West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Oct 1926, p. 4

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001B6BE4 I. O. IP. E. The regular meeting of the Duncan Laweon Chapter, I. O. D. E. tvas held at St. Stephen's Parish Hall on Monday after- noon, hire. W. B. Smail. Regent, in the chair. The usual monthlv donations to the Hospital Host Fund and Disabled Veterans were author- ized, also a donation to the "work in India." Final plans for the Hallow-e'n Dance, to be held at the New Ambleside Hall on Friday evening, October 2 nd, &vere made. The Chapter tvifi again take charge of the sale of "poppies" for the local branch of the Canadian Legion. Nrs. Walter Gourlay was appointed con- vener. The convener of the Shaugh- nesny Hospital Committee, Nrs. A. E. Young, gave a splendid re- port of the work at the h&tspital. hinny visits have been made and several birthday cakes. smoke~, fruit, candy, playing cards and magazines taken to the boys. The bove are extremely grate- ful to the Chapter for the de- lightful outing to IVhytecliif, which took place on September o~d. On this occasion the Chapter entertained thirty-nine boys at the Blue Dragon Inn. A supper was served by the ladies of the Chapter and the boys declared it to be the best outing of the season. The Chap- ter is very thankful to Nrs. Frank Halliday, ihIrs. Minnons, hfrs. T. A. Spencer, Councillor J. Leyland, hlr. George Hay, hfr. Gordon Robson, Nrs. Sydney Gisby, Mr. Kerr Robinson and General A. D. NcRae, who were responsible for the transporta- tion. The committee. Mrs. Young, ihIrs. Chapman and hfrs. hforgan, deserve considerable credit for the arrangement of this aifair. The Chapter placed a laurel wreath at the hfemorial Arch on September ossth, the anniversary of the death of Duncan Latvson, and several members of the Chapter attended a memorial service at the United Church on the Sunday following. Tea was served, the hostesses being hfre. Garland and hire. hICVean. Parent-Teachers'ssociation The Parent-Teachers'ssocia- tion of West Vancouver held a meeting on Tuesday night at the Pauline Johnson School Ar- rangements were made, starting next week, to have hot cocoa and hot soup at Hollyburn and Pauline Johnson Schools, for which a nominal charge will be made. It was decided to make a canvass of the district to provide a fund for a chair of home econ- omics in the University of Brit- ish Columbia. Rev. A. BL Sovereign. rector of St. Mark's Church, was pres- ent and gave a most interesting lecture on "The Value of Play- @rounds." He said that play- grounds, by rendering possible the playing of various kinds of games, instilled the young with the principles of honour and en- dowed them with a sturdy man- hood. They also assisted in making children healthy and strong. He was of the opinion. however, that there should al- ways be supervision when play- grounde were in use, because without it the bigger children were liable to be chosen on teams instead of the smaller ones, the latter of whom probably needed the exercise more. In conclu- sion he said that IVeet Van- couver wae fortunate in having such fine playgrounde and he trusted that, in any town-plan- ning scheme adopted, care would be taken to have sufficient parks and playgrounds for the future needs of the district. THE WEST VAiV NFWS October 15th, ln26 The First Narrows Bridge Where does it lead this Bridge of Drcamsy This triumph arch of human schemes? To this charmed shore whose broad highway SkirLs wooded hilL~ with bin» soma gay; IVhere Balm of Gilead's fra- grance rare With stveetest went perfumes the air; Where brooks cascade in sparkl- ing falls. IVhere from deep &rood» the shy thrush calL~: Where great gray rocks hold back the sea, Which churns and roars eter- nally: Where forests lovely as ohl Arden Give aha&le to iVature's gay tvild garden; IVhere timbered slopes and winding trails Lead up through shady moss- groccn dale~ Up. up until the rocky ledge Seems very like this old worl&i's edge: AVhere glistening fields of melt- ing snow Their cool clear tvaters send be- low; TVhere golden glows from set- ting sun Tell gorgeously that day is &lone; IVhere spirits free in paths new- trod islay see the handiwork of God. Soon may the Narrows &leep be spanned And entrance given to 1Vonder- land. Rachel Day. IVeet Bay, West Vancouver. Booth Should Play If Australia Meets B.C. Word hae been received that the famous Australian cricket- ers will arrive in Vancouver next Tuesday, October 19th. It has been suggested that the Aus- tralians play a match with a representative team of B. C. cricketers, and if this can be arranged as hoped, Booth is one player that ehoulcl be included. Playing for the North Shore club during the past season, he has made four centuries and has proved himself one of the great- est cricketers B. C. has yet pro- d&iced. One of the biggest and moat successful gatherings of the St. Anclretv's encl Cal&stonian So- ciety wan held at the K. of I'. liafi on hiiondny night, October 11th, &chen the olficers for the year &vore &luly installe&t. There &vere present representatives of various Scottish societies in Vancouver and of the West Vnn- couver Scottish. nnd besides a splendid turn-out of mcml&ere oF the North Vancouver Socic ty many of their friends attemied this most interesting social event. Nr. IVm. NcNeish, hon. presi- dent, presiclcd nt the ceremony of instnfintion, supported by ex- Reeve J. Y. NciVnught aml Mr. IV. Nackenzie, president of the Scottish CounciL West Vancouver Scottish Society The regular meeting of the above society will be hei&I to- night (Fri&lay), at 8 p.m., in the "Clachan." .Business before the meeting will be election of of- ficers, reports, new committees for the 1926-1927 seneon, an&i summarizing of the winter pro- gramme. AH eligible and intend- ing members will please com- municate with the president, West 89L, or the secretary, )Vest 101, or the membership committee at tVest 31 or 1Vcst 49L. West Vancouver Boys'hoir The first meeting of the Boys'hoir,under the leadership of Professor James Morgan, will be held on Friday, October 22nd, at 4.15 p.m., in the Hofiyburn School, Fourteenth and Duchess. Interest in the proposed choir is very keen and it should prove an inspiration alike to parents as well as to the boys them- selves. There is still room for several voices and, if the par- ents of intemling members will communicate with Professor Morgan during this coming week, he will be glad to a&Tango for the enrollment of the pupils. Professor Morgan, West 173; Mre. Moncrieif, IVest 30R; Nrs. Elgar, IVest 652R; Nre. J. T. Watt, AVest 101. You Can Save One Dollar '&VS A&&E SOI E A&1 ENTO Ft&it The Famous Coalmont Coal. It in unequnlled for the range, grate or Furnace. PROVE FOR PRICES. The Hollyburn Lumber Coen Ltd. I Uh&DEH--SIHiV&:I,Ft&--SAR&I --D&&ORS-- F&HIS&I Fool o& »Iih S&cast st Water&runt &isa&dance& West n2R2OH&ca Phone &vest al „,„, „„„,„,, M.WILLIAMS,,„DLR„H&E CUSTOM TAILOR Spaoianeinn &n htan's Suits snd Ovoveonta to h&aneura. Lavza Assoc&ment oi I'a&terna to chooea from. ORDER YOUR NEXT SUIT I'ROM US. Dry Cleaning CITY Dyeing, Ropnlrsand nnd Pressing P It IC KS Alterations WE CALL AND DEIJVER pHDNE wzsT no SAVORY 84 DUVAL RFihft FiSTATFi AND INSURANCFi 1429 Marine Drive Phone IVcnt I II NOT I C E North 8 West Yan Stages From and including 1st October, the extra service, as pre- viously advertised, will be cancelled. IVatch for New Time Table, which will be effective from an&1 including next Friday, October 1st. EsTATE L. H. BEAMlSH INsURANCE MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING PURPOSES Wc have moved to 1436 MARINE OR&VE Phone West ly Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe 16'IO Heywood Avc. West Vancouver Br. J&. E. Kntpfel Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleside Block, Cor. 14th and Marine Office Phone West 166 AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St. and Waterfront FORTUNE CUI'NN TAXI Phon ~ i WEST »6 Resu WEST &SOL Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 FEED, FUFL, CEMENT Etc. If you pay your te 1 e ph on e b i 1 l by the 18th of the month "- "" J H DAWSON BUILDING CONTRACTOR ALTERATIONS, ETC. B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY Ambleeide Tea Rooms Perry Who&I WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic SuppDas, Tobaccos, atc. E. PALMER S&oncmseon & Bvicllopav & &replaces n S peciaity &'apilsno P.O. Ph. North n&&R2 Phono West 4 D. MORGAN, J.P. REAL ESTATE ~ nd INSURANCE BROKER Twenty-&&fin snd htsvlna Dv. D. D. ROBERTSON &4th St. &&acit o& iioiiybuvn Hall Cabinet Pdebet ant& Iittbeletetet Fuvn&turn made to un&nr. Caledonian Society Successful Event COAL COAL COAL I9 cd Ihth, I h sb I+I him C On +bi&, an'I 's stot'ornto 'Theim, i Gbapm~iiii ho levy "I II&4 Befro Octo~. Hall Mab™ ~ pci'",' Th Rt, .dg n&f Bicphcn ' h ,isi os Tho oven a &&ah HaIL I shanti Par'erY P 4 co& ceo, 4"'c P'"'~ceo, edesan .Idm'k;ndb I H IIm Ious &. James ' HamPbo b inii Hathi&en snd Miso Johnson Luc @mon ~ ciRo Tom lian hive & rourtc to hcf d+ Mr. ho&uo o" Marine Di ~crly occ" wbo wab g to rourte havinf m .„e Marine Dn"",e dg that It is «& k place dance pavilion ,RI m o.. Hollybuin Yea&to Kva ~ ~ Grippa lian hlf. R,'aaieri From s trip to encl IM IRI visiting h Gr&PP h wan and w in Bsskatc 4 later,, ~ G W Kisslck known real estateno de severed his connection G. Gray Real Estate and will in future here the London & Brit America Company, blr. Mounco, Thirty Marine, haa moved couver. ~ e ~ blr J Knowles Te Kings, who hab been il months vdth a severe i sciatica, is now able around again. ~ e u I The Board of Works dp the ground between walk and the aouth Marine Drive. In fnm Immne aPproachea a &sade, old drain pipes ] underneath the appr& carry oif the water Mr. and Min 8. Cu will arrive here iron in a week or t 0, hav "' on Haywood Av, Twenty. third. ~ ~ ~ Mr, E. blomh haa m, esty-fiffh to T„ and Maihoia aeslutuini