West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Oct 1926, p. 5

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001B6BE4 October 15th, 1926. On October 14th a son was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford T. Welsh, nee Thelma Stett. ~ ' u Naomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold a mili- tary whist drive on Saturday, October 23rd, at 8 p.m., in the Masonic Hall. Refreshments c, and good prizes. The St. Stephen's Choir gave a social on Friday night in the Parish Hall. The evening was passed very pleasantly with ] dances, charades and contests of "r various kinds, the prize winners being Mr. James H. I. Smith, Miss Kathleen Hampson, Miss Lucille Johnson, and Master Tom Turner. u a Mrs. Lambert has I eturned to her home on Fourteenth and Marine Drive, Mr. W. Kissick, who was formerly occupying it, having moved to Fourteenth and Marine Drive. a It is reported that a large dance will take place in the Hollyburn Pavilion on New Year's Eve. Mr. R. B. Cripps has returned from a trip to Eastern Ontario and the Southern States. Mrs. Cripps is still visiting her sisters in Saskatchewan and will return later. Mr. G. W. Kissick. the well- known real estate dealer, has severed his connection with the C. Gray Real Estate Company and will in future represent here the London & British North America Company. Mr. Mounce, Thirty-first and Marine, has moved to Van- couver. a c c Mr. J. Knowles, Tenth and Kings, who has been ill for two months with a severe attack 'of, sciatica, is now able to get around again. The Board of Works are fixing p the ground between the side- wklk and the south side of Marine Drive. In front of every garage approaches are being made, old drain pipes being laid underneath the approaches to carry off the water. a Mr. and Mrs. S. Currie, who will arrive here from the East in a week or two, have taken a house on Haywood Avenue near Twenty-third. u u Mr. E. Morris has moved from Twenty-fifth to Twenty-fourth and Mathers. Messrs. Tom Armstrong anti Jack Stratton have returned this week from Gull Lake, Sas- katchewan, where they have been spending the last two months. Snow has fallen in that locality and fanning operations are suspended. ~ u Mr. Eugene Tite, son of Mr. Fred Tite, who has been away in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, for the past two months, has re- turned home. He reports the crops as none too good in that part of the prairie and was very i glad to get back to the milder climate of West Vancouver. t a Rev. Charles Barton, Thir- tieth and Nelson Street, has moved his rabbit ranch to the top of Fifteenth Street. c 4 c Messrs. Harry Normand and Roy Borthwick recently return- ed from a hunting trip at Camp- bell Kiver, Vancouver Island, where they were successful in shooting several deer. They re- port the latter as very plentiful in that district and sport in gen- eral as very good there. Mr. F. W. Parkin, Point Grey, manager of the Loan Depart- ment of the Dominion Life Com- pany, has leased Mrs. G. Mc- Clelland's house at 2918 Marine Drive. Mrs. Lambert has taken the Campbell house on Twenty-third Street. Mr. Shirlaw has moved out of the Cripps house to Twenty- eighth and Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. S. Harrison and family, of Fifteenth and Marine Drive, have moved to Twenty- ninth Street. ct c Mrs. Taylor, of Twenty-first and BellBVue, has ITIoved to town for the winter. Mr. 2nd Mrs. Garland have moved from Twenty-fifth to Thirteenth Street. Mr. B. Burton, Thirtieth and Marine, has moved to Vancou- ver for the winter. Mr. Trout, Twenty-fourth and Waterfront, has returned to the city. c Mrs. R. B. Rhodes, Thirteenth and Esquimalt, left on Tuesday for a short visit to Nanaimo, afterwards going on to Victoria to spend a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. L. C. Eggins, be- fore returning home. PERSONA I THE WEST VAN NEWS S --=~~a Mr. Ernest Moore, of Van- couver, has increased his hold- ings of West Vancouver prop- erty by the purchase of a two and a half acre block on Ottawa near Fourteenth. c Mr. George Childs, Fourteenth 2nd Waterfront, has returned from a business trip to Powell River. 1 Mrs. C. E. Thomas, of Victoria, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Stuart Cameron in Caul- feild. Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Vinson have as their guest Mr. Vinson's brother, whose home is in Chi- cago. These two gentlemen went out with a party last night to "dig in" ready for the opening of the shooting. V. V. was high gun at the Pemberton Avenue Trap Shooting last week and he is expected to bring back a heavy bag. ~ e e Councillor Ray and Mr. A. A. Rerrie are among other West Vancouverites who have taken their guns for an outing. Mr. Legg, of Victoria, who has been staying at the "Clachan" for a month, left on Tuesday for home. He has purchased prop- erty on Twenty-sixth and Pal- merston and is returning to West Vancouver in the spring to build. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shaw and family, Fourteenth and Marine, are moving to the city, where they will in future reside. Invitations are out for a Hal- lowe'en party to be given on October 23rd by Mrs. B. M. Grady, at her house on Twenty- fourth and Waterfront. c c c Mr. R. Hulme, of the -West Vancouver Garage, has left for the city, where he will spend the next two weeks on the construc- tion of a model in connection with a recent invention. Billy, the son of Mrs. R. Loch- head, of "Restholme," Marine Drive, has arrived from the Old Country. Mr. F. B. Sparrotve has rented the Hodgson cottage on EIay- wood Avenue. The West Vancouver L. O. L., No. 2990, will hold their next regular meeting at Dundarave Hall on Tuesday, October 19th, at 8 p.m. Voters Must Make Application in Oct. HOLLYBURN HALL Ccv. 14th 2nd Duchess Wednesday, October 20th at 7.45 p.m. LECTURE ON THE BRITISH WEST INDIES by MIL F A. LEOiVARD Admission Free Everybody Welcome West Van. Saddle llorses & Ponies See West Vancouver and Hollyburn Ridge on a real Western Pony tvith a real IVestern Equi pmen1, Coed St&vlcc. Moderate Tsriif C. C. MacDonald Fred M. Scott 15th st MalhctsAve. Phone West 39 Chet Shields MAGAZINES, CIGARETTES, TOBACCOS, CONFECTIONERY, Erc. 14th Street, right st Railroad Track "Service With 2 Smile" A. CHISHOLM BXKER Rcstdcscc Phone West 653L CAKES and PASTRY See our display in Greenwood's Window Daily Delivery anywhere in West Vancouver Marine Drive, (between 21 2nd 22) NFILL'S GROCERY TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM PHONE WEST 690 HALL TO RENT THE NEW AMBLESIDE HALL Corner 14th and Marine with a floor space of 2,000 square feet, is available for RECEPTIONS, DANCES PRIVATE OR PUBLIC PARTIES, Etc. This is the most modern and up-to-date Hall in the District and is fully furn- ished for such occasions, having Piano, Crockery, etc. For Terms apply-- MRS. C. HAY, Talephanu Wast 21 or Wast 478L tf REENlN OOO S GROCERY WEST 16 Saturday Specials Cooking Onions, 10 lbs. for......,......,....25c B.C. Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. for..............69c Nabob Cofl'ee, per lb.....66c Butter finest Alberta 3 lbs.................... $1.23 White Spring Salmon, 1-lb. cans ...................15c Fells Naptha, 3 bars .... 25c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag ............... 55c Malkin's Best Tea, per lb................................ 6".c Heinz Tomato Catsup, large ........,....., .... 29c Classic Cleanser, 2 for 15c EXTRA SPECIAL Mackintosh Red Apples, per box, $1.49 Cakes and Pastry Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily We close at 1 o'lock Thursdays Phone Your Orders DAILY DELIVERY Automobile Club Members Ycu have an OSIcial Garage 2nd Towiag Service IE tbis District West Van Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phcna West 444 Free Towing to Membcvtb Troughton a& Barrow Buy n LOT Iur a Home; n Home maana a LOT. Real Estate & Insurance HEKE SINCE IQIC Dundarave Phone IVcst SS Hollyburn Theatre Fcldev ard saturday. Oct. lstb 6 lstl George Sydney, Charlie liiurrsy 2nd Vera Gordon "The Cohens and Kellys" Nerdat and Wedneedev,ec(.16 and 20 Siiltcn Sins in "The Knockout" Miss ANN RITCHIE, T EA CH ER OF SiiV G INC nND VOI&'E PRODUCTION. Fer Pact'cuiart Pbeae West 4672$ ~ et gkdrd9 HOV&y do the tens of thousands ofpersons on downtown streets get thercy They don't all walk from home, They all haven't automobiles. They come by street car. Every week day 200,000 persons travel by B.C. Electric cars. To shop, to work, to theatre, to church, they go by street cap. No large city can exist without means of providing mass transportation. The progress and welfare of the street railway should be the concern of everyone, user or not. BNIIsa CsiSNNI Biscng&BSSSEFOI. 10.M The municipal clerk wishes to draw attention to the conditions governing the coming municipal elections. As there conditions are somewhat dill'erent to those of either federal or provincial elections, the follotving hints may be of service. there being sometimes a 1 ittle misun&ler- standing: During the month of October in each year householders and license holders who have resided in the district since the 1st of January, and who are British subjects, must file with the municipal clerk a declaration in order to have their names placed on the municipal voting list for the coming year. Persons woo have pai&l poll tax for the current year must also make similar application in October. The names of owners of laml are entered on the voting list from the Lan&i Registry Offic records On another page of this issue will be found an ofllcial adver- tisement dealing tvith the mat- ter. PHONE 466 I J H REID F II~LTo"N Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. 111 FIRST EAST PHONE NORTH 1270 NORTH VANCODVER HUDSON AND ESSEX DEALERS Guaranteed Used Car Specials STAR SPORT TOURING, New Paint, New Tires, equipped with Trunk, IVind Deilectors, Sun Visor, Spare Tire, etc., Motor A I Condition--$200.00 Cash; Balance easy. LATE MODEL STAR TOURING, New Paint, mechanically perfect. A real cheap car. $ 125.00 Cash; balance east. ESSEX COACH--Fully equipped, only run 9,000 miles--$300 cash. Balance easy. 1922 FORD TOURING CAR in good shape, ntake a dandy car for your hunting trip. Full price only $ 150.00. easy terms. Come in and see these cars or phone North 1370 an&1 we will be pleased to dentonstrate any of the above for your approval.