. Both of the Sunday School teams of the United Church managed to draw their games last Saturday. The Junior "A" team played Renfrew Baptist at'ollyburn,the resulting acme being 2-2, while the Junior "B" team travelled to Kerris&lale Und after an exciting game drew at 1-1. iVext Saturday the Junior "B" team play First United at Sey- mour School and take the I o'lock ferry from Ambleside. The Junior "A" team will also take the 1 o'lock, their oppon- ents being St. Luke's Anglican. FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE IVSUIIANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone west 55 1 I Saying It Again C. Brackenridge, Vancouver city engineer, who recently re- turned from a tour of eleven large Pacific Coast cities, is of opinion that Vancouver an&i &lis- trict has the purest water supply on the Coast. "And so say all of us." It's like saying ihc same &hing over aud over again, but truth is always wcr&h rcpcsiiug. It really pays &o A Hint We Might Well Borrow scud your laundry work ta the "Bur- csrd" bccausc they'e very, very careful people aud their charges acs cx&ccmciy modes&. s ITcy &hcm wi&h one parcel this k i week. The Bmvurd Laundry Limiicd Fcc Prep&a &Vho Acr Par&&ca&ac Ts&XD STXEET ua ST. DATIDS North Vancouver Phone H. Ballard, North 1310 Mgr. CORPORATION OF TH1" DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER VOTERS'IST, 1927 Voters'ist now in course of preparation. See that your name is included if entitle&i to vote. SPECIAL ATTENTION-- None but registered deed- holders aml registered agree- ment for sale hol&lers are place&1 on list. Where agreement is registered. deed holder can not vote on same property. Agree- ments or deeds must be regis- tered at the Land Registry Office, Vancouver, B. C., on or before 30th November, 1926, on which date list closes. JAS. OLLASON, Municipal Clerk. Hollyburn, B. C., 11-11-1926. With Christmas approaching we might borrow a hint from the activities of the Retail Merchants Bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade, who already are mak- ing arrangements to decorate principal streets of the city for Christmas. The plan is to give 0 Christmas atmosphere to store fronts with the idea behind it to induce buyers to shop early and to catch the holiday spirit in time to make ample provision for their Christmas requirements. An Art Exhi By J. Pari The reconsiructjon of the Capilano bridge was the cause of a heated discussion in the council chamber last )Vednes- clay. That there was nee:1 of a new bridge was generally ad- mitted, but who was to draw the plans and who was to be re- sponsible could not, it seems, be amicably agreed upon. I sincerely tpnst 1',» possible wia jsk, ag, s Tcmsrksbla which is prescnte&j 1 m«gaad calle&tie scnpss by psintars time. Are ago„'gmsm JaknA Caaja( Landon, Engjsn&j more than s kundn wkkk are nasi an James Lcyjsn&j II sri Uils&llnjr gjpcct Genvijls. The piet that . «Sqane, whet)""'I S m packets is msn p east kis eyes, greet cojjcctla st&aug I E ." &s scspa,wbkhis ps ngiisk things in a 'nea bntwei In parts aj lngin a "naauver jaymcnt,g (like(i gnmemm T picture of s"d we n „, upicei near 'n gpa " lack ag the Eowstcpca t paintln Spence isa 45 &( abaca.W, alsh kill a Rene wn '« ta j '~majar b t shoi y)V p,a sce Ik i&Sin, ig . Some of the new lights granted by the council have al- ready been installed and are in service. These extra lights have been the cause of much favor- able comment amongst our people. ORTH SHORE) 2:30 p.m. 4:30 2&66 4:56 8:Du 6:06 8:07 6:07 8:13 6:13 8:15 6:16 8:17 6:17 8:ID 6:19 8:20 6:20 li: 35 ORTII SIIORE) I:05 p.m. I:80 3:30 1 &31 8&31 I:33 8:33 I:35 3:36 I:37 8&87 I:43 8:48 I:46 8:45 I:66 8:55 2:20 4:20 WESTBOUND-- (N 10:80 s.m. 12:30 p.m. 10&56 12:66 11:06 I:06 11:07 1&07 11:18 I:13 11&16 I:16 11:17 I:17 11:19 I:19 11&20 I:20 I:36 EASTBOUNII--N 9:06 a.m. 9:30 11:30 a.m. 9&31 I 1 &81 9:88 11:33 9:36 ii:85 9:37 11:37 9:43 11:43 9:45 11:&6 9:66 11:66 IO:20 12:20 p.m. p.m. 0:30 p.m a:66 7:05 7:07 7:18 7:16 7:17 7&19 7:20 8:30 p.m 8:fi5 D:05 D:07 D:13 D:16 D:17 9:ID D:20 Lv. Vancouver ....... 8:30 a.m North Vancouver 8:66 Ambicsida .... 9:06 Iioiiyburu . 9:07 Duudscavc . 9:18 ives& Bay .. 9:16 Sherman..... 9:17 Cypress Park D&19 Cauigciids... 0&20 Ar. Why&ccliivc ........ 9:36 11:30 p.m. ii:55 12:06 a.m. 12&07 12:13 &2:15 12:17 Is&ID 12:za 12:35 Lv. Why&ceo&ra ...... 7:16 a.m Caulgciids ...... 7:30 Cypress Park 7:31 Sherman ... 7:38 West Bsy .. 7:36 Duudsravc .. 7:37 iioiiybucu .. 7:48 Ambicsidc ........ 7&45 North Vancouver 7:55 Ac. Vancouver ...... 8:20 6:05 pm 5:30 5.:3i 6:33 636 6:37 6:48 U:2O 7:30 p.m 7:31 7&83 7:36 7:87 7:43 7:45 7&56 8:20 Ia:09 p.m. IO;Ui IU:03 10:Un ia:07 Ia:13 ia:16 10:25 10:50 Sey, HB Cl Mal OR Sey dooo IRANSI80R1LT$gg'ooo SEYhIOUR AT DUNSj)IUIR Pacific Stages Winter Schedule 1926-1927 Route via Second Narrows Bridge--Third Street--Marine Drive