001B6BA1 While enjoying two weeks at the C. of E. Camp at Long Bay, two of the boys in attendance from St. Stephen's Church, who were hut captains, had the ex- citing experience of being called out on Saturday, August 14th, to fight fire. Along with all the leaders who could leave camp and the other hut captains, Al- bert Kendrick and Teddy Beard spent the greater part of the day at Wigans on the north east side of Gambier Island and succeed- ed in keeping the fire in check until the Fire Ranger arrived with reinforcements and hose. The owners of the land as a rec- ognition of seiwices rendered do- nated 8 small sum of money, which the boys promptly turned over to the camp director to be used in purchasing new rowlocks for the boats. Other boys present at the camp from St. Stephens were Tom Timbrell and Harold Steph- ens. The former was ranked in a tie for second place with Ross Hanbury of Kenisdale in the general all round championship of the camp as well as being a member of Hut Six "The Wolv- es," which stood first as group champions, a few marks ahead of "The Cougars," who were cap- tained by Albert Kendrick. A wide range of attainments go to the winning of the champion- ship from skill in games rowing and swimming to dish-washing, bed-making, cleanliness, obedi- ence, cheerfulness and self-con- trol. One of the most enjoyable i features of the camp was the programme each evening around the camp fire when a stunt was put on by the boys of a hut such's a dramatization of 'rWilliam ~ Tell," or on Sunday night "The'ood Samaritan." There follow- ed the reading of the camp news- paper, "The Gambier Daily," and a sing-song and each evening /was brought to a close with a story told by one of the leaders. Marriage of Miss Wenmoth . es A quiet wedding took place in Christ Church, Vancouver, on Wednesday, 18th August, when Miss Effie Wenmoth became the bride of Mr. Norton Youngs of Victoria. The bride was attend- ed by her sister Kathleen and her father gave her away. The groom was supported by his brother Mr. Frank Youngs. Rev. Canon Smith of Bellingham, of- ficiated. Others present were Mrs. and Miss Youngs of Vic- toria, Mrs. Frank Youngs, Miss Lottie Moore, and Doctor and Mrs. Pollard. The young couple left shortly after the ceremony for Ajo, Arizona, which will be their future place of residence. Miss Wenmoth was formerly in charge of Dundarave School for three years and her many friends will wish her every happiness in her new life. s I 'ugust 27th, 1926. Boys Assist in Fighting Forest Fires Hollyburn Pavilion Carnival The Hollyburn Pavilion held their annual Regatta Day Corni- val and Fete last Saturday night. Everybody had a good time. Miss Ella Gentleman and her partner won the Charleston contest at which Miss Perry of Portland and Mr. Norman Jorgeson acted as judges. Carnival novelties were distributed among the dancers including hats, balloons and squawkers. The orchestra ives assisted by Bert Mars, sax- aphonist with Tex Howard's or- chestra. The Hollyburn Pavilion has now full tea room accomodation, crockery, etc., for anyone wish- ing to rent the pavilion. West Vancouver Baseball Club A meeting of the West Van- couver Baseball Club will be held next Monday, 30th August, at 8 p. m., in Shield's Store. The object of the meeting is to wind up the affairs of the Club for the season and several important business matters will come up for discussion. Miss ANN RITCHIE, TEACHER OF SINGING AND VOICE PRODUCTION. Per Pettienlert Phone West 467R3 THE WEST VAN NEWS Leaf Whispers When we appear they say " 'Tis Spring, Behold the leaves on every- thing!" And happy young things flit a- bout Because, you see, the leaves are out. We'e gathered in by young and old For many uses we are told; Some send us to their kin afar To press in books for evermore. The artists revels in our glow, Paints scenes of us before we go; Leaves never murmur for, you see, We are the beautiful and free. When breezes blow we clap OIIT hands And sprinkle joy on everyone, Who looks at us will understand What peace is in a leaf's cool calm. We leaves create those shady nooks, Where folks may lounge with lovely books, Refresh their thoughts with larger things, 'Til sordidness has taken wing. And now we pass, but not to . tay We'l come again some bright new way, When earth has tired of Winter' fare You'l hear birds sing "The leaves are here!" --YOULA MURRAY CONSERVATIVE MEETING Cen. IL ).: ..:c. 4AE Chairman - - WALTER R. HAMILTON 0 l~o~l o lr 0 'jpoi~o~l COMING TO TOWN- THIS FALL? RESERVE YOUR APARTMENT EARLY - 1. ST. JI|LIEN APTS. = 1040 GEORGIA WEST Large 2 and 3-room Suites=Furnished or Unfurnished-- 3 Blocks From Granville. Conservative Candidate AND OTHERS will speak ln AMBLESIDE HALL On THURSDAY, September 2, at 8 p.m TAXI LOCAL TRIPS I to 4 Passengers..... 50c, 75c, & $1.00 Phones: WEST 116 WEST 139R A. CHISHOLM J3AI&KH CAKES and PASTRY See our display in Greenwood's Window Daily Delivery anywhere in West Vancouver 6 REENW 000'S GROCERY WEST 16 Saturday Specials Burns'hamrock Butter, Handypats 4's, per lb. 45c Nabob Coffee, 1 lb. can 63c Butter, finest Alberta 3 lbs......... $ 1.23 Kerr Jelly Glasses, "Squat," per doz...... 60c Fells Naptha, 8 bars .... 25c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag ............. 55c Nabob Tea, per lb........ 69c Heinz Tomato Catsup, large..................... 29c Bartlett Preserving Pears 20 lbs. for $1.00 VANCOUVER . NORTH VANCOUVER WEST VANCOUVER First westbennd Trio First sestbonnd Trio Lv. 7.00 a.m. Vancouver Ar. 8.05 7.26 North Vancouver V.40 7.35 Amblonido V.30 7.37 Hoiiyburn 7.28 V.43 Dundoravo 7.22 7.46 West Bny V.20 7.47 Sherman 7.18 7.49 Cypress Park 7.16 7.60 Cnulfoild 7.16 Coaches leave Vancouver and Cnul- field thence every hour and 6 half un- til midnight (tweivo trips 6 day) passing intermediate points on both routes at intervals of an hour and 6 half computed from above table. Thus 4th westbound Auto Coach leaves Vancouver 11.30 A.m., passing Cypress Park at 12.I9 p.m. Phone Sey. 4000 3, H.C. MOTOR I R1XQON'eymour and Ounsmuir BLUES! You won't have them at CHET SHIELDs! .. Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, and a fine line of Chocolate Bars.... C.R. SHIELDS CONFECTIONERY Right at the Ferry Lending Cakes and Pastry Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily We close at 1 o'lock Thursdays Phone Your Orders WE DELIVER Automobile Club Members Yoo have an Olncinl Garage nnd Towiog Service in this Disgrict West Vau Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phoae West 444 Free Towing to Memborm SHERMAN STORE and Post Office Hnrino Drive, between West Bny and Cypress Park GENERAL SUPPLIES Agents for Star Laundry Everything yon need for Camp or Hoono Gnn gh Oii Station. We Deliver REAL ESTATE--INSURANCE Geo. Gourlay When Fire Insornnco is wanted in 6 hurry phone the Roynl Agent. Office Cor. 23rd 45 lilnrino Phone West 2. PHONE 468L J. H. REID Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. III FIRST EAST PHONE NORTH 1370 NORTH VANCOUVER HUDSON AND ESSEX DEALERS SAVORY c%. DUVAL REAI ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1429 biarine Drive Phone West 114 Birthday Party Mrs. Fred King entertained on Tuesday afternoon in honor of er little son Billy's second birth- day anniversary. Games and swimming were indulged in, aft- er which all sat down to a nice tea party. Those present were Masters Gordon and Archie Storey, Colleen and Roy Barrie, jr., Masters Henry and Rollong Holliday, Mary Vickery, Master Gordon Ellis, Billy, Freddie and Ronald King, Mrs. Glover and baby Jack, Mrs. Holliday, Mrs. Shields, Mrs. R. Barry, Mrs. S. Storey, Mrs, King and the Misses Matheson from Vancouver. 0 QO 2. ENtILESEA LODCE 204G BEACH AVENUE 3 and 4-room Suites of the Highest Order 0 0 D SEYMOUR 7477 FOR PARTICULARS i] H. A. ROBERTS & CO. O 801 Yorkshire Bldg. 0 til~o~iQOI~O~IPOI ~ USED CARS You can buy a USED CAR from us with the same con- fidence that you buy a new car, all our Used Cars are recon- ditioned, and caiTy a genuine guarantee. IVe are advertising some that we knotv will give you absolute satisfaction, and the prices are right. Essex Coach, Sports Model, including Trunk, Tire Etc ........................:...................................... $995.00 Chalmers Touring, 2 spare Tires, etc., in beauti- ful condition ................................................ 450.00 Late Model Star Touring, New Paint, etc............... 450.00 1923 Ford Coupe ..................................................,...... 300.00 All sold on easy tetvns, or will trade in your old car as part payment. Phone North 1370 and we will gladly demonstrate any car for your approval.