001B6BF9 November 5th, 1926. THE WEST VAN NEWS 'rs. Crewe, Twenty-sixth and Haywood, is very ill in the Van- couver General Hospital. I~ 9 "Mr. John Wilson has rented the house of Mr. R. B. Cripps on Marine Drive. Madame Burling will shortly open a beauty parlor on Marine Drive, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth, in the store formerly occupied by the Little Shop. e ; Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Newfnan, who have recently arrived from the Old Country, are staying with their daughter and son-in- law, Mrs. and Mr. D. E. Robbin.. + Twenty-ninth Street. I e ; Mrs. A. E. Ellis has rented the Spinks'ottage near Twenty- fifth on Palmerston. i Mrs. A. Chisholm was taken So the North Vancouver Hos- pital on Wednesday. ! ' little daughter was born to Sir. and Mrs. Long, Thirteenth and Clyde, at their home on Sunday, but passed away Sun- day evening. e ;; Mr. and Mrs. Haughton have taken the house of Mr. Evans an Twentieth and Inglewood. r Lieut. Elizabeth Corsie, who lias been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stratton, Marine Drive, left on Tuesday to return to Fernie. 'r. and Mrs. Sidney Smith have rented the Davidson house at Twenty-third and Haywood. Mrs. Rowley and family have moved into one of the cottages of Mr. A. E. Morris on Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Swift Current, are on a visit here and have taken rooms at the rear of Messrs. Byrnell & May's office on Fourteenth and Waterfront. s e Captain Margaret Stratton, who has been visiting her par- ents here, returned on Thursday, 28th October, to Fernie, where she has charge of the Salvation Army. e e ~ Miss M. A. Desmond, a visitor from Seattle over the weekend, was sufficiently impressed with the future of West Vancouver to make substantial investments in local real estate. e e Mrs. C. N. Stearns, of Toronto,'eft for her home on Wednesday, 27th October, after spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. C. Stevenson, Nineteenth and Bellevue. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Gamage at their home on Marine Drive on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Herrin, who moved from West Vancou- ver to the city some weeks ago, have purchased Mr. Vernon's bungalow on Fulton near Marine Drive, having found the lure of West Vancouver irresistable. They will take up their residence here permanently at the begin- ning of the new year. Mr. L. Ajello is building a $7,500 house at Twenty-fourth and Mathers. Messrs. Hodgson & Simmonds are the architects and Mr. Davidson the contractor. Mr. Blair is building a garage in the lane at the back of the B. C. Telephone Co.'s building. The swimming tank used for the Dundarave Regatta has been towed away from Dundarave Pier to Hollyburn Slough, where it will be kept until the season opens next year. e Mr. McLeod is building a house at Twenty-second and Mathers. Mr. N. Williamson is erecting a garage in the lane at the, back of the B. C. Telephone Co.'s building. s s Messrs. Bayne and Smith have purchased the southeast double corner of Thirteenttb and Duchess and expect to start the construction of a bungalow this week. The Senior girls'asketball team of the Pauline Johnson School suffered a defeat at the i hands of the team of the Senior 'ighSchool girls on Monday in Ambleside Hall, the score being 30-2 against them. II' 'r A basketball match was play- ed at the Pauline Johnson School on Tuesday between the girls'eam of Grade VI of that school and the girls'eam of the same grade from Hollyburn School. The latter were victori- ous by a score of 14-8. I The butchers of Hollyburn are closing on Thursday, 11th November, as usual at 1 o'lock, and in future on Saturday nights at 8 o'lock. Mr. William Stratton, Marine Drive, was best man at the wed- ding of Mr. Olaf Germyn, Lynn Valley, to Miss Henrietta Neale of North Vancouver, which took place at St. Andrew's Church, North Vancouver, on Saturday evening. The paving of Bellevue Avenue from Twenty-fifth to Twenty-ninth Street has just been completed. Mr. William Astley, Caul- feild, is spending the winter months in California and will not be back until next April. West Van. Board of Trade Meets By-Laws Adopted There was a good attendance of members at the meeting of the West Vancouver Board of Trade, which took place on Fri- day night in the New Amblesicle Hall at 8 o'lock. Mr. George Hay took the chair on a motion of Mr. McQuaker, which was seconded by Mr. Lunn. A letter was read from the Acting Under Secretary of State acknowledging receipt of the certificate of formation of a Board of Trade in West Van- couver and pointing out that under Section 4 of the Board of Trade Amendment Act, 1920, it would be necessaIT to forward a memorandum of agreement in duplicate, setting forth the by- laws of the board. This letter led to some discussion of pos- sible by-laws, resulting in a mo- tion by Colonel Savory, seconded by Mr. H. C. Osborne, and car- ried, that a committee of three be appointed by the chairman to draft the by-laws, the latter to be submitted at the next meet- ing. The committee appointed consisted of Messrs. Rerrie, Lunn and the secretary, H. May. The meeting adjourned to meet Wednesday, 3rd November, in Mr. John Latvson's office at 8 p.m. The nieeting on Wednesday to pass upon the by-laws prepared by the committee was held in Mr. John Lawson's office. Mr. Lawson was appointed chaiivnan of the meeting. The proposed by-laws were read and after some discussion were adopted. A copy of these by- laws will be forwarded to Ot- tawa, on receipt of which the government will send the board their charter. Colonel Savory moved and Mr. S. Harrison seconded a resolu- tion that the fiscal year of the board end on the 31st Decem- ber of each year. It was also decided that general meetings be held on the third Monday of each month, and if the third Monday falls on a public holi- day, the meeting take place on the fourth Monday. I ER.SONAI~S C. N. BARTON CLONGUINIE RABBITRY 15TH AND qUEENS London Fashion For CHINCHILLA Pelting Season About to Open NO STORAGE PELTS Fresh Tanned Pe'.Is $4.00 each West Van. Saddle Horses 8 Follies See West Vancouver and Hollyburn Ridge on a real Western Pony with a real Western Equipment. Good Service. Noderdte Tsrfff C. C. MacDonald Fred Si. Scott 15th St Mathers Ave. Phone West 39 Order Your Favorite Magazines or Feriodicals from os Sisglc Copies or Annual Subscriptions Chet Shields CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO PERIODICALS 14th Street at Railroad Trsck SPECIAL THANKSGIVING DINNER 75c Cream of Tomato Boiled Cod, Cream Sauce Roast Turkey, Cranberry Ssoce Creamed Potatoes Mashed Turnips Lettuce Salad Plum Pudding, Hard Souse Hot Mince Pie Tes Coffee Milk West Vail Restaurant 1421 Marine Drive at 14th HALL TO RENT THE NEW AMBLESIDE HALL Corner 14th and Marine with a floor space of 2,000 square feet, is available for RECEPTIONS, DANCES PRIVATE OR PUBLIC PARTIES, Etc. This is the most modern and up-to-date Hall in the District and is fully furn- ished for such occasions, having Piano, Crockery, etc. For Terms apply-- MRS. C. HAY, Telephone West 21 QREENWDD D'S GROCERY WEST 16 SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK Nabob Tea, per lb..... 70c Swift's Classic Soap, 5 for .......................25c Nabob Coffee, per lb. 66c Butter, finest Alberta 3 lbs...................$ I.20 Choice ikIincemeat, per lb...........20c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag ................. 55c Empress Marmalade 4 lb. tins for ....,., 59c Fresh Fig Bar Biscuits, per lb......................... 25c Now is the time Io pre- pare your Xmas Pud- dings and Cakes. We have all the ingredients. Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily We close at 1 o'lock Thursdays Phone Your Orders DAILY DELIVERY Automobile Club Members You hare an 00)cisl Garage sod Towing Service in this District. West Vail Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phone West 444 Free Towing Io Members. Hollyburn Theatre Prldar red Saturday. Nor. Ssr and Sth "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE AT THE COURT OF KING ARTHUR" Monday (November 8) being s holiday (Thsnksgiving Dsy), the theatre will open in the eve- ning only, featuring "MISS NOBODY" PEARCE'S DRYGOODS I Ith St. sod Msrine Drive MEN'S WOOL SWEATERS Special $2.75 each MEN'S TIES. BOWS Crepe and Knitted from 50c each Phone West 144 Pacific Stages Winter Schedule 1926-1927 Route via Second Narrows Bridge--Third Street--Marine Drive PHONE 408L J. H. REID FULTON Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork SR Dt. Isli Lv. Vsncoover ....... 8:SO s.m. North Vsncouver 8:65 Ambieside ........ 9:06 Hoilybsrn ...... 9:07 Dundsrsve ........ 9:13 West Bsy .......... 9:16 Sherman.......... 9:1'I Cypress Park .. 9:19 Csulfeads .......... 9:20 Ar. Whytecliffe ........ 9tSG Lv. Whyteculfe ........ 7t16 s.m. Csulfei)ds .......... 7:$0 Cypress Park 7:31 Sherman ...:...... 7:S3 West Bsy .......... 7:$6 Duodsrsve ...... 7:S7 Honyburn .....,.... 7:43 Ambleside .......... V:45 North Vancouver 7;66 Ar. Vancouver,....... 8:20 WESTBOUND-- (NORTH SHORE) 10:SO s.m. 12:SO p.m. 2:30 p.m. 4:30 10:65 12:66 2:65 4:66 11:05 1:06 8:06 5;05 11:07 1:07 3:07 6:07 11:1$ I:13 3:1$ 5:13 11:15 I:16 S:16 5:15 11:1V it17 3:17 St17 11:19 I't19 S:19 6:19 11:20 1:20 S:20 5:20 1:S6 ...... 5tS6 EASTBOUND--NORTH SHORE) 9:05 s.m, ........ I:05 p.m. 9:30 11:SO s.m. I:$0 S:30 9:$ 1 11:31 I:31 3:31 9:S3 11:33 1:33 8:33 9:SG 11:36 1:S5 3:36 9:$7 11:37 I:37 3;37 9:4S 11:43 I:4$ S:4$ 9t46 llt46 I:46 S:46 9:66 11:66 1:65 St66 10:20 12t20 p.m. 2:20 4:20 p.m. G:30 p.m 7:06 7:07 7:13 Vt16 7:1V 7:19 7:20 6:06 p.m 6:$0 6:$ 1 St33 6:35 6:S7 6t4S 6:45 5:55 G:20 Sey. H C MOTOR Sey. 4000 IIULNSPO~IP'000 SEYMOUR AT DUNSMUIR 8t30 p.m 8:66 9:06 9:07 9:13 9:15 9:17 9:19 9:20 7:30 p.m 7:31 VtS3 7t36 7:37 7:l3 7:45 7:65 8:20 10:00 p.m. 10:01 10:03 10:05 lot07 10:IS 10:15 10t26 lot50 11:30 p.m. 11t66 12:06 s.m. 12:07 12:13 12t16 12:17 12:19 12:20 12:36 BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. 111 FIRST EAST PHONE NORTH 1370 NORTH VANCOUVER HUDSON AND ESSEX DEALERS Guaranteed Used Cars ONLY 3 LEFT In order to make space for New Essex shipmen(s. we want (o clean up on the balance of our Used Cars, and so are going (o sell the last 3 at snap prices: 1922 FORD TOURING, full price................................$ 133.00 1925-6 STAR TOURING, new tires, car like new......$575.00 192:I-4 STAR TOURING. Make us an ofl'er. You can trade in your old car as cash, and the balance trill be made (o suit you PHONE NORTH 1370 FOR DENIOiVSTRATIOiV