West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Aug 1926, p. 5

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001B6B99 August 20th, 1926. Meighen Addresses Meeting in North Vancouver A crowded house greeted Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen in the Lonsdale Theatre last Tuesday evening. Mr. Meighen was in- troduced by General A. D. Mc- Rae, the Conservative candidate for the Riding. In his opening remarks Mr. Meighen paid a tribute to Gen- eral A. D. McRae, whom he said he had known for a number of years, and dwelt on his achieve- ments in the business world. He spoke very highly of Hon. Harry Stevens and his recent activities in Ottawa, aud characterised Hon. Dr. Tomlie, another resi- dent of B. C. as the best minister of Agriculture Canada ever had. Speaking of the returned sold- ier question, he said that he had treated the returned soldier so well as to cause him to lose the support of Quebec in the 1921 election. The Conservatives had supported with one amendment the Land Settlement Re-valua- tion Scheme brought forward by the Liberals, that amendment being that revaluation be put in i the hands of County Court judg- es. The bill was not passed ow- ing to other matters being brought before the house on a question of privilege by the gov- ernment. Discussing Old Age Pensions, Mr. Meighen said that this ques- tion had hitherto been primarily a provincial matter, the function of the Dominion Government be- ing only to help in so far as the Provinces desired. The bill had passed without the provinces concurring in it, and had been thrown out by the'enate, both Liberal and Conservative Senat- ors voting against it. The in- tention of himself and his party, if elected, was to consult all the provinces, their consent being necessary in any case, and when a satisfactory plan had beea ar- rived at, to put the necessary legislation through. The Con- servatives had been described as "autocrats" and himself as a "Cromwell" for his action in dis- solving Parliament abruptly with so much unfinished business before it. Had Mr. King dissolv- ed Parliament, as he had asked to do, the same procedure would have been followed and the same condition of unfinished business would have ensued. So far as his "Shadow" cabinet was con- cerned, to have had hia minist- ers elected would have meant ad- journing the house for eight weeks to end a session that had only three days to run. He had taken the course advised by the legal officers of the Crown ap- pointed for that purpose. To the statement of his op- ponents that a vote of censure was not before the House all he had to say was that the amend-'entread to the effect that the King Government had known the conditions of the Customs Ser- vice and having done nothing, their conduct was indefensible. In conclusion Mr. Meighen said he was not taking up the great question of policy, because the Conservative Policy was the same as that in 1925 which had been very fully discussed. In- cluded in that was an immigra- tion policy based as "the rock of employment at home." There wae no fear of not obtaining em- igrants when everybody living in Canada was employed. West Vancouver Man in Boat Crash Mr. B. Patterson of West Van- couver and two other men had a narrow escape from drowning in the Lions'ate at 1 a. m. Tues- day morning, when the gasboat Mabel Dell crashed into a boom of logs in tow of the tugboat Hope. The nose of the gaeboat was stove in, aud, as she began to fill, Mr. Patterson and hie two companions leaped on to the boom, from which they boarded the tug. Later they were taken ashore by the police boat, which arrived on the scene. The gas- boat was afterwards towed into English Bay. Mr. Osborne Takes Over Business Mr. Blackwell this week sever- ed his connection with the firm of Blackwell aud Osborne, the Real Estate and Insurance Brok- ers, and it is understood, is go- ing into business in Vancouver. Mr. Osborne has taken over the firm'3 business at their old stand on Marine Drive, where he will be on hand to attend to the wants of present and future cli- ent3. 'ERSONALS Mrs. Harry Hoskins and son, Eric, left this morning for Hand- el, Sask., and will,be the guests of Mrs. Wm. Burgess, sister of Mrz. Stewart Neville of West Vancouver. They will return early in September. Mrs. Joseph Sheasgreen, 23rd and Bellevue, is hostess to a tea for fifty guests at the Fortune Cup Inn today. The tea is in honor of Mrs. GeiTy MeGeer. e Miss Vivian Jackman is visit- ing her uncle Dr. J. V. Leonard, Buena Vista Ave., San Francisco, and Mr. E. J. Leonard, Los Ang- eles. e e Mrs. Pitman and family are returning to Prince George to- day. THE WEST VAN NEWS Modern Garage Service An Automobile Service Station and Repair Shop that is most modern in every respect, one that can compere favorably with the most up-to-date garages in large cities, can be found on the North Shore, The North Shore Motors Limited, Chevrolet Dealers, 1st Street West, North Vancouver. The principals of the Company have great faith in the growth and devel- opment of the North Shore in a com- mercial snd residential way, and have therefore invested a lot of money with this thought in mind. One of the most essential features that a repair shop must have is light, and great care was given to this detail at the time of construction, the shop at night or day is flooded with light, so there is not one dark spot for a mechanic to work in. That feature alone is a great step toward efficiency. The Mechanics sre supplied with tools and labor saving devices of all descriptions. We will detail a few used in Battery Work; a Portostat is an instrument that will tell the me- chanic exactly what is the matter with a battery, such as dead cells, short- age cells, corroded cells, giving the exact facts and leaving nothing for guess work. Onr battery charging outfit is capahle of charging many hat- teries at one time, and we carry a supply of rental batteries 'or all makes of cars. So you can see that your car would not be tied np for lack of service. We have in charge of onr Battery and Ignition work an electric- al expert of many years experience, so therefore we are in a position to take careof all electrical work such as starting motors, generators, and ignition, to the customers satisfac- tion and every joh is guaranteed. The Shop hss a valve grinding ma- chine, the only one on the North Shore. This machine gives the valve a true seat that is almost impossible by the obsolete hand grinding meth- od. Other equipment, such as electric brake lining machine, alignment tool and assorted mandrills for assurance of true connecting rods, stock and dies, portable electric drill, reamers, welding outfits, snd numerous other machines for the benefit of the Motor- ist. We are now equipped to do fend- er work, such as repairing and straightening. The North Shore Motors Limited in- vite you to visit their plant at any time. They are open in the evenings till 12 p.m., and Sundays to il p.m. BLUES! You won', have them at CHET SHIELDs! .. Ice ('ream, Soft Drinks, and a fine line of Chocolate Bars.... C. R. SHIELDS CONFECTIONERY Right at the Ferry Landing I Can Sell Your Property If you will list it with me at a reasonable price. I have made several sales during the past two weeks and have many en- quiries for aU kinds of West Van property. H C;. OSBORNE Late BLACKWELL gi OSBORNE Marine Drive at Ambleaide Phone: West 643 Division. Capilano, Amhleside snd Hollyhurn. lvcston. Dsndarsve. Altamont and West Bay. D. Returning Oificers. WILLIAM BLAIR. T. ARMSTRONG. C. J. ARCHER. E. J. CRICKMAY. D. Registrar. MISS M. B. ALMAS, Marine Drive and lith. E. J. CRICKMAY, Gordon and 20th. CLAUD G. BARROW, Marine and 26th. HUGH LANG, Marine and 30th. H. F. BOTTERILL. E. W. BAKER. J. D. TAIT. Caulfelld, Cypress Park WM. ASTLEY, and Sherman. Caulfeild. Whytecllif. hiISS G. A. DAVIES, Blue Dragon Inn, Whyte- cliif. STANLEY JONES COLONEL WHYTE. Polling Booth. Amhleside Hall. Allison's Grocery Store. Marine and 22nd. Dundarave Hall. Marine and 26th. hfarine Drive. lvest Bay. Elliott's Tea Room. Marine Drive and Cypress Park. Blue Dragon Inn Iyhytecliif The following Election Officials have been appointed for West Van- couver District: TAXI LOCAL TRIPS 1 to 4 Passengers...... ...., 50e, 75e, & $1.00 Phones: WEST 116 WEST 139R A. CHISHOLM BAI4 ER CAKES and PASTRY See our display in Greenwood'0 Window All Cakes made with No. 1 Creamery Butter and Fresh Eggs. tf REERW000'S GROCERY WEST Ie Saturday Specials Burns'hamrock Butter, Handypats 4'0, per lb. 45c Nabob Coffee, 1 lb. can 63c Butter, finest Alberta 3lbs $123 Kerr Jelly Glasses, "Squat," per doz........ 60c Fells Naptha, 3 bars .. 25c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag ............ 55c Nabob Tea, per lb..... 69c Heinz Tomato Catsup, large ....................... 290 Elberta Preserving Peaches 18-lb. Crates, $ 1.35 VANCOUVER - NORTH VANCOUVER WEST VANCOUVER plrsi Wesiboeod Trip Flist Xiwibocod Trip Lv. 7.00 a.m. Vancouver Ar.8.06 7.26 North Vancouver 7.40 7.36 Amhleside 7.30 7.37 Hollyhnrn 7.28 7.43 Dundarsve 'l.22 7.46 West Bay 7.20 7.47 Sherman 7.18 7A9 Cypress Park 7.16 7.60 Csulfeild 7.16 Coaches leave Vancouver and Canl- field thence every hour and a half un- til midnight (twelve trips s day) passing intermediate points on hoth routes at intervals of an hour and a half computed from above table. Thus 4th westbound Auto Coach leaves Vancouver 11.30 a.m., passing Cypress Park at 12.19 p.m. Phone Sey. 4000 H.C. MCyTOR ~PN'eymour and Ounsmcir REAL ESTATE--INSURANCE Geo. GoIIrlay SVhen Fire Insurance is wanted in s hurry phone the Royal Agent. Office Cor. 23rd dt Marine Phone SVest 2. Cakes and Pastry Fruit aud Fresh Vegetables Daily We close at 1 o'lock Thursdays Phone Your Orders WE DELIVER Automobile Club Members Yon have sn Oiflcial Garage and Towing Service in this District. West Vau Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phone West 444 Free Towing to Memhera SHERMAN STORE and Post Office Marine Drive, between West Bay and Cypress Park GENERAL SUPPLIES Agents for Star Laundry Everything you need for Camp or House Gas gt Oil Station. We Deliver BOOTH (Itl LEYLAND We handle Insurance only, aud specialize in all branches. As Agents for large British and Canadian Companies, we are able to give the best of service and prompt settlements. a FIRE --- AUTOMOBILE --- LIFE 805 Yorkshire Bldg. Phone Seymour 3778 SAVORYc%. DUVAL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1429 Marine Drive Phone West 1i4 BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. Phone North 1370 111 East 1st Street NORTH VANCOUVER THE New Essex Coach has arrived and is noiv on display at ourshowroom. The several New Features on this model make it the most attractive car ever offered the automobile buymg public. Call and see it, or Phone North 1870 and we will gladly give you a demonstration. Burrard Motor Car Co. 111 First Street East North Vancouver ZSSZ~w. IHUDSON