001B6BC4 Shower to Miss Ruth Tabor Miss Ethel hl. Sfillard. h[ath- ers Avenue and Dundarave, was hostess on Wednesday evening at an attractively arranged shower in honor of Miss Ruth Tabor, whose marriage will take place shortlv. Effective deco- rations of asters in two tones of mauve were used about the rooms. 8[ra. G. Hawkes and Miss Kathleen Wenmoth aa~jst- ed in serving the guests, while h[rs. Nclifillan cut the ives. A novel carriage fashioned like a ship ("S. S. Canadian Bride" ). which contained the gifts, u.as drawn into the room by little Ronald Harvkes, who dressed as a sailor and made the presentation to the guest of honor. A flower contest in keeping with the occasion was a feature of the evening and vias won by h[rs. T. Cutler. The invited guests included: Mrs. A. F. Tabor, Nrs. Lunn, h[rs. 8[iliard, Nrs. P. Colpitts, h[rs. E. S[cNillan. Kfrs. G. Hawkes, Nrs. P. Wait, hfrs. H. Nesbitt, Nrs. I Ajello, h[rs. G. Beattie. hfrs. T. Cutler, Mrs. Wm. Grout. hfrs. P. Trussel, SIiss Ella Tabor. Sfiss Hettie Craw- fordr, Miss ihfuriel Johnson, 8[isa h[arjorie Bell, )[isa H. Wool- stone. Sfiss glary Armstrong, Miss Daisy Brundrett, Miss G. Lawson, 8[isa Helen Stevenson, 5[isa May Garland, hi[so Kath- leen Wenmoth, hfiss Beulah Raine. ih[iss Elsie Edwards, Miss Gwen Hodge, Miss Elsie Harri- son, Bliss Green. Sfiss Gladys Green and Miss Anna Carnegie. Miscellaneous Shower The summer home of ih[r. Rnd Nrs. Lionel Haweis, Cypress Park, was the scene of a delight- ful miscellaneous shower given in honor of h[iss Vivian Sauer, a popular brit.'e of the season, by 8[isa Renee Haweis. Mrs. R. Sauer presided over the cc[yee urn and SIrs. Lionel Hnweis at the tea urn. As a novelty feat- ure a personal shower was given for the groom, ih[r. Davdd Taylor of New IVestmjnster. Among those present were Sfrs. F. NacNeil of Victoria, Nrs. Helen Parker, hfrs. I R. Spray, Miss Rheta Ramage, Miss Jean Genier, Miss Grace Ross of New Westminster, h[iss Adelia Evans, S[iss Irene Swnnston,Miss Kassie Ryan, Miss Laree Spray, Miss Edith Templeman of San Fran- cisco, Mr. and Sfrs. Edward Ir- win Bird, hfr. and hfrs. Walter Goodwin, Sfr. and hIrs. Charles Kendag, Mr. Joe McCreery, Nr. George Keiling, hfr. Walter Gil- bert. )fr. Arley Curtis of New TVestmjnster, Mr. A. D. Jones, Mr. P. W. Sharp, Mr. )Vill[am Parker and S[r. Haley Jackson. New Bridge Route Disapproval of the plans for handling the traffic from the city through Stanley Park to the proposed First Narrows bridge, as suggested by the representa- tive of the Dwight P. Robinson Company, was voiced by the Parks Board engineer, in a ro- port submitted at the regular meeting of the board, held IVed- nesday, September 8th. No ac- tion was taken, the report being tabled for future reference. The plan contemplated the widening of the pipe line road for its entire length. the con- struction of a circus at its inter- section with the main driveway, widening the driveway there- from as far as the top of the old road with another circus at that point, and an entirely new road from that point to the bridge; all the roads named to be subject to two-way traffic. An alternate route was sug- gested by the engineer after close S ppp,ppp Sockeye almon to be PI[hnted THE IVEST VAN NE)VS study of the contour of the Park. His proptKsa[ was the routing of such tra[lic over the causevray, thence westward along the Coal Harbor road (sufficicntlv widen- ed for that purpose) to a point west of the nursery and the con- struction of a new road Irsnnjng in a north-westerly direction to a point between Beaver Lake and the Bridal Trail. From that point the proposed road should run in a northerlv direction towards Prospect Point intersecting the main drivcrvay east of the point, and thence to the bri!ige site. Such road would be built, if passible, on a continu- ous curve in order to avoid the impression of severing the Park in two. Earlier in the report the engin- eer outlines his objections to the use of the pipe line right-of-way. "I am of the opinion," the re- port read, "that the pipe line road is quite unsuitable as a means of access to the proposed bridge for the fogowjng reasons: "This road was originally con- structed as a route for the wnt- ermains conyeving Capilnno avat- ar to the city, and with the fre- quent opening of the road for the repair of such mains as they become older, it would not be ad- visable to construct an expen sive pavement over them. "Considerable widening of this road, which is fairly straight in line, would give the impression of severing the Park in two. "It would be placing a very heavy auto traffic right through the improved section of the Park. "As regards the proposal to widen the existing driveway from the north end of the pipe line road to the top of the hill and route the traffic in both dir- ections thereon, I believe this would be a great mistake." Experts of Fisher[so Dcpnrt- ment Tnke Shipments Into Cnrihoo Country. Five million Sockcyo salmon eggs arrived in Quesnel from the Skeenu River in charge o( «Jim" 8[organ of the fisheries depart- naent. The eggs. which are be- ing transported in copper trays. encased in specially constructed wooden bores, will be divided into threo shipments, part for Upper Bowron River. one-thiml (or ih[itchell River. which emp- ties into Qucsnet Lnke, and the balance for the Ijpper Horsefly River. Hubert Evans of West Vancouver and John L. Hill, fish- ery overseer here, will hnve charge of the Bowron River planting. Percy Hills of Cowich- an luke will go to Mitchell River nnd hlr. hiorgan will superin- teml the planting at Horsefly. fly. Baptismal Tea At St. Stephen's Church on Sunday afternoon Daphne Mary, the infant daughter of Captain and h[rs. Douglas Graham, was baptized by Rev. A. Harding Priest. At the conclusion of the service Nrs. F. Culbard sang a hymn as a solo. Following the service, Mrs. Graham gave a baptismal tea at her home on Bellevue Avenue. Mrs. Olive Cullen presided at the tea table, being assisted by hIrs. Ashworth, Miss Hilda Binns, Njss Laura Nowatt and Nrs. Lovegrove. The guests were: Capt. and Nrs. Mowat, Rev. A. Harding Priest and Mrs. Priest, ih[rs. Taylor, Miss Maine, Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson, Miss Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Stringer and infant daughter, Nrs. Coles and Master Jack Coles. Mr. and Mrs. Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Ashworth, and Mrs. Nevi[le Smith. CAULFEILD GENERAL STORE CHANGES HANDS Nrs. M. hfarshall who has op- erated the store at Caulfeild, has sold out her interest in it to Mr. A. B. Cox of Shermans. Nrs. Marshall is taking a trip to New York via the Panama Canal. WEST!64RS J H DAWSON PARK BUILDING CONTRACTOR ALTERATIONS, ETC. You Can Save One Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY September 17th, 1926 COAL COAL COAL 'WR AIIR SOI,E AOEIS78 FOR The Famous C()almot)t Coal. CAN NO)V BV [IOU(IIIT [N WVST VANiCOUVKII. It is uupquuiii!I for the range, grate nr N!mace. )'HONE VO[I Pit[CV.S. The Hollyburn Lumber Co., Ltd. (Succsosocs Io The I'sciac ('assi Import a Rcport Co'r) Fuoi «f Ielh Sircci si )Vs!sr(ross Office I'hoss 'n'coi SI Iicsldrsco: )Vosi szns , M.WILLIAMS GUSTO[)1 TAILDR npociailsiug In Xlco's Sul!s anil Orsrcosis!o Mcssurr. I urzo A.iorlmeul uf I'salerno!o cliouis from. ORDKII YOU[I NKXT SUIT I"ROih[ US. I)ry Cleaning liyping, Repairs und and Prp s!! I n g PRICKS Alterations WE CAL!. A VD DELIVER PROSE WEST 20 Buy a LOT for a home; a HOME means a lot. Tl&()U(;HTON (I[ IMARI&()W Real Estate Jh Insurance Phone WEST 88.Dundarave HERE SINCE Isa ics NOT IC E North lf'est Yan Stages EXTRA SERVICE--Leave North Vsu. 0.40 s.m., 7.40, 8.40, 10.40, 12.40 p.m., 8.40, 0.40. Leave Csuitoild--7.10 s.m., 8.10, 9.10, 11.10, 1.10 p.m. Wednesdays sud Saturdays, Leave North Vancouver 1.40 p.m. SUNDAYS--Twenty Minute Sorcics commencing from North Vsn- couvor at 11.40 s.m. sud Cypress Park st 12.10 p. m. up till 8 p.m. ESTATE L. H. BEAMlSH j»URAN« MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING PURPOSES We have moved Io 1434 MARINE DRIVE Phone Wcs! 17 Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe [640 Haywood Ave. West Vancouver Br. J&. E. KITIPfrl Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA-VIOI.ET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleside Block, Cor. 14th and Marine Office Phone West 166 Residence Phone West 88R FORTUNE CUI'NN AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St. and Waterfront North Shore Bakery 4 A RcKERZIC. Prep. Mariuc D!Ivs ai 22nd Bread Cakes Pastry Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEAR[.E PHONE WEST 9 FEED,.FUEL, CEMENT, ETC. Phone Seymour 658 Rcs. Phone West 42Y) Fa! Isblishod 19us PHILIP C. CHAPMAN ! ESTATE and INSURANCE BROKER Rnol Estate - Insurance - Rent Collections I'hoss West 4 D. MORGAN. J P. REAL ESTATE ~ ud INSURANCE BROKER Twsuty-Iitih sud Msrius Dr. Ambleside Tea Rooms Forcy Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp sud Picnic Suppiiss, Tobaccos, oic. p ,fh()11 [tet ud ~k ss ()r 1[t gs Fort~ 4 )[fs.[fom h[r sute!'[siting,s Ave!" thcwere ( King sttcu![joh 0 iogtos Dxk le &'g, C. 7 'treetsAfsist lefi1[r. egcvue, sg triP ~ 2nd gedonhisfs pcksu ~ ~ g ujthce iy iy. [hereshh'" h&tees whel i scheoi yhytccjj[[' [ st '.home efe ) I Fleck guest.hite Got![os I[& l [lou[then )yhjte 4hg HOAllister psutou su '[m. K. D 'lexander. h ssij h[je h[jes Elis & h hsve ! Boss ' I Pret, the holiday Cyspending „home st their summe oiog to th! k sfe fetutul jisf M!Ce ihfcC! h[c(hlsii c [tcfuooi niece, )["a Thompcof who, with 'e [csvjog1[r. their [litic sot udg trip t rope, visiting ' Ist home is Eughm FI~on iu Southernthe ecsson 5[ . h[cLcod hes rcu cottage 0 , Ho ~~t 24th sod )lathers ~ s ~ Mm. G, D. Ejgsr hss h' F piper's house ou Avenue, near [4[h snd family have m«& « their house in Gfsudview Mr, A. B, jyrjght, 19th 8 sterfroot, is undergoing I ment at Shsughuessy Hosp c I ( ~ ~ jar. and hlra 1[CGoujgsj rented bliss Xuox's cotta[ 27th sud Lswsou. ~ ~ ~ g h[rs. Bust hss taken the cottage ou it[Crine near 26[ s s hlr, eud hire. Stanley I Sr., returusl on Tuesday 2 four months'tay oc prairies. ~ ~ ~ h[r. Chas. Apple(on is rating sud putting s fouufj under his old home si Bel 2nd 15th. ~ ~ Major sod hits h[sfshall returned home from theirmer home in Leiog'I Bay. ~ s ~ Mre. 1[cgioley eud her daer, Mrs, ucis, who wercmerly residents of lycouver, sfe Cisch.', '" '""'"' ! ~ ~ hgce 4ttie FoBowhlg are ~ eud I Clechsn. ~ ~ i hire. IRLelleod Bohhie aod Ji aud her home from th have retu in the Db 'ummer hosgas. Street, mh[caldc Sc Amhleclde 9&tice we Picacut ue r Were a snwce, ni hcjo k to hrjog th Hcmhcretiv l air cop' 4uslc. mcs of the