West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Nov 1926, p. 2

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001B6BF9 Classified Ad8. FOR SALE--Tno lots Caring eon&a. one nearly cleared, 110-Coo& front- age cloee &o good beach. $600 each, on terms. Geo. Gonrlap. Phone West K MRK C. W. ESIERY. Singing. Piano- forte and Tbeorp. Beginners wel- come. 23rd and Bellevue. Phone West 178L WANTED TO REIT--Foot-toom an- Curn&ebed bungalow or cottage, Coll plumbing, bath, between Al&amont and Sberman'a Goad view. Abou& $25 per month for year's lease. Applp, with full particulars, "Renter," e]o West Van. News. FOR SALE--Tao cleared building lots for $450. one-third cask H. C. Osborne, pbone 1'V. 643, Marina Drive at Ambleeida VERY SPECIAL BUNGALOW SNAI' large four-room bungalow, near- lp new and very light. on corner lot 6px126, just half block from Marine Drive. Large liring room. nnbu&ed in silver grey lama«s4 Fireplace and be&i&-in bookcases. Two bedrooms with large ward- robe&L Roomy kitchen with built-in cupboards end shelves, also Cali- fornia cooler. Fully modern with bath. Tastefully decorated, and contains furniture &o match. Gar- age and woodshed. Price reduced for quick sale to $2,MO, on attrac- tive &erma, or comple&elp Cnrn&ebett $3,000. Apply Savory and Duval, West 114. FOR SALE--I'rae&ieallp new Eag&L4b babp buggy (Lloyd& I. Cost $55, sell for $ZL H. 'tv&leon. Wbpqe- cli&r. WORK 1VANTED by capable woman. Domestic, boneekeeping, cam of ebBdren, or anything else. Apply at office of Lvee& Van. News or "Domeeti«," Box 101, Hollpburn. FOR RENT--Fully modern aa(urn- &ebed 6-room house on Water(ron& in beautiful private property. $45 per &aon&b, yearly lease. Phone Leplanil Lveet 63RL GOOD COAL is cheaper and mote convenient than wood. Phone West 643 for Coalmont Coal. H. C. Osborne, Marine Drive at Amble- side. FOR SALE--Axminster rog, Turkey re&L eire 12x14, for $6. Phone West 147R3. FOR LAND CLF LRING, draining, stumps blown, gardening, eoncre e doors laid, etc.. pbone West 6'&6X. FOR SALE -- Bade& aad Dining Table, excellent condition, bo& in- expensive. Apply 668 Sixteenth S&., 7 to 9 p.m., FOR SALE--Nice 4-room nonce. Well cultivated garden. Splendid view. A snap. West 148. CHRISTMAS GIFTS! Artistic Novel- .ties& Mra. Goldarn&6, 2139 Argyle St. (between 21st and 22nd St.) WII.L BUY four-room house, &Va&er- front or good view near nlarine Drive, Twentieth to West Bap. Par- ticulars &o "Proper&p," care of West Van. Net $2,600--RESPONSIBLE PARTY can ge& quality bungalow very cbeap. Located among good homes. Dun- darave District. Modern, brand new, eix rooms, fireplace, cabinet kitchen. cement basemeo&. Rust selL Very eaep terms. Phone West 116. R. P. CLARK & CO LTD. SNAPS IN BUILDING LOTS FOR LOCAL INVESTORS HOLLYBURN GARDENS Extending Crom the Waterfront &o Eeqnimal& Ave., along 15&k S&. (&o which 33 feet have been given &o the Municipality, tberebp increas- ing the w]6&b to 66 fee&I. Oot of a total of 20 building sites. &en (or AC&2 per cent.) have been sold. Every lo& bae been thorough- lp cleared amt &4 ready for a home and garden. The property is very conveniently located, and is wi&bin easy die&ance o( the Ferry landing amt the shopping centre. Prices are attractive and convenient terms can be arrangwL IL P. CLARK k CO„LTD. 023 Hastings S&. W. Sep. 7483. 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 651I THE W'est Van Nereus PabBebed Ererp Fr&der H. HODGSON and F. F. LOVEGROVE PabBebere Bneiaeae aad Editorial Office: 1361 Mar&as Drire Phoae Wmt 19L Mall A66reaei P. O. Box 101, HoBpbora, IL C iVnvember 6th. 1026.THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVERBntish israel Association Dependable HardwareChristian Science Society of West Vancouver (vill nlee& IVext Thursday (Nnr. 11(h) ~ & 8 P.M. in the New Ambleside Hall Corner l&&b and Marine lirbe '&Ve carry ~ full line of IIOUSKHOLD an&l BUII.DKRS'IARDLVARK. Anything Pou want for but&ning, rePa&r&i&g or maintaining a bouee. PA I NTS, OI L'9, VA 14 N IS 1-I ES for nee on &bo ontekie or tbo Inekie of bn&luinge. Lve stack only the beet quality--tbe kind that &love goo&& work end lasts longer. Bop Crom "SEEDS." &he Store ol Se«4&e«&on end 1&eeeoneble Pr«ee. S E I~ D'8 Gl&OC J 'lCY We close at 1 p. m. every Thursday. Marine Drive, Ambleside. Phone West 28 LVE DEI.IVEI& Dundarave Hall, 61arina Dr. Do mla&ave Sunday Sere&co et 11.30 a.m. Subject November 7th "Adam and Fal]en Alan" Sender Scbool at 10.00 a. m. Teat&mony Meeting every Wed- nesday at Ltd p.m. Speaker: Rev. Mark Jukes B.A. Anglican Sebiec&: "THE NABIES OF GOD" St. Stephen's Church Trinity 23 (November 7th), 8 a.m.,--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Suminy School. 11.16 a.m.-- I ioiy Communion. 7.15 p.nl.--Evensong. The members of the Cnnndian Legion in IVest Vancouver nnd nl] other returned men nre spe- cially invited to the Armistice Thanksgiving service nt St. Stephen's Sunday night. The regular monthly meeting of the IVompn's Auxilinry will be held next Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'lock, in the Parish Hali, when nomination of officers for the annual meeting will take place nml Anal arrangements made for the November bazaar. IVi(h only ten players to their opponents'leven, the junior football team defente&l First United last Saturday at Seymour School by one goal to niL Next Saturday they will meet the strong Knox Kerrisdaie team at 1.30 at Hollyburn School. Tuesday night's Ha]lowe'en party given by the A. Y. P. A. was a great success nml thor- oughly enjoyed by the large number present. The hall was tastefully decorated in the ap- propriate colors and the mas- queradern wore 6 wi&le variety of fancy and comic costumes. Ha]]owe'en games were played and refreshments served. At 3 p.m. Saturday, at Irwin Park, there will be a football game for the older boys against St John', North Vancouver. United Church Intermountain Building aud Loan Associatioa Assets, 81,400,000The Anniversary Services of the United Church, he]il last Sunday, were most inspiring. The Rev. P. T. Pi]key preached in the morning and brought 6 message of hope and encourage- ment. Dr. Brown in the evening stressed very much the nee&l of new vision for new duties. The choir sang several anthems in 6 very impressive way. The solo- ist gave great inspipration by her singing. &'anadiea Regle&ried OCC«e: Vaneoarer Block, Vancouver, B. C. OUI& CO Ol ERAT(YE SAVINGS AND I OAN SYSTEM WII.L INTK&&l"ST YOU &.'40 or Phone FRED. F. O'HAI.LORAN Res&dence: D&e&r&r& Representative Twenty Third and Bellevue Cor West Vancouver I hone Wee& 86&11 The Seventh Annual Banquet of the United Church was hei&i in the New Ambleside Hall nn Wednesday evening. Nearly 300 sat down to the splendid repast prepared by the )Yemen'8 As- sociation, through the refresh- ment committee. A fine musical programme was arranged by the choir, in which the following took part: Mesdames Honk]us and Eagar and Messrs. Addy and Harrison. Mrs. Ritchie ivel- comed the guests on behalf of the IVomen'8 Association ant] spoke of the part the women play in the life of the congrega- tion and community. Mr. Haydn Young gave 6 thought&'ul address on the need of unity and co-operation in the work of the congregation. The Rev. E. D. Braden gave an interesting and wholesome address on the pince of the Church in the community. Mr. W. R. Hamilton propose.i 6 vote of thanks to those who had made the evening 6 'uccess. Messrs. Hay, Herrin and Bald- win also spoke am] 6 pleasant evening closed with the National Anthem. II/ &lip "C(cage ] ighgTruck Struck by Logging Train LECTRIC LIGHT is now so cheap,E 0 well-lighted home should be your first requirement.As 6 result of the fog which hung over the Neith Shore on Wednesday, Mr. R. Bartlett, King's Avenue, Dundarave, nar- rowly escaped death when 6 truck he was driving was struck by a logging train on the Capi- lsno Road. Mr. Bartlett was unable to see the approaching train and was almost across the railway tracks when the train struck his truck. The truck was badly damaged, but &air. Bartlett luckily escaped uninjured. VVi&h the new hgh&ing rates of the B.C. Electric, hgh& costs only a trifle, especially at the Iow, second step of the rate. The Junior "B" team of t'. e United Church Sunday School sustained their first reverse last Saturday, when they lost a hard game to Chalmers Church by 2-1. Next Saturday this team travels to Kerrisdale to play Kerrisdsle Baptist. The follow- ing boys will travel by the 12.50 ferry from Ambieside: Gordon Masterman, T. Neiil, Walter Tearoe, Dick Tearoe, Albert Mss- terman, Jack Watson, Jack Watt, Gordon Ashe. Robert Fiddes, G. M. McCulloch, lan Hamilton, C. and D. Stewart. Be on time, boys, the 12.50 ferry's 6 hard one to catch, for it is 10-1 if you get it. Porch lights, kitchen units, standard lamps and decorative lights when burned even long hours consume only a Iew cents worth of current. Big&&58 CofunnI6 Bff&CRlcBlsul&IIrCoHn&&D Opf&en VANCOUV514 IL C, Zoning Bylaw AdoptedHon. Dr. King Visits North Shore Does It Matter?The council on Friday nightreconsidered and Anally adppte&l Zoning Bylaw 318. Does a man really care ble wife works hard or no&7 do anil some don'. Bu& no able man would deny that a &lap at home le as hard a job as an woman can get. People wbo ba their work done at the "Burrarii" eap not only le every&bing done op perlec&lp, bu& tbo reasonable are a genuine eronump. Trp them with ono parcel week. North Vancouver, Nov. 1.-- In response to an invitation from the North Vancouver Board of Trade, Hon. Dr. J. H. King, M]nister of Health sml Soldiers'ivil RO-Establishment, accompanied by Colonel G. H. Kirkpatrick, chairman of the Vancouver Board of Harbor Commissioners, nnd Commis- sioner S. M. Prenter, visited the North Shore on Monday, when 6 meeting of the city snd dis- trict councils nnd Board of Trade was hei&i at noon in the Board of Trade rooms. The object of the meeting wss to discuss matters of vital interest to the North Shore snd to supply the Hon. Minister with first hand informa- tion regarding improvements desired and the urgency of their immediate consummation. At his request a complete memoran- dum of the prpcee&lings will be forwarded to the Hon. Minister. The Junior "A" team play Renfrew Baptist at Holiyburn Grounds on Saturday. Marine Drive May Be Widened Baptist Church Marine Drive has become nar- row for the increased auto and bus tratfic resulting from the opening of the Secon&l Narrows Bridge. A resolution was passed at Friday night's special coun- cil meeting directing the engi- neer to bring in an estimate of the cost of widening the Drive two feet on each side from the east boundary to the On&I of the concrete pavement. Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Church service, 11 s.m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. A pleasing event took place on October 27th at the close nt 6 short prayer service when friends and members of the West Vancouver Baptist Church gathered to welcome back their pastor, Rev. David Long, after a well-earned holiday following s faithful service of five years. The pastor wss presented with a Schofield Bible by hIr, A. Tabor, and 6 short social time was enjoyed by all. The Burrard La For prop&4 Wno Are po&«oub& rnlnp I'&nffl I&4 Sr, ear&OS North Vancouver 1'hone North 1310 H. Baliard, Mgr. I Have you ever notice&i thnt the ads of correspondence schools telling how to raise your income from 815 per week to 820,000 pcr year invsrinl&ly ap- pear in fiction magazines7 For printing s&&e Shoemaker, McLean & Veitch. FOR WATERFRONTAGE snd other property I HOUSES TO RENT, I"IRE IIVSURANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West 55 4 4 4 jreat ~"» +ting pt A ohpr™i 0 I' outer 7 to 8 PVsu"]d ]rom Tues&]4 bshe gall, on sn&e darn" 'the Mr 2nd. be &]evpte C ning " d &Inncing'ho ia ve sn fpf tdllv& giren, 4 sniw]]]be . I drive wh&4 men &eto,d 0 upme g„.c( 'teat'] in contp I Coo&Is 1(ls Char]00] f Lund csgp ', 'eria&" ine D"" 'hule&]sy 've, 4" hour on Mr 1]rs 21st 'nd )tr&L AI h[&h]II]sn rih Vane eton o the]en]ables]d&sl st th I]r@ ] Quests " Ru , Jsmoeg' 'lip "II . I W, 8 " C ]&p]18oll ning bi+:„hsm, h]I ton Cunning H'gh , hire, 0 M&E'y'OI]]dsf end)i F.IV "0 8 I]& I] msn, 1]~ "DII Van&purer an I tnf J, R. ' E,'C. 1 Kerridge hi '. E. Newcom, ]an nnd 1]m, A. ~ berth Vnncou Ratepayers DisNs A isrge sttendsu executive of the Association met ls'ven&ngsnd deaded come before the regu to be held next Tues&] November, in Amb]et 8 p.m. After henri suggestions as ]o Oub terest in the municipe unanimously agreed the matter pf trst (both as regards i schedule) snd also pp " s before the meeting. ters are of great im] the public of this dist: executive hope that be s large turnout &lsp. ipe should be] We do not have ]p the camels csn rm msp drink refresh] In the ttrst piall pt us once in enough ]0 be 2&md ~(]er how xer]p« tion, even thpug d to leap upon .~+ of enh pfincipni velu t,forget ourfe]ves bo value ot,power, ]]4 ubi]'6, P 4] the &]per Ior 4 whlie w he ve A ffiend &1waste nn&] e ]nil,b„l ™Iipw] this nuh o hnpw I 48 Our esl] uow 8 f . you no fiend and b, tier wh llerm ~ burdens In yo Pniih bdesfinp 4 nn ont ]no(h 'owe Goods'~ q&eisa burdens to at the "ms ih's &I es lifo bm I tis no(ip. ]( ]h nrn ghts snd '"2 is & harn&we b Sundny& snh b~enven