001B6B99 TH E WEST VAN NEWS DELICIOUS ME ATS YOUR FAMILY WILL EN JOY Be particular about the iliexts yon serve your family. I)emend extra quality, freshness, and the better cuts. Trade here and you get all these qualities. JEFFER IE S Next to Hollrburn Theatre PHONE WEST 3 WE DELIVER ALL MEATS KEPT IN REFIIIGEIIATOII Fresh and Cured bleats, Butter, Fggs, I&aeon and Lard Link Your Purse to this Subdivision Large Splendid Viebv Lots Corner ESQUIMALT AND 11th STREET Price $350 to $550--Good Terms You can'6 go wrong with West Vancouver llesi Estate. The lots we oger make splendid Homesites and in an ideal location. LET US SHOIV YOU THE ONES WE HAVE LEFT GKO. HAY 315 Cordova St W„ Vancouver of'4th St. a hfarine West Vancouver CORRESPONDENCE Editor WEST VAN. NE\VS, Dear Sir:--I do not know who is responsible for the tearing up of several streets at once for paving purposes, but I think those who are responsible might have considered the convenience of the public when Inying their plane For several weeks past Esqui- malt Avenue, Fulton Avenue, Gordon Avenue and 13th aml 10th Streets have been practical- ly impassible for vehicular traf- flc and people having occasion to drive to places in the interven- ing blocks have found it neces- sary either to tear their tires to pieces bumping over newly laid crushed rock or to go round a mile farther. The Pnving Company might have &vorked one Street at a time or, if the interests of econ- omy demanded the paving of several streets at once, they might have rushed the work so as to shorten the period of public inconvenience as much as pos- sible. Can't the Council or someone in authority do something to in- duce the contractors to "get a move on" or must we take any kind nf treatment thatis handed to usy I+ --TAX-PAYER Hollyburn Pavilion DAN (PING EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY 8:30 to 11.30 p.m. Nick's Olympian 7-Piece Orchestra Hollyburn Pavilion Birthday Party The Hollyburn Pavilion on Wednesday evening gave their sixth Invitation Birthday Party. In the new building every ar- rangement has been made to care for the comfort of guests, and the large crowd present had a splendid evening's fun. Nick's Olympian 7-Piece Orchestra played in their usual snappy manner and there were no wall- flowers. AH the Criterion Or- chestra and representatives from four other different orchestras took part and a number of musi- cal selections were given between the dances. Mr. Len Holland and Mr. Dick Gardiner of the Criterions each gave solos on the piano accordion. Miss Helen Bush of the Plaza Hotel Orches- tra, Calgary, and Mr. Chas. Raine, the well-known baritone, took part in the programme. Mr. George Bush of the Criterion, obliged with his popular banjo selections and Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson of the Vaughan Moore School of Dancing gave an exhi- bition of the Charleston. In th course of the evening a Charleston competition took place, which was won by Mr. Norman Jorgeson and Miss Ella Gentleman, the second prize go- ing to Mr. Alex. Millan and Miss Olive James. AH the guests in leaving voted it the best birth- day party the Hollyburn Pavil- ion has ever given. Tomorrow will be the annual Regatta Day Carnival and Fete at the Hollyburn Pavilion. Danc- ing will start at 8.30 p. m. Car- nival novelties, prizes and a Charleston Contest will be fea- tures of the evening. THE West VanNees Published Every Friday Wg are ig s ppsflisa te elefhsui your csf born Rsdistof ts Rear Axle. Chevrolet Parts ssd Acccmsfies ia Stock. SERVICE CAR is Resdisem. LKI OS ONK YOO AN ISIINAIK ON YOUR NKXI IOS. Circulating tbrougbou& the District of West Vancouver -- Ambiexide, Holly- burn, Wezton, Dundarxve, Caulfe&ld, Why&poli&re, Cypress Park, e&c. NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. IL HODGSON and P. P. LOVEGROVE Pxbiizbeze Buxixexx xnd Editorial Office: Isgi Mxriaa Drive Pbona West ISI Mail Addrzax& P.O. Box IOI, Hoiiybxrx, B. C. ADVEBTI9ING BATES ON API'LICATION Sl.op x year by maiL Newzz&amb& Se per copy. SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street West, I'hone North 1180 North Vancouver Phone North 1350 THE OFFICIAL AUTO CLUB GARAGE ON THE NORTH SHORE Free Towing to Members We are opea until 12 P.M. week days and 11 P.M„Sundays. iSPECIALS FOR SATURDAY'S DIAMO:iD ENGAGEMENT RINGS, Engraved Tiffany Setting GENTS'SevenJewel LEVER POCKET WATCH --Extra Special 12-Sixe WALTHAhl PRESEiiTATION WATCH, Engraved Gold-Filled Case LADIES'ectangular 15-Jewel White Gold-Fi II& d WRIST WATCH--Very Special EXPERT REPAI RING THE WEST VAN JEWELLER (w. sAcAR) 1464 IIARHIE DRIVE („„;, ) AMBLESIDE Service for the Automobile Owner A Most Modern and Up-to-date Repair Shop Specializing in BATTERY REPAIR WORK. STARTERS, GEiVERATORS. AND IGVITION. WELDING AiVD BRAZING. FENDER STRAIGHTENING AND REPAIRING. VALVE GRINDING AND BRAKE RELINING. GENERAL hIOTOR OVEIIHAULING. August 20th, 1020. ilr Caxey Clark and hfr Roy Borthwick, 14th and Waterfront, on Sunday caught four salmon ranging up to 11 pounds olI Am- blesi&le. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor of Duchess Street, are leaving next Thursday on a three weeks'oli- day visit to Crescent Beach. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. T. J. McKay of Toronto, who has been the guest ofMrs. C. R. Goodwin at West Vnncou- ver, hns returned to her home in the East. ~ ~ ~ Mr. Inn Cameron, who has been the guest of friends nt Caulfeild, has returned to Van- couver. ~ o ~ hlr. and hIrs. S. B. Morton, 23rd and Haywood. hn&l a son born to them at their home on Sundny 16th August. Roberts'etter Meats 14th and Marine Phone Iktest II:16 WE DEI.IVER Morning to AH Pnrts, 11 o'lock Afternoon, Enst of 25th 3 o'lock I STEER B IH„g Beef I Steak, 2 lbs.... Pot Roast, lb., from .... 10c Oven Roast, lb., from 15cI. O. D. E. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., will hold a flannel dance tomorrow, Saturday, at 0 p.m., in Dundarave Hall. This is the last flannel dance of the . season. To See the Place- To come in and look over the Burrard Laundry is quite an education. Quite a number of people xay they bad no idea there were so mony wonderful contrivaoxes used in &be operation of a modern Laundry ond ore amazed sod delighted at the beautiful work we do. The greatest zxre ix taken with every individual parcel end we are constant- ly being praised for the excellent man- ner in which we return everything. And that's exactly wby our business increases every week axd people are eager to encourage ux to build up an interesting industry for North Shore girls. Parcels collected xnd promptly re- turned. The Burrsfd Laundry Fpi People Irbo Am Pail&ex&xi la&go Slgssl &zf Sl. Ogllpg North Vancouver yime Nor&i ISI0 1 K OAIIARO, Np Cambridge Sausnge Our Own Make 16c lb. 2 Ibs for 26c LOCAI. SPRING LANIB. Shoulder, per lb............ 28c Legs, per lb.................... 42c LOCAL MILK FED VEAL. Stewing Veal, 2 lbs. for 25c Oven Roast from per lb 18e Local Roasting Chicken Local Frying Chicken Local Boiling Fowl. Fresh nnd Cured Fish Home Cooked Meats a Specialty Ayrshire Bacon, sliced per lb ...................... 35c Side Bacon, sliced from per lb ................ 45c Fresh Fruit 8& Vegetables Large Freestone Peaches per crate .................. 31.35 Pears, per dozen ............ 25c Apples, cooking, 5 lbs 25c Gravenstein Apples, 4 lbs for .............................. 25c Tomatoes, 4 lbs for .... 25c Plums, 4 lbs.................... 25c Grapes, per lb............... 15c Shoe Repairs The Electric Shoe Repair Shop hloved to new store, three doors east of old stand. FRED TITE FOOT SPEC'.IALIST RELIABLE WORK CHEERFUL SERVICE West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMITED 15th and Marine Phone West 115 Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE "RANSON'S FOLLY" I„„, LONSn'ALE WEEK WEEK X&OH. TUga, Wge. ALOMATHESOUTH SEAS GILDA GRAY PERCY MARMONT V/ARNER BAXTER THURS.--PR & -- SAT. RICHARD BARTHELMESS :&l 0 k, L r '4')(g , s BY ihip&i II dsy ppf i&xi IP The sixty 5m&6 otl'petfsct&sg, 0 CpRpblgsos Delight isle 6fpppsslsIhef o stint subm spires e ittc ssd cstlm p 'tep e th In that p mos ' develop to it as gcccmssfpl is P lts spsp dch „ltimste cpsstfp they dssgefo& msy m" delays are theb Vgscouvef wg» want Itmal'm Th, cpostrpchps o b tsftpd this fsli & I t t this winter, bpt t make spfe this is body in the iipsicips I" unite is an eiloft t more time being wast necessary pfelimissfi& absolutely necessary. It is probable that possls gpd plass of th& iug lifms Yet to be b will be in their esses Utile driye&ent fmm Dwight Robinson A since the question pf & lstlpn tp future m&e& pterminisg fsctpf «st given by th 5,500,000, for which Prepared to spend sgd they undeft'she io holi with s clfxf spgp pf 6 vertical clearance o above high water, ssd feet roadway, also I& pfosches thereto. The Bridge Commit other hand have asl bridge having 6 span 6'. s clearance of 200 I high water asd 6 40 wsy. Iisjpr H. B. I] the engineer of Ihe Dl inson Company, sod 6 weil know is'Canad cerisg circle mpsll, letter to tie pf~ m'tatedthat sech 6 hrii awould &saic it 6to any private Iifm 6 sour body who bu&1t it. He stated that thichannel at hw water h&of about IIOO fpet hpiflve fathom line chgssei of rather l as obl feet In ambie width. As regardA xgfds verticaleet ls all tne~e I 4tls&pf th h Depsty iht&z IIfxf As The add mgs, the ebqtf Rex burp h mbieside 6 lpeglygn eaaillth go&&sped, ll . ~& 6 Acting gctixx pplshd ~ Hefris h xchfk d'CC lp "Ih'eatioa at Y