001B6BAC THE 1VEST VAN NEYVS September Srd. 102b. snc0nv„„tV „„hSClassified Ads. A lilNDERGARTEN will be opened on September '? at Dandacavs. For information apply on and after Aag. 20th to Miss C. I Chappsll, 2487 Kings Avs.,,Dnndaravm lYANTFD--I.istings of Lots ot Eagle Harbor and Kcw Bosch; must be reasonably price& Savory ak Duval, Amblesids. Phone '&rest. 114. htRS. A. E llORRIS. "Ilsxclmcce," Bellevue A&vane, Dnndarave, edu- cated Perse High School, Cambridge --fofly trained Cert)seated English Teacher, would teach a &ew little girls &S to 8 years). on Kindergarten lines, with bcr own little daughter. For particulars phone after 0 p.m. West 6 JL I%ANTED--Modern Furnished Hoawc sis rooms; about Sept. 10th. Apply H. C. Osborne, W 64K DOCTOR RolvAN «ishcs &o an- nounce he has maiM his dental office &rom 14th and Marine to 17th and hier)Re, in the new Royal Bank building. Phone West i.i Office bours: 9&$0 a.m. to 6 p.m. FOR SAL~ood coal bind wood heater and &ew &horonghbmd Rhode island pnflcts, Apply Osborne, cor- ner Go)don and 13th. THE NElr \l'INTER RESORT, Wc«& Yance»a»r. lve cannot meet the demand &or furnished and unfurn- ished modern houses with whole plumbing. List with ns and help as meet it. Apply Savory 6 Dnvai. 14th and hlarine. West 114. LOST--pro~a Far Choker 1 some- where in Amblcsidc District. Find- er please phone 'lVmt 105. '246 FT. FRONTAGE BY 132 FT. deep, on open road, nice slope with southwesterly view. between 22nd and 23rd Stcvctm $950 cash, $ 1050 easy terms. Phone Gco. Cour)ay, West 2. 'llANL)RE A.'iD lYOOD FOR SALE --General tracking and moving. Apply J. P. Brooke. YVest 106. MRS, F. IiNIGHT-HODGE will re- sume Lessons in Pianoforte, Violin and Theory on Monday. Sept. 13th. Duchess Avenue, &rest Vsncoovcr. Phone: West 624 R. FOR RE.'&T--Fully modern six-room bouse on Waterfront between gath and 29th Street. Ideally situated with wefl-laid-ont gardens. Careful tenants on yearly lease only. Phone West 6$RI. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE--Now is the time for bargains in Furni- ture, Ranges, ete. lvc are packed oot with afl kinds of goods and must make a clearance. Kevifl Fur- niture Store, Ambleside Phone 36. WANTED TO RENT--For winter, cottage or shack near waterfront. W. Hawkes, Dnndacave. Phone West &i6 L S. BYRNELL a MAY Ofsce at tbe Ferry Lsndiag Phoae West 113 Ot.'R SPBCIALTY this neck is a foac-roomed bungalow, three min-utes'alk from the Ferries. at $1450. with a small cash payment and balance like rent. OL'R LOAN FACILITIES are cxcep- tionafly good, aflowing mortgagcs np to 60 per cent. of vajuem Houses built to your own design on the easy payment plan. N E ARB INSL'RANCE EXPERTS, capable of attending &o afl your in- surance wants. See onr $5 auto- mobile accident policy. HOL'SES BUILT to your own design on easy payment plan. BYRNELL a hlAY Office right at the Ferry Landing. Phone West 113. WILL TRADE FOR &VEST VAN. Property--4-room modern bunga- low, at Kits)jane, value $4250.00. la-ACI&E FRL)IT FARSI in full hear- ing, near Arrow Lake. ACRES EXCEI.LE,'iT LA.'it) at Chifliwack. value $5000.00. FOR SALE--4-coom Boogalow near ~chooj, SM50.00, one-quarter cash. H. C. OSBORNiB hier)ac Drive at Amblcside I'bone West 643 hfr. Sod Mrs. Art Brown of West Bny have as their guests Mr. Bud hfrs. Clarence E. Stan- seli of Riverside, Csi. Mr. and bfrs. C. E. Burbridgc nnd children returned Inst bfon- dny night from Conlmoat, where Mr. Burbridge made an excel- lent show, both vrith entrance pupils nod with the higher grades during the past teaching year. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. 10.15 n.m.--Sunday School. 11.00 n.m.--Church Service. Prayer Meeting every Wed- nesday evening. 'll'EST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundnrnve Hull. Marine Dr. Dnndacavs Sondsy Service at 11.30 a.m. aSubject, Sept. lith. "NIAN" Sunday School st 10.00 K m. Testimony bleating every lvsd- nesday at 8.16 p. m. St. Stephen's Church Trinity 14 (Sept. 6th). 8 s.m.--Holy Communion. 10 n.m.--Sunday School. 11 &15 B.m.--Hoiy Communion. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. Sun&lay, Sept. 26th, is the pro- visional date aet for the Harvest Festivni. ivith Harvest Supper in the Amblesidc Hall the b(of)- dnl'oiloiv (fig. The Rector took part in the service of dedication last bion- dsy night of the new church at loco. Conservative Meeting at Dundarave In spite of the hcavy rain ivhich fell on Thurs&lny night, 26th August, 6 (urge number of people attended n meeting In the interest of Major-Genera) A. D. ibfcRne. Conservative candi- date in Vancouver North, at Dundnrnvc Hall. R. L. Roid. K.C., cx-Reeve V. V. Vinson, Councillor J. B. Ley- lnu&l nnd A. Alexander spoke. Declaring that protection of Cn- nndinn producers in their own mnrkcLi, in the same mnnuer as Americans are protected in the United States, would result in gtwut prosperity to Canada. Mr. Reid spoke in favor of the Con- scrvntivc policy. Mr. Vinson nnd Mr. Aicxsnder devoted their remnrks to the tariff question nnd the Conser- vative policy in connection with it. Umted Churches The Rev. A. M. O'Donne)I will resume his pulpit next Sunday after 8 month'8 absence. His morning message will be "The Abandonment of Self." ibIiss Anne Ritchie lvili sing. Mem- bers snd friends are earnestly invited to be present. The bfid-week Service lvili be resumed next Wednesday even- ing at 8 o'c)ock. The Pastor will take charge of these services. The first half hour will be taken up by prayer nod the remainder of the evening will be devoted to the study of God's word. A series of studies will be com- menced on "Kingdom Truth." AII Christian frien&ls are cor- diaiiy invited. The Choir will resume their regular practices next Thursday evening at 8 o'lock. Ail who can help in the service of praise are invited. The opening meeting of the Women'8 Association of the United Church will be held on Tuesday afternoon, September 7th, at 2:15, in the Church Hall. Plans for the coming winter' work will be arranged. The President will speak on, "What It aYIenns To Be 0 YV. A. is(em- ber." 1viil every member eff- deavor to be present nnd if pos- sible bring 8 friend. A record attendance nnd fresh enthusiasm means encouragement for the officers, snd good work well begun. Premier Oliver at Ambleside Premier John Oliver made his first appearance before 8 West Vancouver audience in the fed- eral campaign on hfondny night, ivhen he spoke at Ambicside on behalf of Mr. G. G. McGcer, K.C., Liberal candidate in Vancouver North. The Premier dealt, to 6 large extent, with the business career of General A. D. McRac, Conservative candidate for the riding, nnd his activity as leader of the late Provincial party. The customs enquiry, dissolution of parliament nnd old sge pensions were also discussed. He stated that the Conservs- tive candidate had repeated many charges against himself, which appeared in "The Search- light," in circular letters which, hc said, are being sent to resi- dents of the North Shore, snd also in "The Election News," 8 paper, he stated, that is pub- lished by the Conservative com- mittee. LIBERALS OF i WEST VANCOUVEPi A Meeting Yvill be held at I iberal Hcgdqug«crs, (14th god Marine) tomorrow, (SATURDAY) at 8 p.m. ization purposes. ing to help Mr. McGeer'8 candida- ure are invited to at tend. We don't like to remind you too x&roo8(y, but the we& weather will soon be here. IIOLV ABOUT TIIE LEARS&P ~ The Roof-The Auto Top-The Slicker Coat Wc have the st«if&or)a &hcm. and now is &he &ime to do ~, kvo now carry Vrlndow Glass In Stock. Sl'L'D'8 ( I&OCl" 14K ( roccrics, Ilardwaru, Paints, Pfc. We close nt I p. m. every Thursday. Mnrins Drive, Ambiesids. Phone West 2S V, E DEI.IVER MEAT FRUIT EGGS Apples (Fitting S& Cooking) BVTTER, ETC. Plums, Pears, I'.tc. AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET Marine Drive ( P " """) Phono IVcst I61 FOR WATERFRONTAGE nn&l other properly IIOUSKS TO RFNT, Fil(K INSUI(ANCE, K'I'C. sce JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone Wosf SS Miss ANN RITCHIE, TEACHEII OF SINGiNO AND VOIOh."ADDUCTION. Pvc Para)avian Phono Waca Jgrna D. D. ROBERTSON 14th Sa. Iuick of ilollyi&urn Hail Ccbicci bfvbav coil &lplicfcicaic Fornl&ors iomic &o orda r. E. PAL MER Sfoncmogon& Bricbloper Fireplaces a Specialty Cspilsao P.O. Pj). Nor&88lla, Marina Drive, &bgtwsso 2& aod 22) NEILL'S GROCERY HOME BAKING TOBACCO, CONFECT&ONERY )CE CREAM PHONE WEST 690 NORMAND'S GROCERY 14th ggd N))MINE .. Pkggc M'cxl SS A Co&nplete Supplyof... GROCERIES nnd CON I" KCTI ON KEY lVE Dh:LIVFI& PEA.RCE'S DRYGOODS Nsw Amblssldg Black I HONE WEST 144 WINDOVV BLINDS made to or&lcr. Estimates free. City prices. CHOI(:EST VIEW LOTS 2 block» from h)nrjne Drive nnd Ferry. West Van. Investment Company 18th snd Marino Drive f'jaoaae West, )0", lisy or Night Miss Margaret McIntyre Licentiate of the College of Vio)(nists, London, Eng)nnd. Teacher of Vioiin nnd Piano. Lessons will be resumed Tucs&lny, September Gth. Studio: 20th St. Bud Garden Ave. Phone West Vnn. 462 L THE West VanlVews Published Every Friday 11. HODGSON sad P. F. LOVEGROVE 1'oblishscs Hosinms and Editorial Office& )361 Mar)ac Drive Phone West 19L Mail Address: I'. O. Bog 1st, Hoflybucn, B. C. Circulating throughout the District og 'll'ost Vancouver -- Amblaslde, Holly- burn, Weston, Doodaravs, CanlfsdJ, lVhytoclifre, Cypress Park, ctc. AD'VERTISING RATES ON APPLICATH)N Sf J)0 a year by mail. Ncwsstands Sc pcr copy. I'RIDAY nnd SATURDAY MONDAY un&i WEDNESDAY FRIDAY nod SATURDAY d 4 h Scptcm)ier Glh nud 8th September 10th n 'TI IE DESF RT I IEALER' "OVER THE HILL" -TIIF NIGIig CRYi ~ LowlsS&onoand Barbara pcdf«d One of ths fastest moving s&orios featuring A story of ~ Dog, a Condor & a Baby ever written. MAR Y CARR "IIELI 'S Ill(III ROAD" COaYIEDY-- rhe Story of 0 biothcr i J ~ ~ . ii ~ N ~ ~ II Iw ~ ~ ~ ~ THE TftEATRE WILL BE OPEN EACH MONDAY, WEDNF'IDA Y, FRIDAY AND AATUI&DA Y Evsaiogs Joc and ibc Two Shows 7 anal 9 hf ~ &loess 20o aod log 2 p.m. Saturdays aod )la))days 1 ti tt tpt tf It tp ipt II I I 'b)~ (J THE HQLLYBURN THEATRE U PHONE WKBT 000MAR)NK DR&VK gi 3 . ~sacr Wc)t lgil i&"Tkc ( r thg hcsi gg «ip Jpcs td. The&& mgtrji Sept&a b&cg I cgsbcr 'sfg c , ibg t trss&c csgmcgi hsgj gs . i cgi ~lm sr sscm m comm p&fgcil Nc» P' fldjfjmf" is&gas lith Stfcc~sad Mr )gg Sept&«g"47'6 S~ 4 p Y&pt YSS .FsT l,l,T SP&)li , Y„f l»'SADE 'jk«f)csg p Esglixb Mclpsgs) I pssslll ( M pgciiig x ffgrmtj" (psst), Esg lgcj i 0 Wglkcc l Ngmicg j i%&as Dmg, s,lao) Egg Cj„&k) pr 'C Eajitjg Wc&la) Pm@ '71 A&lihi (,lifts 0 +», jkkggj A" Uomislss 'fk, frag&ca) (Gisgc) p 8 Egjgki'g @cg Alffcbfs- Mglgs) pdc ilgfl 8 Alghrs ("" ' Siddgg Geom«O (Mgcgflig& Gcdfffy mcsmry S &i&as 8 CG&omctrf Sl 50 latin Inxmm, '&mg')',&t l. (I sn) Fmsck Cognc lgs) Price~. GRADE X ,sg ig . k p~c ib)cetic& M (Mgcgfllgs) P b AS,I«baser Egg)i'b hfg&Dcmld 8 ggjkcr price bba (.) J.ij. C ~-Sh'kcx (Copp Clsrk) s& ( 6 Cgmpgiiy) prim ~'renchRcgdcr-flixtgirc tsirg dg Cggmlg, Bourgeois. English Campo&it)os, Aril Algebra, Geom&By, Latin, flistcry-Sgmg text boob Grade IX. Pb)gjcg-fljgb S&kggl Ph) hle&chsst 6 Csig, Eccl&cd (Copy Clark), price $)SL Physic& Lgln>gry Mggml cd Dition, March&st 4; Cbgt Clark), price bfk. Chemistry -- pmctjcg Ckc Bis«8 O)m«(M&&M)jhgi Black's iajnm4&7 E Chemistry (14aM)sgs) p 'rice 74&."" M)G"4»pgps 4, ~jn until Xasm «keg G 'y n tgbgis pigcggfl tb pllrgicg gr Lgtjg Pupils of Gmbc )C m ms&kg) mg rcg Text Bmk p& GRADE Xl Eiigfla Ccn ml Eggjbh (sit)os, Ramu g is CI"k) (b)p, 'Gmmg Gmfgc (Cgpp Clg&k I Degt); Jgkg D'g aegis. Gsrcjk gM L -Teggp Eggliab Ljtcm4 spears M ~ cmtg&e -- i Dlsck40 8, (Jgggr j flgb pm '»mjjcgg m'). A (Dcgt) p)jce ~ Cgsgdjgg p g grig p Wrogg'g i 4 ncg4)f3"ppicn l. 4)7 of '"tmr M 1 8 I4&gkt,flgfl Geog,( h&M)jjgg) gc eg (I Ej™cg4)y G )cr 4, S. act&? G+ 'k?ghg '") ()4&M;jj 'eb School p 'nkggt 4, bp cl„k) Ejitj 44&7 I peg&tlag) ck Shak (big& M)jj cubby 444ry p SLB "3944 1 70c " cb)k (M nck, +Miflgg) prank reach 0 Sbpng m4 I V Mgt)jmkj &ct fc gn(v I migum,opg cjg)k I Mc snnkw,' vb aggd )jcgdcm t 44. glib tflg g (G, NORMA gggnp(4 I Cgnjkh I. E)fT 'g 7 fgr )424 Mg) 44 Rg