001B6BBB September 10th, 1926. Fersonals Mr. F. R. Franklin has rented the house of Mr. H. L. Thompson 25th and Bellevue. o o o Peter, the young son of Mr. A. J. Rawkins, 17th 2nd Water- front, was ope)2)ted on last week for a mastoid. He is now doing as weil as can be expected. s ~ s Mrs. S. A. Currie 2nd children left today for Moose Jaw, Sask., on a two months'isit to her mother, Mrs. Peacock. ~ s s a.alt v dh vlt- ed building at Gordon and 15th, and he will be moving in short- ly. s Mr. and Mrs. Kent have rented w the house of M. J. H. Leggatt, 25th and Waterfront. v ~ ~ Miss Nadine, the daughter of Mr. G. M. Gemmill, is attending St. Helen's School, Vancouver Heights. ( s vMr. M. Emerton-Court and Mr. K. R. Blain are working in Springfield, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bryan of South Vancouver, have taken a cottage near 23rd and Marine for the winter. Mr. Sutton is building a gar- age on his property at 29th and Marine. The Misses Ada and Sue Stainsby, who have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. . Stainsby of Kitsilano, left for their home in California, Friday night. Father A. MacDonald of St. Anthony's Church, West Vancou- ver, preached a dedication ser- mon at the opening of the school in our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Vancouver, which was officially opened by Archbishop T. Casey on Sunday, August 29th. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Neville of Weston, are moving into a house at the corner of 23rd and Mar- ine. Mr. Snd Mrs. MacEachern and family have taken Mrs. de Pen- cier's home for the winter months. Mr. and Mrs.Goudie and family of Portland, have rented the house recently built by Mr. Try- thall at the corner of 23rd and Marine. Mr. Goudie is a brother in-law of Mr. Harvnp, 23rd and Ottawa. t Mr. N. Raine, 27th and Law- son, who has been away five months in the Cheakamus Val- ley, has returned to his home. s s Mr. and Mrs. Mason and fam- ily of West Bay, have returned to the city. s ~ Mr. and Mrs. Smith, 24th and Mathers, have moved back to the city. s Mr. and Mrs. Beasley 2nd fam- ily, 24th 2nd Waterfront, have gone back to the city. ~ s v Mr. and Mrs. Jack, 21st and Bellevue, have moved to Victor- ia. s s s Mr. Snd Mrs. Martin, Waing's Point, have moved back to the city. ~ s ~ Mrs. C. W. Emery and her daughter Beth, will shortly take up their residence at Bellevue and 23rd, where Mrs. Emery will open a studio of Music. Mrs. Emery is an experienced teacher and received her training at the Guildhall School of Music, Lon- don, England. Her daughter has two silver medals and five certi- ficates for piano, two for singing and one for rudiments of music. West Vancouver Scottish Society The first meeting of the 1926- 1927 season of the above society will be held on Friday, Septem- ber 17th, at 8 o'lock, in The Clachan Hotel, Dundarave. A full attendance is requested, as nominations for office for the ensuing year will be in order. For further information of in- tending and eligible members, phone West 89 L or West 101. L. O. L. THE WEST VAN NEWS L O. D. E.-. The masquerade dance given by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., on Saturday night was a very successful affair. Miss Sybil Chapman won the prize for the best dressed lady, that for the best dressed gentleman going to Mr. Baker. The prize for the best comic costume was awarded to Mr. W. B. Small. The next regular meeting of the chapter will take place next Monday at 2 p.m. in St. Steph- en's Parish Hall. L. O. B. A. 'I3)e II.O.L. 2990 held their regular fortnightly meeting on Tuesday evening at Dundarave HalL Brother Jago, the field secretary for B. C., was present and gave an address on the pro- gress of the order in the West- ern provinces. It was announced that Sir James Craig, would address the Orangemen of Vancouver during his visit in the city. The Master of the lodge informed the mem- bers that at the ne'xt regular meeting there would be a mus- ical programme and Professor Odium would give an address on Orangeism. The lodge will attend the Bap- tist Church in a body on Sunday morrning, September 26th. Mr. and Mrs. R. Purvis, who have been visiting at Horseshoe Bay, have now returned to the city. The regular meeting of the L.O.B.A. was held in Dundarave Hall on Thursday, September 2nd, when final arrangements were made for the birthday party, which will take place on Thursday, September 16th, at 8 p.m., in Dundarave Hall. West Van. Girl Guides The 1st West Vancouver Girl Guides will hold a Japanese Tea in the Parish Hall of St. Steph- en's Church on Saturday, Sep- tember 25th, at 8 p. m. Mrs. A. J. McKenzie, 22nd and Marine, spent the week end at Ladner. s s s Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davidson and family have returned to the city, after spending the summer at Caulfeild. To West Vancouver Voters. Divlsloa Cspi)sao, Amb)eside sad Ho)) y hara Wsstoa Duadsvsve A)turnout sad West Bsy Csa)gs)d, Cypress Park sad Sherman W by tee) I II Poulag Booth Amb)aside Hs)1 AI)isoa's Grocery Store, Marine sad 22ad. Duadsrsvc Hall, Marine sod 26th. Msviae Drive sad Rode)iifc Ave. E)I)otps Tcs Room. Mamas Dmve sad Cypress Park. Blue Dvsgoa Iaa, Whytec)iif. APAR TMF.N TSf ST. JULIEN APTS. 1040 GEORGIA WEST 3 Blocks From Shopping Centre. ENGLESEA LODGE 2046 BEACH AVENUE AGENTS: H.A. ROBERTS Cc CO. 801 Yorkshire Building. Seymour 7477 Should your name not be on the final voters'ist 2nd i providing you have the necessary qualifications you can -- still vote on E)ection day under Special Provisions of the Act in this district. Polling booths in the various districts are as follows: TAXI LOCAL TRIPS 1 to 4 Passengers....... 50c, 75c, 5c $1.00 Phones: WEST 116 WEST 139R BLUES& You won't have them at CHET SHIELDs! .. Ice (,'ream, Soft Drinks, and a tine line of Chocolate Bars.... C.R. SHIELDS CONFECTIONERY Right at the Ferry Landing SHERMAN STORE and Post Office Marine Drive, between West Bsy sad Cypress Park GENERAL SUPPLIES Agents for Star Laundry Everythiag yoa need for Camp or House Gss a Oi) Station. We Do)iver G REENN) 00 I (I GROCERY WEST I6 Saturday Specials Faultless Pineapple, large cans.......2 for 25c Burns'hamrock Butter, Handypats 4's, per lb. 45c Nabob Coffee, 1 lb. can 63c Butter, finest Alberta 3 lbs.................. $ 1.23 Pure Greengage Jam, 4-lb. tins ...............49c Fells Naptha, 8 bars... 25c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag ...... 55c Nabob Tea, per lb.... 69c Heinz Tomato Catsup, large .................... 29c New Walnuts, I/qs Per lb. 39c Cakes and Pastry Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily We close at 1 o'lock Thursdays Phone Your Orders WE DELIVER A. CHISHOLM BAKER CAKES and PASTRY See our display in Greenwood's Window Daily Delivery anywhere in West Vancouver Automobile Club Members Yoa bsvs an Oinc)s) Garage sad Towing Service ia this District. West Van Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phoae West 446 Free Towing to Mcmbere. Marine Drive, (between 2( snd 22) NEILL'S GROCERY HOME BAKING TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM PHONE WEST 690 REAL ESTATE--INSURANCE Geo. GOIIrlay When Fire Iasursacs is wanted in s hurry phoae the Royal Agcat Office Cor. 23rd dt Marine Phone West 2. PHONE 4SS L H REiD FBU'Lros Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork SAVORY c%. DUVAL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE )42'JJ Marine Drive Phone West 114 BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. III FIRST EAST NORTH VANCOUVERPHONE NORTH HUDSON AND ESSEX DEALERS See the world's most popular Six-Cylinder Car New Essex Coach - - - - - - $ 1255.00 New Hudson Coach - » - - - - $ 1945.00 Call at our showroom or phone North 1370 and tve will gladly give you a demonst)2)tion. SOLD ON VERY EASY TER))IS Shoe Repairs The Electric Shoe Repair Shop hioved to new store, three doors east of old stand. All Work done on the prenIises FRED TITE RELIABLE WORK FOOT SPECIALIST CHEERFUL SERVICF