001B6BD4 October Idt, 1926 THE WEST VAN NEWS Fire Prevention Essay Competition for West Van. School Children The B. C. Pond of the Ancient Blue Goose (a body of fire insur- ance men taking an active inter- est in the welfare of the prov- ince) and the Fire Insurance Agents'ssociations of Van- couver, New Westminster and other parts of the province are offering medals for the best es- says or other contributions on "Fire Prevention" submitted by the pupils of the schools throughout the province. This is the fourth year this competi- tion has taken place. As in the past, one medal will be awarded for the best contribution from the High Schools in each district and one for the best contribu- tion from the Public Schools in each such district. But where- as West Vancouver previously was included in the Vancouver district, this year a new district has been created, comprising North Vancouver City and Dis- trict and West Vancouver. The medals are of gold, suit- ably engraved. There should be a large number of entries from the pupils of West Van- couver and we hope that one or both of the medals will come to this district. Towing Via Liolis'ate --New Regulations Bylaiv No. 61 of the Van- couver Harbor Board has been passed, and is in effect. It deals with the operation of tows and towboats through the Lions'ate, and on the harbor. It re- quires that there shall be a quarter mile between following tows through the gate, and that no boom shall be towed in the harbor if more than 1600 feet long or 160 feet wide. ! All rafts must show a bright white light on the extreme tail. No vessel shall undertake a ow unless it has power suffi- cient to maintain full control of tHe tow at all times. Tugs towing alongside must have a bright white light on the outboard side of the tow along- side. House Warming A most enjoyable evening was spent last Wednesday at the new home of Miss Chappell and Mr. E. D. Chappell, "Cedaiville," Caulfeild. The tables were tastefully decorated with white and pink asters. Covers were laid for 35. Amongst the invited guests were: The Misses Illingworth, Mr. and Mrs. Warsop and Mr. Lisle Warsop of Bellingham, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burton of Bel- lingham, Mrs. A. D. McLellan, Miss Aletha McLellan, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Chappell, Miss Jessie Chappell, Master John Chappell, Mrs. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Grubb, Miss Peggy Grubb, Mas- ter Eric Grubb, Mr. and Mrs. W. Browne, Captain and Mrs. Spring, Miss Muriel and Miss Dorothy Spring, Mr. Lillington, Captain and Mrs. Kettle, Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Grafton, Miss Trembath, Miss Trembath, Mrs. Corcoran,'isses Helen and Catherine Cor- coran, Mrs. Richardson, Mr. W. Kennedy, Captain F. W. Turner. The evening was spent in music and games. There are many inquiries for modern homes by people who wouhl make West Vancouver their home. The real estate agents report some difficulty in meeting their requirements. There is evidently a necessity for the construction of small modern houses. The recent Florida disaster was for a time a matter of much concern to Mr. and Mrs. Augus- tus O'eill, of Fourteenth and Inglewood, West Vancouver, since they had two sons resid- ing there. Fortunately, how- ever, these sons were not affect- ed by that dreadful catastrophe. Mr. O'eill is one of the re- markable residents of West Van- couver. An octogenarian, hav- ing celebrated his 80th birthday last February, he is still as spry and agile as many a man of half his years. The "News" reporter caught this veteran industriously wield- ing a paint brush, with very evident signs of enjoyment. Of recent times Mr. O'eill has be- come imbued with the hobby of gardening and is anticipating garnishing a good crop next year. Mr. and Mrs. O'eill have raised quite a large family. Be- sides the two sons in Florida, there is anqther son and two daughters in Iowa, and two daughters in California. Mrs. Charles Hay of West Vancouver is also a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O'eilL Booth of West Vancouver Makes Another Century At a recent application made Lighterage Co., Ltd., to the North Vancouver city council last Monday for space at the Vancouver wharf, the superin- tendent suggested that the waiting room known as waiting room for West Vancouver fer- ries might be partitioned off, making two rooms. The chairman recommended that instead of leasing to another towing company, that the Har- bor Towing Company be granted permission to sublet a portion of its space, that the waiting room known as the West Vancouver waiting room, if satisfactory to the West Vancouver Ferries, be partitioned off, leaving West Vancouver a space of 16 feet by 24 feet, and that the'inside of the building be improved with shiplap. It was recommended that the matter be taken up with the West Vancouver council and if satisfactory to them, the above arrangement be entered into. Grouse Mountain Highway and Chatel to Open Shortly H. Booth of West Vancouver, playing with the second division cricket champions -- the North Shore I team -- last Saturday scored his fifth century of the season, making 128, and gave a brilliant display of "forcing the runs." The North Shore team won easily against a picked side from members of all the other second division teams. Mr. Booth is generally conceded to be one of the best batsmen in this part of the world. Mrs. Larson's Father Dead The father of Mrs. E. A. Laron (Ambleside Meat Market) passed away last Friday, Sep- tember 23rd, and was buried in Aberdeen churchyard, Alder- grove, last Sunday. The de- ceased, James Gilleft, of Alder- grove, B. C., died on his 87th birthday. Besides his wife, Mr. Gillett leaves to mourn him two daugh- ters and one son--Mrs. E. A. Laron, ()Vest Vancouver; Mrs. Winslow Hart, Loe Angeles, and Mr. Thomas Gillett, of North Vancouver. It is expected that the Grouse Mountain Scenic Highway and Chalet will be open to the public within the next few days, or early, at least, this month. Rapid progress is being made in con- struction, large gangs of men having been kept busy during recent days on the highway. Great progress has been made on the chalet, which is expected to be ready for business before the end of the week. When com- pleted it will have a 'very pic- turesque appearance. The chalet will contain eleven rooms with up-to-date equip- ment, while the kitchen arrange- ments will provide for as many as 1000 meals in a day. There hsa been installed in connection a modern ammonia refrigerating chamber. The highway is fast getting in excellent condition, and it is stated that the journey by auto from Vancouver Post Office to the chalet can be accomplished in about forty or forty-five min- utes. The plans for the official opening, according to Mr. A. S. Williamson, managing director of the company, are likely to be published at an early date. i = ~~i~94jv'ILOUSiSC housands of families living ia e suburbs of Vancouver and Westminster, the interurban is nk between home and city. See them on bargain days flocking Io the city. Sce them on holidays trav- eiflng with their baskets and their children to the parks and the beaches. The interurban carries them for e fcw cents to any part oi the peninsula-- quick, convenient, always ready. It ie a service not only to these pass- engers but of vital importance to stores, industries, schools, churches and theatres. DERiss C011$6$IB EizcnscRdafdtrDi 17-90 Octogenarian Resident Re-Arrangement of West Vancouver of Vancouver Ferry Wharf Recommended 87 Days That'S how lOng it iS till Rma8. It does seem early fo think of Rm80 Cards. But if you remember lsdt year, Shout December 10th, you wished you hSd yoct0 Ordered and vowed you'd dc it early this year. For those who have friends in the Old Country it's Got I bit Ioo soon to order them. We have lovely Icmpic0 this year snd vcfy reason- able. Come in snd 100 them, anyhow, at either ct our stores. P. S. -- The Dundstsvc Store will be cl08cd on Sun- days during the winter, be- ginning October 10t. THE WEST VAN PHARMACY THE DUNDARAVE PHARMACY Are You Having a Party? There 18 BotbiBg more Scccpt- table to your guests than CANDY. Outt ic Itumc-mcdc pud Putt Dlilidarave Candy Shop IIARIRE DRIVE (Jupt wept ui Twuniv-Ilfihl Hollybiirn Barber Shop MARINE DRIVE Sed 15th. Opp. ihc Wcci Vcu. Lumb t Cc Over 25 years'sfbcf Experi- ence at your service. Expert in Haircutting Ladies, Gentlemen and Children G. RADLAND, Proprietor West Van. RESTAURANT .1421 Marine Drive at 14th W. CUTHBERT PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS NANBOLIN. BANJO. GUITAR. Au cuycc cccurcicl7 icuthi. Phcuc Wcct 000Y PHprps EVERYBODY KNOWS 8 UdAhoui Out THAT THE'"'"'I'ngStifdf'p 311 Hastings Street West Established 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Shortbread and Nut Loaves .Daily For Your Winter Sup- ply of COAL PHONE Ed. Black WEST SS Suyvicu and quuniv HAVE OUR DELIVERY MAN CALL Phone West 27 Established 5 //I Years C. J. OVERINGTON BARBER For the convenience of the Iadi0$ of the DIICTict I have hsd the tcicphohd installed PHONE WEST 135 and make an sppciatiect. 14th and Marine DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phone West 5 FRESH MEAT AND FISH We Deliver EVE L Dry Bark, Coal K Wood of all kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Currie, Prop) 25th and Marine Phone Ivest 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed iv'ew classes now being formed J. M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West 173 Seymour 3058o 1 rkCIVIC GRLPA1 ErXSTERW RY. WEEK-DAY WESTBOUND Trcluc leave Nctib Vuuccuvct lct cs pciuic tc Whytmllet--8.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.4$ , IL41 c.m.. 1.41, t.4, Lit, cmt. d.~ R. 8. ~ I. 8.11 uud Ip.tt F.m. EASTBOUND Truluc leave Whyicclle for ue pciuic ic Ncrib Vcuccuvcrc--8.50. 1.50. d.dd, 10.Sd ~ .ut. IR.$6. 1.16. S.16. 4.$ d. d.td, 8.Sd. 1.S6, 0.15 uud 11.06. SUNDAYS--WESTBOUND Trcluc leave Nctih Vcuccuvct cu Suuduyc uud Ncsduyc fct un pcluic iu Whyiccslt ~1 8.40 ~.m.. uud ibcu $ 0 tuluuicc puci ecch hour uutll 8.$ 0 p.m. EASTBOUND Trcluc leave Wbyicclilf for un pciutc ic Nctlb Vuuccuvct at Id mluuicc past tech hcut ftum p.td ~.m. iu I.td p.tu. For furibct Iufctmctlcu Phone Nctib $ 00 ct Scymcut 0111, PctccuIct Dcph. 51$ Gruuvelc Sitcci. Vuuccuvcr. B. O. LEAKING AUTO TOPS Now is the time to give that top a coat of Dressing! A Pint Can Iaill do it Just drop in--We will explain WKsT VxN. G&R~G z PHONE WEST 130