001B6BEC THE WEST VAiV NFWS O tolmr 32&nd. 1926 Quality Meats GET THF. REST HFRE WITHOUT PAYING GIOST You don't have to pay exhorbitant prices to get quality meats- not if you trade at Je(feries. Delicious cuts of the finest meats at prices that allovc you to eat as much as you desire. JEFFERIES Next to Honvb(3m Theatre PHONE WEST 3 WE DELIVER ALL hi EATS KEPT IN REFRIGERATOR Fresh and Cured bleats, Butter, Eggs, Bacon and Lani 4 AND 5 ROOMED HOUSES I.ocations and Reasonable RENT Furnished and Unfurnished Vacant LoLO and Houses in every part of )Vest Vancouver. Buy now &vhiist prices are low. REAL ESTATE--INSURA&VCE--LOANS iNOTARY I'UBLIC CrEO. II%.V Citv Off(ce :l15 Cordova St. bb I'hone Sey. 1260 14th db Marine West Vancouver I'hone West 21 c LIMITED 15th and Marine Phone West 115 Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE Expert Workmanvhip Watch, Clock and 27 Yean'xperience Jewel(cry Repairing ~~",'„Y,n Watchmaker and Jeweller (IV. SAGA R) Residence Phone West 655 Y A Good Sclecrior& oF Watches, Clock& and Jcwcllcry on hand at anrac&ive prices 14M MME D'YE AMBLESIDE ~&rc(m wc(r vco. &mug 1Jsec. Car S:. Your chance to buy a used car at Your Price and Your Terms. Come in an41 See Our Stock. NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street West, Phone North 1186 North Vancouver Phone North 1350 THE OFFICIAL AUTO CLUB GARAGE ON THE NORTH SHORE Free Towing to sfembers We are opea until 12 I'.M. week days and 11 P.M„Sundays. POOR PI D SOI Esl BRINc THEM If your shoes gct into the "hole in one" club, bring them (o uo. Well pu( them hack in the class of ordinary mortals with lots of wcuc left. Wc're the original shoe doctors. THE ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR SHOP FRED TITE NORTHSIDEOFMARINEDRIVE FOOT SPEC:)ALIST at AmbIcc(dc. Two doors from Gcrogc B.C. Electric Announce Change In Light RatesWhytcci(ff, R. C., October'91)r, 1926, Editor, West ban. No&ha Dear Sir: I see that our council has further ~luce&i the ferry fare. making it now possible to travel from Vancouver to West Ray for eleven cents. What is the matter with our councillors7 Are they suA'ering from chronic myopia, or do they think that West Vancouver ter- minates at West Bay( W', in )Vhytecliff hnve, for some months, been trying to im- press on their min(la that: "The okl orrler changeth, viekling place to new," but with little effect, so far. IVhile they were dealing with ferrv fares, coukl they not have put on a through rate to Whyte- cli(f7 I fail to sce why Ward I ratepayers should hnve to take their part in shouldering the loss on the municipal transportation system an&i have no participa- tion in the beneAts. It seems to me a great pity that in Ward One's efforts to come to a clean aml honest un- derstanding we hnve been mct with camouflage and have not been taken into the coniidcnce n( the council. It is with &leep regret that I have to remind the council that it is not very long since the as- sistance of Mr. Baird. Inspector of Municipalities, was invoked, and it looks very much as if the same procedure will have to be repeated. Yours respectfully, L. LAMBERT, Sec., Whytecliff Ratepayers'ss'n. West Van. Ne(vs. Dear Sir: You ask me as to whether I am seriously opposed to the re- duction of fares on the munici- pal ferries. I am no more op- posed to the reduction of fares than I rvould be to reduceJ taxes, or to a reduction in the price of milk, bread, or any other domes- tic comn&odity. None of us wish to pay any more for the cost of living than is necessary. How- ever, as a matter of common sense business. it woukl seem unsouml judgment to 1'educe fares at a time when the ferry department is not self-support- ing and (chen even those who do not use the ferries are called upon to pay deflcits. Admittedly the fares have been reasonably low, and there has been no com- plaint on that account. But, ev('.n if the system was now able to pay operating expenses, sink- ing fund, interest and &leprecia- tion (which it is not), for the time being any small surplus could be better used in improv- ing the e(flciency of the service, by increased sailings, etc., thus attrncting more people to live in )Vest Vancouver, an&i ndding to the personal comfort of those al- ready travelling by this system. Incidentally, the new schedule of fares gives a Ic reduction (no limit of time) to residents, and 14c to members of hiking or picnic parties an&I frequent visit- ors, who would unquestionably purchase the 32 books instead of paying 30 cents return fare as previously. )Vhen the matter of a new time schedule was first discussed the writer recommended that no change from the ol&l system be made until next spring, (vhen it was hoped that a half-hourly service might be run on the quar- ter to an&i quarter past the hour. However, the chairman of trans- portation claimed to be harassed on all sides for a different sche&1- ule of times, and on his personal assurance that the original schedule did not satisfy the ma- jority, the council decided to ac- cept his recommemlation of new times. If, as seems probable, the test is not a satisfactory ex- periment, the council must of necessity seek for a further solu- tion to a problem such as the one I have suggested. The chairman of transporta- tion has a most diirrcult problem to satisfy all concerned aml hasty or severe criticism is ill- advised. Yours truly, J. B. LEYLAND. West Vancouver residents will on aml after November I r&weive the advantage of the Aoor area basis for charging for their elec- tric light. similar to other sec- tions of Greater Vancouver, sc- our&ling to an announcement made by the British (olumbia Flectric Ra()way Compan) After the frat 3 kilowatt hours per 100 square (ect at t'&e present rate of 7 cents a kilowatt t hour, sll ml&litional current will be at 3 cents. This change is be- Ing ma&le not only in r&V(st Vnn- couver but throughout the Fraser Valley, north oml south of tl&e Fraser i(iver, nnd In the Deitl&. The minimum nrea will be 1,000 square feet. Thus a house of I,OOO square feet will pay 7 cents a kilowatt hour for the first 30 kilowatt hours, nml if it shoul&l use, sny, Avo kilowatt hours more, this additional cur- rent would cost only IG cents in all. A house nf I,ooo square feet wouk( pay 7 cents n kilowntt hour for the ilrst:(G kilowatt hours aml the rest woulrl he at 3 cents. This is the l&nsis now used in Vancouver. "I'or the last six months," says E. I'1. Wa)ker, sales engi- neer of the compnny, "we have ha&i a staff of men measuring the houses we serve to enable us to give )Vest Vancouver the s&l- vantage of this new type of rate. The method adopted has been to take the outside measurement of the house an&i deduct 10 per cent., which is ample for walls and cupboards. No account is taken of basements, porches, bay windows aml unused attics. In fact, the estimates of floor area have been made on a liberal scale from the point of view of the customer. "Our pu&7)ose is to encourage the use of electric current in the olf-peak hours for household &1e vices an&i for better lighting an this type of rate is now bei generally a&loptcrl through the continent to give the cus- tomer current at n very low rate for such purposes." Hallowe'en Social A cordial invitation is exteml- e&l to the congregation of the Unito&I Church to a liallo(ve'en social on Friday evening, Octo- ber 29th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. )Valter Hamilton, Twenty- first and Argyle. A Ghost Parade will commence at 8 o'lock sharp. )Vfll each one en- &leavor to be on time and bring their own shroud (a sheet). A silver collection will be taken to help defray the expense of the alterations of the church. Boys'hoir The Corporation of the District of West Vancouver The Boys'hoir, under the leadership of Professor James Morgan, will hol&l their iirst practice at 4.16 p.m. this after- noon, in the Iiollyburn School. All those who have enrolled please take note. There is still room for several voices sml Professor Morgan or any of the following will be pleaserl to give any information regarding mem- bership: Professor James Mor- gan, West 17:I; Mrs. Moncrieff, West 30R; bfrs. G. Elgar, )Vest G52R; Mrs. J. T. Watt, West 101. WEST VANCOUVER ZONING BY- LA(V No. 303, 1926 A)IENDhlENT BY-I.AW No. 319, 1920 The &',ouuco o( (bc Corporation of the District of '(Vest Voucouvcr in open meeting assembled enact as (ol- lows: "West Vancouver Zoning By-fow No. 303, 1920," fc bcrcby cmcndcd by striking ou( the "." where the same occurs at the cud of the paragraph o( Section 2 which void paragraph Ic termed "Zone 2" ond adding the fol- lowing words: "aud Block 1 of District Lu( 772." This By-law mcy be cited for uil purposes as "(VEST VANCOUVER ZON)iVG BY-LAW NO. 309, 1920. AMENDMENT BY-LAW NO. 319, 1920&o PASSED by the Council on the O(h doy of Oc(obcr A. D. 1920. RE- COiVSIDERED oud finally ADOPTED oud PASSED by the Couuco ood SIGNED by tbo Reeve un&1 Clerk all on the -- doy of Oc(aber, A. 192&L J. OLLASON, Clerk. Amendments Proposed to Town PlannIng Act The City of North Vancouver Town Planning Commission held its regular meeting on Momlay, 11th October. Both the build- ing inspector and city solicitor were in attendance and the lat- ter was able to advise as to the interpretation of certain por- tions of the Town Planning Act. A resolution was passed ad- vocating amendments to the Municipal Town Planning Act to give greater power to municipal councils in regulating the type and class of buildings to l&e erected in the various zoned dis- tricts of their bounds. Considerable time was devoted to discussing the zoning map and the schedule in connection with the same. An invitation was issuerl to isfr. Horace L. Seymour, town planning consultant, to attend at next meeting. It is proposerl in the near future also to invite the executive of the city Ratepayers'ssociationto attend at a future meeting. r 4 jIts Real Nice Even when we feel prc((y ccrc we'e rfouo avery(bfog "iuc& cfgb(," it's 'rcuf ulcc when some (bough(fui ond kindly dlcpoccd women c(ogc up oud ccyc, "1'm really pfcocc&1 wf(b &VG work you'vc done for mc." Soy, 1('c woc(b a whole mou(b ~ wogcc sure ic.TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Scc(fou Tcu of the "Tawn Planning Ac(," befog Cbup(cr 66 of the S(o(u(cc of British Columbic, )926, Tuccdcy, the 20(b doy of October, 1920, o( tbc hour of 10 o'lock o.m. at the bfuufcf- uf Hall, West Vancouver, B. C., boc cu cct by the Couocif ac the time aud place of hearing u)l percuss wbu rolght be cf(cc(&sf by the cbovo pro- posed by-luw. DATED at West Voucouvcc, n. C., this fotb duy of October, 1&r!O. JAMI'b OLLASON, k)uuicfpcf Clerk. The Burrard Lauridry, Por Pcopfr lcho A ~ Purr&co&or Taf ~ 9 avaaav mc OT. OOV(aa North Vancouver Phone H. Ballard, North 1310 Mgr. CORRESPONDENCE 06 I By bb geeting A mcciisg ,„&cf B(mVaocou )d wgl be be .Ide,i')m ,t 9 ((Friday) 'riacipai, " ', mcciisg 'c,(b adopiios o embers ofo 'u(oicdio m be I Negotiate Ib %a Vaacoaver B. ( forwards I Following the the engineering 'oardof Trade t gard to the propo bridge, the couuc bas forwarded co solution to the fi ties concerned am government at 0 The Tesolut&or that "before au( bo taken towarda the proposed Liof the opinion of a c( dian engineer ba Mr. W. E, Pa)7& the Board o( 'pr, present ai pttawI»t Personally I ment this view 9 regards the I.ioul BI&ILDliv&G pi FIBBT TEN 159 p bob 9"ogress a dbIbcr asd vaiu 3 growiug v Pais of our b er . During ib Ls i(ave Pared wru I COO& ending p 1 b Permits b, ab)y m Tcvcak orr alill fuirici 'moog 926, Ito a u igi ibo B etre cc I . T ation a&Orris ( ou( a ve Proporfl r)carl „9 1 0( &roid Popi Tb Once. ous '.alfie sar +a(oa 1 olp yoa&a o( eoc."Paam grown ability» ato( to)t tb wise»bo wriiaad iud;A iymi Vaucou' the Greater Vaa Water Board witl coming 3 mamba of municipalities provision of an 1 supply at cost.