001B6BE4 Quality Neats I:ET THE BEST HERE WITHOUT I'AYING AIOST You don't have to pay erhorbitant prices to get quality meats- not if you trade at Jeiferies. Delicious cuts of the Anest meats at prices that anew you to &at as much as ymi desire. JEFFERIES Next to Hoiiybtirn Theatre PHOVK bVKST 3 WK DELIVER ALL MEATS KEPT IN REFRIGERATOR Fresh and Cured Meats, lintier, Kggs, Bacon and Lard 4 AND 5 ROOMED HP USES Desiral&le Un u RENT Rents Vacant Lots and Houses in every part of )Vest Vancouver. Buy now whilst prices are loiv. REAL ESTATE--INSURAiVCF LOANS NOTA RY PUBLIC GEO. HAY 11th & hlanneCitv Oflice 315 Cordova St. W I'hone Sev. I J60 1Vest Vancouver Phone West 21 West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMITED 15th and Marine Phone West 115 Lumber, Lath, Shingles inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE Shoe Repairs THE ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR SHOP NET SOLES FOR WORN OUTS- Don't trot around with badly tattered soles. Bring your worn shoes to us and we'l put them in step with the new ones. I& +ED Tl fE iVORTH SIDE OF MARINE DRIVE FOOT SPEC'. I A LI ST ni Ambicnidc. Tn'o dnorr from Garage Expef& Work&nannhip Watch. Clock snd 27 Years'xperience Jewcnciy Repairing &"e'sr V» WatChmaker and JeWeller (W. SAGAR) Residence Phone bVest 655 Y A Good Selection oF Watches. Clocks and Jewcllcry on hand AMBLESIDE Prospects Fame................................. Date....... Address Interested in Few Chevrolet.................. or Used Car......... Signed Address FILLL IN AND RETUP&N TO NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street West, Phone North 1186 North Vancouver Phone North 1350 THE OFFICIAL AUTO CLUB GARAGE ON THE NORTH SHORE Free Towing to Members bVe are open until 12 P.M. week da)'a and 11 P.M„Sundays. ~ North Shore Motors Ltd. byin gladly send you a cheque for FIVE DOLLARS ($5.00) for any prospect you give them that is not listed in their Iiies and they sell him a new or used car within 30 days. THE NEST VA&V NEWS CORRESPONDENCE 14th October, 192G. To the Editor, IVest Van News. Sir: West Vancouverites owe a great deal to Reeve Morgan for his attitude and action concern- ing the proposed Lions'ate Bridge, and also to Councillor J. )Vatt for his policy towards an improved ferry service. If we can't have the bridge just now, we must concentrate our efforts towards getting it as soon as possible. It is very likely that Coun- cillor IVatt had this in mimi when trying to make the ferry sen ice better. The almost im- mediate result of better water transportation, i.e., a cheaper rate aml a half-hourly service, would 'be the rapid increase in new residents here. 1 know lots of folks who have to live in the city because IVest Vancouver is too far away and difijcult of ac- cess. Remove these barriers and soon an augmented and power- ful community woukl compel those who represent certain vested interests to listen to our rightful demand for good roads and rapid transportation instead of insipid vaporings about the sanctity of Stanley Park. C. W. West Vancouver, B. C., 0&'tober 12th, 192G. Fditor. West Van. iVewm Bear Sir: While the Council is to be cominended for trying to im- prove the Ferry service, I think it is a mistake to Interfere with the 8.16 ferry. It is one thing to make 0 ferry carrying busi- ness people run a little earlier, but quite another thing to make it run inter. The 8.16 is the mont popular boat, because it gets the average business per- son to town in goml time for 9 o'lock. &hiost of the offlcen nn&l bnnks open at 9 a.m. nmi are situated within a block or two of the post office. and it takes an nvernge of fifteen minutes to walk uphill from the ferry. With the new schedule, running at 8.20, there Is not time for the average person to arrive punc- tunlly, and for employees who have to sign on at 9 a.m. sharp Ave minutes makes an the &lif- ference. It is 0 mistake to interfere with a boat which has suited everyone for so long. Trusting you will kindly pub- lish this letter. Yours truly, Regular Passenger on the 8.15 A. M. Rival Firm Protests Against Proposed Lion's Cate Bridge While the plans of Haning ton, Howard & Ashe of Kansas City for building a bridge over the Lions'ate have been pro- visionally recommended for ac- ceptance by the municipalities concerned, there appears likely to be a contest over the matter. For Dwight, Robinson & Com- pany, the rival firm which also submitted plans for a bridge, in- ten&l to appeal to the depart- ments of Public Works and Marine at Ottawa for further consideration of their scheme.'cting on behalf of Dwight, Robinson & Company, Mr. J. A. Campbell made a public state- ment to that efFect last Friday. Part of that statement follows: "The bridge committee has not fulfilled the purposes for which is was created. That is, to settle the question of tolls, length of franchise, traffic ac- commodations and to provide for safe navigation through Lions'ate. The Corporation of the District of West Vancouver iVEST VANCOUVER ZONING BY- I.AW No. 306, 1926 AJIFNDhlENT BY-LA&V No. 316, 1926 The Council of the Corporation of the District of '&vcr& Vancouver in open meeting assembled enact as foi- i own: "West Vancouver Zoning By-inw No. 309, 1920," is hereby nmcndcd by striking ouc the "." where the same occurs at the cnd of the pncngcnph of Section 2 which said pncngcnph in termed "'lone 2" nnd adding the foi- lowing words: "nnd Block 4 of District Lot 772." This By-Inw mny be cited for nii purposes nr "WEST VANCOUVER ZONING BY LAW NO 309& 1920& AMENDMENT BY-LAW NO. 319, 1920.r PASSED by the Council on the 0&h dny of October A. D. 1920. RE- CONSIDERED nnd Anally ADOPTED nnu PASSED by the Councii nnd SIGNED by ihc Reeve nnd Clerk nii on the -- dny of October, A. D. 1926. J. OLLASBN, Clerk. )Vest Vancouver, B. C., October 13th, 1926. Fditor West Van. News, Amblesi&le, B. C. Dear Sir: In view of the present con- troversy in regard to the height of the Lions'ate Bridge, it might be interesting to some of your readers to know the height of, up to the present time, the worl&1's biggest bridge. This structure spans the Delaware River, connecting up the towns of Philadelphia, Penn., and Cam- den, New Jersey. The total height of it is only 135 feet above high water, having six ways for vehicular traific an&I two sidewalks. Is there not something to be learned from this. One hundred and thirty-five feet is considered high enough to let the ocean- bound freighters pass under. Why shoul&l we in Vancouver be holding out for 200 feet above high water. Can it be possible that some selfish interests are doing all in their power to pre- vent the erection of this very necessary connection between both sides of the Inlet by insist- ing on unnecessary height for the bri&lge? TAKE NOTICE that pncrunni io Section Tcn nf iho "Town I'innning Aci,r bring Chapter 55 of the Statutes of Britiah Columbia, 1925, Tncrdny, the 26&h dny of October, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'lock n.m. ni ihc binnici- ni Hall, '&vcr& Vancouver, B. C., hnn ccn nei by the Conncii n~ the time nnu place of hearing nil persons who might bc nlfccicd by the nbovr pro- posed by-inw. DATEI& ni West Vancouver, B. C., chin 15&h dny of October, 1920. JAMES OLLASON, Mnnicipni Clerk.NO&hiA D. October 13th, 1926. To the Fditnr, tyest Van. News. Dear Siri On behalf of the owners and tenants nf property in that por- tion of the business section lying on the south si&le of the hard- surfaced portion of Marine Drive bet&veen Tiventy-fourth and Twenty-Afth Streets, 1)un- &jarave, I 'ivaii't 'to voic&b 0 veiy strong complaint as to the pres- ent comlition. which is in n most deplorable state( and likely to remain so nil winter uiiless something is done). stores nnd ofilces being &cell nigh unnp- proachable. Had the necessary grading been done earlier--not at the last minute, just before the wet season set in--all woukl have been well: but we would urgent- ly call upon the Board of )Vorks Department to at least give us come measure of relief by either rocking ancl rolling the area in question or to act promptly on some remedial suggestion offer- ed by the Municipal Engineer. Thanking you for your cour- tesy in publishing this letter. Yours truly, CLAUDE G. BARROIV. October 16th. 1926. Roberts'etter i)feats 14th and Alarlne )(est Il:16 WE DELIVER 9.30 A.AI„FAST 25th Only 11 A.M., ALI, I'ARTS 3.00 I'.51. EAST 25TH Only I'RIAIE STEER«BEEF Boiling Reef Bc lb Pot Roast, from...... 12c lb. Oven Ronst. from......isc lb. Deci'ripping ......... Isc lb. 2 lbs....................,..25c Cambridge Sausage 15c lb. 2 lbs.................. 25c LOCAL SPRING& I AMB Legs Shoulder .. ......420 lb. ......290 lb. MII.K-FED PORK ROASTING and BOII,ING CHICKENS FRESH and CURED FLSH Glendale Creamery Butter Government Specials 3 pounds 61.20 FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES The Burrufd Laundry Frr Prop/r &Vhr Arr Prr&lrrh&r ra&us xvuxcr mi 31. 951192 North Vancouver Phone H. Ballard, North 1310 Mgr. Admirers of Charles Dickens Please Note Admirers of Charles Dickens l will be glad to hear that they meetings of the North Vancou- ver branch of the Dickensian Fellowship will be continued during the winter an&i interest- ing programmes are being ar- ranged. The next meeting of the Fel- lowship will be held on Thurs- day, October 14th, at 8 p.m,. at the home of Miss Illingworth. 238 Eleventh Street East. But commencing with the Arst Fri- day in November the meetings will be held In the British-Israel Ilail on Twelfth Street East. "I Like This"- Just what Mcn. B. nni&I&--rI like this," when nhc cxnmincd n parcel chnc hnd just arrived from the "Burr«cd.r rEvcryihing's just lovely," shc said as rhc paid the bill. "You'e sure goi mc for n rcgninr cnniomcc. anyway." Sny,--this in worth n whole book of big words. f ~ I 9 'y jj(sj ,I Pi&i Sridge I ~Cut ICSOl h Pss'~ 0 unsuimo tp further thc P h I,ious Gate jiigt 0 tpi in fficir Power mc exception rcspiutioiib tii Public fc swsj 0 tof tion on thc P 9 wGovcrumcut, «'h', sidcrsblc tp pff requirements 8omc months sg membered " '0600 jh Compsny'ivcg micivjcwcd iviffi fcfcrcucc'I the Lions Gate Hr, time they laid bcf'rints of their p i Mf, J. A. Csmpl of this jjfm, hn re the council ctsfiug an oppoftuuitl'p vjcw pi their intern ing ss bridge build& financing hss bccu jl they cannot gi&'& &b ~ &, best bscg&jm 60 I franchise aud fc they will have uot psy. The firm are crs only, sud have , ( any real estate or b tiou0. So fsr, hc said, t been able to sxcc what the muuicipi It was his suggc Department of Pu'ustfuctcdto i (0) Hold 3 gene Vancouver to pbb of all interested 1 expressions of oP type, style, tolls, I (b) Prepare Pla licstious for the bi cost to the muujcjb (c) gcjcct moii Plans oipcrcd by au m«t Pjsus aud laid dowu Mc. Camubell m suggcctiou cpmlaiu&'3 submjt the city clerk thci gant to tolls, ffsui pu pf pwucrsh iu 0 coucjucjpu D v mu Ir Compau cpvr m eabou&lcuiuriccrept cpuitm t. b,jd 'I bc favoshoun th'e contre&i, '"nnI'innn' Piauujpg Ke 1„ su sdd oucujjsul 6 P.rp 0 Igtj rooms'II" thc Hm jiovth'y 'Ah ysu, Corno'couvcr (,jn&jpu couiicjl th hhvc pi iit0" would the I I I, +Pwtuujt uotj coupe jl are i,lhe muuici iu&iuiier it is i Pal clerkiu th'uvjt tjou