001B6BD4 October 1st, 1926 THE WEST VAN NEWS Miss Kathleen Yates, who is within a few months of complet- ing her course as a nurse in a Victoria hospital, is leaving here next week for Victoria, where she will undergo an operation for tonsils, and expects to be away for two weeks. ~ ~ Mr. Collinson's new house at Thirteenth and Duchess is now finished and ready for occu- pancy. Mr. John Reddon is having a large sized house built at Caul- feild. Mr. W. A. Davidson is the contractor. 4 n Mr. Wharton has left for Los Angeles, where he expects to spend the winter months. The Police Commission will hold their regular meeting next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. "Bob" Cripps are expected back this week from a visit of some months duration to Mr. Black's old home in On- tario. Mr. R. Hulme, well known to customers of the West Vancou- ver Garage, is confined to his home, suffering from wat'er on the knee. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hay, who have been sufFering from a slight attack of nflu," have now recovered. Mr. Kiernan has taken one of the Stevenson cottages on Twenty-fourth Street. Messrs. Ecclestone and Os- born's lease of the Dundarave Hall has expired. The owner, Mr. Tom Mundell, tvill operate it in future. Mrs. D. Allison Jay, daughter of Captain and Mrs. P. H. John- son, of West Vancouver, has had a serious operation, but is pro- ressing favourably. Mrs. Jay is a resident of Monterrey, exico. Mr. F. W. Morrison, driver for the West Vancouver Supply, suffered a painful injury to his left hand on Tuesday. Whilst operating a circular saw, cutting wood, his hand came in contact with the edge, resulting in a severe cut on the palm of his hy nd. Doctor Knippel attended him. It will be two week's be- fore the injury is healed, which is the more unfortunate in that he is left-handed. n Last week's frost was very severe and results'd in some cases in flowers being killed that had withstood the cold weather of last winter. E. Bloomfield was fined $5 for being without a driver's card and C. Gully was fined $30 for driving to the common danger. BRIDGE OVER NARROWS IS SELF SUPPORTING Passing of summer weather has had no adverse efFects on traffic over the Second Narrows bridge, 16,021 persons and 4,428 vehicles crossing the structure last Sunday. Bridge officials re- port that, after allowing for all Eharges excepting depreciation, L surplus of $50,000 has accu- mulated since the bridge was Miss McBain, of the Little Shop, has moved a few doors west to 2476 Marine Drive, formerly occupied by Mrs. Bourne as a tea room. n Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie Ma- theson and their daughters have been spending the past few days at their cottage in Caulfeild. n Mr. C. McIntyre, Gordon and Twentieth, was taken to the Vancouver General Hospital last Friday, and may have to under- go an operation. Miss Margaret McIntyre, the violinist, is a daughter of the invalid, and "Jimmy" McIntyre, of the Bur- rard Motor Company, North Vancouver, is a son. Mr. C. L. Hilborne has started work on the construction of a house at the corner of Twenty- third and Mather for Mr. Mc- Leod. The new house being built for Mr. Vyvian on Seventeenth Street will be completed in about two weeks. The plumbing is now being installed. t Mr. George Bell has just about completed the house he has been building at Fifteenth and Ottawa for Mr. Bruce Barton. Miss Madge Speck, daughter of Mr. John Speck, Tsventy- ninth and Mathers, who is on a visit to Penticton, has had a bad accident as the result of which she is confined in the hospital there. When walking down some steps she stumbled and broke two bones in her leg and one in her foot and will be on the sick list for some time. Friends of Mr. Harry Hoskins will regret to hear of the death of his father, which took place on September 18th at his home in England. Mrs. Stuart Cameron enter- tained at luncheon on Thursday, September 23rd, at her home in Caulfeild in honor of Mrs. C. E. Thomas, of Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. Jenvey, of Swift Current, have taken up resi- dence at Fourteenth and Water- front. They expect to make West Vancouver their permanent home. Mrs. Cramond, of Cramond's Store. is indisposed and unable to leave the house. n Mrs. Doctor Lang was pre- vented by sickness from going north to join her husband on Monday's boat. Mrs. H. P. Tearoe is very seri- ously ill at her home on Hay- wood Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Laubach, Twenty-seventh and Water- front, have moved to Point Grey. n Mrs. Crew, Twenty-second Street, has moved to Twenty- sixth and Heywood. a Mr. and Mrs. Fox, of North Vancouver, have moved to Mr. Pattullo's house at Twenty- eighth and Waterfront. n Mr. John'Patterson, the well- known electrician, having sold his own home, has rented Mr. Almas'ouse, corner of Twelfth and Keith. Mr. Patterson is now clearing his lot on Marine Drive near Fourteenth Street, prepara- tol~ to building a combined store and dwelling. n Mr. and Mrs. D. Gillett, Fif- teenth and Inglewood, spent last week-end at Chilliwack, being guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Murphy, and were present at the wedding of Miss Edna Critten- den and Mr. William Calbeck at Chilliwack last Saturday, at which their daughter, Margaret, acted as bridesmaid. Mr. W. J. S. KeiT, retired merchant of Edinburgh and Leith, Scotland, woh is on a tour through Canada and the United States, is visiting his nephew, Councillor J. T. Watt. He is ac- companied by his daughter-in- law, Mrs. Wr J: S. Kerr, of Win- nipeg Miss Gillan and Miss Hendry, of Dundarave, are expected home shortly, after five months spent in the Old Country. a 4 Mrs. Bowman, Mathers and 24th, has moved to the Donohoe cottage at 25th and Bellevue. A house is now being built at Twenty-fourth and Mather for Mr. Gibbs, of the Bank of Com- merce (Hastings and Hamilton branch, Vancouver). H. Brad- ley is the contractor. Mrs. Gray, a former resident of West Vancouver, has taken the Walker house on+th street. Mrs. R. Reid and Mrs. A. Sel- wood attended the lecture on "Botanic Gardens and Their Functions," given on Thursday, September 16th, at the U. B. C., by Dr. A. W. Hill, of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England. Mr. D. Hislop, of West Van- couver, and Miss Eilleen Blair, of Vancouver, were married at the First Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, last Wednesday, Sep- tember 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Hislop will make West Vancou- ver their home and will reside at their newly constructed house, corner of Fifteenth and Duchees. n Mr. and Mrs. Tom Campbell and family have moved back to Vancouver. Mrs. D. B. Montgomery has rented one of the Stevenson cot- tages on Twenty-fourth Street. opened. This money is being invested locally, directors having pur- chased North Vancouver Dis- trict debenture bonds, par value $5,000, for $5,442, also North Vancouver City debenture bonds .valued $ 1,500 for $ 1,576. The money is being treated as a sink- ing fund, directors being grati- fied their predictions that the bridge would be self-supporting have been justified. 'span%. ] f9(TIIE LOOKS O THESE'EAOi.tNES- AIIFOI4OBILES ARE snFZSAT MACHtNES F665 5OWjN Wll 0 OptfS I t BOOTH A LEYLAND We handle Insurance only, and specialize in all branches. As Agents for large British sud Canadian Companies, we are able to glvo tbs best of sorvico sud prompt sottlcutsuts. FIRE --- AUTOMOBILE --- LIFE PERSONAI S =~~a West Van. Saddle Horses 8 Ponies See West Vancouver and Hollyburn Ridge on a real Western Pony with a real Western Equipment. Good Service. Moderate Tarif C. C. Macoonaid Fred M. Scott 15th gt Msihers Avc. Phone West 39 Chet Shields MAGAZINES, CIGARETTES, TOBACCOS, CONFECTIONERY, ETC. 14th Street, right at Railroad Track "Service With 2 Smile" tf RKEN WOO D $ GROCERY WEST 16 Saturday Specials B.C. Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. for.......,........69c Blue Ribbon CofFee......63c Butter, finest Alberta 3 lbs.................... $1.23 White Spring Salmon, 1-lb. cans ...................15c Fells Naptha, 3 bars... 25c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag .............. 55c Malkin's Best Tea, per lb............................ 69c Heinz Tomato Catsup, large ............................ 29c Choice Concord Grapes, per basket ..............55c SHERMAN STORE and Post Office Marine Drive, between West Bsy sud Cypress Park GENERAL SUPPLIES Agents for Star Laundry Everything you need for Camp or Houso Gss th Oil Station. We Deliver EXTRA SPECIAL Mackintosh Red Apples, per box, $ 1.49 Cakes and Pastry Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily We close at 1 o'lock Thursdays Phone Your Orders DAILY DELIVERY A. CHISHOLM BXKER Residence Phone West 653L CAKES and PASTRY See our display in Greenwood's Window Daily Delivery anywhere in West Vancouver Automobile Club Members You have an Otlicisl Garage sud Towing Service iu this District. . West Van Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phouo West 444 Free Towing to Msmbcrs. Marine Drive, (batwnnn 21 2nd 22) NEILL'S GROCERY TOBACCO, CONFECTiONERV ICE CREAM PHONE WEST 620 REAL ESTATE--INSURANCE Geo. Gourlay When Fire lusursucn is wasted in 3 hurry phono the Royal Ageur,. Office Coc. 23rd Ik Msrtss Phone West 2. HALL TO RENT THE NEW AMBLESIDE HALL Corner 14th and Marine with a floor space of 2,000 square feet, is available for RECEPTIONS, DANCES PRIVATE OR PUBLIC PARTIES, Etc. This is the most modern and up-to-date Hall in the District and is fully furn- ished for such occasions, having Piano, Crockery, etc. For Terms apply-- MRS. C. HAY, Talaphann Want 21 ac Wast 476L Miss ANN RITCHIE, TEACHER OF SINGING 4ND vOICE PRODUCTION. Faa paattanlara phana West 437 R3 Hollyburn Theatre Falday and Satnaday. Oat.tat andsad Sir John Martin Harvey la "THE ONLY WAY" handay and Wadnaaday.uat. 4 and 6 "The Sporting Lover" CONWAY TEARLE PHONE 46S L J. H. RE.D Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. 111 FIRST EAST NORTH VANCOUVERPHONE NORTH 1370 HUDSON AND ESSEX DEALERS See the world's most popular Six-Cylinder Car New Essex Coach - - - - - - $ 1255.00 New Hudson Coach - - - - - - $ 1945.00 Call at our shotvroom or phone North 1370 and tve will gladly give you a demonstration. 805 Yorkshire Bldg. Phone Seymour 3778 SOLD ON VERY EASY TER5IS