001B6BAC THE WEST VAN NEtVS hfrs. W. Carley gave a birth- day party and &vhist drive on Tuesday night. 24th August, at her residence on hfariue Drive. Following the cards dancing lvax indulged in to a late hour. Dur- ing the evening hire. Carley was presented lvith several beauti- ful birthday gifts by her friends. On Friday, 27th August, a din- ner was gilen at the ibfasouic Hall. Hollyburn, to hfr. Francis W. Cau)felid in honor of his de- parture for England, at which he was also presented withe certifi- cate of good citizenship. Reeve Morgan, the chairman, made an address in which he said that hfr. Caulfeild owned 250 acres in the district that bears his name. He referred to the fact that during the last 27 years the guest of the evening had given 60 acres for parks, besides don- ating sites for a convalescent home and an Anglican Church. Speeches were also made by former Reeves Ne)son, John Lawson and V. V. Vinson, ihfr. J. S. Gall, Rev. A. Harding Priest, ihIiss Geary, hir. E. B. Herman, hir. J. Hadyu Young, aud hir. P. C. Chapman. Counciuor G. A. Davies then presented in a witty cpeech the illuminated certificate of good citisenship. Mr. Caulfeild, in reply, expressed his deep appre- ciation. Several musical numb- ers were given during the even- ing by local artista Since the event refenwd to a- bove the following letter has been received by Reeve hiorgan: CixuifeUd, IL G, August 23, 1926. Dear Mc. Morgan, I w&vh &o record my sincere sp- precintioa of the delightful entertain- ment and welcome you gave me last night. Everything wxs mast &hough&- fully and successfully carried oui, the dinner itself, the choice of guests, the piexxxni lighting of the table, the beautifully Diam&ax&cd address, the cxceUcni singing, xnd noi least the very skilful a&tendance of the ladies at ibn table; aad I dcxice io cosvcp my ihxnkx io xU concerned. The dxy will n)wxyx remain n ced iciicr dxy io m« I xm, Yomx xincerciy FRANCIS W. CAULFFILD. The following is the text of the certificate: W. B. A. hirx. Florence Stephens, 21st and ihfarine. entertained the of- ficers and members of the tvest Vancouver Women's Benefit As- sociation (Review No. 24) at her home on tveduepday, Sep- tember 1st. Assisting her in receiving her many guests were hiiss )mule Tripp (her niece) and hire. Sara Romana The hostess had arranged a most de)ightful evening of games, which were of an inter- esting and amusing character. Prizes were &vou by the fol- lowing: Bean counting. Miss B. Edwards; aus&vers to miscellan- eous questions, Mrs. Annie Ma- bou; conpolatinu prize, Mrs. Pearson. Miss B. Edwards gave several piano soloa which were most enjoyable. Refreshments were served, Mrs. Stephens being again most ablv assisted by Mrs. S. Romans, hiiss Louie Trapp snd hfaster Harold Stephens. Among those present were the following ladies: Mrs. Laura Ed- wards (Commun&ler), Mrs. Ada Johnson, hire. Margaret Hay, Mrs. McMi))a«, Mrs. Romans, hire. Anderson, Mrs. Marjory hfcTaviah, ih)rs. Eva Deuniston, hfrs. Brown, h)iss P. Clifford, Mrs. Thomson, hf&w. Danby Smith, hliss B. Edwards, hhs. Etta Urquhart, Miss H. Steven- son, ihirs. Annie hlabon, Mrs. Garland, hfrs. F. Stephens, hIius Tnpp. As the time is now approach- ing for the resumption of the regular meetings of the West Vancouver Tvomen'6 Benefit As- sociation, the foregoing event was much enjoyed by all its members, who look forward to an enthusiastic rally of their Review at an early date, due notice of which will appear in the local press as to date and place of meetings. For enquiries, phone West 470 R. FRANCIS W. CAULFEILD, ESQ., Sir, Tbc Reeve and Council of the Corp- oration of the District of West Van- couver, on behalf of ibc ciiixcnx, axk pou io nnccpi ibis token of good will on the eve of your departure for Eng- ixrgk It xpboUxcx the esteem in which yoa are beld by the Corporation and is an expression of appreciation of the man- ner in which yos have developed a beau&if«i section of the Mar&in&polity. This development hxs been xiagui- ac in that the commcrdxi xxpcc& hxs always been subordinate io the public welfare. Your preservation of ibe sxiurxi scenic beauties; aod pour numerous dcdicxiions of vsiuxbic lands as Pnb- Uc Pxr)m wiU stand for aU time as s memorial of your generosity snd in- &precis in this MunicipxU&y. This ceriihcxie of Good Ciiixcnxhip bnxrx with it ibe wish for s pleasant in«racy, xnd the hope that yoa will ~ooa ceinro io West Vancouver. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Cor- pora&ion hxx, by recoin&ion of the Municipal ConncU, hereunto affixed iix Corporate Seal this 27&h dxy of Aug«xi, A. D. 1926. D. MORGAN, Reeve, J. OLLASOit, Clerk. hiore Land for "Glen Eagles" On Wednesday night the rep- resentatives of R. P. Clark & Company waited on the Council with the object of buying more land fOr nG)eneaglea.n hfr. and hIrs. J. M. Allen leave shortly for the South on 6 motor trip, returning here in the mid- dle of September. Co GA Cll I(:K I;T «cn& l nncnnvcr va Nnvih lnnconvvr Ct&rkvi C&nba lVnyi Vancouver inningc H. Bon&h, b Binckcii .. 6& E. '&V. Baker, b Rough&on ........... 28 F. C &hxpmnn, b Rough&on .. 8 F 'W. Parker, b Rough&on .... 0 F. Hxrvop, b HuUah, ...... 24 W. Hoyle, b Rough&on . 0 F. R. Hxworih, b HnBah . 34 F. Cnopnc, b Dean . 12 F. Knxinvr. «oi nu& ..... 0 A. A. Revrie, b HuUnh . -- -- 0 G. lV. Hoyir. b HuUxh., 0Extras.................. 12 Total ...........159 Boi&Ung Runs lV&ckcix Yickvvy ....... 83 0 Rough&on... 41 Bixckcii ...... 46 1 Dean ............. 14 1HuUxh....... 18 4 North Vancouver inxingx Rough&on, b iixworih .. 17 Kirby, ibw, b Hnwnrih .. 0 Rcdgrovc, b Hawocih ....„. 0 Blnckc«. c Baker, b Chapman... 19 Vickcry, c Cooper, b Porker . 9 Young, c Booth, b Howorih.. 4 Lcgh, b Hxworih .. 1 Smith, noi oui ... 6 Dean, b Hxworih ...... 12 Huiixh, b Parker ..„. 6Ex&ray...... 8 Toin I ... . .. . .. .... . 8 1 Bowling-- Runs Wickcix iinworih ......... 24 6 Chapman ...... 31 1 Parker .. ... 18 2 Next Gxnin--Wcxi Vancouver Crick- ci Club versus Derelicts at Lynn Voi- iny. Saturday, September 4, 2 p.m. Surprise Party The friends of Mr. Fred Tite gave him a surprise party this week in connection with his opening his new store. The time was passed very pleasantly with songs and music, and refresh- ments were served at the close of the evening. Among those present were: Mr. aud Mrs. T. Armstrong, Mr. and hira. Den- ipqn, Mr. an&i Mrs. J. Kevill, Mrs. Roy Faulkner, Mr. C. hIilne, Dr. J. Knipfe), Mr. and Mrs. C. Tur- ner, Mr. and Mrp. Duckworth, Mr. anil hfrs. Rivers, Mr. Rnd Mrs. Hutton. L 0. D. E. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., are holding 6 mas- querade dance tomorrow, Satur- day, at 9 p.m., in Dundarave HalL There will be prizes given for the best-dressed lady, the best-dressed gentleman, and the best comic costume. This will be the final dance of the season. TEA ROOM SOLD Mr. Richard L. Taylor of Cres- cent Beach hss bought the tea room of Miss Christina MCDon- ald at 1406 Marine Drive. Anonymous Letters SEI In 0 previous issue we had &x casion to draw the attention of our correspondents to the fact that the News, in common with all other newspapers, does not publish anonymous letters. We are quite willing to publish let- ters under 0 nom de plume, bui the original must bear the writ er's signature. Shou)d the writer of an anonymous letter on 6 sub- ject of vital importance to West Vancouver call at the News of- fice and sign the letter sent in by them, we shall be pleased to publish it under the nom de plume they have given. Whiteside. and others. AMBLESIDE HAI,L, S p.m., ShfOKING CONCFRT. Speakers--Gen. A. D. McRae and local men. SEPTEMBER 9th- Blue Dragon Iun, Whytecliff, 6 p.m. Speakers- Gen. A. D. hicRse, IL Tupper and D. Loughnan. SEI'TEhIBER 13th- HOLLYBURN THEATRE, S p.m., FINAL RALLY. Speakers--Gen. A. D. hicRae a«d others. A good musical programme has been provided for the 'i various meetings. All are cordially invited. Presentation to Birthday Party Mr. Caulfeild and Whist Drive September 3rd. 1926. COAL COAL COAL 'lviih nimoyi no Soot nnd prnciicaUy so nyh. The Famous Coalmont Coal CAN NOlV BK IIOUii)IT liN 'lVFST VAiNCOUVKR. Ii ix unpquaiied for the range, grain or furnace. Pl)ON I" FOII PIIICKS. The Hollyburn Lumber Corp Ltd (Sncrcnxorx &o I'he 1'xrihc Coast impori a Rxpnri Co'y) Foe& of iuih 8&ron& xi Wx&vrfron& Office 1'honv 'll'cx& Sl Rcyidcncc& lvcyi 92R2 „„„„„„„,„„,„, M.WILLIAMS „„,„,,„„,„. CUSTOM TAILOR spec&xi(ring in )&en'y So&&i anil Ornrcoxlx &n aiexmirc. Large Axxur&meni of &'x«nrnx io i booxn &ron&. OIIDKII YOUR NKXT SU)l'"llnhi US. liry Cleaning Dyeing, iin pal ra and and I i'('xxiug I'I I C KS A )tora& ioun WE Cabr A us DELIVER PHO.VE WE81'0 Buy 6 LOT for a home; a HOME means 8 lot. TROUGHTON A I%A IC R()W iyI Dundarave Real Estate «h Insurance Phone WEST 83. Her&a SINCE 1(slD NOT I C E North L West Van Stages EXTRA SERVICE--Leave North Vnm 6.40 a.m., 7.40, 8.40, 10.40, 12MP p.m., 5.40, 8AO. Leave CcuifcUd--7.10 a.m., 8.10, 9.10, 11.10, 1.10 p.m. Wednesdays nnd Saturdays, Leave North Vancouver 1.40 p.m. SUNDAYS--Twenty Minute Service commencing from North Van- couver at 11.40 n.m. nud Cypress Park ai 12.10 p. m. up till 8 p.m. ESTATE L. H. BEAMISH INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING PURPOSES We have moved io 1434 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 17 MRS. ROSS HOME BAKERY 2435 MAR(NE DR&VE SATURDAY SPECIAL Parker 1 louse Rolls Peach and Apple Pies ORDERS TAKE)t FOR SPECIALS Br. 3l. E. Kuipfel Physician aud Surgeon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA-VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleside Block, Cor. 14th and Marine Oflice Phone West 166 Residence Phone West BBR &l j FORTUNE CUI'NN AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St. and Waterfront North Shore Bakery A.a nsgugz&e, Prey. Marine Drive at 22nd Bread, Cakes, Pastry Vernon Feed Store A C. SEARLE PHONE WEST 9 F E ED, F U EL, C EM ENT, ETC. Ambleside Tea Rooms Perry Whxrt WE&;T VANCOUVER Camp nnd Picslc Supplies, Tobxccoy, nic. Phone Wcxi 4 D. MORGAN, J P. REAL ESTATE xnd 1NSURANCE BROKER Twenty-hfih xnd Marion Dv. I HILIP C. CHAPMAN ESTATE and INSURANC/'ROKER Real Estate - Insurance - Rent Collecticns 734 Hast'.ngs St. West Vancouver ~' 1 )ggg mbcr 2 PCF&&0 1 Va st l)&u. + bpupe 'kcs 8 hap, Satb&a ~ B Si& Mt. sud M &kstcbe , Mnlskc, SM„def pu( Gull le.)leu(ie Sift &cut&4 'MI Argy, aad "vent~ g)pt'~ve hav calf st 2 P pi viue. ~ ' ip PMP L Agc I the t'pule bulk) a )lathe&', goh ap"'l ker haa r Mrt,O haute pu ',iv'uiaa Lpwaeu, ~ mas b'"" Mr Tkut ai 2)th li,pi)up'eu )evue r ~ I Hpidcs 2 Mtp F' Mtufaed B g,r have M+,a h& p+pdiug 8 Viciprm d )lra Bpbeft Seattle,w 'er tu&ul 9, have ~ hive. C, A "Hicks, ) ' „bphasbeeua )Vali Va o A. Iyrig Mr aud hi&a. aud ifaterifeat, hM home. B Gnn&M,0akl hal bees villtu&g M , ra 16th aud ))arise, haa Victpria aud 7+0 ' ~ ~ klajpr aud M& Ja have moved tp Vaucpuv the )atter wdl Qve t tmatmeut at the hpapiii ~ ~ Mra, A, Lareu haa gu having bee there on a&caput 0! Il pf her father, Mr. J. Gil &a well advanced iu yea I ~ ~ hlr. H.P. Christie of gpw Bakery, D&mdar, been under the weath few days auffertug fn turn attack of the uu cputractal whilst overs haa upw, we are glad about recovered. ~ i ~ hi&i. Arthur E. B( IVelt Bay eutertaiuc, lunch&pa pu Baturday pf her house gueat, M ence E. Btaulel pi B Califpruia. Mfa Bhu fore her marriag epu 9th. waa b)IM C,rahu formerly pf Vauc „ diuiug ra&m wau ait raugcd with sweet pshades. m.C. E. Bt aMB"M Short M~ Bud GLeane Bhpit Ada wag'i&rp Gwea Thon ford, Rule aud M&M ph A. CHISHol,l 13 p'g~ F CAKES 2nd pA ' yi Pur djapb caw~'m '&)7 Dd., ARROh) RRo W)LL)AS)SO, funeral Qir )22 )y acpuver p. phpue Math Bi eat B u &with"'w par)& '"e 1'air. )3