West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Oct 1926, p. 2

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001B6BE4 Classified Ads. SOCKS AND STOCKINGS KNIT from your owu wooL Mon'a socks 25c a pair. First pris winner (924 oxhibi(iou. A. Craig, 2117 Argyle Ace.; West 645L FOR EXCHANGE -- Oakland c(ooc6 touring car, 8 months oid, par(oct comB(iou, prius(eiy owuorL origina( cost $2.200. Will exchange too lots (o value of $(JS)0 amt give big dio- count on balance. Savory & Du»a(, phone 'iyoat 114. FOR Sr(LE--Ra»ad tumed oah dining table aud aix chairs, 0JL '(Vco( 6331, or 1453 Fui(ou S(. FOR RENT-- (353 Ct) dc S(„modccu buugaiow, two bairn»ma au) attic. Newly doc»&»(cd. $25. Phone West 652R A SNAP--Two caaRo cxccBoa( cicaocJ bui(ding iota, 60 I(. each; splendid view. Away bciow market price, $560 for the (wo. One-third caah. balance over (wo years. Savory rb Duval, Wco( 114. AT LIBERTY toc Ha(iowa'cn dao&ca. pub(ic or prius(c, pianist am( aaxo- phouiat, protcaaioaai. I'bouc West 121L Qt(ICK SAI.E FOR CASH--V(occam oak frame, with approximately $ (n worth ot high-class accords. A snap. $75. Apply "Victrola," Wca( Vaa. News. FANCY WORK CLASSES will be held at "Tbc Little Shop." Duu- dacacc, Saturday afternoons, 2 till 6, commouciug 23)d instant. Free lessons. FOR CARPEVTRY, Painting, Shing- ling, laying sidewalks, or any odct jobs phone Webb. West 180 R. MRS. C. W. EMERY, Singing, Piano- forte a&»0 Theory. Beginners wel- come. 23rd amt Bellevue. Phone West 1 8R FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE (o rent. Full plumbing. Apply B. IL Harrison, West 404L LOT 99, DIST. LOT 556--9-10 of aa acre on Pa(mora(ou Acc., Ai(amos(. north of Marino Drive, between o~ amt 30th Aves. Sacrifice price, $600 cash, or $700 ou terms. Ssx147 ON ESPLANADE bc(»'ccn 11th aud 12()t $360 on terms. HARRY P. BRITTOV 602 Creat(( Foacicr Building 850 Hastings St W Vancouver Scy. 4538 IL C. OSBORNE Marine Drive a( Ambicaidc Phone Woo( 643 WANTED--Wa(crtroa( co((cgo scar Ambioaidc. FOR SALE--I-coom modern buuga- iow on large Iot, well located. $LSOO; small cash payment. H. C. OSBORNE Marine Drive at Ambtcaido Phoae West 643 R P. CLARK & CO„LTD. SNAPS IN BUILDING LOTS FOR LOCAL INVESTORS ALTA01ONT--60 tt x 120 I(., light clearing: $ 125 each on terms. HOLLYBURN--50 I(. x 120 tt., at- (rac(ivc ricw, nearly ail cleared; $550 for awo. LOVELY unobstructed view lots. Light, water aud phone available. 60 tt. x 120 tt. $525 on terms. 23RD STREEI' Two 50 I(. lots for $550. Within three blocks Marine Drive. FOR RFVT--Modern stucco bunga- low, French doors, hardwood (1ooca, c(c. $30 mou(hiy. IL P. CLARK & CO„LTD. 823 Haatiuga St W. Scy. 7483, 7484 Local Rcproaca(a(ioc C. J. ARCHER, West 651L SHRUBS FOR SALE-- LAURELS--25c (o $3 each. HYDRANGEAS-- inc (o $ 1.50 each. COTON EASTERS-- )oc (o Mc cac)t CHESTNUTS--25c (o 75c each. SWEET LAVENDER--loc each. MOUNTAIN ASH--Up (o Soc each. BUDDLEIA or SUMMER LILAC- 25c each. GEORGE GOURLAY Phono West R THE West Van1Vetos Publica»6 Ercry Priday IL HODGSON aad P. F. LOVEGROVE Pabiioharo Buaiacoa aad Editorial Ottico( 1361 htariao Drirc Phoao Woo( 19L Mail Addcauo) P.O. Box 101. H»Bybum. R C. ADVERTISING RATBS ON APPLICATION $ LOO ~ year by maiL Ncwsa(ands 6c pcr copy. TIIE IVFST VAN. &NEWS Octnber i(1th, 1920. V(EST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall. Iilarine Dr. Dundacavo Su»day Scca(co at 11.30 a.m. Subject October 17th rHR DO(TR(NE &)F ATONE)(ENT" Sauday School at 10.00 a m. Testimony Meeting ovary Wed- nesday at 8.16 p.m. United Church The Sacrament of the Lord' Supper was held in the Unite&I Church last Sunday, when nino members were received, six nn professinn of faith and three by certificate. The Anniversary Services nf the United Church )vill be hehl on Sunday. October 81st. The Rev. P. T. Pilkey, of St. Jnhn's Church, )vill preach in the morn- ing and the Rev. Dr. IVilliam H. Smith, Sfnderator of the R. C. Conference, in the evening. The is preparing special musie. On November Srd the Anniversarv Banquet will be hehl in the New Ambleside Hall. The football season is nnw under way in connection (vith the Sunday School Athletic As- sociation. The United ('hurch Junior "A" team defeaterl Tra- falgnr United by 7-2. The Junior "B" team defeated First Church by 6-1. St. Stephen'8 Church Trinity 20 and Children's Day (October 17th). 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 10 a.m., Children's Service. 11.16 a.m., Morning Prayer. 7.16 p.m., Evensong. The Rev. C. B. Price. of Christ Church, will speak to the chil- dren at the 10 o'lock service and preach at Matins. The Junior Camp of Trail Rangers elected as their offlcers last Thursday: Tom Timbrell, Grand Chief: Net Chapman, Sub Chief; Rex Rhodes, Tally; Dick Timbrell, Cache. At a well-attended meeting nf the Women's Auxiliary Tuesday three new members were wel- comed and preliminary plans made for the annual bazaar on hyednesday, November 24th. The Juvenile football team played a drawn game last Satur- clay against Kerrisdale Baptists, T. Timbreli and Edwards getting the St. Stephen'8 goals. The game was featured by smart work on the part of both goal- tenders. Under the auspices of the A. Y. P. A. a concert will be given in the Parish Hall next. Tuesday night by pupils of Miss Edna N. hVIHdauer, assisted by other artists. Proceeds are in aid of the piano fund. Lions'ate Bridge The Council passed a resolu- tion that the Dominion Govern- ment be advised that such plans and dimensions for the Lions'ate Bridge as were recom- mended by Harrington, Howard & Ashe would be satisfactory to the Council of the Municipality of West Vancouver. SOCIAL EVENING THE WEST VANCOUVER MUSICAL SOCIETY will hold a Social next Taco&(ay. 19(h inst„ in (hc NEW Ah(BLESIDE HALL from 8 (o 12 p.m. Whist, Dauciag, Rctrcohmcu(o Tickets Sec CORPORAT(ON OF TIIE D(STI(ICT OP WEST VANCOUVER NOTICE TO VOTERS Any person 21 yoaca old, who haa resided in the District from the ia( day of January, 1926, desiring (o vote aa the next Municipal Election aud uo( being otherwise quaHficc( may be- come a household voter by paying the Collector TWO DOLLARS and Ai( Houacboktcca aur( holders of Trades Lice»coo or Poll Tax Roccip(o A(&E REQUIRED TO MAKE EVERY YEAR. aod deliver ao the Municipal Clerk BEFORE THE FND OF OCTO- BER, a Statutory Doc(era(ion on the Corm which may be bart at the Muui- cipai Hall. JAS. OLLASON, Music(pa( Clerk. Ho(iyburu, B. C. 8-) 0-M A Full I.ine of hlerchnndlse Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Etc. Variety as large ss required to fill your neerls, prices as love as concentrated buying poucy will permit-- those are two big factors in buying your merchandise -- at-- SI~ED'S GICOCI~4'RY We close at 1 p. m. every Thursday. Marine Drive. Ambleside. Phone West 28 WE DEI.IVER Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pnstor. Sunrlay Schnol at 10 n.m. j(lr. C. M. Stains, of Vancou- ver, acting pnstor, will con&lurt the Morning Service October 17th. tyeekly I'rayer Service every bye&tuesday, 7.80 p.m. A splendid congregation on Sundny morning. October 10th. grectecl Rev. Iyalter Daniel, cvhn brought us 6 stirring message taken from the thir&l chapter of Natthe)v, "A voice of one crying in the wilderness." and Miss Elsie Taylor, of Vancouver, snng "The Lord Is My Shepherd," the occasion being the fourth anni- versary of the church. Iutermouutain Building aud Loan Association Assets. $ 1, I00,000 ('a»ad(au Rcg(a(ocod Ottico: Vaucouvcr i(tock, Vancouver, IL C. OUR CO-0('Ei(ATIVE SAVINGS AND LOAN SYSTEhl (VII.L INTEREST YOU Call or Phoae FRED. F. O'HALLORAN Dio(ric( Rap&coca(a(ioo for )Vca( Vancouver Rcaidcucor Twca(y-Th(rd aud Bc(icruo Phone: )Vco( 66(t( FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSUIIANCE, ICTO. Presentation ta Miss Ruth Tabor see JOHN LAWSON Phone West 5517th StreetMonday evening 8 Young People's social was held in the )Vest Vancouver Baptist Church. After a short programme, Nr. Staines gave an interesting talk to young people. Miss Ruth Tabor, who was the guest of honor, was presented with a handsome timepiece, on, the occasion of her marriage from the members ancl friends of the church. Miss Tabor has been organist for the past four years. The presentation was made by Miss Helen Colpitts. Those assisting in the pro- gramme were Mrs. Barbour, Miss Amlerson, Miss Gladys Mc- Nair and Miss Winnie Breaiey. Dainty refreshments were served by the 'teen age girls. After singing the hymn, "Blest Be the Tie That Bin&Is," Mr. Staines closed with the Bene- diction. Marriage (pf Miss M. B. Logan HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral liI ertarII North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 1S4 A quiet wedding took place at noon October 9th. at St. An- drew's Church, when Mary Bar- bara (Mamie), second daughter of Mrs. S. Logan, of Marine Drive, West Vancouver, became the bride of Mr. Abert Lister- Taylor, of Vancouver. The Rev. Alexander Kerr officiated. The Wet Weather Is Here! Buy Rubbers (Woman's, htiaoca, ('hihtrcu'o) at FEARCE)S DRYGOODS Surprise Party The Women's Auxiliary of the United Church gave 6 surprise party on Friday night to Rev. A. M. O'Donnell and Mrs. O'Don- nell, on the occasion of the thir- teenth anniversary of their wed- &ling. In testimony of the high regard in which they are held a presentation was made of a flow- er centre bowl and four candle- sticks. Mr. O'Donnell, on be- half of his wife and himself, re- plied in his usual happy vein. The evening was passed very pleasantly in music and games. Among those present were Mrs. D. C. Ritchie, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Blair, Mrs. Turnbull, Mrs. McClelland, Miss Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. George Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, the Misses Ann and Helen Ritchie. Mrs. Hoskin, Mrs. Durban, Mr. D. A. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Garland, Mrs. Ashe, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Jaffary, Miss Mabel McBain, Mrs. J. A. Davis, Mrs. Hood, Mrs. Watson, an&I Mrs. Archibald. New Ambloaido Block PHONE W EST 144Elimination af Phone Tolls Urged CHOICEST VIEW LOTSGeneral dissatisfaction havingbeen expressed by business firms. both on the North Shore and Vancouver, as to the long distance toll charges, the mat- ter was discussed at 6 meeting of the North Vancouver Board of Trade last week. It was pointed out that the present toll charges work to the serious disadvantage especially of large industries here which have their head oiflces or branches in Vancouver. Many business firms in North Van- couver do the greatest part of their telephoning with the city of Vancouver, an&I their bills. consequently, come extremelv high. It was further contended that North Shore business subscribers generally would not object to paying a higher business rate if the toll system was eliminated. With a view to applying to the B. C. Telephone Company for the elimination of these poll charges, so far, at least, as af- fecting business houses, it was decided to refer the matter to the Retail Merchants'ureau of the board for further investiga- tion and report. 2 blocks from Marine Drive and Ferry. West Van. Investment Company 18th asd Marino Drive ('bono Woo& )r)J, Doy or Night WATE(t NOTICE (Diva)a(os snd Uao.) TAKE NOTICE (hat E(hoi Agnes Brett, whose address is 3307 Irving S(., Buruaby, B. C., will apply toc a iiccuco (o (ako an&( uao 8 minor'a inches of water out of Brother Creek, which fiowa South East au&) drains into Capi(auo River, about one quar- (or ot miio abovo htarino Drive bridge. The water wiii bo diverted from the stream a( a point abou(r N. W. corner of S. E. (4 ot D. L )07(&P Group I, N. W. D., aud will bo used for domestic aud power purposes upon the land &(oacclbcr( as 8, E. M ot D. I.. 1079, Group 1, N. W. I). Thi~ no(icc waa posted on the ground on (ho 7(h day ot September 20. A copy of (h(~ notice aod an appiica(ios puc- ~uan( thereto aud (o (ha "Water Ac(" wi(i ba ti(od In the ottico of the 'iya(or Recorder a( Vascouvor. Objections (o the appiica(iou may be fiiod wi(h the said 'iyo(cr Recorder or with (ho Comptroller ot Water kigh(o Parlia- ment Bui(dingo, Vic(or(a, B. („, wi(hiu (hir(y days at(or the rica( appcaraoco of (hi~ uo(ico In a (ocul uowauapco. The date ot the tiraa pub((ca(ioo of (hio uo(ico ia Oc(oboe il(h, )926, ET)IEL A. BRETT, Appiicao(. Auto Accident an Marine Drive Mr. Warren A. Davidson, Twentieth Street, whose auto was allegedly standing at the corner of Thirty-firs and Marine Drive, was struck on Fri&lay morning by 6 stage. Nr. Wil- liam Jenvey, Fourteenth and Waterfront, was slightly hurt, but Mr. Davidson and other oc- cupants of the car were unin- jured. The auto itself was turned upside down and badly wrecked. The West Vancouver Auto Service towed it to their garage, where it ls being re- Mr Hewett has taken the Lynn cottage near rkfarine Drive for the winter. Vsme 'E nsckc"I " I 8 JeyaoP' yifi)09"- )I Lertj Eacett A,EG&dofi ~ F D HA kr', B. » 'r,A J. Sestsfice -"' ', F, Gso 1. Baker..=. F, Smith...-....--- Dr. A. I. B. W. Dohetty I. B, Bntcs.~ ..~. A. &i. Iyolfe II ra Acq re ttew S 0 dto'Hst) piegrta, Sodsy 0 tke te)i efi kfiowfi „d dialric with t)r their sme m ' sfid IVeat g the ysfi&osrer have just put h tobscco ssd co"1 bu018000 which for some( been operated by Shc McLesfi & yeiteh, Ltd.i Lofiadsle Avesun sdj) the Ferry lssdisp it 1'entiofiof the fiew 09 make changes, INtb in lings ssd operation of tl sfid to sdd to the stock 4 ice other features which sure wdl commend the to the public. i Wins Second Pj a 4 The salmon fishing i Vancouver waters dsr past few weeks haa be Poor. While plenty of tl have been seen around I rows snd along the Sha have consistently ref( bite. &11r. A. Chiltofi, Royal Bank, wsa, how( cently successful i8 csl salmon weighing I3% which gained for him t)r prize of 4 two ssd jml gold piece, presented Ambleaide Tea Reems second largest salmon this year Olf West Va On theaamedsynr G Ington landed 0 asim00 Ing 13 pounds. Pacif a Lv.'aacoayoc Nor(h Yacc~ 0&00 hub(w(4m oa&c I'00 (toll)ham W05 Do„a, I:07 Ww( 8," ~ 0:10 norm „W ~ 0'(5 Cyyroaa pa I I 17 Caalta(14& - I:10At Wh wrrg " 0' - I:10 Coo(to(it ~ ~ 'I;154'I» 8 ourn achC|yraaa '0".. 7.00 W&u( 8" Boil)bc"' 707 aaroao rro) 7,05 rr;00 i 'ff Fif'~ p gb TYOphY tke il9 „AvessAt mbettofi 9th I held st "'~octet)et tfi)9 Sestet 9"'00 "'js yin)09 I lfid'00 ss "h~t ssd'jwdo ysi ssspPP mtiefi 0