West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Aug 1926, p. 6

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001B6BA1 TIIE WEST VAN NEWS August 27th. 1926 Link Your Purse to this Subdivision Large Splendid View Lots Corner ESOUI5IALT AiND 11th STREET Price $350 Io $550--Good Terms You can't go wrong with West Vancouver I:cel Estate. The lots we oifer mzke splendid Homesites and in an ideal location. LET US SHOW YOU THE ONES WE HAVE LEFT GKO. EXA.V'15 Cordova St„hy„ Vancouver or 14th St. a Marine West Vancouver Hollyburn Pavilion iyih eed iterlec Drive cow ccr" i» Dancing Every Saturday Night During the Year PAVIUON fOR DANCES. PARTIES. PRONC WPST ITI Expcn Workmanship 27 Years'xperience The hvest Van Watch, Clock end Jcweoery Rcpeinng Watchmaker and Jeweller (W. SUGAR) Repairs Collected and Delivered A Good Selection of Watches. Clockz end Jcwellcry on hand e& en&ective prices Service for the Automobile Owner A Most Modern and Up-to-date Repair Shop Specializing in BATTERY PEPAIR WORK. STARTERS, GENERATOIIS. AND IGVITION. WEI DING AN[) BRA/ING. FEtd DER ST RAIG HTFN I NG A ND RE PAI RING. VALVE GPINDING ANI) BRAKF, REI.INI &G. GENERAL MOTOR OVEI&HAULING. We are in a Pgatian tn gvcrhgui ysaf cgf ffgm Rsdigtgf tn Rear Axle. Chevfniet Parts nnd A&ceggs&inn in Stsck SERVICE CAR in Regdinegs. LCT DS CITE YOU AN fSTUIAIC ON YOUR NEXT IOD. NORTH SHORE MOTORS t TD. SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street Wes4 Phone North 1166 North Vancouver I'hone North 1350 DELICIOUS ME ATS YOUR FAMILY WILL EN JOY Be particular about the ib(eats you serve your family. Demand extra quality, freshness, and the better cuts. Trade here and you get all these qualities. JEFFERIES Next to Hollyburn Theatre PHoiNK WEST 3 WE DFLIVFR ALL htKATS KEPT IN RKFIIICiEIIATOR Fresh and Cured hleata, Butter, ICI&gs, Iiecon end Lard Proposed North Shore Golf Course (Iladdon II:tll, Vyest Vancouver) Roberts'etter i(leats Arrangements are now being made for the construction of a Golf Course in the above location, and It will be neces- sary for those wishing to join to forwnr&l their appltcations for membership ns soon as possible. Tentatively, it is expected that the Entrance Fco will not exceed $100.00, payable as to 520.00 on the formation of the Club nnd $20.00 ench succee&ling quarter for ono year during the constructton of the Course. Those interested are requested to make application ns soon ns p&msible to the Undersigned. J. TIAYDiN YOUNG, C.A., Sever&ace P o Trir, Prewocvd &Vw&h Shciv Gog Cdvd, DUIDARAVE, av ggg NCTRPPOLITSN DLDO, VAN&OUVIR, D.C. A sum of $ 1.00 should be enclosed with each nppiication for membership. 14th and Dinrlne ill/est ] l)8 TVE DEI.IVER Morning to All I'arts, 11 o'lock Afternoon, East of 25th 3 o'lock SATliRDAY SPKCIAlro Cnmbrkige Sausage, lb. 15c 2 ibs for .................... 25&c Fnrmers All Pork Saus- age, per Ib ............. 25c Sausnge Meat..... 2 Ibs 25c "News" Reporter Injured THE DUNDARAVE BOOK STORE (N. RODCSERS) lilr. Edward M. Young, who is known to many readers of The IVEST VAN N EIUS, having act- ed as reporter up to a couple of months ago, met with n serious accident last Tuesday. Whilst crossing Hastings Street towards the Province ohlce he was knock- ed down by a motor cycle and rendered unconscious. Two ribs were broken and his face badly lacerated. Dfr. Young was tak- en to the Vancouver General I iospitat. hIARIiVK DIIIVK iiigbt Opposite i)uederevo Hall Oec bee&eave eeu eim Is to supply thc 1'ubiia wl&b ep-tcrle&e end iiapeier READING NA'PTER. NAOAZINES, NEWSPAPERS eed TOBACCO PRIME STEER BEEF Boiling Beef, lb..... 7c Pot Roast, lb., from .... 10c Oven Roast, lb., from 15c Shoulder Steak......g lbs 25c I.OCAL SPRINCc liAMB. Shoulders, Ib ................ 27c L.egs, per lb.................... 42c I.OCAL MII.K FED VEAL Stewing Vcnl, 2 lbs. for 25c Oven Roast from lb .. 17c Fresh Fruit df& Vegetables Tomatoes, 4 lbs for .... 25c Plums, 4 lbs ................... 25c Preserving Pears 20 lbs for .................... 95c Dessert Pears, per doz. 30c Fresh and Cured Fish Local Roasters and Boiling Chicken Ayrshire Bacon, sliced per lb ........................ 35c Side Bacon, from per Ib ................ 45c Glendale Crenmery Butter Government Speciale 3 lbs for ................ 51.20 IT'S QUITE TRUE Like e fcg that obscures the land- scape, the etae&n from your wash tub hides the bceuty of life. Ieetced of piceaeet hours of leisure the wash tub brings beckecbce, weariness- raba yau of the zest of living. But it'e zo easy to do ewey with such drudgery as washing end ironing. Lct ue teko these tasks away from you this wack. One ai'uc rFemiiy Services" wiii meet both your needs end your pock- et book. Correspondence The following is a copy of a let- ter sent the Reeve and Council by Mr. Thos. E. W. Russell. It is sent to THE NEIVS with the request to publish. P.O. Address, Box 70, Hollyburn, Esquimatt Ave., Aug. 19th, 1926. The Mayor and Council, Iyest Vancouver Gentlement: I am writing to ask. you to take under consideration the provision of a permanent bath- ing place for the Ambleside Dis- trict. There are ten lots on the sea front from 13th Street east which have been a very popular renal for bathers all this sum- mer. I am informed by hir. Byrnell that the price of these is 51,350 each. Personally I think this is quite enough. It may be poss- ible to get them for less for this purpose, but at any rate, should they be sold an&I built upon, it would cost considerably more to provide a public bathing place, which will have to be done sooner or later. The lots are adjoining the public park. I may state that I have no interest in the property except that my family and myself are now using it a- long with hundreds more for the purpose for which I am asking you to acquire it. Yours truly, (signed) THOS. E. TV. RUSSELL Phone end tell ue when to send for your perccL The Bmrgfd Laundry Pci People &Vho Are Pari&crier lninn SISKKV ac& SI. nhVICS North Vancouver Phase Neath ISIO IL IL DALLARD,N&I Shoe Repairs The Electric Shoe Repair Shop ihioved to new store, three d&iore eeet of old stand, FRED TITE FQQ7 5P E CIALI ST RELIA III E LVORK CHKEitFUL SERVICFi 15th and Marine Phone West 115 Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICEI. O. D. E. DANCE FLANNEL DANCE Under the auspices of the i. O. D. E. will be held tomorrow SATURDA Y at n p.m. At DUNDARAVE IIALL THE West VanNees Published Every Friday IL HODGSON eed F. F. LOVEGIIOVE Pebiiebere Beeiecee eed Editorial Office& igni nferiec Drive Phoae Wcet Inf. gfeii Address: P. O. Bcz 1st, Hoiiybuce, B. C. THEATRE LONs DALE NOW PLAYING RICHARD BARTHELMESS &N '6 14ANSON'S FOLI Y SION.-TUES.-WED. Corinne Griffith I ~ 'nto Ifer Kingdom" NEXT WEEK THUI&S.-FRI.-SAT. Tom llfix i ~ " I lard boiled " West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMiTE 0 a s n 'i ff/II By D(sil I Uoljlt' kst Sunday o(h('romthe p + Oa & imp' with 6 b' tOWS camps&a ur. Lc(caus lu between tbe " '( t gtfu&td out o u, undou&aijavillg I a Stmct bridge Vancouver ""but only Thc ijons'st'y pfjvsta csP'm '. ' ufad uar nsvljmt& able to prove thw ~y'g concern, ss " jt da nat abi« t' it might fender unn bddge by diverting Gran&Olla Street ta 1 be the case. yan&ouver and Should welcome g b course, such a bfid g& Show but it would help Vancouver and uaug to the city. The people of C &auraga the tourist t tourigig go much as tiding factor to Van rackanad in dollars. canlic&tblg htsnfcy 1 rePutation, whb gai American continent, sml eminently suits & tba best drawini have. Us(aituns tcjy tionslislll jg rampant the lesson that it 4 c(itiing the whole. 'he bottom ofuaol People o( W„t y, that the bridge we h wiii do more I, g„ h the Province gt iar + ever been prop Dere jg anouei of the Lions'ate Brthat it would bring noticed that conditioi atruction work 'a y in Vancouver an &gc undertakings 'vcvja&ujy unem lo. ings in in addition, ma I vlda wavk ( nails'ate Bnd warhera f ge w 'miTiag. New QB I ~ ~nspector Ppp~c Gauncjj PPdey night at their Sir,ty I ymcatjng g y tar (ar th ghan alaI ynnghgn hg munjcjp&cnca jnuis( adg wid Canada 'aid in Bn Pjicgnh r ere wereoru 9&'ail;m Tbc W"ULTURAL c I(OR " «»""'nncouv Ilu, angatu& ba'he Ambi i Baj j young ac&amp ndan h cphaw lad cv(w 'vha n (aw