001B6B8A NF~AV SU H-DLVlSlON JuSt put Ou the ulcyrkCt Large Splendid View Lots Corner ESOUINIALT AND 11th STREET Price $350 to $550--Good Terms Thcv coo&&'t last long! stake your choice carly! GL&O. IXA.V 315 Cordora St IV„ Vancouver or 14th St. Ik Manne bVest Vancouver Hollyburn Pavilion .DAN('ING EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY 8&30 to 11.30 p.m. Nick's Olympian 7-Piece Orchestra Expert Workmanship u7 Years'xperience Watch, Clock and Jewellery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker and Jeweller (iV. S A.G A R) Repairs Collected and Delivered A Good Selection of IVa(ches, Clocks and Jewellery on hand at attractive prices 1464 MARIE DRIVE ~a&atm wttv I ta ata tlz AMBLES1DE SO SMOOTH--SO POWERFUL Search the entire market and you cannot duplicate The Chevrolet Coach at 61020.00. It stands supreme as the greatest coach value in the world. No other coach otTers equal beauty, roominess, riding comfort, durability, and completeness of equipment, no other coach has an operation so smooth and so powerful at anywhere near its prices. ASK FOR A DEbIONSTRATION NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street bVes4 Phone North 1186 North Vancouver Phone North 1350 THE OFFICIAL AUTO CLUB GARAGE OV THE NORTH SHORE Free Towing to Members We are open until 12 PBI. week da& s and 11 PJII„Sundays. Preparing the Meal is a Pleasure --And eating it, too, these warm summer &lays if Jetfries'ooked MEATS are used. Summer Sausages, made by ourselves: Hamburg Steak, made while you wait. Hams. Bologna, etc. ALL lifEATS KEPT IN REFRIGERATOR Fresh and Cured Neata, Butter, Eggs, Bacon and Lard Buy Your Neats from JEFFERIES Next to HouVburn Theatre I'HONE WEST 3 IVE DELIVER THE WEST VAN NEIVS Altamont OUR OUTLOOK I wish I could tell you what we ran see As vve look through the window out to the sea- 'Tvvixt foothilLa afar nnd ever- greens near I tvish I coukl tell you, but can- not, I fear. Look out where Point Atkinson flashes its light And the grand snowcapped mountains far to the right; See, vessels unnumbered, the small and the great, Coming and going, burdened tvith freight. Look up at the sea-gulls with pinions outspread. Aml the white-headed eagle far overhead; Then do&un at the wild ducks splashing with glee. Or gracefully riding the billows so free. And when the sun sets in crim- son and gold The scene is so lovely it cannot be told; The path on the water, the tints in the sky. The tongue or the pencil of mor- tals defy. I When daylight has faded and at Nature's call The mantle of darkness is drop- ped over all- Look out at the vessels which pass in the night, Silently, swiftly, like phantoms of light. I Far across the deep waters we see a bright glow From lights bright and twink- ling row upon row; As mile after mile these lights we behold We think of the city with streets of pure gold, And the moon in its splendor and stars to us call, They bid us look upward to God over au. --Pauline McBain. Altamont, West Vancouver. W. B. A. Under the auspices of West Vancouver Women's Benefit As- sociation Review No. 24, a very successful garden party and evening musicale was held on July 28th, at the residence of the Commander, Mrs. Laura Ed- wards, 21st and Bellevue. IVith abundance of flowers, and both the interior of the house, and the spacious gardens gaily decorated, the many guests could enjoy the dainty tea and refreshments amid beautiful surroundings. The pre- vailing scheme of colours was pink and mauve. Many visitors from other Re- views attended, and the opening ceremony was gracefully per- formed by Mrs. J. R. Brown, from Review No. 2, who, in an appropriate little speech wel- comed those present. bIrs. Edwards was assisted in receiving by Mesdames Hay, McMiuan, Urquhart, and Hast- ings, and tea urns were pre- sided over by birs. Garland and Nrs. Romans. bfrs. Rawson, from Review No. 0, had charge of a tea-table on one of the verandahs. A brisk business was done at the various booths. Candy, in charge of bfrs. Mary Grisedale, was a most popular drawing card; Fancy-work, in the cap- able hands of Mrs. Danby Smith and bfrs. Strong, was also well patronised, as were the many other attractions, including raf- fle for Cake, donated by Mrs. Grisedale, and the raifle for the beautifully worked Buifet-set, donated by blrs. Urquhart. Among those present were the following:--Mrs. Hugh Wil- August 6, 1926, snn. blrs. Ilughes, blrs, Nc- Arthur, Airs. Iilsckburn, Nrs. Kid&I, Airs. IVilkes, blrs. Kinser. birn. A, E. Young. Mrs. T. El- liutt, Nre. King, birn. I'eacock. birn. B. Patterson, blrs. J. C. Carman, Airs. Wishy, Mrs. H. F.. Kerr, blrs. Kelly, Nrs. Fru. blrs. Hill, Mrs. IVhitmnn, birn. Ilium, Nra G. S. Payne, blrs. Bucket. Nrs. Slayton (Seattle), nnd Miss E. K&I wnrds, blrs. Casseldine, ivtrd. Spencer. etc. At the evening entertainment. IM&vt. Scott, nlong with her talentc&l fnmily, gave much pleasure, Miss Vera giving sev- eral graceful dances in costume. bluster Normnn Scott gave pleasing violin solos, an&i blastcr Ivor Scott delighted his hearers tvith beautifully executed airs on the Ilawniian Guitar. Miss R. Edwnrds nssisted at the piano in her usunl capable manner. Miss Amy IVright, Miss I.il- lian I.yons. bliss Winnie Mc- blilian, an&I bliss Nettie llarmon ma&le a bevy of charming assist- ants throughout the busy tea hours. The winner of the cake was Mrs. Casseldine, from North Vancouver. The winner of the Buffet-set tvas birs. Clifl'ord, from West Bay. )VHHam Sugar has opened a much needed business in West Vancouver, i.e., a watchmaker and jeweller's store. He is lo- cate&i in the Stratton Building, right next &loor to Stratton's Bakery. Mr. Stratton had had several opportunities of renting the store, but waited until he could house the kind of business he thought there was need of here. The Sagar family have been in the watch and clock making business in Blackburn, Lan- cashire, continuously since 1607 (over 318 years), and bIr. Sagar who now joins our community has had 27 years'ractical ex- perience in the trade, seventeen of which he has spent in Canada. B.c.blah INVITED HEEE. An invitation may be extend- ed to the Union of B. C. bIuni- cipalities, who are holding a con- vention at Vernon this month, to hold their next annual conven- tion on the North Shore. Roberts'etter Meats 14th and blarlne Vest f I.I8 Extra Special Glen Dale Creamery Butter Government Specfais 3 lbs. for $ ].]S PRlblE STEER BEEF Roiling Beef, per lb..... 7c. Pot Roast, from per lb., 10c Uven Roast, from lb. 15c. Stewing Steak, 2lb for 25c. LOCAL bill.K FED VEAL Stewing Veal .............. 12c. Oven Roast, from ........ 18c. I.OCAL Sl'RING LAMB. Shoulders ................... 28c. Legs ............................ 42c. FRYING CHICKEN. ROASTING CHICKEN. BOILING FOIVL. FRESH & CURED FISH. Ayrshire Bacon .......... 35c. Side Bacon, from ........ 45c. B.C. Plums, 5lb. basket 40c. Lalfge Peaches, per lb., 35c. Large Pears, per lb. a.. 30c. B. C. Tomatoes, per lb., 15c. Caiitelopes 2 for 25c Apples, 6lbs. for ........ 25c. WE DELIVER Morning to AH Parts, 11 o'lock Afternoon, East of 25th LONSDALE Mpa. 9th Tucc. 10th Wad. 11th JAcK Ho(.T and iluunnT Ton&&ENCE IM "Tff E IILI N D GODDESS" A Power(pi Drama ut New York' Couvte Thutb 12th rri. 13th Sat. 14th I(EN LYON nml NAY McAVOY IM "TIIE SAVAGE" Tha Year' Oreateat &iomedy Novelty ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR SIOF WHI be Removing to NEIV STORE, Next to Kcvill's Furniture Store, about 15th August. We will be pleased to meet all old and new customers. THE SAME SPEEDY SERVICE-- While you wait or same day as brought in FRED TlTE Foot Specialist Next to 1Vest Van. Garage, Ambleside West Vancouver Lumber t',o. LIMITED 15th and Marine Phone West 115 Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE a 'i trill'll Ilail 51 ( a Sf~ Pqbbc I ions'Gate ~'enders for Ditching A Park. The Council on W& night awarded the coat ditching Ambleaide Pm'. H. Baker, hia teudci being the lowest. Tbe present elccti pf bpmg one pf the bii tice of mud slinging I auy other way but aa aymcatbica Pf nc uu pprapu agaiuat whpm Pcraou b known tp bp Wehaveapm uthing tbu gaea our ccanada upt fm tbp admiuiatrat'puutri ea. Cpuaetuepgreat aa wd~i dtgcat what tb, u aiug on the IppppueuL The I el aborkpmiuga aud h follow the I' afi tbiu ~ Wc cauup bc&amniuIIu Pf lb( werc drifi+ de iy au aim(pt, m iy. Iu i(in I . piir b( wpiI b, cbutub tipsily + tea(ember min(it g'p"I Iircti( of the.( fi bat there'eople aad pPPpaiu,+ much m "pty one I Puttiug I Puaalbip krgely di'rd teria, uupa gpiput.fipm aud b Ever, eratbeb P wiii wp u«bah u qttortu at b p (bpuid ~ upt think'i ktpuaid "ppvery uga a ppiuipu, lee(i 'bttipo: '"g pur ' I @tipua bav Some &bj lgeut gsdc tp I Dttawa rethe D'I Bc Works st of tb tbe cpuatm ' 'I is that a Pu 'l bc hei& gpverugca c bridgebus fpr the ri P "~' bca frog Otta'ba P taste(a a possibly tb auuouuc tcgtc src by compo iug firgc Two firms will cubm for the bridge, which, it will cost 52,600,000 aud 000. No action toward i either plan will be takei councils of the city, Npi couver City, North VI District aud West VI until the middle of sexi Phua of the Dwight P aou Company of Ngv Y( already been aubuuttcd The other compauy wj im™it l lace la tbu-Atu blprrmpu 0 Company couvcr, acting with the I tou, Howard It Aaba Company of Kansas Cit