001B6BBB Anto Collision at 26th and Marine On Labor Day afternoon a head-on collision took place at 26th and hlarine between a Ford runabnut belonging to hfiss K. C. Clarke of Vancouver and a Ford coupe driven by hir. J. G. Eden, 4086 Graveley Street, Vancnu- ver. The front axles. running gear, and front mudguards of both cars were badLV smashed and bent. but none of the occu- pants were hurt. The West Van. Auto Service hauled the two cars to I heir garage and are repairing them them, Game Reserve on North Shore An ama embracing the water- sheds of Capilano, Lynn and Sey- mour cre'eks and the foothills in the municipalities of North and West Vancouver has been creat- ed a game reserve. Hunting, trapping and killing game and carrying firearms in the district are prohibited. Under the protection of the Provincial Government, deer and other animals which used to fre- quent the mountains of the North Shore, will be encouraged to take up residence there. Es- tablishment of a reserve was prompted in part. it is believed by the desire of promoters of the Grouse hiountain resort to make the locality another Banif as far as the presence of tame wild animals is concerned. The boundaries of the reserve are: Southern limit--Commencing at the summit of the Seymour Range, due east of the Seymour Creek waterworks intake, thence due west to the said intake: thence southerly along the west bank of the Seymour Creek to the old Scott ranch, thence west- erly along the Rice Lake road to the corner of the Lynn Valley and Dempsey roads; thence west- erly along the Dempsey road to Centre road; thence southerly a- along Centre road to Wellington drive; thence westerly along WeBington drive and Osborne road to Lonsdale avenue; thence northerly along Lonsdale avenue Prospect road, and Mountain drive, across Mosquito Creek, near the intake to the intersec- tion of Mountain drive and the old Scenic trail; thence westerly along the Scenic trail to the Cap- ilano road; thence southerly a- long the Capilano road to the old Keith road bridge; thence west- erly along the Keith road bridge and Keith road to its intersec- tion with Marine drive; thence westerly along Marine drive to Cypress Creek. Western boundary--Northerly from hfarine drive up Cypress Creek to its source in timber limit No. 2729p; thence north to the limit of hfount Strachan; thence northerly along the sum- mit of the Coast Range following the line of the Capilano water- shed to the northern boundary of the said watershed. Northern boundary--Easterly following the northern bound- aries of the Capilano and Sey- mour Creek watersheds to the summit of the Seymour Range. Eastern boundary--South a- long the summit of the Seymour Range following the line of the Seymour watershed to the point of commencement. P.-T. Cancel Meeting The West Vancouver Parent Teachers Association wish to an- nounce that their regular meet- ing, which falls on Tuesday, 14th September, will be cancelled on account of that being election day. It has been decided to hold no meeting this month. Lines by a Visitor There's a district called IVest Vancouver, That many a heart holds dcvsra And to me that land of beauty, Is easily ivithnut a peer. It's hills and dales and brooklets, It's forests and ivinding ways, Are full of nature's grandeur As are also it's coven and bays. From far and near come the "Hikers," To the thrill of it's ridges and peaks. There to rest and gaze on the golden lakes. Or to "sup" by the musical creeks. So to thee lovely West Vancou- ver, I pledge my affections true, Though far I may roam, ivhen I think of home It wil! be in thinking nf you. hfay your beauty ever remain as now& No doings of man ever mar, But go on giving joy to the hearts of all, Thou gem of the morning star. --IV. II. DURAND FRED TITE HAS MOVED Mr. Fred Tite, the well known shoe repairer at Amble- side, is now occupying his new premises just three doors east of the old store. Mr. Tite's shop is fitted up with the most mod- ern machinery and all work is done by himself on the premises. Mr. Tite is an expert shoe repair- er of 25 years'xperience spent in every branch of boot and shoe manufacture and repair. He is one of the progressive business men of the district and The NEIVS ivishes him success in his new location. THE WEST VAN NEWS Conservative Garden Party The Conservative Garden Party on Saturilay afternoon at the house of hir. J. Hayden Young. 24th anil Inglewood, was a great success. Numbers of Indies prominent in both parties attended. The tables were taste- fully arranged nnd a very pleas- ant time was spent by those pres- ent. The speakers were Gen. A. D. McRae and Mrs. McRae, hir. A. M. Whiteside, Mr. Clar- ence O'Brian, hirs. Garland Fos- ter. Cnlonel Nelson Spencer. hlr. J. B. Leyland and others. hfrs. Garland Foster pointed out many alleged shortcomings of the late government and a- roused her hearers to a pitch of enthusiasm when she declared that it was in the best interests of the women of Canada to re- turn the Conservative party to power. General A. D. McRae, the can- didate for Vancouver North, out- lined a very logical and construc- tive program which he would ad- vocate if elected. He dealt at length with such matters as North Shore representation on the harbor board, the erection of a cold-storage plant, protection of areas for national parks and the encouragement of develop- ment in the fishing industries. hIrs. A. D. McRae delighted her audience in outlining the en- thusiasm to be found among the various women's organizations in Greater Vancouver and ex- plained the preparations which are being made for the final work and organization in bringing the people to the polls on election day. Mr. Clarence O'Brian dis- cussed the customs scandal, tar- iff and old-age pensions. Announcement DOCTOR ROWAN announces the removal of his Dental Office from 14th and Marine to 17th and Marine in the new Royal Bank Building. Phone West, TS. Oflice Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nurse in attendance. -:":"-'- J. H. DAWSON BUILDING CONTRACTOR ALTERATIONS, ETC. Final Conservative Rally AT MOLL Y BURN THEATRE Monday, September 13th, at 8 p,m. A/I ore cnrdiollp inoited. SPEAKERS-- General A. D. McRue, and a rotary system of 5 minute Speeches from local men snd others. Good i%1usical Programme. COAL COAL COAL Wa ARE SOI E AGENTS FOR The Famous Coalmont Coal September lOth. 1926. CAN NOVV BE IIOU(IIIT IN IV EST VA ViCOUVEIt. It Is unequalled for the range, grate or furnace. PHONE FOR PRICES. The Hollyburn Lumber Co., Ltd. (Successors Ia The pacnlc Coast Imsocl a Eapars Ca'y) Font cf Ioih Slrcci ai ivaicvvcaat Onicc I'hose Wcai SI Rcaldcaca Weal OIRS „,„„„„„,„, M. WILLIAMS,,„.„,..., CUSTOM TAILOR Spaclailaiag In Mca'a Sana aan Overcoats io Measure. Imago haaccimenl oi I'allcrcs io chacaa Ivcm. OI(DEII YOUII NEXT SUIT FROM US. Dry Cleaning CiT Y Dyeing, Repnlrsand and Pressing P I( I CES A lterationa WE CALL AND DELIVER PHONE WEST 20 Buy a LOT for a home; a HOME means a Iot. TROUGHTON dit, BARROW Dundarave Real Estate Jb Insurance Phone WEST 88. HERIC SINCE IQIO NOTICE North II West Van Stages ERTRA SERVICE--Leave North Vaa. 8.40 a.m., 7.40, 8.40, 10.40, I?-40 p.m., 6.40, 8.40. Leave Caulfciid--7.10 a.m., 8.10, 0.10, 11.10, 1.10 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays, Leave North Vancouver 1.40 p.m. SUNDAYS--Twenty Minute Service commencing from North Van- couver at 11.40 a.m. and Cypress Park at 12.10 p. m. up till 8 p.m. EsTATE L. H. BEAMISH INsURANCE MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING PURPOSES We have moved Io 1434 MARDI E DRIVE Phone Wut 17 Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Ete. H P. Tearoe I 640 Haywnnd Ave. West Vancouver Sr. 3l. K. KIIIyfgl Physician and Suv geon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA-VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleside Block, Cor. 14th and Marine Offic Phone West 166 Residence Phone West 88R FORTUNE CUP INN AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St. and Waterfront North Shore Bob(cry A. S. Nvatntin. Prem Marino Drive at zzan Bread, Cakes, Pastry Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE PHONE WEST 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT, ETC. ollections ancouver Amblesido Tea Rooms Parry Wharf WEST VANCOUV ER Camp aad Picnic Supplies Tobaccos, aic. Phoae Wast 4 D, MORGAN, J,P, REAL ESTATE aad INSURANCE BROKER Twenty-nfib aad Marina Dv. Phone Seymour 658 Res. Phone West 42Y3 Eaiablishcd IOOS FHILIP C. CHAF1llAN OKER 1925 iptll tenl &&tqOII& nkjin hsI'lr of bi ~Frs I Th the hou& Ilejlevue tb snd , n oung Imd the I Ifth sn Peteewkins donls jor so csn ~ so we s ~ .S.A,curt'swicon 'ollt" month' on s I" lrs Peso s" mother 'I Ford hss Mr. Waits G ?denim g building moving st if d he will bern ly. rs, Kent hsvi blr. end birs, e d W t rjouse of 25th sn ne the doug Nsdine, School, Vsr . Geinmi, j Helen' Heights, r M Kmerton-Cou?t I SpringgeM Sm bir. ond Mrs, W, W Sr South Vamoose d r have I cottage near 23rd sn for the winter. blr. Sutton is building sge on his property st Sc Marine. Tbe bffsses Ado sn Stslusby, wbo have been i their parents, Mr. nnd SI msby of K t,ilnno i their home in Cshfornls night. «ther A. Mscljonnid Anthoni"s Chunk, West V "+i Preached s dedl&t. mon et the openjog of In our L df or Sonows I Vancouver wluch was oi opened by Archbishop T. on Sunday, August 29th, Mr sod Mra W 8 Ne Weston, are moving into s at the corner of 23rd sni 'ine, ~ c ~ bir. and Mro. MacEache family bsve taken Mrs. d cier'6 home for the months. ~ ~ Mr. snd Mis.Goodie snd; of Porthnd, have renteI house recently built by Mi I thall at the corner of 231' ~ Marine. Mr.ooudjeissb in-law of Mr, Hai op, 23Otmws „, „I ~ c ~ son h +, 5th snd r Mr. N. Raine w 0 bas been months in tbe ohmicler, has rctuinni Ito his hav ~ Mr. and Mio, Mdy of West Sato thecit. y have mtCI y. c ~ I ~ blr. andd I!Irs. Smit» 2(tl „.I '" «e moved jukk~j ~ ~ Mr.amlMm 8'y 2(tji and W Randgone bacj( to th ateffront,ot ecity. t. bir. n~ nmj Mm I Point, jmv itin,ve moved „'WI hack t, Mm.C. W, daughterly 'mery nup th I t» will sb residence nip rd whereM nt Bej Smevy b o io of M n n otu . usie. G . received bMenced teuijdjmli er t Scjiooi 0+ning I glan4, II Music,