001B6BE4 October 15th, 1926 THE WEST VAN NEWS Mr. T. G. Kirkpatrick, general manager of the P. G. E., statedAt the final Trophy Shoot held at Pemberton Avenue traps, Saturday, October 9th, 1926, V. V. Vinson was high gun of the shoot and shot in his usual snappy and vivacious style. The representation of Vancouver 20 Name Straight L. E. Mackenzie.............. 14 R. Jessop ...,................. 17 ~ V. V. Vinson................... 19 j N. Leggatt ..................... 15A. Escott ...,.................... 17 P. D. Gordon ................ 18 H. A. Hoy........................ 18 Dr. A. R. Baker............ 18 J. Sentance ..................... 12 F. Gallant .................'.. 16 W. F. Smith.................... 16 Dr. A. M. Baker.............. 20 B. W. Doherty............... 17 I. B. Bates........................ 9 A. M. Wolfe.................. 16 K. A. Ray.......,................ shooters was remarkably notice- able, despite the heavy down- pour, but the sport alluring is irresistable. The following are the scores of the day: 15 7 Pr. Hip Dbls. 25 25 25 Tot. 10 12 19 ........ 55 13 1 I .... .... .... 4 1 15 1 1 .... .... .... 45 10 I 1 .... . .... 36 12 11 23 ...... 63 13 7 28 .... .... 6 I 14 9 21 ...... 62 11 12 21 ...... 62 8 8 .... ... .... 28 3 6 .... .... ... 25 13 8 .... .... ,... 37 12 I I 22 24 107 I 1 5 1 9 17 84 10 9 14 1 8 73 9 6 1 5 13 78 16 that the operating deficit on the railway had been reduced by $37,832 for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, speaking before the Real Estate Exchange on Fri- day. The deficit for the year ended June 30, 1926, was $274,- 971, the figures for the previous twelve months being $312,803. Increased production in the tetTitory adjacent to the line was responsible for the reduc- tion of the deficit, Mr. Kirk- patrick stated, and he expressed the hope that within a measur- able time the road could be operated at a profit, due to the production which this territory is capable of achieving and which is actually in process of development. Freight Increased. Revenue on the Squamish- Quesnel division this year showed an increase of 17.3 per cent. over 1925, freight traffic showing the greatest increase. "The increased revenue for freight was due chiefly to the in- crease of agricultural and forest production along the line," he said. "People forget that the present completed portion of the line is a colonization road and cannot be made to pay until at least a portion of the resources tributary to it are developed. This development was retarded just at the most critical time by the war. "In the meantime, if the rail- way was credited with at least a portion of the taxes, timber dues, royalties, licenses ancl other levies which the province l receives as a result of the ad- vent of the railway into this country, it would be found that the entire operating deficit would be wiped out," he de- clared. He analyzed the actual and potential development of the country settled by the railway, pointing out that the area con- tained 38,000 square miles, of which 30,000 were classed as productive. Much of this land is arable and large areas are suitable for grazing. 18 15 13 19 16 Soday 8 O'ara Acquire New Business The Maple Leaf 'orever Garclening is not a hobby of mine. I like to look over a gar- dening book now and then; ancl it is one of the points of con- tention between my friend- and myself that he will not put his address on the subject into a form suitable for school chil- dren. But for all that, I do not want to gain any practical ex- perience of gardening. But I have just had to gain some of this unwanted experi- ence in spite of my best efforts at evasion. A maple tree littered the tiny grass patch and flower- beds in front of the house with a carpet of greenish yellow and rusty brown, until even my strong stomach was "scunner- ed," as the Scotch say, and I had to Spend two ho'urs in scav'eng- ing, partly with a rake, though mostly by the laborious process of gathering the leaves one by one. I made a passable job of it, and went to dinner with a good appetite and a clear conscience. But next day I find tire place as bad as it was before. Is there no poet in the land to write something really truthful, in- stead of glibly rhetorical, on the text, "The Maple Leaf Forever." P. Messrs. Soday & O'ara, so well known to the residents of North Vancouver and district from their association with the North and West Vancouver stages, have just purchased the station- ery, tobacco and confectionery business which for some time has been operated by Shoemaker, McLean & Veitch, Ltd., at No. 5 Lonsdale Avenue, adjacent to the Ferry landing. It is the in- tention of the new owners to make changes, both in the fit- tings and operation of the store, and to add to the stock and serv- ice other features which we feel sure will commend themselves to the public. Wins Second Prize The salmon fishing in West Vancouver waters during the past few weeks has been very poor. While plenty of these fish have been seen around the Nar- rows and along the shore, they have consistently refused to bite. Mr. A. Chilton, of the Royal Bank, was, however, re- cently successful in catching a salmon weighing 13i/e pounds, which gained for him the second prize of a two and half dollar gold piece, presented by the Ambleside Tea Rooms for the second largest salmon caught this year off West Vancouver. On the same day Mr. C. J. Over- ington landed a salmon weigh- ing 13 pounds. I. O. B. A. The regular meeting of the L. O. B. A. was held in Dun- darave Hall on Thursday, Octo- ber 7th, with a good attendance of members. The drawing held at the birthday party netted $18, which is to be handed over to the orphanage. A whist drive and dance is to be held on Thursday, October 21st, in Dundarave Hall, at 8 p. m. WEST VANCOUVER MUSICAL SOCIETY The West Vancouver Musical Society will hold a social on Tuesday, October 19th, at 8 p.m., in the New Ambleside Hall, Fourteenth and Marine. There will be music, cards and dancing. Refreshments will be served. Pacific Stages Winter Schedule 1926-1927 'I EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1st, 1926 Route via Second Narrows Bridge--Third Street--Marine Drive Lv. Vancouver .......... S:30 a.m North Vancouver S:66 Amblcaldc ........ 9i05 HcHyburn ........ 9:07 Duadaravc ........ 9:13 West Bay .......... 9:i6 Sherman ............ 9:I7 Cypress Park .. 9:i9 CaulfcHdc „......., 9:20 Ar. TVhytccHR'c ........ 9:35 Lv. WhytcclHTa .... 7:15 a.m CauHcHda .......... 'l:80 Cypress Park 7:3i Sherman........ 7:33 Wast Bay . „7:86 Daadacavc .... 7:S7 Hcllybara .......... 7:43 Amblccldc .......... 7:46 North Vanccuvcr 7i65 Ar. Vancouver ........ 8:20 WESTBOUND-- ( loi30 a.m. I2:30 p.m. io:55 i2i65 ii:06 I:05 ii:07 ii07 iiii3 I:13 ii:i6 I:l6 ii:i7 lil7 il:ih I:is 11:20 I:20 I:35 EASTBOUND-- 9:06 a.m. 9:SO il:30 a.m. 9:3i I I:Sl 9:83 ii:S3 9iS6 ll:35 9:87 ili37 9:43 lii43 9:45 ii:4li 9:55 li:66 io:20 I2:20 p.m. NORTH SHORE) 2i30 p.m. 4iso 2:56 4:55 3:06 5:05 3:07 5:07 3:i3 5:IS 3:i6 5:ib 3:i7 6:IV 8:19 5:i9 3:20 6:20 6:36 NORTH SHORE) I:06 p.m. I:30 3:30 I'iS1 3isl I:33 3:83 I:35 3:35 I:37 3:37 I:43 3: IS li45 3:i6 I:56 3:66 2 i 20 4:20 lii30 p.m. iii55 12:05 a.m. 12:07 12:i3 12:15 12:17 i2:i9 12i20 12:36 p.m. 8:30 p.m 8i65 9:05 9:07 9:13 9:i6 9:17 9:19 9:20 p.m. 6iSO Gi66 7:06 7:07 7:IS 7:16 7:17 7:is 7:20 6:05 6:80 5:Si 6:33 6:37 6:43 6:46 5:65 Gi20 p.m. 7;30 p,m 7:3i 7i33 7i3li 7:37 7: l3 7:46 8 20 ioioo p.m. ioioi io:03 10:05 loi07 10: is 10:16 10:25 lo:50 Sey H. C. MOTOR Sey 4000 I ~qy'000 SEYMOUR AT DUNShlUIR Final Trophy Shoot at P.G.E. Reduces Its Debt for YearPemberton Ave. Traps about the weather but wc dc it just the same. Don't come cut these wct days. If yca need anything fram the Drug Store--Cough Syrup cr Teething Powders, Feeders, Nlpplcc, Bandages, Dressings, Powder, Lipstick-- anything--just phone us aad we'l send thc bcy up with it. A Complete Supplyol... GROCERIES and CONFECTIONERY WE DEI lVER Hollyburu Barber Shop MARINE DRIVE aad 15th Opp. the West Vse. Lereher Ce Over 26 years'arber Expect ence at your service. Expert in Haircutting Ladies, Gentlemen and Chddren Our Phones are WEST 37 and WEST 606 THE WEST VAN PHARMACY THE DUNDARAVE PHARMACY G. RADLAND, Propciatac West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th PIANO TUNING aadREPAIRS blandctta, Basic, Guitar, all styles accurately taught W. CUTHBERT Phone ivcst 409Y A BAD ACCIDENT happened on Grouse Mountain through poor brakes HOW ARE YOUR BRAKES? Better let us look them over WEST V&X. Gal'XG K PHONE WEST 130 PHprps EVERYBODY KNOWS bout our THAT THE'"'"'ing Studio 311 Hastings Street West Established 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Shortbread and Nut Loaves Daily HAVE OUR DEI IVERY MAN CALI Phone West 27 Established 5 t/4 Years C, J. PVERINGTPN BARBER For the convenience cf tha ladies cf the District I have had the tclcphcaa installed PHONE WEST 135 and make an appclatmcnt. 14th and Marine DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phone West 5 FRESH blEAT AND FISH Wa DcBvac For Your YVinter Sup- ply of COAL PHONE Ed. Black WEST SS aad QualityService FUEL DryBark, Coal L Wood of all kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Currie, Prop) 25th and Marine Phone IVest 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed New classes now heing formed J. M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West 173 Seymour 3058o BURRA.RD DECORATORS 116 FIRST STREET, EAST, NORTH VANCOUVER PAPERHANGING and KALSOhIINING, Etc. Paints, Oils, Varnishes Shingle Stains PHONFe NORTH 914 Estimates Free We Shpgldg't NORM GROCERY Kick 14th acd hjtIL$ E .. ficac Wept 66