001B6BD4 TIIE )VEST VAN NEWS Oc(nbcc Ie(, &920 Classified Ads. FOR CARI'ENYR'7, Paiat(us, Shiag. liitg, Iay(hg etdi'tea&kn, nc aiiy OIM jobs phone Kebb, '(Vee» 80 R. FOR SAI.E--Three curds rir aud alder. cu( last July. H. C. Oebarua, phone W 643. 'KE WA)(T LISTINGS of sane view lots between Amb&cek&c aud Wast Bay. Must be reasonably priccd. Savory a Duce&, )ha»a West I&4. \VANTED 1'a(ucaiehed modern house. Must have three bed(uuma Wee( &7. F(&R SAI.E -- Era&hler Ii(cane((c (n perfect condition, 835: twu Reed chairs, upholstered, $7.60 each. Phone '&Vce( 37. FOR SALE -- Reasonable, ha»echo&6 furniture. Sell separately or cheap for everything. Two good heaters. Phone '(Vent 62Y. FOR SALE--F(caco Raaxc, &a cxce&. lent cauda(an. Phone 'ircet &47LI. I.OST -- Brindle Bun&aa Rul&dog (b((ch&, 6 months old. Finder ca- w»et&c&L West 403. FOR RENT--Modern s.coom Iura(nh- cd cottage. Rcaeuuab:c for winter. Apply 2003 Enc&uimalt. iNE(V 4-ROO)l SIODERN Ruusa&aw, very fine view, extra large &nt, will sell or exchange for building lots ac accaaga. FOR SALE--Balf acre hnmeai&c. Best locality. $000; one-third cas&x B. C. OSBORNE Mac(ac Dr(rc at Amb&aside Phone West 643 BYRi(ELL R MAY O(6ce at the Ferry Landing Phoae '&Vest 113 OFFER AS A SPECIAL SNAP this week a cleared 607(. &a( on Ee&&u&- malt Avenue near 20(h Street, at $350. ALSO a tery at(cue(&ec four-roomed bungs&uw near the waterfront at $ 1750. WE ARE INiSURANCE EXPERTS. Lct ue attend (u your (ueucanca wants. Mortgage loans arranged at lowest rates aud houses built (a order on (bc easy payment plan. BYRNELL Ik SIAY Office right at (ha Ferry Landing. Phoae West 113. R P. CLARK R CO„LTD. FOR SAT&SFACTORY SALES, list your property with ua. Wc mant particulars af acreage, waterfront, cce!Ccuccs uf a&I classes. build&ug lots. c(c. I»epee(&oae aud valuations made. rga WE WILL INSURE your homes aud contents in fice(-c&aee reliable rom- pauice at standard rates. WE BELIEVE in Wce( Vancouver aud have juet purchased an addi- (&anal 73 acres as an extension far G&cuaag&ea Golf aud Country Club. IL P. CLARK R CO„LTD. 823 Hastings S(. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Loca& Rcpreacu(a(&vc C. J. ARCHER, West 65&L Mrs.M. Graham Passes Away hfrs. hifurdy Graham, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Moir, well knoum and respected throughout the North Shore, died early Friday morning at the Van- couver General Hospital The late Mrs. Graham had been ill for some weeks follow- ing an accident, when she fell downstairs at her home. hfr. J. Noir. the father, with his family had previously re- sided for several years in the Horseshoe Bay district, where he was well known as an em- ployee of the P. G. E. The deceased lady leaves a husband and two little sons to mourn her loss, besides several other relatives. Gen. and Mrs. McRae to Entertain on Monday General A. D. McRae, member- elect for North Vancouver rid- ing, with hfrs. A. D. hfcRae, will be the host and hostess at a re- ception to be given to the mem- bers of the Conservative cam- paign committee on Friday eve- ning, October 8th, at 8 o'lock, at the Horticultural Hall. United Church Next Sunday morning the Duncan lrawsnn Chapter nf the I. O. D. E. will hold a memnrial service to the United Church. An appropriate sermon will be preached and the choir will ren- der special music. Last Tuesday evening a sncial gathering ivas held of boys in the Church Hall, when the base- ball cup and medals were pre- sented tn the juvenile team nf the Sunday school. Mr. E. J. Boughen, president of the bace- ball section of the G. V. S. S. Athletic Association. ivas pres- ent and made the presentation and congratulated the boys on their succesm A musical pm. gramme (vas given. a number of the boys taking part. Harokl Irish gave 8 piano selectinn. John Allan a recitation, an&1 Leslie Stephens gave 8 number nf interesting conjuring trickn. Mr. A. J. Addy ivas encored for his song and ihlr. Neville led in the community singing. bliss Neville accnmpanied. The boys presentc(l with medals were: Gordon Ashe. Albert Masterman. Jack 1Vatt, i)Iax Lennox. Stan- ley Bouchier, Gordon ihfaster- man, Robert Fiddes, Ian Hamil- ton. )Vajter Tearoe. Clayton Stewart, Gnrdon McCullough and Tommy Neill. The Young Peoples'ociety attended the Young Peoples'ally in the Baptist Church last ihfonday evening. The )Vomen'3 Auxiliary will hold their regular monthly meeting next Tuesday, at 2.15 p.m., in the Church Hall. All members are earnestly requested to be present. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.m., in- stead of 10.15. Prayer service each Wednes- day at 7.30. Dr. J. W. Leech will take the service Sunday, October 3rd, at 11 a.m. A splendid turn-out of the local Orangemen attended the West Vancouver Baptist Church Sunday evening, September 26th. hIr. Hughes of Edmonds brought 8 stirring message and Mr. David Thomas rendered a 6010. A pleasant afternoon was spent recently at the home of hfrs. T. Armstrong, Twenty- third and Bellevue, when a num- ber of the ladies and friends of the )Vest Vancouver Baptist Church hid a social time. Pro- ceeds from the tea are to be used in connection with the church L. O. B. A. The next regular meeting of the L. O. B. A. will be held in Dundarave Hall on Thursday, October 7th, at 8 p.m. This week the Narrows have been full of salmon, and a well- known local fisherman who was out on Sunday said he had never seen so many. For some reason, however, they have refused to bite and the fishing has been, therefore, very poor. THE West VanNees Pabl(abed Every Fc&day H. HODGSOV aud F. F. LOVEGROVE Pub&(abaca Baa&ac»a aud Editorial OII&cci 1361 k(ac&ac Drive Phoae West 19L Mail Address: P.O. Box 101, Ha&&ybuca, B. C. ADVERTISING RATES ON AI'PLICATION $ LOO a year by maiL Ncwee(aude 6c pcc copy. WILe(T VAV,COUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave HalL hlarine Dr. Du»der»ca Sunday Sacv&ca ~ ( 1&.30 a.m. Subject, October 3rd. "UNREAI.ITYw Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting every Wed- nesday at 8.16 p.m. St. Stephen's Church Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Etc. VAI.UE, I'I.US SERVICE, ItLUS ()UAI.ITY--4 ou ('iet Them All at Sbbn 8 The utmost for your money-- in value, in service. and In the quality of your merchandise. That'8 what you get when you trade nt this store of reliabiiity SI'('D'S GROCL4RY We close nt I p. m. every Thursday. Marino Drive, Ambleside. Phone West 28 )YE DELIVERTrinity 18 (october 3rd). 8 O.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m--Sunday school. 11.16 a.m.-- I inly Cnmmuninn. 7.15 p.m.--Evensong. Last Sun&lay's Ilarvcst Fes- tival »crvices (vere very largely attended and the new church decorated for the first time with the fruits and vegetables and grain of harvest Innked very beautiful. In the morning the Rector preached on the under- lying truths symbolized in the harvest and in the evening Canon Smith of Bellingham spoke on thanksgiving. The A. Y. P. A. will meet next Tuesday night in the Parish HalL A football team from the Sun- day school has been entered in the Junior "B" series of the Vancouver S. S. League. MEAT .FRUIT ECCS Apples (Fat)Ho 8( Cookhtn) BUTTER, ETC. Plums, Pears, Ftc. AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET hiarj&10 Drive ( " ") Phoan bVesg )f&1 FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO l(KNT, FIIIE INSURANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON Phone bvest 5517th StreetA copy of the following poem was handed to each person present at the St. Stephen's Har- vest Supper: The fields are white to harvest And the fruits of glorious hue; 1Ve haste us to garner anti pick them, Regardless of aught else to do. God has millions of souls ripe to Harvest-- Some abroad, and some here at our door; He needs money, prayer and example- Men and women to bring in His store. Shall we value less that great Harvest Of souls, yearning the truth to be told, And refuse when the Lord of the Harvest Says: nGo garner them into My fold" ? ~ NORMAND'S GROCERY j((h sett )1&tjjjgg .. ybese We&t 66 A Complete Supply a&... GROCERIES snd COiV FECTIONERY WE DELIVE&1 PEA RCE'S DRYGOODS Naw Amblce&de B&pct PHON(& WEBT 144 31-INCH SPORT FLANNEI. 95c yard In Good Selection of Shades CHOICEST VIEW LOTS 2 block» from Marine Drive and Ferry. West Van. Investment Company 18(h aud Marina Dc&ra Phoae West &02, Day or N&gb( HARRON BROS. Jk WILLIAMSON ffunebal 6)reft))rs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Lord Gnd, the Giver of Harvest, Grant that each one 80 grate- ful may be That each shall, to our own full- est measure, Offer: "Lord, here am I; Oh, use me." D. D. ROBERTSON 14(h Si. Back pl IIu&&y bura Bal& Cabinet Slicer end (y(teele(erer E. PALMER S(anemuepn dj Bricklapcr Fireplaces a Specialty Cap&i»no P.O. Ph. North 81&R2 Fur»&(urn &anne io a(dec Pacific Stages Winter Schedule 1926-1927 EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1st, 1926 Second Narrows Bridge--Third Street-- '&VFSTBOUND-- (VORTH SIIORE) 10:30 a.m. &2&30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 4:30 p. 10:65 &2:55 2&66 4&66 &1:05 I:05 3:06 5:05 11:07 1&07 8:07 5:07 II&&3 »:3 3:&3 5:&3 11&15 1 &16 3:16 5:16 11&17 1&17 3:17 5:17 11:10 &:&9 3:&0 5:&0 11:20 1&20 3:20 6&20 I a&5 5:35 EASTBOUND--NORTH S&1(&RE) 9:05 a.m.. I:05 p.m. 9&30 11:30 a.m. 1&30 3»&09.:3»& 3& ' i:si 3:'si 9:33 »:33 I:33 3:33 9:35 I I:35 &:85 3:3S 9:37 » &87 I:37 3:87 9:43 &&:43 i:&3 3:is 9:45 I I:45 I:45 3:&r) 0&56 I&:56 (&55 3:56 &0:20 &2:20 p.m. 2:20 4:20 Route via hlarine Drive sd&0 p.m. II:30 p.m 8&66 &1:55 9:06 &2&05 a.ia 9:07 &2:07 9:&3 &2:18 9:Il& &2:(5 9:17 &2:17 9:19 &2:1&i 9:20 &2:20 iJ':35 m. 6:30 p.m. 0:66 7:06 7:07 7:18 7:15 7:&7 7:&9 7:20 Lv. Vancouver ........,. 8.30 a.m North Vancouver 8:65 Amb&ee&dc ........ 9:05 Ho»ybucu . 9:07 Dundarave „...... 9&&8 West Bay ...... 9&15 Shccmau ........... 9:&7 Cypress Park .. 9:&9 Cau&(e»de ....... 9&20 Ac. &Vhy(cc»(rc ........ 9:35 5&06 p.m. 5:30 5:3& 6:33 5:37 5:43 5:65 6:20 Lv. (Vhy&ec&i(rc .... 7&16 a.m Cau&(ci&dn... 7:30 C&prana Park 7&31 Shcrmau ...... 7:33 Wce( Bay ...... 7&35 Duad»cave .. 7&37 Un»ybucu ..... 7:&3 Amb&ee&dc ....... 7:46 North Vancouver 7:55 Ar. Vancouver »,:20 7&30 p.m. 10&00 p.m 7:31 &0:0& 7:3:& 10:07 7".&5 &0;05 7&37 &0&07 7:43 &0:13 7:45 &0:15 7:66 10:25 &i'20 &0'ltp Sey H C Mal OR Sey 1000 I R3Q4SS)OInIkTWQI'00(& SEYSIOUR AT DUNShlUIR II tr Y ( e itioo ) (hi@re0 @hoo C. p'"".I jj Blue G~&gipgs pi the 0,'sce the w Fire 0 Vi e &0 " ejje&, )pep&'st spd th tipps in e . Of ines) 0 Aesp(is &peter Agents' w Wee &vince 'ouvcr rts pf th tj&e bee pth«+0&e&jsjs ujbptjp" pji«ipg ther cpp bp&it(ed esys K veptippr o 'n 40 I&& . 'I is th (step P he swsP tips hss ~ wjll, 9 f( p st bet (00 'bdjetl, one m tribptips. for . h 8(hopis (ppjr& 'he " in es( the)I&g fpr the be, s,kppj! snd one the public whi tion h d;strict Nyjp(each Y scppve y cpp Spc I j& ss IVes d4 in the distwss in(lu esr8 sew &I dlt ict, ibis yes+, cpn&prk hss p(eever peen (res Cty spd j &North Ys+,t yspcppver trlct spd sle of 60 'ke&pedals sreTk«e sj&( sbl)'p&P'0'&sber « '" be 8 ls(ge 00 I West I from the 0 hpp that ppt convey 80 "«sjs will o ',thof the m itt. e~t„t. Towing Vis Lions'ate .-pew Regulatij nj bss I& , . 61 pf the V cpuver Iis(be psseed, sp&jis in eg wit ' th operation pf tpws.'owbosts Gate, spd on the harbor. It quires tj&st there shall e quar erusrter mile betweep follow tow8 jhrppgj& the gste, spd t no j&opm shell be tpwed in hsrhpr if more than )600 I long or 160 feet wxje Afi rafts mast show 8 bri white light on the extreme i'&'p vessel ehsjj 00&le(tsj& IPbpw unless &t hss power si cient to maintain full cpptr& the tow at sll times. Tpgs tpwipg sjppgsj&je 8 have 9 bnght white j&gj&t on outboard side pj the tpw sit side. House Warmir A most epjpysble evening spent lest tyedpesdsy at the home of bliss Chsppeil snd E. D, Cj&sj&pejj, nCedsrv Caulfeild. The tsbiee were tastedecorated with white sp&jpeters Covers were issj fp Amongst the jpvite&j 6&were: The bjie&ee ijjj6gw,hlr. Snd birs. )t&sre Miss Aleths bjclejjMrs. jti. 0 CjIhire. F. )i, appell, 'bjr. Chspp Il M happ ll, bliss Jt Captain SM 2"&jjjpjand hire 2 ~ Kettle, Grsftpp, bjj~„MT' pd tj&IIM„R " Mre Cplccora„, bl " .06 Cath j(espedy, Cs bsnjepn, Isptsip F, jj(' &nusic ss» "2 wss evepi &i gspiee &Pep& There er &npd 4 &pssy ip"(8 j&pp&ee by guj(je, meetjsgq'q Mae" '( er gj their djacpjt f« tk ' idesjl 'qwr(9&pe ys(npdcrs b petrpcti se(e& Ps(pe "6 Of 8 e