001B6BF3 4 AND 5 ROOMED HOUSES TO RENT Desirable Locations and Reasonable Rents Furnished and Unfurnk»hed Vacant Lots and Houses in every part of West Vancouver. Buy now vvhilst prices are low. REAL ESTATE--INSURA&eiCE--LOANS NOTARY PUBLIC CrLsO. I-XAY City Otfice( 315 Cordova St. II I'hone Sey. 12GO 14th a hiarine IVest Vancouver I'hone hVest 21 West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMITED 15th and Marine Phone West 115 Lumber, Lath, Shingles lnuide Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVIC,E PPPR Qf D $QJ E$ l BRING THEM If your choco gct into the "hole in one" club, bring them (o ux. We'l put them back in the class of ordinary mor(oix with Io(x of wear left. Wc're the original shoe doc(ovm THE ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR SHOP F'RED TITE NORTH SIDE OF MARINE DRIVE FOOT SP EOIALIST at Amblcoidc. Two doors from Gxragc Expo&( Workmanship Watch, Clock and 27 Years'xperience Jewedcvy Repairing sf $ B Watchmaker and Jeweller OY. SAGAR) Residence Phone hVest 655 Y A Good Spice&ion oF Watches, Clocks and Jewellevy on hand a& attractive prices 14+ M~E D'YE AMBLESIDE Usec. Car Your chance to buy a used car at Your Price and Your Terms. Come in and Sec Our Stock. NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street bVest, Phone North 1186 North Vancouver Phone North 1350 THE OFFICIAL AUTO CLUB GARAGE ON THE NORTH SHORE Free Towing to Members Quality Meats GET THE BEST HFRE WITHOUT I'AYING hlOST You don't have to pay exhorbitant prices to get quality meats- not if you trade at Jefferies. Delicious cuts of the finest meats at prices that allow you to eat as much as you desire. JEFFERIES Next to Hollyburfv TheeI'HO&NE WEST 3 WE DELIVER ALL hiEATS REPT IN REFIIIGERATOR Fresh snd Cured hips(s, Butter, Eggs, Bacon and Lard THE WEST VAN NEIVS lloliyburn P. O., IVest Vancouver, li. C. The F&litor, West Van. News, llollyburn I'. O. Dear Sir: In reply to the various letters and comments on the transpor- tation department. The ferry schedule now In eiTect is one arrived at after considerable discussion. both in council meetings and by thp pa- trons of the service, anil Includes an analysis of the recent plebis- cite. It is an honest eiTort to improve the service without in- creasing the expense nml is proving successful. Inciilentally, it passed unanimously. Fach councillor was invited to table n schedule, but the one now in operation was the only one sub- Tnitted. The times will suit everyone who csn see the &lifii- culties and it shoukl be pointed out that the chief renson for avoiding the quarter to aml thc quarter after the hour was the apparent necessity of an extra boat at 8 a.m., which the ma- jority of the council considcre&l to be too expensive at around 5500 per month extra. Replying particularly to hir. Lambert, and it is not quite un- &lerstood ivhether he is writing on behalf of the association or e&~ressing his own views, and also putting aside the remarks not affecting this subject, it is a fact that the ferries are as much for his convenience and service as for any other rate- payer, and that also applies to the area in which he is fortunate enough to reside. The road to IVhytecliff is of such recent con- struction as to delay any action towards a municipal bus service to that point, and for the sake of comparison the ratepayers living within ten or twelve blocks north of Marine Drive have never had any means of transportation at all; while the area lying to the west has the option of two. The matter of a belt line to take in the north area is under consideration now, and the IVhytecliif run has been mentioned as a possibility. Whether one or both,woul&l ma- ture immediately is a matter of serious consideration, but it seems reasonable to assume that the area lying between Eleventh and Twenty-fifth Streets and north as far as Mathers has a prior claim, inasmuch as they have no means whatever of transportation. Possibly Mr. Lambert (vill be fair enough to admit this, as it would seem from his correspondence that he only seeks equity. In answer to Councillor I.ey- lan&l's defense for his non- support to the resolution regard- ing a reduction in fares aml which also brings in the ques- tion of whether the ferries are paying or not, I would point out that the ferries in 1925 paid 9(/i per cent. on the capital sum of 5196,000.00, which figure is cor- rect according to the report. This 9% per cent. is the sum left over to pay interest and sinking fund after all operating cost, insurance, repairs and re- newals have been paid. The figures are: Debenture in- terest, 59,9S8.97; depreciation, 58,400.50, or a total of P18; 3S9.47 paid out of receipts of the ferries. It is quite true that 0 deficit of 5372.88 was shown on the report, but it is &lel&atr.ble whether thc word deficit is the proper way to express it. Coun- cillor Leyland is fully conversant with what a small surplus coul&I do towards "increased sailings, etc.u What will happen with regar,l to the new fares is &Iuite 0 heavy load apparently on the minds of some people who are not, at any- rate, optimistic. Now, as 0 mat- ter of fact, if we curried the ivhole of our load at 8 cents per head. the revenue from that source. boats alone, woukl be 656.000.00 Boat operating costs. interest and sinking fund coukl be held down below that figure, so that the fears of the Snub(ful need not bern(ne 0 panic. To revert to the schedule.'The Chairman of Transportation has to accept his shnre of the re- sponsibility and it did not re- quire his personal nssurance to convince anyone, as his minutes of January 27th of this year will prove. Contrary to Councillor Leylnml's expectations, the test is proving satisfactory, nnd no matter whnt he now suggests, he never did submit 0 table whel( he was invited; preferring, it is presumed. to wait aml see how the other fellow's woukl be re- ceived, although the new sche&l- ule passed unanimously. If it is good policy in the spring time, it is better policy now. In conclusion, this question has ha&I considernblc publicity, thnnks to your paper, an&I I am glad that it has hail and woul&l like nothing better than to have the opinion of every user of the ferry. That would carry more weight than the opinion of t'hos» who travel to the city by auto- mobile. Yours faithfully, J. T. WATT. FERRY TICKET REDUCTIONS Editor West Van. News: I do not find myself ready to accept all the statements which come from IVard I. But I agre» completely with Mr. Lambert in his last letter. There was a good deal of quiet selfishness shown by some of the leaders in public aiTairs at the Hollyburn end in the earlier years of our municipal life. The policy of boosting real estate in Hollyburn was at one time re- sponsible for a reduction of the fares to five cents, which was tried for a whole summer. We got swarms of people of the class known as "dead ones," together with quite a few who made un- desirable summer neighbors. 4But we did not secure any de- velopment in Hollyburn which could be attributed to the cheap fares. The deficit on the working ha&1 grown so large by the en&I of the season that the council harl al- most to double the fares at the beginning of winter, and we who ha&i made our homes here had the privilege of paying for the summer facilities of birds of passage who laughed at us for a pack of simpleton&6 But that was not the worst of the trouble. The people of Dun- &larave were irritate&I by the too evident tendency to do things which served Hollyburn, even if they di&l serve Dundarave inci- dentally also. Our neighbors caught the unfortunate trick of upsetting even legitimate schemes in which they had a fifty-fifty i(vterest. IVhen the swing of the pemlulum brought them into power, they listened to agitators who hail nothing to recommend them except narrow mimis aml obstinacy, an&I voted 540,000 to buikl a mere "spite- wharf." It may have been ab- surd, but at least it was very human. Apparently councillors ivho base their claims for approval on what they have done for their own corners of the land, without reganl to other corners, are bail for even their own wards, which have to go short later on to atone for the earlier succc»ses in hogging. Municipal life is lived so fast in these days that none of us csn be sure of getting out before time has brought its revenge. In any case, that re- venge is sure to come in the CORRESPONDENCE October 29th. 1926. Roberts'etter Meats 14th and hiarlne ~I(est I 06 IYR DEI.IVRI( Ik 9.,'lo A.,'1l.--EAST asiTH ONLY 1(.00 A.al.--To AI.I. I'ARTS 3.00 I'.51.-- EAS1'siTH ONLY Buy the'est IT ('osTK No 5(onR Our ou(lvsi d cuc&omcvo lieve proved (ho& wc live up In ouv ologou (hu(-- "OHH 5(EATS ABR BRFTRI(" THIS '(YI"EK'S SPFA'IAI.S: Bolllug Bccf ......... Oc lb. I'o( Hoooi ........... 12c-I lc lb. Oven In&oo( .... from 15&c lb. Bouc!coc Corned Ihoffram......,............ 12c lb. I.cg (.ocul I.omb ....... &2c lb. 'Vcol Oven l(ooo( . from 2oc lb. S(owing Vcol ...... 21(m. 25c Comhridgc Souougc 2 Ibo 25c S» if( Ji wci Short&plug 2 lbs. afic Fvcoh Bccf l)vippiug 2(ho 25c Shnmvock I'urc Lord 21(m. (Ac Sliced Side Bocou...... 19c lb. Snccd Back Bacon ..........19c lb. Glcudnic Creamery) ::"'.".,':".... I $ 1.ZO FBEsH (.oCAI. BossTING oud BOILING CHIC&KENS FRESH aud CUBED FISH Boldwiu Apples-- 10-lb. box .„.............„, 51.30 Jonathan Apples-- (0-lb. box ......,......... 51.&3 Puuipkiuc from iac each To insure entire ooticfuc- (iou for your Thnnkxgiviug Dinucr. Ic( uo handle your poultry order. as we have a good supply of anlk.Fcd Chickens, Tuvkcyo uud Veal coming from F. )Voodo, (.uducv. Does a Man Care? Does o mou cecily care whc(hiv hic w&fc works hard oc uo(v Sumo do oud some don'. Bu( uo xcuxiblc muu would deny that u wuxh-duy at home ix ux tough u Job as any woman can gc(. People who hove their work done at the Buvrovd Ix&uudry xoy& no( only Ix cvcvy(hing douo up more perfectly, bu( the vcocouoblc chorgcc urc u gcuuino economy The Burrard Laundry I.imi(cd Fo& Proplv lyso Air Po»&colo& Taiap STa(lv ic( ST. PATIOS North Vancouver Phone H. Ballard North 1310 Mgr, shape of increased taxation to cover the cost of sectionalism and its wasteful mistakes. To my unbusinesslike mimi looks as if an acceptable basis for the ferry policy might be pfound in making the changes cover the entire cost of running, plus a third of the interest on the capital imlebtedness. But let us forget to be sectional when discussing such a vitully important matter, even if we have to listen to the West Fnd. Yours truly, J. PORTER. Circ By B'atepa)" '= l(. As pdlcia 'I s(g l go ~ M ls give ~I((slav y +dhgpsolos h did 00 In the „oi disaPlmi" l„„»d 5 gfca blf. Ihc chai( u " C,„„,(docs WI That Bcc& him pposlbly tw Cposcfilors Ba 'Thc &accll orb(dole as 00 waa p(OP eA 1 so shadow oi! change. The their meeting go isio oper ioupd on page wfil bp b(ough The tram save(ai wccka has been gi«( have a schcdo scag((a. TBT ulc aow in cd vcpicnl Io oof io any cfilcrio is certainly ao new acbcdulc. to bc desired I Mto( ad, (hat complaipis of Chairman of endeavoured t public. But it (decl, Ihc(e w in opc(aiioa. Municipal Below is I 31st of the ci This m 0 cpsq 1926 for the I these it will b& comparatively c(case of app( lpg a study p lstcvmtlag Corpo( Current Taxc! Pemlty Iotcb Tax Arrears Interest on A Tax Sale Lang, Water Balca- Bcpthe(a Water Coapcci B(othe(a Water Bat~ West Bay Water Coops,l W West Bay alcf Bat~ W 4olfeild atc( Connect aplfeild 'h(B tp~ Water C"@lid'Coapcci ogdlag pe(m Pip(obis Pog Poll Ta un F Bobdjv~( 'ogia Hoo&mh Icosa(( batioi p' &I ) I ~ , 0