001B6BC4 September 17th, 1926. West Vau. Horticultural Class 117--Best plain Cookies- hfrs. C. Grisdale. Class 118--Best Shortbread--Mrs. A. Oliver, Mrs. Conant. Class 119--Best Fruit Cake--hfrs. A. Oliver, Mrs. Conant. Class 120--Best Oat Cakes--hf rs. McQuaker, Miss J. McEwen. Class 121--Best unnamed Cake- hfrs. A. Oliver. BOTTLED FRUIT Class 122--Best jar Cherries--hfrs. R. Reid, hfrs. C. Grisdale. Class 123--Best jar Loganberries- Mrs. E. Rhodes, Mrs. Grisdala. Class 124--Best jar Peaches--Mrs. E. Rhodes, Mrs. W. Cliff. Class 126--Best jar Pears--Mrs. W. Cliff, Mrs. C. Grisdale. Class 126--Best jar Plums--hfrs. McDaniel, Mrs. E. Rhodes. Class 127--Best jar Raspberries- hfrs. G. F. Hodgson, Mrs. G. Castree. Class 128--Best jar Strawberries- Mrs. E. Rhodes, Mrs. C. Grisdale. Class 129--Best jar any other va- riety--Nrs. E. Rhodes, hire. Blair. JASIS Class 130--Black Currant--hfrs. Maudsley, Mrs. C. Grisdale. Class 132--Marmalade (Orange)-- Mrs. Maudsley, Mrs. R. Reid. Class 133--Marmalade (Grapefruit) --Mrs. Grisdale. Class 134--Raspberry--Mrs. M. Millard, Mrs. R. Reid. Class 135 -- Strawberry -- Mrs. Maudsley, Mrs. Grisdale. Class 136--Any other variety--Mrs. Wm. Millard, Miss J. hfcEwen. JELLIES Class {37--Crabapple--Mrs. Con- ant. Class 138--Black Currant--Mrs. J. B. Mathers, Miss J. NcEwen. Class 139--Apple--Mrs. A. H. Priest, Mrs. Conant. Class 140--Blackberry--Mrs. Gris- dale, Mrs. Conant. Class 141--Red Currant--Mrs. J. B. blethers, Mrs. Conant. Class 142--Loganberry--Mrs. Gris- dale. Class 143--Any other variety--Mrs. Grisdale, Mrs. IV. G. Barker. CANNED VEGETABLES Class 144--Corn--Nrs. Grisdale, Mrs. E. Rhodes. Class 145--Peas--Mrs. W. Cliff, Mrs. G. F. Hodgson. Class 146--String Beans -- Mrs. Grisedale, Nrs. G. F. Hodgson. Class 147--Tomatoes--hfrs. Gris- dale. Class 148--Any other variety--Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. Grisdale. PICKLES Class 149--Beets--Mrs. Grisdale. Class 150--Cucumbers--Mrs. E. Rhodes, Mrs. Grisdale. Class 161--Mustard--Mrs. Grisdale, Mrs. Maudsley. Class 152--Onions--Mrs. E. Rhodes, Mrs. Grisdale. Class 163--Sweet Pickle--Mrs. E. Rhodes, Mrs. Maudsley. Class 154--Tomato Chile -- Mrs. Grisdale, Mrs. Conant. Class 156--Chutney--Mrs. Gris- dale, Mrs. R. Reid. Class 156--Any other variety--Mrs. Grisdale. (Continued on Page 5) Association Fall Show Almas, hfrs. Rekbeyer. Dahlias Class 67--Cactus--hfr. Geo. Mc- Donald, Mrs. H. Rebbeyer. Class 68--Decorative--hfr. Geo. Mc- Donald. Mr. G. Currie. Class G9--Show--Mrs. E. Rhodes, Mrs. Grisdale. Class 70--Single--Mrs. E. Rhodes. Class 72--Coliarette--Mrs. Gris- dale, Mrs. Rhodes. Class 73--Yom-Pom (G)--Mrs. E. Rhodes, Mrs. Grisedale. Class 74--Best display of Dablias- Mr. Geo. McDonald, Nrs. H. Rebbeyer. Collections Class 76--Asters, G varieties--Mr. Henderson, Mrs. E. Rhodes. Class 77--Gladiola, 0 varieties-- Miss M. B. Almas, Mrs. Wm. Mc- Quaker. Class 78--Phlox, G varieties--Mrs. E. Rhodes, Mrs. Bacon. Class 79--Marigold, 6 vsrieties- Mrs. E. Rhodes, 51rs. E. S. Gamage. Class 80 -- Michaelmas Daisies- Mrs. E. Rhodes, Mrs. H. Nesbitt. Class 81--Chrysanthemums -- Mrs. E. Rhodes, Mrs. Grisdale. Class 82--Delphinium--Mrs. H; Sel- wood, Nrs. G. F. Hodgson. Class 83--Annual best collection, 10 varieties--Mrs. E. Rhodes, hfrs. Hodgson. Class 84--Perennials, best eollec- tian, 10 varieties--Mrs. E. Rhodes, Mrs. H. Nesbitt. Class 85--Collection Zinnias--Mrs. E. Rhodes, Mr. Henderson. FRUITS Apples Class 87--Best plate McIntosb Red --Mrs. K. A. Ray. Class 88--Best plate Jonathan--Mr. G. Lloyd, Mr. J. R. McDaniel. Class 90--Best plate Wealthy-- Miss J. McEwen, Mrs. P. Colpitts. Class 91--Best plate Gravenstein- Mr. R. Reid, Mr. J. B. Matbers. Class 93--Best plate Crabapples- Mr. G. Lloyd, Mr. J. B. Matbers. Class 94--Best collection, all named --Mr. J. B. Matbers, Nr. G. Lloyd. Class 96--Best plate Blaekberries- Mr. G. Lloyd, Mr. J. Nesbitt. Class 9G--Best plate Peaches--Mr. H. O. Ecclestone, Mr. K. A. Kay. Class 97--Best plate Pears (early) --Mr. Geo. Hay, Mr. R. Reid. Class 9S--Best plate Winter Pears --Mr. J. B. Matbers. Class 107--Best plate Yellow Plums --Mr. G. Lloyd. Class 102--Best plate Prunes--Mr. G. Lloyd, Miss M. B. Almas. Class 104--Best plate Damsons- Mr. F. Hadwin. Class 105--Best basket Fruit--Mr. G. Lloyd, Mrs. Rebbeyer. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Class 106--Best home-made white loaf--Mrs. F. Colpitts, Nrs. Conant. Class 107--Best home-made brown loaf--Mrs. Conant, Mrs. E. Rhodes. Class 108--Best Bread Rolls (6)-- Mrs. Grisdale, Mrs. Conant. Class 109--Best Soda Scones--Miss J. McEwen. Class 110--Best Baking Powder Biscuits--Mrs. F. Colpitts. Class 111--Best Sultana Scones- Mrs. H. Selwood, Mrs. Conant. Class 112--Best plain Cake--Mrs. Conant, Mrs. McQuaker. Class 113--Best Pie (Apple).--Maud Lambert, Mrs. Conant. Class 114--Best Pie (Lemon)--bfrs. Conant. Class 115--Best Gingerbread--Mrs. F. Colpitts. Class 116--Best Layer Cake--Mrs. C. Grisdale. The fall show of the West Vancouver Horticultural Associ- ation, which wBS held in Amble- side Hall on Saturday, was very successful. There were not as large a list of entries as last fall, due to the early spring and the federal elections, and most of the gardens were B month earlier than last year. The ex- successful. There wBG not as quality Bnd standard. The following is the list of prize winners: VEGETABLES Beans Class I--Bush Ivax--Mr. F. Had- win. Class 2--Bush, Green--Mrs. H. Sel- woad, hfr. F. Hadwin. Class 3--Scarlet Runner--Mr. H. B. Gray, Mr. J. R. bfcDaniel. Class 4--Pole--Mrs. G. F. Hodson, Mrs. S. E. Lambert. Beets Class 6--Globe or Round--Mrs. Ware, hfiss 51. B. Almas. Class 8--Swiss Chard--Mr. J. B. hiatbers. Cabbage Class 9--Pointed--hfrs. McQuaker. Class 11--Flat--Mr. G. Castree, Mr. G. F. Searle. Class IS--Savory--Mr. E. S. Gam- age, Mrs. G. F. Hodgson. Carrots Class 14--Intermediate -- Mr. F. Hadwin, hfrs. G. F. Hodgson. Class 15--Short--Nrs. McQuaker, Mr. J. Nesbitt. Corn Class 18--Yellow Bantam--Mr. F. Hadwin, Mr. J. B. Matbers. Cucumbers Class 19--Long--Mr. E. S. Gamage, Mrs. McQuaker. Class 20--Short--Mrs. McQuaker, hlr. J. Nesbitt. Herbs Class 22--Head--hlr. G. Castree. Lettuce Class 23--Leaf--Mr. E. S. Gamage. Class Zl--Head--Mr. E. S. Gamage. Cantsloupes Class 26--Mrs. Ware, Mrs. G. Cur- rie. Onions Class 28--White or Yellow--Mr. G. F. Hodgson, Miss M. B. Almas. Class 30--Pickling--Mrs. G. F. Hodgson. Class 32--Escbalots--Mrs. W. Mit- lard. Clara 29--Red or Brown--Mrs. C. F. Hodgson, bfrs. W. Millard. Parsley Class 33--Mrs. G. Castree. Parsnips Class 31--Mrs. G. F. Hodgson, Mr. G. Lloyd. Potatoes Class 38--Early Rose--Mrs. Me- Quaker, Mr. J. Nesbitt. Class 39--Gold Coin--Mrs. Mc- Quaker. Class 40--Netted Gem--bfr. Hen- derson, Nrs. McQuaker. Class 41--Scotch Champion--Mr. J. Nesbitt. Class 42--Any other variety--Mr. F. Hadwin, Mrs. A. H. Priest. Class 44--Best 5 Potatoes in show --Mr. Henderson. Rhubarb Class 45--hfr. R. Reid, Mrs. A. H. Priest. Citron Class 4G--Mr. J. Nesbitt. Squash Class 47--Hubbard Green--Mr. J. Nesbitt, Mr. F. Hadwin. Class 48--Hubbard .Golden--Mrs. Ware,'lr. Geo. Hay. Vegetable Marrow Class 49--Green--Mrs. W. Millard, Mr. E. S. Gamage. Class 60--White--Mr. G. Lloyd, Mrs. W. hfillard. Pumpkin Class 61--Mr. A. Cbilton, Mr. J. Nesbitt. Class 52--Biggest Marrow in show --Mrs. IV. Millard. Class 53--Biggest Pumpkin in show --Mr. S. Paton. Tomatoes Class 64--Best plate Tomatoes (G, red)--Major Barwis, Mrs. H. T. Curtis. Class 55--Best plate 0, large--Mr. E. S. Gamage, Mr. G. F. Searle. Class 58--Best Collection of Vege- tables, six varieties--Mr. J. Nesbitt, Nr. J. B. Mathers. Class 50--Best display of Vege- tables--hirs. G. F. Hodgson, Mr. F. Hadwin. Ivaierrress Class 60--Nr. K. A. Roy. FLOWERS Sweet I'eas Class 61--Best collection 12 stems --Mrs. H, Selwaod. Class 62--Best bouquet--Mrs. H. Selwood. Roses Class 03--Best collection -- hfrs. Grisedale. Class 64--Best bowl--bfrs. S, Lam- bert, Nrs. Burley. Class 05--Best bouquet--hfrs. P. E. Bill, Mrs. S. Lambert. Nastoriiums Class GG--Best bowl--hfiss h'i. B. MARRIAGE OF MISS HARVEY The marriage took place re- cently at 1588 Queen Anne Ave- nue, Seattle, of Miss Anna HBP- vey Rnd Mr. Kenneth Benson Ff~e. The bride, who is well known in IVest Vancouver, is a sister of Mrs. Hubert S. Eman- ueis, a former resident of Holly- burn. Mrs. EmBnue)6 enter- tained at dinner last week in honor of her sister. Covers were laid for tiventy-five guests. i 815 Y working day of the year to 7,000 persons leave mea in the suburbs of r and New V(festminster el by interurban train to their work. Back again they travel in the evening. Travelling day after day on the same trains, friendships are created; romances are begun. Interurban service given to com- muters at R cent B mile is the very mainstay of thousands of homes. B.C. Electric interurban service is the creator of a Greater Vancouver. Sd.m Smmsa0m, EmnncRanwarCO. VANCOUVER VICTORIA 1 I l E P. A. T. A. which stands for Propri- etory Articles Trade As- sociation came into force on Aug. 28th. It simply means that Drug Prices are stabilized Rii over the Dominion--the same as they are in Great Britain. It's much better don't you think? For where' the advantage in buying 8 250 articles for 19c if you have to pay 51.10 for another article that should sell for Sl.. Think it over. THE WEST VAN PHARMACY THE DUNDARAVE PHARMACY Delicious Cocoanut Cream bfade from the finest grade materials obtainable SPECIAL 40c a lb. Dnndarave Candy Shop )IARISE DRIVE (Jnsi West ni Twenty iuih) Hollybnrn Barber Shop hfARINE DRIVE and 15th. Opp. the Weei Vsn. Lnmb e Ce Over 25 years'arber Experi- ence at your service. Expert in Haircutting Ladies, Gentlemen Rnd Children G. RADLAND, Proprietor West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th W. CUTIIBERT PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS NANDOLIN. BANJO, GUITAR. AII ~Uye ~ seenysi~ 11 senti i. Phene West 4OSV PHOTOS EVERYBODY KM)VVS A Imu I Our THAT THE PLEAsE Kfng Sttfr17p 311 Hastings Street West Established 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop. AUTHORIZE D FORD SERVICE We don't experiment on your Ford. We know Fords. Bring your Car in and let us look it over. W E sT Vx r'. G.x v ~ r, r. PFIONE xVKST ISO STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Shortbread and Nut Loaves Daily HAVE OUR DELIVERY MAN CALL Phone West 27 Established 51J'I Years C. J. OVERINGTON BARBER For the convenience of the ladies of the District I have bad the telephone installed PHONE WEST 135 and make an appointmont. 14th Bnd 51Brinc DUIVDARAVE l),I EAT II61ARKET Phone )Vest 5 FRESH hfEAT AND FISH We Deliver For Your Winter Sup- ply of COAL PHONE Ed. Black WEST 68 Service nnd Quality FUEL DryBark, Coal 8 Wood of Bll kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Currie, Prop) 25th Bnd Marine Phone IVest Ilo Satisfaction Guaranteed Iseiv cia»en noir heing formed J. M. Morgan )VEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West 178 Seymour 3058o I ASCII- IC G HI" k'I"4%SrPI'X I'Y. WEEK-DAV WESTBOUND Trsine lesee Neeib Vsneeneer fey sn pelnis in Wnyieenlf4--0.00, 1,00, 0.00. 0,41, 11,41 ~.es., lmt. 1.4$ , L41, 4.4!l, d.it, 8.41, S.tt snd 10. 1 p.m. EASTBOUND Trslns Ieeee whyieenlf I y sn pelnis ie Neeeh vsneeneeye--6.60, 'I.d0. 8.60, 10 $ 5 sssn It.td, 1,$ 6, 6.$ 5, ~ .Sd. d.S6, 6.$6. I.dd, 0.16 snd 11.05, SUNDAYS --WESTBOUND Teelne leave Neeih Vancouver en Senders snd Holidays fee en pelnis ie Wbyieealt ee s.40 ~ .m., snd thea 60 misuies past eseb bene nniu 0.$ 0 p.m. EASTBOUND resins Iesee Wbyieenlf for su peinie ie Neyib Vnneeneey si td minnies past eseb hour feem 0.16 e.m. Ie 0.15 p.m. ysr lneihee Infermenen phone Neeib $00 ee Seymene 0661. pnssensey Depn. dss uesnvnl~ street, vsneenvey, B. o.