001B6BD4 CHOICE CUTS Fresh--Tasty ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 AND 5 ROOMED Furnished and Unfurnished HOUSES TO RENT Desirable IA&ca I iona and Reasonable Rents Vacant Lots and Houses in every part of IVest Vancouver. Buy now whilst prices are low. REAL ESTATE--INSURAiVCE--LOAiNS NOTARY PUBLIC GIt O. II%.Y City Oirfce: 315 Cordova SL 8 Phone Sey. 12bO 14th a ihfarine West Vancouver Phone West 21 West Vancouver Lumber Co. LI MITE D Come in and see for yourself «hat splendid fresh Meats we carry and at what reasonable pricero Whenever in need phone WEqT 3 for some nice, juicy, fresh meat, and see what fine quality and service we give. JEFFERIES Next to Hourburn Theatre PHOiVE WEST 3 WE DELIVER ALL hiEATS KEPT IN REFIIIGFRATOII Fresh snd Cured hlesis. Butter, Eggs, Bacon and Lard THE WEST VAN iVKWS C(Irrupt p()n doric(: 14th and Lawson Avenues, West Vancouver. 26th Sept.. 192G. The Editor, \Vest Vancouver News. Dear Sir: Our council is spending 32.000 on the river banks of Capilano. This work should be done in July and August. when the &cater is low and men can get at what they &cant to &lo. At this time of yenr the men working nn the banks have to wear gumboots and are unable to accomplish as much as they would earlier in the season. Could not this work be done in the summertime in futurey Yours truly. ALLAN YUILL. Night Schools The night schools instituted by the Board of School Trustees will start on Tuesilay. 12th Octo- ber. at which date students will be enrolled. The classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thurs- days, the ihranual Training class being located in the Pauline Johnson school and the other classes in Dressmaking, Short- hand and Typewriting, at the Hollyburn School. Proposal Made to Form Country Club Telephone Suscribers are Still Increasing Figures recently given out by the B. C. Telephone Companv sho» that there are now 3047 telephones in use in the three municipalities of the &Vorth Shore. 2,412 being in the city and district of North Vancouver, while G36 subscribers are now listed in North Vancouver. Since the first of this year 246 a&ldi- tional telephones have been in- stalled in private residences and places of business on this side of the inlet. In the same period IVest Vancouver's list of sub- scribers has been augmented by over one hundred. The telephone company now has 90,770 tele- phones in use in all parts of the province. In the city of Van- couver there are 48,036 tele- phones in use at present. R. P. Clark & Co. May Buy Acreage Messrs. R. P. Clark g& Com- pany have ma&le application to the council for the purchase of GO acres in D. L. 1494. It will bo remembered that last week this company purchased 73 acres in D. L. 1493 and that a deal had previously been made with the council for 300 acres. This deal, however, was not completed. IVe understand that the council has orrered these 60 acres at 560 an acre. October 1st. 1926 Roberts'etter tjieats 14th and Marine I/itest I(16- WE DELIVER 9.30 A.hl., EAST 25th Only 11 A.lii., Al.r, I'ARTS 3ol0 I'.M., Er(ST 25ith Only Al,l. Orders hlust Be In 30 Minutes Before Delivery Glendale Creamery Butter, G o v e r n m e n t Special, 3 lbs. for........,.... 51.20 Back Bacon, by the piece, pound .....................-.45c Side Bacon by the piece pound..................15c Ayrshire Bacon, Sliced, pound ..........................35c Cottage Rolled Ham, Sliced, pound ..........................40c I I u I C I'CIIILIj H„bisjj Si V~~I. i rouse Sea sou rir port& Shore ~ Be Re.0 OUVef Co bfes iufofmcd gcf.if ILLA I by the» w&U be P'm"tbio wek d govcmmcst on SU o ouse. pcu Oeuuu" Shore r«& " 'eef Oosxoli bus bsd bocu notice ~ iucfcsfc in the bif bss induce &OU ry 4 Ibc oggocii ommeu&l the seooou opened, Doucelia To Be 15th and Marine Phone WUest 115 Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE Expel& Workmanship Watch, Clock end 27 Years'xperience Jcweucry Repairing »".,'„v,n WatChmaker and JeWeller ttV. SAGAR) Residence Phone bvest 655 Y A Creed S&decoon oF Watches. Clocks ond Jewcgcry on hand 14M NARIK D'YE AMBLESIDE bVe will keep your New Chevrolet, purchased from us after September 24th, 1926, in good running condi- tion for one year at cents a day Ask us nbout our IIefgj Labour Service NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street bVest, Phone North 1186 North Vancouver Phone North 1350 THE OFFICIAL AUTO CLUB GARAGE ON THE NiORTH SHORE Free Towing to hfembers We are open until 12 P.hf. week days and 11 PJII„Sundays. Shoe Repairs The E'lectric Shoe Repair Shop We do not send out canvassers--we cannot afford it. We give you the best material and the best workmanship at the lowest prices. FRED TITE RELIABLE woj(K FOOT SP ECI ALI ST CHEERFUL SERVICE The Municipality of Point Grey has ivritten a letter to the difFerent municipalities of Great- er Vancouver in connection with the proposal to form a county council covering these districts. The communication reached the IVest Vancouver Council a few days ago, in which it was sug- gested that a vote of the people be taken about this matter. There was no discussion about this at the last meeting of the council, as it was decided to lay it aside for a later meeting. I. O. D. E. TEA Mrs. David Morgan gave a very enjoyable tea to the Dun- can Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., on IVednesday afternoon at her home in West Bay. Mrs. Vaughan was the convener an&1 Mrs. John Lawson and Mrs. Thos. Dick poured tea. During the afternoon Mrs. Stainsby and hfrs. J. T. Watt sang songs and Miss Frame gave a piano solo, all of which were much en- joyed by those present. EVERYWHERE PEOPLE ARE COMING TO REALIZE more and more how inter-dependent we are upon each other. The only individual who is self-sufficient is a hermit. THE KEYNOTE--THE FOUNDATION OF CIVILIZA- TION--IS THE FANHI.Y. 1Ve all concede that, nnd we'e rapidly coming to realize that our home town--is a home- town famuy~imply the family unit extended through neigh- borly cordiality, friendship and pleasant social intercourse. LET'S MAKE OUR HOSIE TOIVN UNIT CLOSER KNIT, Let's be generous with our good-will--reauzing that the prus- perity of the individual is directly reflected in an added pros- perity to our community. i YOUR HOME hIER(.'HANTS AND DEAf,ERS HAVE adopted this creed. IVill you co-operate? Sl'EiVD YOUR rMONEY AT HOME. Buy At Home A district like bVest Vancouver can only hope to grow and prosper by the goodwill and with the co-operation of its residents. This implies not only a sincere civic pride in the good government and development of the district. It includes, also, the willing and generous support of the tradesmen who are endeavoring, day by day, to meet the wants of the com- munity. I Tradesmen, storekeepers and professional men have al- ways a more or less hard struggle to make headway against outside competition. It is still harder when there happens to be a big metropolitan city nearby and easy to reach. But before cities became big and metropolitan, they also. no doubt, had serious competition toas t and hard spade work to do. And many of the smallec places, even around cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, have grown and prospered despite the close competition of these big cities. It is sometimes asserted that Americans have greater pride in their towns and cities than other people. That may very likely be true, for probably no other people are so enthu- siastic about their "home towns." Perhaps we might all profit by cultivating this pride and affection for our own District of IVest Vancouver. This is one American habit or custom we could well develop--the pride in and support of the home town. It would seem, at any rate. that by supporting our trad~ people, who are not only making a living in the town but also helping towards its prosperity, we are doing our share in the right kind of co-operation. Legs Local Lamb, lb...40c Boiling Beef, lb............. Rc Cambridge Sausage, lb. 15c 2 lbs....................... 25c Pure Pork Sausage -- our own make--lb.............30c McIntosh Re&I Apples- box ............................51.50 Tomatoes, 3 lbs. for .. 25c Stewing Veal, 2 lbs.......25c FRESH and CURED FISH LOCAL ROASTING and BOILING FOWL ALL THE GIRLS Yoo, oil the girls at the oBur- rordo are happy,--they like their work ood just love to hear pooplo come io ond praise the woy things are done. They coy oCuotomcro oro oo nice that we could do anything for them." Come in sometime ood oco things for yourself ood we'l explain our voriouo oScrviccoo to yoo. You'e sure to like dealing with the Burrord, --the pricco are very roooooobio. Porcclo collected ond promptly ro- turned. The Burrard Laundry For Pooplo lprro Aro Porrloolor ( luiuD xlulul oou Sl. Iiulios North Vancouver Phone H. Ballard, North 1310 Mgr. I airs. C. W. EIIIERY TEACHcli oi SINCINb, FIANOFORIE osd TRCORV Pop&i~ prepared for the exam- iooiioooof iho Aooocioicd Boorii of &ho I&.A.iii. ood iho H.&'.Dl, Loodoo, goglood,orforooy o&br&r coliogoi also bioolcoi Yooiivolg Yif&r ofiooocci'oooo Iocioilivg loo Bilvor Dfodolo woo oi, &ho Voo- couvor mxhibiiioo Cue&co&, by Dfioo Boih gmory. Studio& Bellevue ood Uuc&L Phone: West lfx B, o It WN dKidg to olfe the DouceUD for 52,075 tbe Voucouver Dfodgi Sslvsgo (,'ompuuy, other& b&mt to be sold for 52,15& UD formerly agreed Upm New Ferry S The focommeudsti duy by Couu&IUor Wul time Icbelulo on the Iuououfcs that bus yot sutboritico. We most on the working out of adoption, The &jetoged time 18th instant, is given b term only after &jue coi in the whole of Couucj done oo, we should have (uulimitcd) for 55,55, I We understand tbu "g u«t Wc&jocu&toy mlt m,aud THE ÃEUrom of t ket b, ve do th t't oujdb, ~ tioucvefelrmtarb k',"o'o4 u very rr f yt i turiliug Weft Vuueoulo e& Wet Vancouver baIt attn&tive to c't muqxiftutIO&b Tbmage ouf ' e cof &llstn&t yc~ today, e + +rdco along tb A cbcu r ma&le by the ~ iu a lvbo b&m tb 'leb look + a welfare or "4 devel&0 m»Dern omo pukticu our I, 'mcordiug t around &m Higb iug the b cs 4w cojoy ue w I welcom 0 Uu boulife u ~ I rcfult or b. m u'e cOli tiou, m be tuud mcudatjo Udy uud i „4 moot mtbmude lusl mm" Tke „»oueu G+h&OUy lb mkeduje t mtlug~ .Vutt. Tk u ucigor I Tk with tbe f e d& tkl, 'bcdul,".mimu 'fgeucrmj mkedu~ rl "uvluom 8,5&i 8 Wcut Vgu.m 'm u uuc IID 'aa.m ~Dud u.f8.28 , uvlsg i c~ iucjud Iuucouv couvc„ ~ iug 7 ~Over .58 u N.m