West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Aug 1926, p. 2

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001B6B99 Classified Ads. h K&INDERGARTKN will be op&nod on Soptolobor 7 at Doodorove. For information apply on ood after hog. 20&h lo Miss G L Choppoii, '2487 Kings Ava, Dusdarova C. CARTER --Bripkiorea Chimbol s, basements, side.walks. We build a omokeiom chimney ot a rooponobie prica North 601X. WANTED--Lip&&ago of Ia&o at Eagle Harbor osd Iiew Beach; must be &oooo&whip priced. Soropp 6 Duval, Ambioeido. Phone West. 114. THE KINDKRGARTEV at 1331 Cird& Street will ~pon on September inh For further information please phone Mls. hiorrio, 'ivool 622R. FOR SALE--Foweell "hopper" Range Foor hole. white enamel front, ploe- Iicanr new. Snap for capth bvosi 1301L F'R SALE--Foll aired 'Violin ood Case; also Hawaiian Guitar ood casa Phone West 422IL FOR SALK--3-4 Toggeoborc Goat, 2 years, 1st kidding with doe kid, 2 quarts $35. IA Toggenborg Goat, 7 years, giv- ing 2 qoorto, $2&. Four Doe kids, 6 months old $6 ooch from heavy milking stock. Apply O. Eaton, Excelsior Herd of Toggonburgs, Ganges, IL C. COSY COITAGE AT COST -- Bed- room, kitchen with sink, soe large living room, french door, asd orcbod ceiling, newly plastered, electric light, also large verandah. Ail nice- Ip painted aod stained. Good loca- tion. Low taxes. Phone Gea Gourlop, West 2. FOR SALE--Four rooxb coated Eng- lish working Fox Terrier puppies, from woli-knows Norlhomberiond working s&raina Apply, Colossi Tristram, Wast Boy. Dogs $ 16.00; Bi&choo $ 10.&XL WANTED--Ow Lease. 5 or 6 Roomed House, unfurnished, Sept. 1st. Care- ful tenant. References. Apply: "Tenon&," clo WEST 1'AN VEWS. iWANTKD To RFVT~-room modern Boogalow unfurnished. also 3 or 4 room Bungalow furnished or un- furnished, near wharf. L H. Beam- ish. West 17. BT KNELL e MAY Ofgpe at &be Ferry Landing Phone West 113 hIORTGAGE LOANS op &o 60 per cont. of the value of buildings. Our arrangements io this respect are the best in 'IVesl Vancouver. WK ARE LVSURANCE EXPERTS, competent to attend Io all Insur- ance ms&&ops. Policies Isspopted ond advice given free. Soe our $5 auto- mobile occident policy. BEAUTIFI'L VIEW LOTS -- Five minn&co'alk from the Ferries, $350 each on coop terms. Homes, acreage ood lots in ail parts of the municipality. HOUSES BUILT &o poor ows design on easy payment plan. BYIL&ELL 6& &IAY Office right at lho Ferry Landing. Phono West 113. IL P. CLARK e CO LTD. SNAPS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS HOLLTBURV GARDENS. h FKW LOTS len in &bio attractive Residential sob-division. Conveni- ently situated. Wo&or, Ligb& ssd Phona The early attention of prospective purchasers is rooommondmL Attractive Prices ood Terms. IL P. CLARK Pi CO„LTD. 823 Hastings SL W. Ser. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. I. ARCHER, Woo& 6&IL We Sppeiolioo io Woo& Voocoovoa List with as if ros want to sell. D. D. ROBERTSON) 14&k Si. Bock of Holirboro Hall Cohioo& htoiw ood tjrdmlp&pnp Forni&oro mhdo lo order. I.O.D.E. DANCE THE FINAL FLANNEL DANCE Under the ooppicoo of &ho I.O.D.E., wi11 be held Io-morrow, SATURDAY, ~t 9 p.m. s& DIINDAFIAVE IIAI I THE WFNT VAN NElVS Br)tish Israel Association of bVest Vancouver Will meet Next TUESDAY at Ihth p. m. In DUNDARAVK HALL Sl RI KCT&--"Ideolilr of I&oh&4" --hlidoh ood the Jew SPEAKKR- &IIL PKRC1'iING. West Vancouver I O.I.. 2990. The IVest Vancouver I O. L. 2990 held their regular fort- nightly meeting at Dundaravc Hall on Tuesday at 8 p.m., Bro- ther F. King, the A(aster of the iVorth Shore Lodge, &vns present and invited the local lodge to at- tend the 22nd birthday of his lodge next iMonday. Brother A. E. Harron. the Grand ihlaster, was also a guest and gave a short address on the new Home for Children in New Westminster. 1 West Vancouver Golf Course The Mun)c)ps) Council recent- ly had before them a proposa) to establish a golf club at Had- don Hall, from Mr. J. Hayden Young, who was acting on behalf of a number of responsible rate- payere. The property referred to is the south 100 acres of D.L. 762 and the north 40 acres of D.L. 805, and the proposed price wss 550 pcr acre payable over an extended period. The Council have now granted the applicants sixty days in which to obtain the necessary minimum applications for 300 members. The proposed mem- bership entrance fec is 6100, 520 to be paid on formation of the club and 520 each three months for one year during the construc- tion of the course. The annual subscription will be decided upon later. Mcanwhi)0 it is only nec- essary to send one dollar with the preliminary application form. Arrangements have already been made with n responsible golf engineer to go over the property and submit an estimate as to the cost of making n nine-hole course. All funds will be used for the purpose of the club and no commissions will be paid for obtaining members. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Procter snd family of Dundnravc, are holi- daying at CIua))curn Beach. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall, hlarlna Dr. Dcndororo Sunday Service ol 11.30 ~ .m. Subject, Aug. 22nd, "hl liV D" Sosdor School at 10.00 o. m. Teolimooy hleeling every Wed- nesday at 8.16 p.m. Baptist Church Rcv. David Long, Pastor. 10.16 a.m.--Sunday Schoo). 11.00 a.m.--Church Service. Prayer &1(ecting every Wcd- nes&lay evening. St. Stephen's Church Trinity 12. (August 22). 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 S.m.--Sunday School. 11.16 n.m.--Morning Prayer. 7.16 p.m.--Evensong. During the Rector'6 absence at the Church camp the services ivill be taken by the Rev. C. Bar- ton and Mr. Le Huquct. United Churches Rev. Owen McKay of Stcves- ton, will preach on Sunday morn- ing. Mr. McKay wss formerly minister here. Mr. F. J. Patterson nnd Mr. Wi))iam tv)ther)y were on a canoe trip at Squamish Inst week and enjoyed some good salmon fishing. ~ ~ o Miss M. A. Johnson nnd Miss F. H. IVoolstonc, left today for Hyder, Alaska, on a two weeks'acation. o o o Peter, the little son of Mr. A. J. Rawkine, 17th and bvster- front, is seriously ill at St. Paul's Hospital. o ~ o Mrs. Mswdsley nnd her daugh- ter Constance, have taken the house of Mr. and AIrs. H. O. Hutt, Cordon nnd Marine, for the remainder of the summer. ~ o o Mrs. C. E. Burbridge, Marine and 23rd, will be returning at the end of the month from 6 visit to Coalmont. 734 Hastings St. CONSERVATIVE MEETING Conservative Candidate Will open his campaign in North Vancouver, at the Lonsdale Theatre On TUESDAY, Aug. 24th, at 8 p.m. LEON LADNER and others will speak. CFN. MCRAE will outline his programme for Vancouver North. EVERYBODY WELC'.OME oon save 'tHE KING Phone Seymour 658 Res. Phone West 42Y3 Established 1908 PHILIP C. CHAPlllAN ESTATE and INSURANCE BROKER Real Estate - Insurance - Rent Collections August 20th, IP2&l. friday aad Sstgtdsr, Aug. 20-21 The Gold Rush Svhnlllxo Q CIIARLIE CHAPLIN ilisaisr agi Wedaenlsi, A66. 6$.26 THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA svhnmno LON CHANEY p PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, 5 cents extra. This is the )as& picture this year on which our contract compels us Io raise prices. Qi The Tboolro wiii be opoo each MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY aod SATURDAY Kveoiogp 30o nod 15o Msl,ineop 20o hod ioo Voo Shows I ~ilt 4 ~ p.oi Sp&pnlprp pod Hplldspp IP I E. PALMER Slonemopon& Bnct&tcper Ieiro places 6 Specialty Copiipoo P.O. I'b.Nop&hAIIR, Marine Drive, ibplwaon 21 ond 22) NEILL'S GROCERY HOME BAKINO TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM PHONE WE6T 890 PEARCE'S DRYGOODS Now Ambiooido Block» PaoNK Wgsv 144' ~ 4.PLY WOOLS. Baldwin'e Purple Hen&bop sod "Tigoro Flogorlog. P ~20 Colors lo choose trool. soo oz., 2 oz. Ior 30qf or 62.76 lb. NORMAND'S GROCERY I»tk ssi Pigg)NE .. Pbese WHI gg A Complete Supplyof... G ROCK RIES snd CONFECTIONERY WE DELIVER CHOICEST VIEW LOTS 2 blocks from Marine Drive and Ferry. West Van. Investment Company 18&k ond Merino Drive Pbooo West 102 Doy or Nighl MEAT FRUIT POULTRY EGGS BUTTER, ETC. We have some splendid Apples (Eating & Cooking) Plums, Pears, Etc. AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET Mar)ne Dr)ve (orr.wcsvvan.) Phone Wesg IIII kIARRON BROS. & WILLIAM SON ffuuerlil Sircftars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Stree) Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Hollybnrn Barber Shop MARINE DRIVE ond 154th Opo. lhp Wppl Vpp. Lpmhpp C~ G. RADI AND, Proprioior Hos hod over twenty-svo years'xperienceIn the barber busi- ness. Is able Io give quick snd of- ticient service. Ladies, Gentlemen and Children FOR WATERFRONTAGE snd other property IIOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSUIIANCE, ETC. Sec 17th Street JOHN LAWSON 'hone West 55 AppETIZING GROCERIES ADD ZEST TO YOUR MEALS Clean and wholesome groceries give your Food that delicious taste so necessary lo lhc success oF your &able. We combine qua)ay. service snd value. SI» L»D'S GROGF»&RY PHONE WEST 28 Groceries, Iinrdwnre, Pnints, etc. bvo close at I p. m. every Thursday. Marine Drive, Amblceide. Phone bvcst 28 WE DELIVER QI II IQI H IP THE HOLLYBURN THEATRE peg „ for ti WCp eg 77o0ghto '(esst Beats&) bare PPM pung& „ far the best slivei CSP Bpr 5 '9 I tls for n to pr wb c wblc dl gs ( b is ope' stands ~ I TbecuP. )I 0",I d,sl bigb'scten)Br's, priesTO BBAIN D(Brine g(44 „))all. pi„& p~ W ,t ygcoaver I agerVati« .Bg (4 tbe 0 The(o)0 I 8 incSin&it e etut've ts igs' wl, J,B...tb tbe tamp bey)i Councillor 8 bg)ll)si chain s .'. CbspaslS,C, Ietsrf ';t(M; C I '. tive COMM& T. Asbe.Arlnstm"g'r F. E. er,b«.~ 9 g Cigt Hamilton, I A' g J HBYdes Yeusi A 8 OSS'ire at Mrs.38b i i A gre breke ost st 8 ,I, dsy in the bouM o( I ston, lttb Bnd bpsted fire bi»gage were on tbe Cire wss extisgsl few BI)sstes ssd amvsL 45.)b. Sllspp C at Horsesl Fishing from 3 bosi 'shoe Bsy during the three Vancouver lads in landing 8 sixty tyee Bslmo6, which i .) 'ish for the season in couver. The bops wb catch were Jack Bsr Ford snd Henry Ii(i'ere fishing fairly clo Herbert Vyvya ,i The death otcurr& "SY «b)r. Herbert resident of West 664 Prevloss to bls «0+ the stage, 3 Engbsb atter, a Vyvysn, wbo wss 87,the )Vsterfroht snd 14(b stree(B viva) bY bis widow Frank wbo IB BIN OITbe funeral Be~at 11 s. El Tlieu) Hanna'8 cbspei asd 4 syl Ines) tmk Vancouver tee ~ Cdmiil ppilil Carrie ' e)stbe owntowestn I t boato Dobbi„ Peaeg h,o tow, state(t .+ Bsd p&will bse govern Ppen I 6 coaoet est Bees of )ogs wsy free)Y and a (~ps (tse)I Ugb&at beirDS!i(, sad t tbe With ue ( drs8 Port gki (eg Bess,'b eargest II be re h Dresenc ~ibis gnutly i~ 4 trkk nl h" 0( tbe g~, BIc red b clef G~ ~ skippers" cesst al