001B6B92 ~ I'e August 13th, 1926 Personal Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Minion spent las tweek end at Harrison Hot Springs. e e The Past Chiefs Association of Pythian Sisters held a picriic to WhyteclifF on Tuesday, 3rd Aug- ust. Supper was served at the Blue Dragon Inn. Miss Helen Clark of Vancou- ver, spent the past week visiting in Caulfeild. e e e Miss Greta Deige of Vancou- ver, is spending the summer at Caulfeild. ~ e Mrs. Douglas Dewar of Alta- mont, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Bur- pee of Crescent Beach, went last week to Mount Baker and Bell- ingham, where they were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Cars- well and Dr. and Mrs. Longwood. Mrs. 2oe Heflin of Sacra- mento, California, is visiting her brother, Mr. C. R. Shields.e Mrs. Holliday, 12th and Duch- ess, moved to-day into Mr. Shields'ouse on Duchess, be- tween 12th and 18th Streets. e Mrs. Johnston, 14th and Waterfront, has moved to Van- couver. e e Miss G. M. Webster of Esplan- ade has gone to Kelowna for a few weeks'isit. Miss Webster expects to return to West Van- couver about the end of Septem- ber. Mr. Alexander Potter of Honolulu has taken Mrs. Lewis'ottage,corner 12th and Duch- ess Streets, and intends moving in on the 21st inst. Mrs. W. H. Lyne and Miss Marjory Lyne, who have return- ed from a holiday spent at Shawnigan Lake and Harbor House, Ganges Island, will be at their cottage at West Bay for the remainder of the summer. Beach Party. The guests of "The Clachan" gave a beach party and corn boil at the hotel on Saturday even- ing. Dancing took place on the verandah and a very pleasant time was had by all. Among those present were:--Captain and Mrs. Bilton, Mr. George Eales, Miss Violet Greenhill, Mrs. Brewis, Dr. and Mrs. Stev- enson, Miss A. M. Shepard, Miss Jean McCurrach, Captain Bot terill, Mr. R. Whitaker, Misses Jessie and Nellie Stevenson, Mr. Donald Beach, Mr. Fred. Ing- ham, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McGill and others. THE WEST VAN NEWS Hollyburn Pavilion To Hold Birthday Party Next Week New Resort for West Vancouver Messrs. R. P. Clark & Co., Ltd., announce that they and their associates have acquired the Larson Estate. This is a beautiful piece of property on the waterfront in West Van- couver, consisting of about 204 acres. Marine Drive and the Pacific Great Eastern Railway run through the property. A golf course will be con- structed of nine holes to com- mence with. The best part of the waterfront on a charming little beach will be reserved for the use of residents. The whole of the area will be developed along uniform and well planned liiies. It is intended to make applica- tion to the Pacific Great Eastern Railway for permission to re- build Larson Station, which is on the property, so that the sta- tion also will be in keeping with the general scheme of architec- tural beauty which will be a feature of this resort. The location commands won- derful marine views. From Eagle Harbor on the south to withiii a few yards of Whyte- cliff on the north, an everchang- ing vista of beauty delights the eye. There are a number of beautiful trees, a fine maple grove near the main entrance being one of the features. Ex- cellent sea bathing can be en- joyed here. There is a good water supply from a stream which runs through the pro- perty and which is never dry. The developments will be pro- ceeded with just as soon as pos- sible. Messrs. Holgate & Summer- field acted for the vendor. It is reported that the price paid is in the neighborhood of $100,000. Special invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. Nick Williamson, the popular pro- prietors of the Hollyburn Pavi- lion, for a special Birthday Party (the sixth) to be given in the Pavilion next Wednesday, August 18th, at 9 p.m. The Pavilion has been re-modelled and very extensive improve- ments have been made. Any pro- gramme put on by Mr. William- son is bound to prove a pleasur- able occasion, and, from what we can learn, it seems that this special party will be a particu- larly happy event. THE NEWS congratulates Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liamson upon the enterprise shown in the building and opera- tion of this splendid amusement hrrlh The people of West Van- couver should show their appre- ciation of their efforts to pro- vide entertainment and amuse- ment by attending the Wednes- day and Saturday night dances. dances. Leyland in Auto Accident. Councillor Leyland had a nar- row escape from what might have been a serious accident on Wednesday night. Whilst driv- ing along the Chilliwack Road he was crowded to the side by another automobile, his car going into the ditch, the front wheel and axle being broken. Mr. Leyland fortunately escaped without injury. The accident prevented him from being pre- sent at the regular Council meeting held that night. MAYBE YOU'E YfORRIED Jimmy McIntyre of 20th Street, West Vancouver, the well-known local automobile salesman, who was for several years with the Ford Company, is now connected with The Burrard Motor Company, North Van- couver, and is handling the famous Hudson and Essex cars. You will find "Jimmy" now at 111 First Street East, North Vancouver. Yes end e lot of it is due to the mono- tonous, tiring drudgery of a weekly wesh-dey at home. A women's life contains enough dreary monotony without adding a wash tub to it aib Ring up the "Burrerde end esk about the various Laundry "Services"-- you'e sure to find one suitable to your purse end you'l appreciate the careful manner in which everything is handled. People like having their work done on the North Shore by North Shore girls. Parcels collected end promptly returned. Mr. Norman Johnston with his sister-in-law, Mrs. Tom Johnston, left here on Sunday morning for Pasadena, Califor- nia. The Burrard Laundry REAL ESTATE--INSURANCE Geo. GourlayFor People relic Aee Particular IBIDD Srnunl ebd Sl. DAUDS North Vancouver Phoae North f310 lL IL BALLARD, Nfr When Fire Insurance is wanted in o hurry phone the Royal Agent. Office Cor. 23rd rh Marine Phone We'ee 2. WEST VAN. TA.ZCI Locei Trips (I to 4 Passengers), 50c, 75c ond 51.00. Sboppiog end Sight teeing, 52.00 per hour. Phones WEST 118 WEST 130 R A. CHISHOLM HA.K:KH. CAKES and PASTRY See our display in Greenwood's Window Try our Guaranteed 100 per cent. Whole Wheat Bread. TO EXHIBITION PRON ALL POINTS ON NORTII SNORE Cheasesi, Cfesesl and Qaichrsf Senice io Vancouver Enhihiuen Qrouads with FaeiNc Btofcs oeir 40 tehetee'diiect iiieriee Ceelneld--35 biieeice bete Deedeieee eed 15 telbeeee hete iieeta Iettteeeer VANCOUVER - NORTH VANCOUVER WEST VANCOUVER First weetbeeod Trip First aeetboood Trip Lv. 7.00 a.m. Vencouver Ar.8.06 7.26 North Vancouver 7.40 7.36 Ambieoide 7.30 7.37 Hollyburtt 7.28 7.43 Dundsreve 7.22 7.46 West Bey 7.20 7.47 Sherman V.18 7.49 Cypress Perk V.16 7.60 Ceuifeild V.16 Coaches leave Vancouver end Ceui- field thence every hour end e half un- til midnight (twelve trips e dey) passing intermediate points on both routes at intervals of an hour and a half computed from above table. Thus 4th westbound Auto Coach leaves Vancouver 11.30 e.m., passing Cypress Park at 12.19 p.m. Phone Sey. 4000 HB. C. MOTOR I RIATQN'eymour and Dunsiouir tIREENWOODS GROCERY WEST 16 Saturday Specials Burns'hamrock Butter, Handypats 4's, per lb. 45c Nabob Coffee, 1 lb. can 630 Butter, finest Alberta 8 lbs ............... $ 1.19 Kerr Jelly Glasses, "Squat," per dos.... 60c Fells Naptha, 3 bars .. 25c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag .. 55c Steak and Kidney Pie, 2 for 15c. Cakes and Pastry Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily We close at 1 o'lock Thursdays Phone Your Orders WE DELIVER BLUES! You won't have them ar CHET SHIELDs.'ce Cream, Soft Drinks, and a fine line of Chocolate Bars.... C.R. SHIELDS CONFECTIONERY Right ae the Perry Leedien Automobile Club Members Yoo have en Otficlal Garage end Towing Seicice in ibis District. West Van Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phone West 444 Free Towing to Members. SHERMAN STORE and Post Office Marine Drive, between West Bey end Cypress Perh GENERAL SUPPLIES Agents for Star Laundry Everything you need for Camp or House Gee da Oii Station. We Deliver On Thursday, 5th August, Mrs. J. Digby, Mrs. J. Crawford and Mrs. H. O. Beall entertained at a beach party at Cypress Park. Among the guests were Miss Sylvia Digby, Mrs. Thomas Crawford, Miss Natalie Digby, Miss Helen Crawford, Miss Frances Crawford, Miss Eileen Denton, Miss Maxine Digby, Master Jack Beall and Mr. Allan Crawford. We have several applications for Modern Houses at Moderate Rent for the winter months. BLACKWELL & OSBORNE REAL ESTATE and FIRE INSURANCE Marine Drive at Arnbleside Phone: West 643 REAL ESTATE AND IiNSURANCE 7429 Marine Drive Phone West 114 BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. Phone North 1370 111 East 1st Street NORTH VANCOUVER WANTFD A HOUSE TO H.EAT SAVORY c%. DUVAL i l . l 5 68 Dr. Division. D. Regietrer. D. Returning Ogicere. Polling Booth. Cepiieno, Ambieoide end MISS M. B. ALMAS, lioiiyburn. Merino Drive end 11th Weoton. Dundereve. Anemone and West E. J. CRICKMAY, Gordon end 20th. CLAUD G. BARROW, bfarine ond 26th. Bey HUGH LANG bfemne end 30th. WILLIAM BLAIR. T. ARMSTRONG. C. J. ARCHER. E. J. CRICKMAY. H. F. BOTTERILL. E. W. BAKER. J. D. TAIT. Couileiid, Cypress end Sherman. IVhyteciHI. Noe yet appointed. COLONEL WHYTE. Perk WM. ASTLEY, Cauifeiith MISS G. A. DAVIES, Blue Dragon Inn, Whyee- ciiir. Ambieoide Hall. Aiiioon'e Grocery Store. bierine end 22nd. Dundoreve Hall. Marine end 26th. biarine Drive. West Bay Euiotre Teo Room. biarine Drive end Cypress Perh. Whytecuir. Blue Dragon Inn Ivhyteclirr The following Election Officials have been appointed for West Van- couver District: New Essex Goach HUDSON ESSle:K has arrived and is now on display at ourshowroom. The several New Features on this model make it, the most attractive car ever offered the automobile buying public. Call and see it, or Phone North 1370 aud we will gladly give you a demonstration. Burrard Motor Car Co. 111 First Street East North Vancouver