West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Oct 1926, p. 2

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001B6BF3 Classified Ads. United Church The Seventh Anniversary Services of the YVest Vancouver United Church will be held on Sunday, October 31st. The Rev. P. T. Pilkey ihI.A., of St. John's Church, will be the spe- cial preacher in the morning and the Rev. Principal Brown of Ryerson College in the evening. There will be 8 special soloist at both services. The choir will sing the anthem, "Hark, Hark, hfv Soul" in the morning and "0 Gladsome Light" in the evening. The Anniversary Banquet will lie held in the iVew Ambleside Hall on 1Vednesdav evening. November 3rd, at 6.30. In addi- tion 8 special programme has been arranged by the choir. The Rev. E. D. Braden of Kerrisdale and Chairman of the Presbytery will give an addresa Prepara- tions are being ma&le for a big crowd. FOR SALE--Two lots facing aou&h, oua nearly cleaved. )10-foot front- age close to good beach. $)00 each, on terms. Goo. Gouriay. Phono Vyaat 8. AT LIBERTY for HaUowo'ea dao&ca public or privat, pianist aud aaxo- phouiat, professional. Phone Woat 12IL 51RS. C. %. K&IKRY. Siagiag, Piano- forte aud Theory. Bogmneva we!- coma 23rd aad BoUe&x&a Phone West )78R FIVE.ROOM & OTTAGE io voak Full plumbing. Apply IL R Harrison, )Vvat 404L WANTED TO Bt'Y--From &wo lots up &o half acre. Must be reason- able. Owavva only. Apply "Land." cavo of iVoa& Vau. News. VERY Si'HCIAL Bt'NGAI.O)V SNAI' large four-room bungalow, near- ly new aud very light. on corner lot 60x126, just half block from Marine Drive. Large living room, finished in silver grey Lama&ca Fireplace aud built-in bookcaaaa Two bedrooms with large ward- robes. Roomy kitchen with built-in cupboania aud aha!vox, also Cali- foruia cooler. Fully modern with bath. Tastefully decorated, aun contains furniture to match. Gar- age aud woodshed. Price reduced for quick sale to $2400, on attrac- tive terms, or completely furuixho&) $ LOOO. Apply Savory aud Duvai, West 114. ATTRACTIVE wa&crfvou& house of tive rooms. with sweeping view. Exclusive district. Reduced to m&&&00. Information by appoint- ment. Phono West 116. WORK ')VANTED by capable woman. Domoxtk, housekeeping, cavu of children, or anything else. Apply at office of West Vau. News or "Domestic," Box 101, Honyburu. FOR RKVT--FuUy modern uafuru- iahad 6-room house on Waterfront in beautiful private property. $45 pav month. yearly lease. Phone Lay!aud. Wast 63R1. GOOD COAL is cheaper aad more convenient than wood. Phone )Vest 643 for Coaimout Coal. H. C. Osborne, Marino Drive at Amble sids. ENTERPRISE aiovARCH RANGE. like new. white back aud door, clock, etc.; cost $140. aa.i for $$0 cash or $90 on &erma Good allowance on old range. KKVILL Ft RNITCRE STORE Ambieaido--Phone 36 Both the Sunday School foot- ball teams won their game on Saturday. The Junior "A" team travelled to Beaconsfield and de- feated the Collingwood United by 2-1. A very hard game was played between the Junior "B" team and Knox, Kerrisdale, the locals only emerging victors by the close score of 1-0. On Saturday, 30th October, the Junior "A" team will play Beaconsfield at Hollyburn School grounds. The Junior "B" team will travel to the Cecil Rhodes School to play Chalmers. The boys will take the 12.60 p.m. ferry. LOT 99, DIST. LOT 556--9-10 of an acre on Pa)mora&on Ave., Altamout, north of Marine Drive, between 29th aud 30th Aves. Sacrinco price, $600 «aah, or $700 on &erma. Sax)47 OV ESPLANADE, bc&wean 11th aud 12th. $350 on terms. HARRY P. BRITTON 602 Credit Fouriev Bundiag 830 Hastings St. 1V„Vaacouvev Soy. 453$ HINTS FOR THE HOME I Trouble-Saving Ideas Soot will remove grease spots from shoes. hVhen making fruit pica, put the sugar between two layers oi fruit and the juice will not boil over. After washing hair brushes they should be held under a cold water tap. This hardens the bristles. Don't waste sour milk. For making scones it is better than fresh milk. When making cakes that con- tain baking powder, they should be put into the oven as quickly as possible after mixing. To prevent cakes from becom- ing stale, put a thick slice of bread in the tin in which they are kept and renew it every third day. Turpentine. candle-ends, and shredded soap well mixed to- gether make an excellent sub- stitute for furniture polish. The smell of onions, fish, or cabbage is quickly removed from pans by the addition of 8 little vinegar to the water in which they are washed. hfoisten stove polish with 8 few drops of vinegar instea&l of cold water and very gentle rub- bing will produce 8 bright polish. A mixture of soapsuds and turpentine--a gallon of suds to two teaspoonsfuls of turpentine --will brighten a carpet after beating and sweeping in the usual way. Rub a drop ol'live oil on knives and forks that are to be put away and they will retain their brightness and be found free from rust when required again. IL P. CLARK &k CO„LTD. SNAPS IN BUILDING LOTS FOR LOCAL INVESTORS ALTAMONT--60 ft. x 120 fi., light clearing; $ 12S each on terms. HOLLYBCRN--50 ft. x 120 ft., at- tractive view, nearly aU cleared; $550 for twa LOVELY unobstructed view lots. Light, water aud phone avanabio. So ft. x 120 fb $SM on &anna 23RD STREET--Two 60 f&. lots for $550. Within three blocks Marine Drive. FOR RENT--Modern stucco bunga- low, French doors, hardwood Aoova, etc. $30 monthly. R. P. CLARK R CO„LTD. 823 Haatiaga St. W. Soy. 7483, 7484 iacat Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 651L THE West Van Nees PabUahad Every Friday IL HODGSON aad F. F. LOVEGROVE PabUahavs Baaiuoaa aad Eai&oriat Oflice: 1361 Maviao Driv Phoae Wast 19L Hail Addr&wa: P. O. Box 101, HoUybura, E C. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION $ 1.00 a year by maiL Nowaatauda 6a pav copy. The Sunday School Teachers of the United Church met on Tuesday evening for their regu- lar monthly meeting. Arrange- ments were made for bVhtte Gift Sunday. The date of the Christ- mas entertainment was set for Tuesday, December 28th. Other routine business was transacted and the meeting closed with a cup of tea and cake. Mh l086 gh, MD~II'ctober29th. 1026.THE WEST VAVi &VEIVS of a&as' 5 The f " posies Vance D un&i now "M ch&nwdth st chore mbcf I 'uc Vore sfe rn Thea d prove bThey sho 'tmctlv snd 9'e ofable sRendan d coThe ranoa so « both aop mendab o h'g 9 h'g 8 'ly c 'ly 5 weil fo tenors Tho nu son +I been ao hnve nod iihe, but'euou have c'm mambo& ~tja hoPm and wes tice wiii 'rhe Praionday cv'analo" ' sa the plovem practica. bcf 8 two morc 'oncert, I of the Tho fcPO h aoca by t e ~iai he,~on in serious 'on lhe g omiaaj nol mentlo the aas snd thl when sak .. &tan was moaI inadve WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall, hiarine Dr. Duudavavo Sauday Savriea at Ii.ae am Subject October 31st "Everlnsting I'unishmenl" Saaday School at 10.88 a m. Testimony afoating ovary Wed- nesday at 115 p.m. Dependable Hardware Wo carry ~ faU line of HOUSKHOLD aud BUII.DFRS'ARD)VARF Anything you want fov buUdiug, vvpaiviug or main&sining a house. PAINTS, )OILSI VA RN ISII ES for uao on the au&olde or the iuai&io of bundinga. Wa stock only the bosi quauiy-- the kind that does good work au&i isa&a i ongov. Buy from "SEEDS." &ho Stove of Satisfaction and Rvaaouablo I'ricva. S E E D'8 GROCI IC Y We close at 1 p. m. every Thursday. Marine Drive, Ambieside. Phone West 28 WE DELI'VER St. Stephen'8 Church Trinity 22 and Eve of AllSaints'ay (October Slat). 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 10 a.m.. Sunday School. 11.16 O.m.. hforning Prayer. 7.16 p.m., Evensong. The preacher on Sundny eve- ning will be the Rev. C. H. Shortt, 1Varden of the Anglican Theological College. Vnncouver. Next week's meeting of the Anglican Young People's Asso- ciation will be in the form of a Hallowe'en party, to which all young people of the parish nre invited. Tuesday evening is the time appointed. The junior football team lost to Chalmers United by a score of 2-0 last Saturday. This week's game is set for 3 p.m. Saturday at Seymour, against First Church United, aml the boys are asked to catch the 1.60 ferry for the city. The Sunday school is entering several boys and girls in G. V. S. S. swimming meet, to be held next month in the Canadian Memorial tank. There was a well-attended sewing meeting of the tV. A. on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Millard. Next Tues- day's meeting will be at the home of Mrs. J. H. Smith, Twentieth and Gordon. The Ladies of St. Stephen's Church are very busy making useful and pretty articles suit- able for Christmas gifts for their annual sale of work and home cooking. The bazaar will be held in the Parish Hall on tVednenday, November 24th. The Little Helpers and Font Roll are having their annual party on Friday, November 5th, at 3 p.m., at the Parish Hall. All parents and little helpers are cordially invited. Intermouutain Building and Loan Association Asset&a $ 1,400,000 Cauaulau Uvgiaiorod Office& Vau&ouvvr Block, Vancouver, B. C. Ot!R CO.OI'ERATIVE SAVINGS AND LOAN SYSTK81 )VILI. INTEIIFAT YOU Can uv Phone FRED. F. O'HAI.LORAN Rex&deuce: Diairict Rrproavuiaiivo Twenty.Third auu Bellevue For West Vaucouvvr I'hoao: West 664R FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSF&S TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON The Duncan Laws I 0 D E.,harsh& '&maaion to hold Service on ", b, 'fhursday th Memorial Arch. will take place stwi 10. organizations in We ver and the public a invited to attend, information may b from birn, IV, 8 8 668L, on behalf of the I of tho Canadian 1 members of the Dun& Chapter, i. 0. D. L charge of the sale of and on lyedneaday & to sell "poppies" in , couver. Thiafundis families of the Grani orans and is diapoaof ocal branch of the Le!pop Mra. Walti is acfing as general & The regular mont& of the Duncan Lanai will be held on Wedne noon, November lpt p.m., at the home of Morgan. 17th Street Phone West 55 HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON guuehal IirtrfDrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Streeb Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 WEST VAVi COUVER MUNICIPAL FERRIES Phone West 12 Winter Schedule to Take Elfect hlondny, October 18, 1926 Leaves WEST Leaves VANCOUVER VANCOUVER 70.00 A.M. 76.80 A.SL f850 " . 7720 f7.20 f7.60 7.50 $ .20 f$.20 fn 50 8.60 9.20 79.20 10.20 9.50 11.20 10.60 12.20 P.hi. 11.50 1.20 12.60 P.M. 2.20 1.60 3.20 2.50 4.20 3.SO 4.50 4.60 5.20 6.20 76.60 5.50 6.20 f0.20 fo'.SO 0.50 7.20 7.60 8.20 8.60 9.20 9.50 10.30 11.00 " 11 30 '12.00 Midnight '12.30 A.M. PEA RCE'S DRYGOODS 11th S&. aud alariuo Drive A Largo Aaaor&moat of STAMPED GOODS ia Now Dcaigua D. 51. C.'a WILDSI'UR aud PEARL COTTONS Phone West 141 Baptist Church ku from Marm and Ferry. Rev. David Long, Pastor Mr. and Mra S Hold Hallowo'I Sunday School, 10 a.m. Church Service, 11 a.m. Weekly Prayer Service every Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. CHOICEST VIEW LOTS fNot on Sundays or Hondaya 'Saturday only. Buses leave West Bay for Amblesiuo 20 minutea prior to uopariure of Boats, except 0.00 A.M. Buses meet aU Boats arriving at Ambiesido for tvest Bay aud way points. Reduction In fares to take a&feet December 1. 1920& lac each way! Book, 25 tickets, $2.00, unlimited, Schedule Subject to Change )Vithout Notice. Not Liable for Deiava. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NORTH VANCOUVER VOTERS'IST 1927 West Va11. IIIvestmaat Company 18th aad Marina Drive I'houo West I&rA Day or Night Persons desiring aud entitled to have their names placed on the Voters'ist for the City of North Vancouver, for the year 1927, as LICENSE HOLDERS or HOUSE- HOLDERS, must Ala with the City Clerk a Statutory Dec!orat!on (which may be made before a Notary Public or the undersigned) in the Corm pro. vided at this office, on or before tho 31st day of October, 1928. Persons who have paid a POLL TAX for the current year must also Ala Statutory Declaration before said data. The names of Owners of Land iu the City are taken Crom the Land Registry Records. Dated this 1st day of October, A.D. 1926. R. F. ARCHIBALD, City Clerk. WATER NOTICE (Diversion aud Uao.) TAKE NOTICE that Ethel Agnes Brett, whoso address ia 3307 Irving SL, Buruaby, B. C., will apply for a Uceuca to take and uxo 8 minor'a inches of water out of Brother Creek, which Aowa South East aud dvalua Into Capnauo River, about one quar- ter of mile above Marino Drive bridge. The water will be &Uvortou from tho a&ream at a poiu& about N. W. corner of S. E. &4 of D. L 1079, Group I, N. W. D., aud will be uao&t for domoa&io aud power purposes upon iho Iauu uoacribvd aa S. F,. '4 of D. L. 1079, Group I, N. W. D. Thi~ notice waa poatwi on the ground on the 7th day of September 20. A copy of ihia notice au&i an application uur- auaut &hereto aud &o &ho "Water Art" will be Aieu In the office of &ha Water Recorder ai Vancouver. Objectioua &o the appUcation may be A!au with the auld Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Righto, ParUa- maut Buildings, Victoria, B. C„within &hiriy uaya alter iha Arat appvarauca of ihia notice In a local oewapapor. Tha data of tho A&at nub!!ca&ion of ETHEL A. BRETT, Appncaoi. &hia notice I ~ October 8th, 1028. WANT CANADIAN ENGINEER FOR BRIDGE The Vancouver Board of Trade is communicating with the North Shore Councils re- questing support in demands that a Canadian engineer be en- gaged for construction of the proposed Lions'ate bridge. VOTERS JAhIES OLLASON. hlunicipal Clerk. TAKE NOTICE, that the Municipal Hall will be open from 6 to 8 p. m. on Friday, October 29th. nnd Saturdny, October 30th, for the purpose of taking Trades I.icenue Holders'nd Householders'eclarations. hlr. and Mra. byigi ton gave 8 defi&ghtfui dance last priday nuil ilonio on fro , er Marine. A numb P m the city were oe dances given by ILee and biim Marioof Vancouver wer vocal numbers by ] Among those re!Mr. and hire. R, and bi&a An~dr and hi)a. T, Lundberg; kins hii and hira 8 demon; M. Lloyd; hf! Au Ram~„. M"'" blast r B a~a E B!r obby iia' rvel FREIGRTER AGROiR iVEBTT VAh went g Japane am IV™rodin tedneadcat of uWMI V e iighth'ancouv about »bore Proceed+ hvo "ourson hor wi)ay,