001B6BAC DELICIOUS ME ATS YOUR FAMILY W IL L EN JOY Be particular sh«ut the ihleats y«u serve your Family. I)emand extra quality, freshnes~. anil the better cuts. Trade here and y&m get all these qualities. JEFFERIES Next to Hollyburn Theatre PHONE bVEST 3 bVE DEI.IVER Al L biKATS KKI&T INi RKFlalGFI&ATOII Fresh and Cured bleats, liu&(cr, I& ggs, Bacon snd Iaaml Link Your Purse to this Subdivision Large Splendid View Lots Corner ESQUIRIALT AND 11th STRFFT Price $350 to $550--Good Terms You can't go wrong with tVest Vancouver llcal Estate. The lots we oger make splendid Ho&uesites and in an ideal location. LET US SHOW VOU &HE ONKS WE IIAVK I.EFT GI(O. IC~~ Y 315 Cordova St„W„ Vancouver 0&'4th St. 8( Mnrine bVest Vnncouver Hollyburn Pavilion &7&h aud Nar&oo Dr(co Expo&& Workmanship Watch. Ckck snd 27 Yea&i Experience Jewege&y Repairing gf 1 aft Watchmaker and Jeweller DV. SAGA R) Repairs Collected and Delivered A Good Sclcc&xm oF Watches. Clocks and Jcwcge&y on hand 1464 IIARlN~E~DRIVE AMBLESIDE Be sure and see our exhibit at The North Vancouver Exhibition. AII CHEVROLET Models on Display. NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street West, I'hone North 1186 North Vancouver I'hone North 1350 THE OFFICIAI. AUTO CLUB GARAGE ON THE NORTH SHORE Free Towing to 51emnera We are opea until 12 P bf. week days and 11 P.M„Sundays. Dancing Every Saturday Ni Iht During the Year PAVILI08 IOX DA8(25, PAD?Ice. PSOIK WIST 171 THF HEST VAN NENS Cfb r I L'4 P011 dL'.lick: Whytecliff. B. C.. &Lug. 28, 1926. Fdlitor IVest Vancouver News: Sir--At a meeting of the above ratepayers'ssociation, held this evening, it was unanl- mnuslv agreed to press for the I'nllo&ving requirements. an&I to ask for vour valuable publicity in announcing n public meeting which is to be held nn Satumlay, September 11th, nt 8 p.m., in Nr. Rogers'oathouse. &chen it is hoped a record attendance will be made and the points belo&v tho&uughly discussed: 1. That 'tVest Vancouver Council be ask&xi to obtain the waterfront at liorse Shoe Ray for n public park. 2. That a cnnvass of the dis- trict opened up by the new road be made with a view to asking the B. C. Telephone Co. to instal n telephone system. 3. That a canvass be ma&le of the same district with regard to B. C. Electric installing light. Thanking you, Sil(cerely yours, L. LADI BERT, Secretary. P. S.--Public meeting, Satur- day, September 11th, 8 p.m. Editor bvest Vancouver News: Sir--IVIII you kindly permit a novice in politics to make n sug- gestion through the medium of your paper? Could it not be arranged to have the rival candidates on the North Shore meet on the same platform and discuss the issues at stake in the form of a debate? If this course was adopted the time of the elector would not be (vasted listening to the feeble jokes and petty insinuations which have been a feature of all the Conservative meetings which I have yet attended. I would like to suggest that the next time Nr. Reid, K.C., feels tempted to quote from The u'estern Tribune that he reads the whole article through, as ibir. Cowper explains the tariff question in a more lucid manner than Mr. Reid, K.C., seems ca- pable of doing. If the daily press is co&meet, General McRae is a large em- ployer of Oriental labor, and is also President of the Asiatic Exclusion League. Surely some explanation is necessary. It would certainly be appreciated Dy the white work- ers. Regarding the immigration question: Why not help the peo- ple &vho came to this country before an&i during the war to go on the land? These people, who have suf- fered and survived the hardships and are already broken in to the conditions prevalent here, are more likely to make a success on the lan&1 than the trusting tenderfoot. Give the people who are al- ready here a square deal and we will bring out our friends our- selves, and at our own expense. Afte& all. the contented and prosperous settler is the best advertisement for any country. E. D. KEEI'HE CRITICS BUSY lie who fears criticism is hopeless. Only those who do things are criticized. Imlecision is a great harbin- ger; but to hesitate for fear of criticism is cowardly. If your cause is right, be not afraid of criticism; advocate it, expound I. O. lb. E. DANCE Masquerade Dance Under the auspices uf the i. O. ih R. wiii be held &umorr& w SATURDA Y ~ & s p. m. At DUNDARAVE IIALL Lions'ate Application For- warded to Ottawa All legal formnlitles in connec- tion with the Dwight P. Robin- son Company's npplicntion to buil&l a high-level bridge ncross the Lions'nte have been com- plied with. It was ascertained on Monilay from J. A. Campbell, so- licitor for thnt company. A lull in the discussion of the project has been due to the n&ccsslty of carrying ndvc&'tlse ments in the daily papers nnil the Conn&la (:azette for 80 &lays. This has now been completed. Plans have nlso been on file at the public works &lepnrtment nn&l the lan&I registry office for the required periods of time, nnd now the formal application for leave to proceed has gone to Ot- tawn with proof of compliance with the technicalities attached. it, and, if neo&i bc, fight for it. To hesitate for fear of criti- cism loses the battle, while the doers march on to victory aml triumph. Take your place on life's stage aml play your part to the eml; stan&i for that which is good'e a doer, not a drone. Keep the critics busy.--Ex. It's All Nonsense As s pure matter of foe&, it's sii non- scosc &o think sending your washing &o s goo&i fs&undcy is cx&rsvsgsn&. It's fsr more economical in &ho co&i &o hove your household linen sod pc&- sons( garments picked op sod return- ed sweet, eicos sod healthful, sii for s very modest charge. Ri&i yourself of the worry sod dro&igcry of s wash dsy sod lot us scud for your parcel this week- you'l bc picsscd. The Burrard Laundry For People (Ao Aer Porllculae Iu(RO Sfufzv aa& 5T. Sac&&IS North Vancouver Phone II. Ballar&l, North 1310 Mgr. SePtember 3rd. 1928, Roberts'etter Neats I lth nnd Mnrlne ~ll(est I 06 IVE DELIVER Morning to All I'arts, 11 o'lock Afternoon. Knst of 25th 3 o'lock Saturday Speclgils Glendale Creamery Butter Government Speclals 3 lbs for .............. 81 20 Ontario Cheese, lb.......28e IIRIDIE STEER BEEF Boiling Beef lb. 8c Pot Itoast, lb., from .... Ioc Oven Roast, lb., from 15c Shoulder Steak......2 lbs 25c LOCAI. SI'RING LAIIIB. Shoulder, lb..................28c Legs, per lb............. 42c DFLICATESSEN Jellied Veal, lb.............40c English Pork Brawn, lb 40c Jellied Corned Reef, lb. 40c Minced liam, lb.............40c Local Roasting aml Boiling Chicken. Fresh Fruit Jk Vegetables Large Peaches, crate, $ 1.30 Eating Apples......6 lbs. 25c Plums....................4 lbs. 25c Tomatoes, 4 Ibs for .... 25c Shoe Repairs The Electric Shoe 14epair Shop blovcd to neiv store, &brue du«ra (ast of old stan&1. School holidays are about over. Don't forget to get the Boys'n&I Girls'hoes repaired for school time. FRED TITE R LL I A B I I.: VV 0 R K FOOT SPEC',&ALIST I. It V IC F -- Taearae LONs DALE TOAI MIX In "HARD BOILED" A story of A &wo-(is&cd westerner mssqosr- sding ss s duo&urus s dude ranch RAf(i Ru NRWK COM RIIY [ NOW P&-AYINQ MON.. TURK - WRD. "MANTRAP" A Drums of the Nur&blonds uimsd is Canada. Cast Rruos& Turrcocs Clara Buw i'urcy Mormon& SWS-"SIS&SII" ~ lu eeoc&au al &.I ~ I ~ &S I NExT WEEPt I West Vancouver Lumber Co. Lih&IITED 15th and Marine Phone %Vest 115 Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE r I 5 s u s Qj rcttlgtt gy bisil s 'RUCII CO& IjpNI Soclol Evooio be Given by l,i Ladies T u co(uplimca ment fo" tbe Li MO'i, O~ bo I„ Gcer, I, b, . «aud I Csmpsig„C ru by tb( Vancouver "miitce flag (rivm b, lu 17& very 1st Promise of dition to "g evrut eresli ex&egest p is sud (tur quam,tt, 'lag of iustru 'ruuo cmcutsl velce, tb miss Pcrf(xm, +accuse Iu attcg or&bush, Au wig bs ~ aud ref "«come 'g fn . fable &fed(Considers k ou tang he tOOsivo 5 yore Coun the North R urs'hisQues oLm were tf ping inter» bridge,tiou ulss e OPY' council severs of the bridge I of t c co meetiug I r lbo Pfdimensions o Tbe dimeusio» I the cos«f coast&acti& sud be " g which would P Alderman IV rescinding of the fesc which cage&I for s sp above high water an that a new rcsoiutioo warded to Ottawa, Other members i subicct sud the gene( decided upon by the structiou of the brig( At the mcetiug o iir. John L Hsrfing Vsucouvcr coutmchui the Chicago fiusnciai for s definite decision uukipsgt(cs ' Tbo comm(tice wus ud adjourns desvor will be made sent to tbe fodeml s& "'uriugtou i "(ous'uo could b Psu be subm~ttog tb I with am mum at bigb water 0 ving s minimum cl 24 foot „M for pcdest , entirely sopurst o the Piss, sud w ".'"gc road would ' tbe bndge at lgbg b, .Ibo sceuic sd„ '. Approucb('"" twilbhb Posed tog s'ogow,, p cents tw es ub'uo-tou ~ 2li tbro m'ehts ~ OM cpu&lcd tb P rmim, c u