001B6BBB September 10th, 1926. Flow of Water Is at New Low Level Flow of water in the streams and rivers of British Columbia during the month of August was abnormally low, according to the monthly report issued by C. E. Webb, district engineer for the Dominion IVater Power and Re- clamation Setvice. Rainfall during the latter part of the month relieved the situa- tion in some sections of the prov- ince, but in the interior there was not enough precipitation to pierce the sun-baked soil, he re- ports. The rainfall did, however, relieve a 'very critical low period, which was particularly felt on the Coast. There was 62 per cent, of av- erage flow in the Capilano, or an average of 119 second feet, as compared with the twelve-year average of 193 second feet. The maximum flow was 1040 second feet, a new low record; this mark lowering the former record of 42 second feet. At Bridge River Station the low was 85 per cent. of the aver- age of thirteen years or averag- ed for the month 7730 second feet. The minimum flow was 5880 second feet and the maximum 15,500 second feet. Cup and Saucer Shower I II Complimenting Miss Daisy Hillman, whose marrige to Mr. Hugh Laird, took place on Sep- tember 8th, Mrs. P. A. Anderson entertained at a cup and saucer shower at her summer cottage at Dundarave. A winding trail of cord led down to the beach, where theguest of honor found a prettily decorated box of yellow crepe paper, in which the gifts were concealed. On the tea table was a prettily arranged centrepiece of golden glow in a large bowL Mrs. J. Hillman poured tea, with Miss Florence Stewart assisting in serving. Guests present were Miss Daisy Hillman, Mrs. J. Hill- man, Miss Maude Stewart, Mrs. Harry Armstrong, Mrs. Stanley McLeod, Mrs. Bert McRae, Mrs. Harvey McKenzie, Mrs. W. C. F. Robins, Miss Edleen Armstrong, Miss Florence Armstrong and Miss M. McHaylie. Hollyburn High School The Hollyburn High School opened for its fall term on Tues- day morning, September 7th. There was an increased enroll- ment of 85 scholars for the new school year just strating. Miss E. J. Maycock has retum- ed to the staff after one year' leave of absence, during which she took a post-graduate course in Chicago. Grade IX is in charge of Miss H. A. Ruddick in place of Miss Gillies, who has accepted a position at Oak Bay. Heard on Ambleside Dock First Fisherman -- "Why's a bullhead like a politician?" Second Fisherman (disgusted) --Don't know. Just caught three of the brutes. First Fisherman -- Because they are all mouth. Second Fisherman -- You'e said a mouthful. AUTO ACCIDENT Last Friday afternoon Mr. S. S. Pride, while driving his car north across Marine Drive at the intersection of 17th, was struck by another auto driven by Mr. Whitaker. Mr. Pride's car was turned over and one hind wheel smashed. Mr. Pride was badly bruised. The other auto was not damaged except for a bent mudguard. The West Van. Garage towed Mr. Pride's car to their garage. A Real Fish Story A certain well-known resident of West Vancouver, while fishing oif Bowen Island on Labor Day, hooked a seven pound salmon. He had played it for about ten minutes when suddenly it leapt high in the air and fell in the middle of his boat. This resi- dent, while not wishing his name to be published, states the above to have actually occurred. Police Court S. Honeyford was fined 35.00 for riding a bicycle on Marine Drive without a light and J. A. Watty was fined 350 for driving to the common danger. Mrs. Jack Patterson and child- ren, Dundarave, have just re- turned from a two months'isit to Bradner, B. C. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Case, 14th and Marine, spent last week end on an auto trip to the Vedder Mountain District. They also took a JTin over quite a few miles of the newly opened Cariboo Rd. The scenic splendour of this new road is, we understand, very re- markable and well worthy a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerr, Se- attle, who have been visiting Mrs. Kerr's mother, Mrs. Stuart Cameron, of Caulfeild, have re- turned home. THE WEST VAN NEWS I'elephoneStaff To Give Dance The West Vancouver staff of the British Columbia Telephone Company are holding a dance at the Hollyburn Pavilion on Wed- nesday, October 6. Lee's Or- chestra will be in attendance and dancing will take place from 9 till 12. Tickets 50 cents, which include refreshments. Wedding of Miss Waugh A wedding of interest to friends in West Vancouver was solemnized at Bellingham, Wash. on Saturday, Sept. 4th, at St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, Rev. Canon West, offic- iating. The contracting parties were Mr. Denis Francis Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker 2nd Avenue, West, Vancouver, and Miss Mary S. Waugh, sister of Mrs. H. F. Brine, West Van- couver. Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom left for an extended motor trip to Southern California. SCHOOL TRUSTEES AP- POINTED Mr. J. S. Yates has been ap- pointed to the board of school trustees to fill the vacancy cre- ated by the resignation of Mr. T. T. Dauphinee, who has taken up his residence at Cloverdale. West Vancouver Pharmacy NEW AftfBLESIDE BUILDING Phone Vvest 87 The Election Results will not please everybody but Our'ome Made Candy will we want to fill your Dundarave Candy Shop NARINE DRWE FLY TOX BOTTLES 50c size for 40c 75c " " 60c The Dundarave Pharmacy 3 Doors Esst uf Dundstsve P.O. Phone VVest 606 Hollyburn Barber Shop MARiNE DRiVE snd 15th. Opp. th West Ven. Lumber Ce Over 25 pears'arber Experi- ence st pour service. Expert in Haircutting Ladies, Gentlemen and Children G. RADLAND, Proprietor West Van. RESTAURANT '1421 Marine Drive at 14th W. CUTHBERT PiANO TUNINC AND REPAIRS NANOOLIN. BANJO. CU1TAE. Au slices sccuretelt tssfbt. Phone West 40SY PHOTOs EvERYBODY KNowS About Out THAT THE'"-- Eing Studio ":" 311 Hastings Street West Established 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop. (Haddon Hall, West Vancouver) Arrangements are now being made for the construction of a Golf Course in the above location, and it will be neces- sary for those wishing to join to forward their applications ~ for melnbership as soon as possible. u: eeet 4 -4':Iu Tentatively, it is expected that the Entrance Fee will not exceed 3100.00, payable as to 320.00 on the formation of the Club and 820.00 each succeeding quarter for one year during the construction of the Course. Those interested are requested to make application as soon as possible to the Undersigned. J. HAYDN YOUNG, C.A., . Secretary Pro Tem. Proposed North Shore Golf Club, DUNDARAVE, Or 622 NETROPOLITAN BLDCu VANCOUVER, B.C. A sum of 31.00 should be enclosed with each application for membership. AUTHORIZED IN WEST VAN4-OUSTER Cleared 50-foot Lots. Best Location in the District. Near the Tennis Court. 3225 to 8350 Phone K. A. RAY, Sey. 6544 or West. 111 STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Shortbread and Nut Loaves Daily For Your Winter Sup- ply of COAL PHONE Ed. Black wEsT es Sutvicu snd quslitp FORD SERVICE We don't experiment on your Ford. We know Fords. Bring your Car in and let us look it over. W E ST,V A N. 6A I' G K PHOtvv E WEST 130 HAVE OUR DEIIVERY MAN CALL Phone West 27 I Established 5 f/I Years C. J. OVERINGTON BARBER Dry Bark, Coal, Wood all kinds Get our Special Price Now West Vancouver Conservative Association NOTICE TO VOTERS RE-TRANSPORTATION V oters who require transportation to the Polling Booths on Election Day (next Tuesday) are requested to telephone the Cot si RvATIvtp FIIwDzv~HTI I s WEST 108 as early as possible, so that arrangements can be made for your convenience. For the convenience of the ladies of the District r have bnd the fsisphuns installed PHONE WEST 135 snd make nn sppointmunt. 14th and Blarine DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phoae tVcst 5 FitESH MEAT AND FISH Ws Deliver for Your Winter Supply Building Materials, Sand, Gravel, Etc Marine Transfer (G. E. Currie, Prop) 25th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed I tlhCIVIC G Rlt AT Et56STIPP~jh WEEK-DAY WESTBOUND Tmles leave Nests Veueeuvet for en pelsts te Wbtteelln. 5.00. f,po, 0,00. 0,48, 11.48 e.m., 1AI, IAI. INI. 4.48, d.~ I. 6.48. I.II sud 10.88 pes.'ASTBOUND Ttelus I eve Whtteclln 1st ea peluts te North Veuceltvctt--0 50, I 50, 0,50 18.$ 5, 8.$5, $ .$ 5, 4.8d, 6.$ 5, d.dd, 1.86, 0.15 eed lndd. SUNDAYS--WESTBOUND Ttclss leave Nertb Vancouver eu Suedets sud Nendste 1st eu pelute te Wbtteeun ~t 8.40 s.m., eud theo 80 mleutee pest ecch hoar uutu 0.$ 0 p,m. EASTBOUND Trslus leave Whttecluf for sn pelsts te North Vsueeuvet st 88 minutes psst each hour fcest $ .86 s.m. te 0.8d p.m. For furthec lufeuuetleu Phone North 800 et Sctmeut $858, Peesesscc Dept.. 588 Cceevsle Street. Veuceuvcc, B. O, Proposed North Shore Golf Course BIGGEST SNAP