001B6BDC October Sth, 1926. THE WEST VAN. NEWS Mr. George Pitts, Esplanade. is in Victoria with his ship, the "Princess Victoria," which is be- ing overhauled. ~ 1 Mrs. R. J. Boyd, Duchess Street, has moved to Mrs. Fox's cottage, Twelfth and Water- front. 1 1 4 ,Mr. George Childs, Fourteenth and Waterfront, is away on busi- ness in Powell River. 1 e Mr. Lee Hayden, Fourteenth gd Waterfront, has moved to Vancouver. Mr. Walsh, Twenty-fifth and King', has moved to the city. 2 1 Mrs. Gray, who has been liv- ing in the city, has returned to West Vancouver, having taken the Walker cottage on Twenty- fourth Street. 1 ~ 1 Miss Kelly, 1669 Esquimalt, has moved to Vancouver. 1 Mr. McRae, Sixteenth and Ot- tawa, has taken the Alexander house, Marine and Twenty-fifth Street. Mr. Parkinson of North Van- couver has taken a house at Travers Avenue, West Bay. 1 Mrs. Syers, Twenty-fifth and Marine, has moved to the city. 1 1 Mr. Partington is having a house erected at Fifteenth and Gordon. Mr. N. T. Shirlaw has rented the house of Mr. F. Le Messurier at Twenty-ninth and Marine. Doctor E. R. Rowan has taken a house 'at Twenty-fourth and Mathers. 1 Miss Suffield, who has been occupying Mr. C. Millard's house on Mathers, has gone to Vernon, where she will spend the winter. 1 1 1 Mrs. Bourne has returned 'from Victoria and is staying with Mrs. B. M. Grady, Twenty- fourth and Waterfront. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald oi Akron, Ohio, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. B. Small, Ful- ton and Twentieth. o 1 Mrs. Cooke, Twenty-sixth and Marine, has taken a suite in the St. Julian Apartments, Van- couver. o Mrs. Griffiths, Twenty-seventh and Ottawa, has taken a house on Twentieth Street. 1 Peter, the little son of Mr. Rawkins, Seventeenth and Wa- tetCront, is back with his parents after being in St. Paul'8 Hospital, where he underwent an operation for a mastoid in each ear. He is now well on his way to recovery and is able to be about in the house. 1 Mrs. Doctor Lang, who has been ill at St. Paul's Hospital, is recuperating in the city be- fore joining her husband in Anyox. ~ 1 1 P. H. Alder, Caulfeilds, has been granted a permit to erect n one storey frame building for two stores at 233 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. M18. Doctor Bayne has moved into the house at Twenty-third Street and Marine formerly oc- cupied by Doctor Lang. 1 1 ~ Mrs. Wicking'8 house at Twenty-fifth and King's is al- most completed. Contractor Webster is doing the building. 1 1 O The "Alerts" of West Van- couver have finished their scrap book project. The books were on exhibition at the Sunday school convention and are now being donated to the Mission kindergarten at First Church, Vancouver. e ~ Ml'8. Ross Patterson of West Vancouver, and Mrs. Robert Armstrong were hostesses at 8 "harvest home" supper at the suite of the latter in the Sasa- mat Apartments, West Point Grey, on Tuesday evening. Mrs. H. L. Heath and Miss Margaret Cunningham assisted in receiv- ing the guests. The McIntyre Quartette, so well known to West Vancouver people, and who are all residents of the districts, will provide the opening programme next Sunday afternoon at the first of a series of Sunday concerts to be given in the Wesley Church, Vancou- ver. 1 Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Forster and family, Twenty-first and Bellevue, moved this week to Vancouver, where they will in. future reside. o ~'r.A. W. Shaw of Brandon, who is on a trip to the Coast, is visiting his cousin, Mrs. Jack Davis, Dundarave. 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Clewes and Miss Audrey Clewes of Kit- silano were on Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Berry, Marine Drive. o Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rowse had as their guests at Croft House, Whytecliffe, during the week- end, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scott, Miss Freda Waters, Miss Eve- lyn Edwards, Miss Audrey Mc- Leod, Miss Ivy Collier, Mr. Jack Gathercole, Mr. W. Winwick, and Miss Mina and Miss Edith Rowse. Miss H. Van Duson, "bacteri- ologist" of the Rockfeller Insti- tute of Peking, China, was a recent visitor with Mrs. J. N. Leggatt, Twenty-fifth and Wa- terfront. Miss Van Duson is on a holiday after six years in China. Mr. J. Howard Fletcher, the popular proprietor of the Holly- burn Theatre, and Mrs. Fletcher were hosts on Sunday afternoon when theIC infant son, Gordon Joy, was christened, Rev. A. H. Sovereign officiating. The cere- mony took place at St. Mark's Church and godparents are Miss Kitty Wisdom, Mr. Bert Quinn and Mr. James Edwards. Later tea was served at the home of the infant's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Snider, Walnut Street, Kitsilano, where the rooms were prettily decorated with pink and white ribbon and chrysanthemums. Mrs. Ernest Black presided at the urns and Mi88 Kitty Wisdom gave a vocal solo. BURRARD DECORATORS IIG FIRST STREET, EAST, NORTH VANCOUVER PAPERHANGING and KALSOMINING, Etc. Paints, Oils, Varnishes Shingle Stains PHONE NORTH lJ14 Estimates Free Mrs. Cuthbert would like to thank the following girls who tagged for the Crippled Chil- dren's Fund, for which over $46 was taken: Joan Curtis, Josie Leyland, Barbara Reid, Joan Dorchester, Amie Birch, Edna Lacy, Sybil Chapman, Grace Cuthbert, N et t i e Herman, Blanche Duckworth, H e I e n Nightingale, Kathleen Edwards and Mollie Edwards. ~ 1 1 St. Stephen's Choir are giving a social tonight (Friday) in St. Stephen's Parish Hall. A musi- cal programme has been provid- ed and there will be refresh- ments. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cliff, Seventeenth and Haywood, are leaving in a few days for Nimp- kish, where Mr. Cliff has ob- tained a position. A special meeting of the North Shore Parent-Teachers Federation was held Thursday, October 1, to discuss tentative plans for giving every woman on the North Shore an oppor- tunity to contribute to the fund heing raised for endowing a chair of Home Economics in the U. B. C. It was arranged to hold another meeting on Tues- day, October 12th, at the Lons- dale School, to complete plans for the campaign. The ladies of the Royal Purple held a most enjoyable whist drive at the K. of P. Hall Friday, October 1st. During the evening Miss Mar- garet N. Zinck pleased the audi- ence with a dance number called the "Strutt" and later demon- strated the new waltz and fox trot. The prizes for the whist were. presented by Mayor and Mayor- ess Mr. and Mrs. George Mor- den to the following winners: Ladies -- First, Mrs. Max Clarke; second, Mrs. Mee. Gents --First, Mr. Marron; second, Mr. Garthorne. Hidden number- Mrs. Willoughby. Mrs. Morden also presented to Miss Zinck, on behalf of the ladies, a handsome box of choco- lates.. Mrs. Watson convened the dance, Mrs. Jobling the whist drive, and Mrs. McEwen the re- freshments. Others assisting were Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Wil- ton, Mrs. O'ara, Mrs. Wood- ford, Mrs. Neale and Mrs. Clarke. Girl Guide Activities A Brownie Pack will be or- ganized at St. Stephen's Parish Hall on Wednesday afternoon, October 13th at 3.30 p.m., by the local association of Girl Guides All children (ages 3 to 11 years) wishing to be enrolled and older persons interested will be wel- come. BOYS'HOIR FOR WEST VANCOUVER Having received many re- quests from interested parents, Professor James Morgan has de- cided to commence a Boys'hoir of 35 to 60 voices, composed of teen-age boys. An interesting and highly instructive pro- gramme for the coming winter and special practice for next year's B. C. Musical Festival is the aim of the conductor. There is room for quite a num- ber of voices yet, and as Pro- fessor Morgan is anxious to get started at an early date, will those parents who would like to have their boy enrolled please communicate with any of the following at an early date re membership, practice. etc.: Prof. J. Morgan, phone West 173; hirs. Moncteiff, phone )Vest SOR; Mrs. G. Elgar, phone West G62R; hfrs. J. T. IVatt, phone IVest 101. PERSONAI S --=~~JI West Van. Saddle Horses L Ponies See West Vancouver and Hollyburn Ridge on 8 real Western Pony with a real Western Equipment. Good Sdtvlce. Moderate Tarif C. C. MacDonald Fred M. Scott 15th dt Malhers Ave. Phone West 39 Chet Shields MAGAZINES, CIGAREITES, TOBACCOS, CONFECTIONERY, ETC. 14th Street, right at Railroad Track "Service With 1 Smile" tIREENWOODS GROCERY WEST 16 Saturday Specials Small IVhite Beans, 5 lbs 2ic B.C. Granulated Sugar 10 ibs for 69c Blue Ribbon Coffee.......63c Butter, finest Alberta 3 lbs............... $1.23 White Spring Salmon, 1-lb. cans ....................15c Fells Naptha, 3 bars .... 25c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag ............. 55c Malkfn'8 Best Tea per lb.......................... 69c Heinz Tomato Catsup, large .................... 29c Classic Cleanser, 3 for 25c SHERMAN STORE and Post Office Marine Drive, between Woot Boy sud Cypress Park GENERAL SUPPLIES Agents for Star Laundry Everything you Rood for Camp or Houoo Gao fk OR Station. Wo Deliver EXTRA SPECIAL Mackintosh Red Apples, per box, $1.49 Cakes and Pastry Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily We close at 1 o'lock Thursdays Phone Your Orders DAILY DELIVERY A. CHISHOLM B A K E H. Reslden«1 Phone West 663L CAKES and PASTRY See our display ln Greenwood's Window Daily Delivery anywhere in West Vancouver Automobile Club Members You have an Otllclsl Garage aud Towing Service in this DistNct. West VaII Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phone Wost 444 Fred Towing to Members. Marine Drive, (hotwoon 21 ond 22) NEILL'S GROCERY TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM PHONE WEST 690 Troughton fk Barrow Bny 1 LOT for a Home; 1 Home means 1 LOT. Real Estate fk Insurance HERE SINCF. 1110 Duudnrave Phono West 83 HALL TO RENT THE NEW . AMBLESIDE HALL Corner 14th and 51arine with a floor space of 2,000 square feet, is available for RECEPTIONS, DANCES PRIVATE OR PUBLIC PARTIES, Etc. This is the most modern and up-to-date Hall in the District and is fully furn- ished for such occasions, having Piano, Crockery, etc. For Terms apply-- MRS. C. HAY, Tofophons Wsot 21 or Wont 476L Miss ANN RITCHIE, TEACHER OF SINGING sttu VOICE PRODUCTIO¹ Por Parttentata Pbane West 487RS Hollyburn Theatre Prides and Sstnadav. Oet. 8th ssd tub Reginald Denny la "CALIFORNIA STRAIGHT AHEAD" Ne des and Wedaeedas, Oet. 11 and ls "YELLOW FINGERS" Featuring Olive Borden PHONE 468 L J H REID FVLTON Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. 111 FIRST EAST PHONE NORTH 1370 NORTH VANCOUVER HUDSON AND ESSEX DEALERS Guaranteed Used Car Specials STAR SPORT TOURING, Netv Paint, New Tires, equipped with Trunk, IVind Deflectors, Sun Visor, Spare Tire, etc., Motor Al Condition--$200.00 Cash; Balance easy. LATE MODEL STAR TOURING, tVew Paint, nlechanically perfect. A real cheap car. $ 125.00 Cash; balance easy. ESSEX COACH--Fully equipped, only run 9,000 miles--$300 cash. Balance easy. 1922 FORD TOURING CAR in good shape, make a dandy car for your hunting trip. Full price only $ 150.00. easy terms. Come in and see these cars or phone North 1370 «nd lve tvi)I be pleased to demonstrate any of the above for your approval.