West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Aug 1926, p. 2

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001B6BA1 Classified Ads. A KINDKRGhRTRV will be spewed on September 7 st Dssdsvsva For information apply ss s)td snvv Asg. 20th ts Miss C. L Chsppeii, 2487 Kings Avs., Dssdsvsva C. CARTER--Bvivkisyvr. ('himseya bssemests, side-wslka We build s smokeless chimney at s Pvsssnsbie pries, North GOIX. WANTED--Listisgs of lame st Bsgis Harbor snd Kew Beach; must be reasonably priced. Savory &8 t)svsl, Ambiesids. Phase Wmt. I&K Ti&E KINDERGARTEN at &33) CI)dv Street will tw-spss on September 7th. For further information pissss phase Mrs. Morris, )Vest 622IL Co)& FORTABLR HOME for Bah)sess Lady. Pssssssbis bv&s)ti. Pbsns West 4ISL FOR YOUR NEXT DANCE Engage hir. Wsadisghsm's th)vs-piers nr- vhsstra Phone West 12)L. FOR SALE--Ksvs Piano, mahogany case, good tone, also vscssm clean- er. Apply 206( Esqsimsit. TEACHER )VANTS ROOM fov com- ing term. furnished or partly furn- ish&&d, with or without board. )lust be warmed. Willing ts supply sws fueL Phone Bsy. 2286K. h&RS. A. E .'MORRIS. "Hsxeimsvv." Bsiievse hvvsss, Dsm)spsve, sds- estwd Perse High Scbool, Cambridge --fully trained Certificated English Tssvbsr, would teach s fsw little girls (S to 6 pears). on Kindergarten lines, with hsr swn little daughter. For particulars phone after 0 p.m. )Vest 6741 LOTS AND ACREAGE CLEARED sttd graded. Contract or dsp work. Phone Vvsst 469. COSY COT)'AGR AT COST -- Bed- )asm, kitchen with sink, line isvgs living room, french door, ssd arched ceiling, newly plastered, electric Iight, also Ittvg\ vs)st)dslL Aii Itics- Iy painted snd stained. Gaod loca- tion. Lt&w taxes. Phone Gso. Gosrisy, West 2. WANTED To RENT--8-toom modern Bungalow unfurnished. also 3 or 4 room Bungalow furnished sr un- furnished, near whspL L H. Beam- ish, West 17. BYRNELL R SIAY Ofave at tbs Ferry Landing Phone West IIS 'IVE SAVE h BUYER for half-an- acre to an acre, preferably culti- vated land, with s bouse; also for s small bouse v)sse to the Ferry Land- MONEY To LOAN on his)&gages sp ts 60 psr cent. of values. Houses built ts pour own design on the easy payment plan. WE ARE INSURANCE EXPERTS, capable of attending ts sii yssr In- surance wssta Fire, accident, auto- mobile. life ssd sii other branches of insurance transacted. HOI&SES BI.'ILT to yssr own design on easy payment plan. BYRNELL & MAY Office right at the Ferry Landing. Pbsss West 1&3. IL P. CLARK & CO„LTD. SNAPS FOR LOCAL RESIDF'&TS "GLFVEAGLES" GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB. Ltde (Situated on Marine Drive, between Eagle Harbor ssd Whytsciiff). DIEMBERSHIP APPLICATION hs s Resident of West Vancouver. I hereby ssbmit my name for member- ship together with the ssm of $80 snd if aeewptsd I agree to psy s further 3&00 ts vamp)eta membership fss on or be&ops Msy I, 1927. Name Address Osespstiss As membership is limited, it is ad- visable to make early application to IL P. CLARK 4) Co LTD. S23 Hsstisgs St. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. 3. ARCHER, Ws t SSii. Wv Spsvisiisw ~ in West Vsscosvet. List with ss if yss want ta selL CORPORATION OF WEST VAN- COUVER ELECfRICAL INSPECTOII The Corporation of West Vancouver isrits spplitathts for the position of Electrical Inspector, part time only, os terms to be sgrssd upon. Appiiestisss shosid vsseh under- s(gnsd at the Municipal Hall, Hell@- burn, B. C., sot later thss )2 noon, Wednesday, September 1st, Pvsfsvssss gives to West Vsssos- vsp resident. Signed JAMES OLLASON, C.M.C. August 27th. 1925THE )VEST VAN NEWS FOR RENT--Fsliy msdets six-twom hoses on Vi's&vvfvsnt between 28th shd 29th Strssa Ideally situated with wsn-isid-sst gardens. Careful tenants nn yearly lease osiy. Phone West GSRI. FOR SAI.K or will vxvhssnv fst '&vest Vssvssvsr pvspvvty s mt&tiers wvii bsiit home in Kitsiisso. valse SIE&&h FOR SAI.~ Rssm Bsssslsw on Fat)sims(t hvvssv, Cull piumbisn, gast) cleared iot, 622M; SMO cash. LhRGK Hh&.F A&'RR Bsiiding Ls&s, choice locality ftsm $GOO. SKVKRAI. Vvvy ( hsivv %stet&tost Lots. hi&&i)RRN ~ -RooM HOUsE n&v Rest partly furnished, $2(LOO. H. C. OSBORNE )&arise Drive at Ambleside I'hose West 643 Haddon Hall Golf Course In )qew of the rapid develop- ment on the North Shore, the construction of a goH course is becoming more urgent by popu- lar demand. The destiny of IVest Vancouver has long been admitted as a residential dis- trict with scenic and c)imatic at- tractions equalled by few other municipalities in Greater Van- couver. On beingapproached by a number of responsible citizens, the Council of West Vancouver has given favorable considera- tion to the proposed Golf course and in the matter of price for the land and terms of purchase, reasonable encouragement will be given in assisting the project. The proposed location is one of the very few that could be used for golf purposes, being sit- uated in the Northeastern part of the hIunicipality on what is kno)vn as the Haddon Hall porp- erty. The acreage applied for is 140 acres being south 100 acres of D. L. 752 and the North 40 acres of D. L. 806. The price asked by the hiunicipauty is 560 an acre, payable over a number of years. A competent golf eng- ineer together with practical sur- veyors have covered the proper- ty and have declared it to be a very suitable location and the natural wooded surroundings with a panoramic view of moun- tain and sea will add greatly to its charms. It is not suggested that the club will be commercial- ized or run for profit, and au funds received will be used ex- clusively for the purpose of de- velopment. The lowest fees pos- sible will be charged, consistent with an economic management. In another column will be found an advertisement, and as the membership list will be closed when the desired number of ap- plications have been received, it will be well for those interested to send in their application for membership immediately. hIRS. GARDNER DEAD. hIrs. Louise Gardner, 0&8, wid- ow of the late R. J. Gardner, died at the home of her son-in- law, F. T. Green, Wednesday. She was born in the Isle nf Man. Deceased leaves one son, Ken- neth, in England, and two daugh- ters, Mrs. D. A. Barbour and Mrs. F. T. Green, both in West Vancouver. The funeral will be conducted from Harron Bros. parlors, tomorrow at 2.30 to Ocean View Cemetery. I. O. D. E. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, ).O.D.E., in response to numer- ous requests will hold a flannel dance tomorrow, Saturday, at 9 p. m. in Dundarave Hall. They will also ho)d a masquerade dance on the following Saturday, 4th September, in the same place. Donald hfcGiu, aged 10, who is staying at the "Clachan" won a medal for second prize in the 25 yards for boys under 11. WILST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave Hnu. hinrlne Dr. Ds)tdsrsvs Sunday Service at II.SO s.m. Subject, Aug. 29th, "J FRI/8 CHRIST" Sunday School st )0.00 s. m. Testimony Meeting every Wed- nesday st S.IS p.m. Baptist Church Rev. David Long. Pastor. 10.15 a.m,--Sunday SchooL 11.00 a.m.--Church Sen ice. Prayer hieeting every )VO&l- nesday evening. St. Stephen's Church Trinity 18 (August 29th). 8 n. m.--lioly Communion. 10 n. m.--Sunday School. 11.16 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. The monthly meeting of the church committee has been set fora ard to Tuesday evening, August 81st, and will be held at 8 p. m. in the Parish HalL Owing to the expected pres- ence of the Bishop of London at the September Diocesan Board meeting the place of this meet- ing has been changed from St. Stephen's Parish Hall to Holy Trinity Parish Hall. The Rector returned last Sat- urday night from twelve days't the Church of England Camp for Junior Boys at Long Bay, Gambier Island, where he had charge of the devotional pro- gramme and acted as one of the hut leaders. We don't hke &o remind pxtu too Iitonslp, bui ihe wet weather wdi soon be here. HOIV ABOUT THE I.EARS? The Roof--The Auto Top-The Slicker Coat We have the I&ulf&ofix Ihenh snd mown&he&)ms to do i&. 3VB now curry Window Cinsn In Stock. SI" 1" D'S (" R()CI" I& Y Croccrles, Hnrd)vore. Pnlntn, ctc. We close nt I p. m. every Thurs&lny. Marine Drive, Amblesklo, Phono West 28 by E DEI.IVER t MEAT FRUIT Wo hnve some splendid Apples (E:)ting It& Cooking) Pinmst PL&nrs, Etc. POULTRY EGGS BUTTER, ETC AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET Rlnrino Drive ( ','„"„". ") Phone 3Vest 161 FOR WATERFRONTAGE aml other property IIOUSKS TO RE&VT, FIRE INSUIIA&VCE, KTC seo JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West SS SALVATION ARMY TAG DAY The Council on Wednesday night gave the Salvation Army permission to tag on the Ferries and in the municipality on 2n&l October next. D. D. ROBERTSON )4&b St. Hssk of Iioiiyl&urn Hall Ce)feet hfeker eed Ifphefeterer Vttvs(ture made to order. United Churches Rev. Frank Hardy will preach next Sunday at the morning and evening services. MARRIAGE OF MISS GLADYS FORD A quiet wedding took place at St. Helen's Church, South West- minster, on Friday, August 20, at 10 a.m., when Miss Gladys Marian Ford, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ford, Hol- lyburn, West Vancouver; be- came the bride of Mr. George Fraser Beattie, son of Mr. Gnd hfrs. Peter Beattie of Lynn Val- ley. The service was read by Rev. J. P. Dingle, rector of the parish. The bride was attended by Miss hI. D. Brundrett, while 51r. Percy W. Hawtin of Dun- darave, supported the groom. After a short honeymoon spent in Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Beattie will make their home in North Vancouver. Mr. Francis W. Caulfeild, whose interest in West Vancou- ver dates from 1898 and who has been visiting here this sum- mer, is returning shortly to his home in England. Mr. Caulfeild's name will be associated for au time with the beautiful section of the district which bears his name. E. PAL MER Sfonemsson& Bncblaper Fireplaces a Spec)alty Cspiisso P 0 Ph Nt&rtbsi(R Marine Drive, (between 2) ssd 22) NEILL'S GROCERY HOME BAKINO TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM PHONE WEST 600 NORMAND'S GROCERY 14&1 404 )15RINE .. fkeee Wcs( 66 A Complete Supplyof... GROCERIES and CONFECTIONERY WE DELIVER HARRON BROS. O& WILLIAMSON jfIIIIcral Qirrftors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 PEARCE'S DRYGOODS New Ambiesids Bisch Pnonv. (V)RT 144 For School Days "( BOYS'OLF HOSE All )AIool Engk)h Mede From 50 cents pair CHOICEST VIEW LOTS 2 blocks from Marine Drive and Ferry. West Van. Investment Company (8th ssd Marine Drive Phase West )02, Dsy or Night Ilollyburn Barber Shop MARINE DIIIVE ssd 18th. O)e. the Weel Vee. Leaser Ce Over 28 years'arber Expspi ence st your service. Expert in Hnircutiing Id)dies, Gentlemen and Children G. RADLAND, Proprietor II II ipi II II Cl~ THE HOLLYBURN THEATRE j Fit(DAY snt) SATU(ti)h Y, September 3-4 "OVER THE HILL" A STORY OF A hi&rriign, festur(sg MARY CARR FR(I)AV ssd SATURDAY, August 27-28 DOODLE PEAPUEE I'noosARRE t &WILDFI RF A see&et ster)Me&et&& I AILEEN pRIRGLE, ess "Three Weeks in Paris" A Cstsedy with wtnsrd Lewis ssd Iterethv Deeere MONDAY snt) WKI)NESI)AY, Asgset 30-- September I "Lady Windermere's Fan)P From ths Popular Novel by OSCA R Wif DE. featuring IRENE RICH THV. THEATRE WII.I. DE OVI.N VACH Evenings 30s sstt ISs Tws Shows 7 ssn 9 I-- o B II hit)NDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND HATUf&DAY hist(sess 20s sst) ios 2 p.m. Saturdays ssd iit&H&)sps IQI II -- II O~i 4 ,i t 57th 666, ,v, gofgondora GUGUSI Ig 'fke R gslis OII 8 con«n «88 th nh tkst hss On t ltefn& ever ke while Iih Isun& Rnetl w ghost ~ Cismp) I &o)IIM Lens Thon) rfo&mef', Ihe s(sr p OI sge',o 16 feBmn compei t& tke I veri 0 diving c,t smsl& &erne of Vsn&onv PI G« ienshig ~ Ike chan p'sfdsel & evenb Weel Vsn theffty 'OU women 0 &cessful in wss slee I", twe 0th of Pni'ven& s,ksmpi" Tke men'I ',me ysfdsewt 'ewonb) Vsncon)'4 p Isel yes& ike fnnne n Stokes, ~ log.felling 8 DI smni grest o" I Heldenolthe cmwd, . Comlui Isno Leggm 'tes the 6 LUCDnse M& IO fortes John Bsyley ws fifty)sr I 8" 26 2 5 Mconde, Iollow Hsy in 265.5 IM " by Challenge Cnp for Under )6& wss ley Strong. Ilflnners of the 78&i'ere 88 follows:I ysrds, boys unde Dufmy D, Reshleigh. girls under 14-Pkyu'elly Holdswortk boys under 16, Stan 8 McCnllongk 160 yards, men of 'oUver--LI8 Hsy Le& 25 yards, boys Undei ley Griilin, Donald 5 yards, Sj&ls under I Donaldson, Edith B yards, boys under I Ashe, blei. Chapman. , )girls under 12--Ed Ruth Heldswo&tk.'0 yards, ladies op Tingley, Dot Bleckb(u girls under 16-Lent Norah Foster. Quarter-mile scullie Baker, S. Rose. 200 yards, men's t Csmeron 231 1.5 R 2:47 2-5. Diving, boys under Hsy, Stan. Boskier girls under 15- Peg Lena C)smpitt. Diving, men's Ope Stokes, S. Summers. ladies'pen -- Lens Reis Tingley. HIImen's 'open -- 0, IWright, 50 y«ds, men' Bayley, I,. Hsy boxed denbles cs)Baker snd bllm Rndter snd blim Rdw~z Tilting in cense Alexender 60 4 coupe& I ) &ds hdies DI tkbe 266 ysrds-V A 8, men', G ~ .Cetime2& rie. U Cnrrie, ble& felt)itt)t ft)i, Fouled by FOUIed 'icsmer ke snt Pier D Ike nss 48 I ce&ly T"'nk)) cable m,h 'r snb + Iotk ndl e out of "orth Bke Telepke„helon, 4 nec e &pot, Piet it)n q'q 8.