001B6BC4 September 17th, 1926. Personals Mr. Wa)ter Lock and daugh- ter, from Portland, Oregon, were visiting Mr. Snd Mrs. Kin- loch of King's Avenue. Miss Lock is going to attend the Uni- versity of B. C. c Mr. T. S. Armstrong of 23rd and Bellevue Streets, left last week-end on his fall trip East. ~ o o Mrs. W. W. Boultbee was a luncheon hostess at her summer home at Whytecliff, when her guests were Mrs. E. G. Black- well, Mrs. Gordon Fleck, Mrs. Leonard Boultbee, hfrs. Angus 'cAllister, Miss Whitehead, Mrs. If. D. Panton and Mr6. A. Alexander. ~ o o Miss Elizabeth and Miss Mar- garet Ross, who have been spending the holiday months at their summer honIe at Cypress t, Park, are returning to the city next week. o Miss McClung and Miss Clara J. McClung entertained inform- ally on Thursday afternoon, 9th September, at their bungalow at Dundarave, in honor of their niece, Mrs. Cedric B. Thompson, who, with Mr. Thompson and their little son, is leaving next week on an etended trip to Eu- rope, visiting Mrs. Thompson'6 home in England and later in the season in Southern France. Mrs.. McLeod has rented the cottage of Mr. H. A. Hodgson at 24th and Mathers. Mrs. G. D. Elgar has bought Mr. P. F. Piper'3 house on Clyde Avenue, near 14th. Mr. Piper and family have moved over to their house in Grandview. Mr. A. R. Wright, 19th and Waterfront, is undergoing treat- ment at Shaughnessy Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. McGonigal have rented Miss Knox'6 cottage at 27th and Lawson. c c Mrs. Bust has taken the Gray ttage on Marine near 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bouts, Sr., returned on Tuesday from a four months'tay on the prairies. Mr. Chas. Appleton is reno- vating and putting a foundation under his old home at Bellevue and 15th. v ~ ~ Major and Mrs. Marshall have returned home from their sum- mer home in Laing'8 Bay. o Mrs. McKinley and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Francis, who were for- merly residents of West Van- couver, are staying at The Clachan. Miss Lettie Fonseca and Mrs. Bowhill are guests at The Clachan. Help Us Along (By Gladys Tolley.) How a word of encouragement helps us along When cares overwhelm us each day, When we feel so disheartened, and things go quite wrong, And the skies above seem 60 grey; It may be just a smile or a kind word of love, Or perhaps just a shake of the. hand; But the skies seem to look so much brighter above, When we know that a friend understands. But remember to practice the Golden Rule, And do unto others each day As you would have others do unto you, For this is the very best way; You will find that encourage- ment helps you along, Give a word of encourage- ment, too; And the joy which you bring into other folks'ives, Will surely come back to you. C.E.F. Glorified in Pictures The producers of "Ypres," which will be shown at the Hol- lyburn Theatre next Monday and Wednesday, had the active guid- ance 'nd co-operation of the British war office. One of the best scenes in Wiper6 is a reproduction of this division marching past the still undamaged Cloth Hall at Ypre6. This scene wa8 staged entirely in the studio. A number of feet of actual war film have been in- corporated in the production, but the main bulk of the picture consists of reconstruction scenes such as the first gas attack, the destruction of the Warneford Zeppelin, and incidents attend- ing the winning of the V.C., in- cluding Lieut.-Coh Birchall, V.C., of Ottawa, rallying the men of the 4th Ontario in the great gas attack, and the covering of the Canadian evacuation by Lance- Corporal Fisher, V.C.; how a handful of Canadians took and held Bellvue Spur, the key to Passchendaele; how Lieutenant Shankland, V.C., of Winnipeg, returned through heavy shell fire to his post to obtain rein- forcements, and how Tommy Holmes, of Owen Sound, young- est V.C. in the British Forces, captured a German pill box. THE WEST VAN NEWS Horticultural Socity Fall Show (Continued from Page 4) NEEDLEWORK Class 169--One pair Socks--hIrs. S. Craig, Mrs. hisndsicy. Class 160--Lady's Sweeter--Mrs. McTsvish, Mrs. M. Rosa. Class 161--'Embroidered Towels- hirs. S. Lambert, Mrs. IV. Cliff. Class IG2--Embroidered Bedspread --31rs. S. Craig, Mrs. McTsvish. Class 163--Baby Knitted Pe!lover --Mrs. Ssner. Cisss 164--Best pair Pillow Cases, --Mrs. H. Atkins. Class 166--Table Centre (cnt work) --Mrs. S. Craig, Mrs. H. Atkin. Class IGG--Afternoon Tcs Cloth- Mrs. McTsvish. Class 167--Pillow Cases (embroid- ered) --Mrs. H. Atkins, Mrs. IV. Cliff. Cinss 168 -- Embroidered Cross- stitch--hire. W. Cliff, Mrs. J. J. Mc- Intyrc. Class IG9--Luncheon Sct--hire. W. Cliff, Mrs. F. S. Lsmbcrrt. Class 170--Vanity Sct--Mrs. H. At- kins, 61rs. W. Cliff. Class 171--Buffet Sct--Mrs. Cliff, Mrs. H. Atkins. Class 172--Table Runner--Mrs. Msndsiey. Cisss 173--Cnt Work--Mrs. H. At- kins, Mrs. H. A. Eccicston. Class 174--Eyelet Embroidery- Mrs. H. Atkins. Class 176--House Dress--Mrs. R. Roid, Mrs. McTsvish. Class 177--Embroidered Apron- Mrs. W. Cliff, Mrs. McTsvish. CHILDREN'8 DIVISION Class 18G--Embroidered Cushion Top--Maud Lambert, Nomic Edding- ton. Best-kept Boulevard--Mr. A. Chil- ton, Mr. S. Psyton, Mr. L. Burley. Best Boulevard opened since Sept., 1926--Mr. H. O. Eccicstonc, Mrs. H. Ncsbits Best Hcrbnceons Border--Mrs. H. Ncsbitt. A social evening for members and exhibitors will be held on Tuesday next, 21st September, in Ambleside Hall, when the dis- tribution of prizes will take place. It is requested that mem- bers bring their membership cards. Mr. and Mrs. Lancelot Ken- nedy, Selkirk Apartments, Van- couver, who have been spending the summer at Dundarave, have returned to the city. Bntish Israel Association of West Vancouver Will meet Next THURSDAY at 8.16 p.m. in DUNDARAVE HALL SPEAKER-- Frofessor Odium NE WS! It is generally believed that too many Apart- ment Houses have been constructed in Vancouver during the past 8 months, and that as s result rentals will come down. Such is not the case--Vancouver'6 fast grow- ing population coupled with the seasonal slack in construction, is bringing about stability of the rental market, and, if anything, should cause an INCREASE in rentals. TAXI LOCAL TRIPS 1 to 4 Passengers...... ........ 50c, 76c, Jc $1.00 Phones: WEST 116 WEST 139R BLUESI You won t have them st CHET SHIELDs! . ~ Ice ('ream, Soft Drinks, and 6 fine line of Chocolate Bars.... C.R. SHIELDS CONFECTIONERY Rizht at the Ferry Lending SHERMAN STORE and Post Office Marine Drive, between West Bsy snd Cypress Park GENERAL SUPPLIES Agents for Star Laundry Everything yon need for Camp or House Gss & Oil Station. We Deliver GREENwODD'S GROCERY WEST 16 Saturday Specials Faultless Pineapple, large cans........2 for 25c Burns'hamrock Butter, Handypats 4'6, per lb. 45c Nabob CofFee, 1 lb. can 63c Butter, finest Alberta 3 lbs...................... 51.23 Pure Greengage Jam, 4-lb. tins ....................49c Fells Naptha, 3 bars ... 25c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag ............. 55c Nabob Tea, per lb...... 69c Heinz Tomato Catsup, large ................ 29c New Walnuts, yss Per lb. 39c Cakes and Pastry Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily We close at 1 o'lock Thursdays Phone Your Orders WE DELIVER A. CHISHOLM B&EER Residence Phone West 663L CAKES and PASTRY See our display in Greenwood'8 Window Daily Delivery anywhere in West Vancouver Automobile Club Members Yon have an OIBcisl Garage snd Tonic Service in this Ull udct West Van Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phone Wast 444 Free Towing to Members. Marine Drive, (bctwcsn 21 nnd 22) NI ILL'S GROCERY TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM PHONE WEST 690 REAL ESTATE--INSURANCE Geo. Gourlay When Fire Insurance is wsnscd in s burry phoae she Rovsi Agcnn Ofnce Cor. 23rd & Marine Phono West 2. PHONE 468 L J. H. RElD FULTON Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork Announcenfent! The Canadian Window Bakeries We shall be glad to be favored with s share of your patronage. MR. AND MRS. R. L. TAYLOR wish to inform the public of West Vancouver that they have taken over the Tea Room at 14th and Marine, next door to the West Van Pharmacy and are adding the products of o Mrs. McLelland and her sons Bobbie and Jim have returned home from their summer home in the Okanagan. West Vancouver Musical Society The second practice of the I+st Vancouver Musical So- ci)ty will be held on Monday next at Ambleside School, 14th Street, at 8 o'lock. The first practice was held in Ambleside Hall, and despite the inclement weather a goodly number were present, several new members being in attend- f ance. A record is asked for on Mon- day next. hfembers are asked to bring their copies of the Fes- tival music. Now is the Time to Rent Your Apartment Applications are coming in fast for ST. JULIEN AFTS. 1040 GEORGIA WEST ENGLESEA LODGE 2046 BEACH AVENUE Both these fine buildings are under the manage- ment of H. A. ROBERTS Cc CO. 801 Yorkshire Building. Seymour 7477 BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. 111 FIRST EAST PHONE NORTH 1370 NORTH VANCOUVER Call at our showroom or phone North 1370 and we will gladly give you a demonstration. SOLD ON VERY EASY TERNIS HUDSON AND ESSEX DEALERS See the world's most popular Six-Cylinder Car New Essex Coach - - - - - - 51255.00 Neiv I-Iudson Coach - - - - - - $ 1945.00