001B6BEC THE 4VEST VAN NEWS Oct&&her 22lld. 1926 Classified Ads. WEST VANCOUVER British Israel Association Christian Science Society FOR SALE -- Columbia gramapbuua cabinet. uud &vcor&(x, $2xpo. App)x the "Clucbun." FOR EXCHANGE -- ()uk(aud &)us&&4 touring cur, 6 muu(ba o)d, purCec( condition, privu(eiy owned. original cost $2~. Will excbunge for lots (u value of $(~ um( give big dis- count on balance. Savory a Du&xi, phone (vest 114. FOR SALK -- Rum)ug(ou (vpewrilea Na 10, upeu kerb&m&6. Apply Mra Muckeuxie. 2(60 Marine Drive. FOR SALE--Twu Ium Cue(ux south. one nearly cleared, 110-Cuui front- age c(ase (u good beach. $600 each. uu iurmx. Geu. Guuriuy. I'bone )Vest 2. A SNA(' Tuo really vxeenvui c(ex&i«( building lots, 60 Ct. cueh; splendid view. Away below market price, $550 for the (wu. One-third cash. balance over twu yuura Savory a Duval, West 114. FOR SALE--Irish Terrier pup, seven mouths old. $5.00. Phone '&Vuxi 6's)L AT L(BERTY Cur Hunuwgvu duucva pub1(c or priiwiu, pianist am( xxxo- pbuuixi, pru(uaxiunul. Phone Wex( 121L s(RS. C )V. Es(ERY. Singing. Piano- forte uud Theory. Beginners we(- come. 23rd and BeUeimu. Phone )vuxi 178 R. FIVE-Roo)1 COTTA(iE tu rent. Full piumbiug. App)p B. IL Harrison, Wex( 40(L ENTERPRISE 'S(ONARCH RANGE, like new. white back um( door, clock, e(c.; cost $ 140. sell for $90 euxb or $90 on terms. Good allowance on old range. ALL KINDS OF Go()D RANGES from $20 up. )VICKER I'RA3(, in good shape. $ 10. 4-FT. CONTI.&UOL'S POST BED- STEAD, with spring aud mattress, $ 17. OPEN FRONT HEATERS (uu new) $ 10 up. NEW AIRTIGHT HEATERS from $250. DRESSERS Crom $9.00 up. OAK DRESSER uu&) )vxxbx(uud, $21.00. LARGE QUANTITY of Eugiixb Flannel. 55c yard. Pygumu Flannel, 40c yard. This is being xub) ui cost in clear. KEV(LL FURNITURE STORE Amb(ex(de--I'bouc 36 LOT 99, D(ST. LOT 556--9-10 of au uc&u on Pa(mere&un Ave., A)turnout, north of Marin Drive, between 29(b and 30th Avea Sacrifice price, $600 cxxb, or $700 on terms. sox)(i OV ESPLANADE, between 11(b and 12th. $350 on terms. HARRY P. BRITYON 602 Credit Fuucier Bundiug 850 Hastings St. W„Vancouver Spy. 4538 R. P. CLARK 6& CO„LTD. SNAPS IN BUILDING LOTS FOR LOCAL I.'&VESTORS ALTANONT--60 Ct. x 120 Ct.. light clearing( $ 125 each on (erma HOLLYBLRN--60 Ci. x 120 Ci., at- tractive view, nearly uU cieured; $550 for (wu. LOVELY unobstructed view lots. Light, water aud phone avuUubiu. 60 I(. x 120 Ct. $525 on (erma. 23RD STREEI' Twu 50 Ca lots for $550. Within three blocks biariue Drive. FOR RENT--Mu&)eru stucco bunga- low, Freucb doors, hardwood nuora etc. $30 mou(b(p. R. P. CLARK 8& CO„LTD. 823 Hastings S(. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Rcpruueu(xtive C. J. ARCHER. Weu( 651L THE West Van News PubUabud Every Friday H. HODGSON uud F. F. LOVEGROVE PubUxberu Buuiueuu xud E&ntoria( OC(ice& 1361 Marin Drive Phoae Wast 19L Mail Address( P.O. Bux 101, HuUrbura IL C ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION $ L00 s year by maiL Newxxtauds 6u pur copy. I Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Etc. of West Vancouver Will Neet Newt Thursday (Oct. 23(h) ~( 8 P.N. in the New Amhlcside Hnll Curuv& 14&5 uu&( )(urine Drive Speaker& Mr. Percy King noble&(: "The Bible in lts I'roc(leal Application tn C o m m o n Everyday Enrth Alfnjrs." A Full l,lne nf hlerchnndiue Dundarave Hall, hfarine Dr. Duuduruve Sunder Berrie a( 11.38 a.m. Subject October 24th "I'rohat ion Af(er Dent h" Sunday School ut 10.00 u. m. Testimony Meeting every Wed- ueedu)r at 8.16 p.m. Variety as large as required to fill ynur needs, prices ns loiv ns concentrated l)uying policy will permit- th&me are twn liig factors in iniying your merchandise -- at-- 8 I4~ E D'8 G ROC J(i 1& Y We close at 1 p. m. every Thurs&lay. hfarine Drive, Amblcside, Phone 4Vest 28 WE DELIVER St. Stephen's Church I (O&tober 2lth) 8 n.m.. Ilolv Communion. 10 8 m qumln) S&hool 1115 nnl Morning Prn)er Anthem, "Send Out Thy Light" (Gounod. 7.16 p.m., Evensong. In the evening the rector will deal with the hymns of Frances Ridleyl lavcrgnl. which will be sung in the service. A course of instruction in First Aid is being given by Dr. Knipfcl to the senior camp nf Trail Rangers. At this week' meeting Robert Blnxhnm told the story of Nelson nnd Trnfnl- gnr, it being the anniversary of this decisive bnt tie, un&i Tnm Turner sang "The Death of Nel- son." The Parish Hall ivns comfort- ably filled on Tues&iny night for the recital by hliss 4Villdauer'6 pupils an&i as 8 result 812 will be turned over to the piano fun&1 by the A. Y. P. A. Especially pleas- ing were the vocal numbers by ihfiss islay IVright, who has come recently from Scotland, nml the playing of little IVinnifre&i Smith, age&i 8. The juvenile football team will catch the 12.50 ferry Satur&lay tn proceed tn Cecil Rhodes School for a scheduled game against Chalmers United boys. Although defeated 3-1 last Sat- urday by the (Vest Van. United team, St. Stephen'8 played n hard dame an&I the forwards gave the opposing goalie plenty of work. The 4Vnmen'8 Auxiliary held 6 special sewing meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Davis in preparation for the November bazaar. United Church Intermountain Building and Loan Association The hfission Circle of the United Church wns nddresse&l by hfrs. D. A. Chalmers, who spoke on "Christian Deyotion." There was a good attendance. The monthly meeting of the Women's Association ivill be held next Tuesday afternoon, at 2.16, a week earlier thnn usual. Plans will be completed for the Anniversary Banquet. The presi- dent ivill give an address on "iVorth IVinds an&1 South IVinds." Every member is earn- estly requested to be present and new comers will be heartily welcome. Assets. St. I00,000 Caned(uu 1(vgixivre&) OH(&e: Vancouver Iiiu&k, Vuu&nuvea B. C. OUR Co.ol ERAT('VE SAVIN(,'8 AN() Ix)AN SYSTK)( )V(1.1. INTEREST )OU Cun or I'bune FRED. F. O'IIA(,I.GRAN Dixtri&( Repreucuiu(ivu Cur )Vex( Vancouver Rcxiden&m Twenty shied und Iiciicvue 1 huuc Wco& 66(R FOR WATERFRONTAGE nn&l other property IIOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSUI(ANCE, ETC, see JOHN LAWSONThe regular services will be held next Sunday at 11.16 n.m. and 7.15 p.m. Phone VVest 5517th Street The Anniversary Services will be held on October 31st. At the morning service the Rev. P. T. Pilkey, recently inducted minis- ter of St. John's Church, will preach, nnd at the evening serv- ice the Rev. J. G. Brown, D.D., principal of Ryersnn College, will officiate. Special music will be rendered by the choir. After n hotly contested game, the Junior "Bu football team of the United Sunday School de- feated St. Stephen's by 3 to 1. WEST VA&NCOUVER MUNICIPAL FERRIES IIARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON jfIIueIal Qireftnrs Phone )Vcx( 12 4VInter Schedule to Take Eifect hlondny. October 13, 1926 I.eaves )VEST Leaves VANCOUVER VANCOUVER tG.OO A.M. 76.30 A.M. ts.'50 -' 77.20 ti.zp t7.60 7.60 8. 20 I'8.20 78,60 8.50 szo I 79.20 10.20 9.60 11,20 10.50 1'd.zp P.N. 11.60 1.20 12.50 P.b(. 2.20 1.60 3.20 2.50 4.20 3.60 4.50 4.60 6.20 Gizp t5.50 R50 6 20 Nor'th Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 SWEATER 4VOOL Baldwin's Purple Ilenther nfld Tiger Fingering 52.75 per lb. ut PEARCE'S DRYGOODS New Ambleuida Block PRonn WEBT 144 The Junior "A" team hnd as their guests South Hill United nnd after a very fast game the locals emerged victors by a score of 4 to 1. J. Ferguson played brilliantly for the locals and scored nn four goals. The other members of the team played a fine steady game. Baptist Church tazo trur0 G.50 7.20 7.60 8,20 8 60 9.20 0.(ip 10.30 11.00 " 11,30 '12.00 Midnight '(Z.30 A.lii CARD OF THANKS Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 n.m. Church Service, 11 a.m. tVeekly Prayer Service every tVednesday at 7.30 p.m. After an absence of several Sundays the pastor took the service last Sunday. Under the supervision of the unman'8 Mission Circle, a Mis- sion Baml wns organized in the church on Friday, October 16th, with an enrollment of 17 mem- bers. hfrs. 4Vitherby hss been appointed superintendent. Next Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'lock. the Junior "Bu team will entertain Knox Church, Kerrisdale, at Hnllyburn Park. The Junior "A" team will jour- ney to Coningvrnod to play Col- lingwood United. The team will catch the 12.50 ferry from Ambleside. CHOICEST VIEW LOTS tNoi on Sundays or Hu(«)uys xSuiucsuy only. Buses leave )Vex( Buy for Ambicxiue 20 minutes prior io departure o( Boats, except G.op A.M. Buses meet uU Bou(x arriving ui Amb(uxk(u for )Vest Buy aud wuy points. Reduction in fares io take cf(pet December 1. 1926: 16e cucb wa)o Book, 26 tickets, $2.00, unlimited. Schedule Subject iu Cbuuge Wiiboui Notice. Nut Lisbie Cur Du(eye. 2 blocks from hlnrine Drive nnd Ferry. West Van. Investment Company Mr. C. Waddingham, Fultnn and Marine, the well-known musician nnd bandmaster, is in- disposed. Though his illness is not serious, it will necessitate his remaining in bed for some days. 18(b und Marine Drive I'boun )Vext I&12& Oay or Nigh( MUSICAL SOCIETY'S SOCIAL The IVest Vancouver Musical Society gave a social on Tuesday night at the New Ambleside Hall, which was well attended. The first part of the evening was spent in drive whist, for which prizes were given. After re- freshments hnd been served, dancing wns kept up until a late hour. Miss hlnrgnret hfclntyre nml hfrs. Lefeaux presi&led at the piano. WATER NoricE (Diver&ion aud Uxe.) TAKE NOTICE (but Eibul Agnes I Brett, whose address is 3307 Irving St., Buruuby, B. C., will upp(y Cur a licence iu iuku uud uxe 8 miner'4 inches uC wuiur uui of B&o(ber C'eek,, which (iowa South Fu&at un&i &Iruiux Into Cupnuno River, about uua quar- (er of mlle above Marine Drive bridge. The water will bu diver(ed from ibu xireum u( u paint about N. W. corner n( S. K. &4 o( D. L Io'&CI, Group I, N. W. D., uuu will bu uxPJ Cur domestic uu&( pnwcr purpuxu« upon the Iuud Gexcrlbv6 uu S. E. Ni u( D. L 1079, Group I, N. W. D. Tbix notice wuu posted un the ground on ibu 7(b &tuy of Sup(umber 2&L A copy o( tbiu notice un&i an uppiicu(iuu pur- ~ uuui iheruiu und io the "'ieutur Act" will be nicd in the office of ihu 'iruicr Recurdu& at Vancouver. Objvuiiuux io the uppiicatiuu muy bu (i)ed wiib the xul&) Water Recur&iur or with the Comptroller of Wu(ur Righia Puriiu- ment Bundiuga Vie(uris, B. C., witkin thirty days u(tur ibu nrti uppuu&unce n( tbi ~ nu((&e in u luce( newspaper. The data oC (hu nrui pub(ice()au of ib« uu(ice ix Ociubur Rib. 1920. ETHEL A. BRETT, Appiicaui. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VA)'COUVEi( Mrs. Julia Scott an&I sons wish to express their appreciation to the Masonic order, the Eastern Star, an&i their neighbors aml friends for the kimlness nnd sympathy shown in their recent sad bereavement an&I for the many beautiful floral otferings. NOTICE To VOTERS Any person 21 years old, wbo bux resided in the District from the 1st duy of January, 1926, desiring iu vuie si the next Muuicipa( Election aud uu( being o(berw(xe qualified muy be- come u buuxebuk) voter by paying the Collector TIVO DOLLARS, aud AU Huuxebob)erx aud holders of Trades Liceucex or Poll Tax Receipts ARE REQUIRED TO 51AKE EVERY YEAR, aud deliver io the Municipal Clerk BEFORE THE END OF OCTO- BER, u Siatutury Declaration on the Corm wbicb muy be bu4 ui iba biuui- cipui HalL JAS. OLLASON, Music(ps( Clerk. HuUyburu, B. C. 8-10-26 VOTERS TAKE NOTICE, that the &4lunicipnl Hall will be open from 6 to 3 p. m. un Fridny, October 29th. nnd Snturdny, October .'10th, fnr the purpose of taking Trndeu I.icenxo Holders'nd Householders'eclarations. JAhIES OLLASO&V, hlunicipnl Clerk. I l Pgg October Sho+ 'ss gntl I for ASS j(nd Florence ( dspg th V»" „r, of 9 ehoive bp 's st howe( hne 3 nepns &fsbpc nilece 'th Vancouver next n" ere kes Pls deep(st~ ~(ns w Nsnve leave serving d 9 snd . t gpwecs lV Ande were h(" 4Viispn 'atherine d IHM EI (,OIP tf were P sl itts 89 'es( spn. I bj& Ilies bridget l snab hfus+'on. IHes hipn given by V joinder( snd giles 'hi)Is P' sd)ngother Pr M wood h ce e North, A. F, Hsjwa hire'i,s. IV F, Tsk hjIss I CPP) 't, Qlllns,i'ltts, hihn hf les Ig H Orsc Collins, Crew(0) hfim Hettie Helen A(he 0 '.P,D.E. Hs psng Tm 7he Hsllpwe'es I is to be held st the side Hali ivest Vs iii . fsn gg'ht promisor t'coeComic, insi dre(see are h i large sg le« in pf receiving some 4 some prhes « ~ g snd gentlemen. Edna Hsywo prchestrs will be Pi real old-fashioned is (poked forward ypllsg snd old. high stsndsrd of r& will be served. Th have 8 great call GP snces snd need sll t' can be given. North shpre I[ have a used car dq ways well equippe »(Ious malice end i guamiltenl ssd P(tees. Tp the usi (ised cars it is pftee considerable dijgcuj the right nisei) jn& greet advan«ge tp rm pf es«uie where expert adv Pt«service tained. Ti)e(n h dutlr st the Nprtj) 3'"'p bi Ig n)jdni days snd Il p.m. on Su(1&iii&)i ll " ep(nmuni(stip( Y of the U)rdian MunieiPei't'eent ac(tin requeetisg op)nips( and nstugimdigenl" reepure clear stag the last T6(M&here th Coast, ay Pa thk fpr tk ~pie were (ruf Vencpu 6)e f ts trjc h I er the gi o6 the 4 (8 the tain, Tha'+I pf 0 cpnnee«4 ee lighl, dsy M the pr& &&~ih are no «9) re 0 the ebM, bee(en '+ver h "&1 tt&e ~ndlng 8« ~ I bu e pf th sr'I «hetk 'advent b)lid II H ie tell. 'ven I