001B6B8A August 6, 1926 PERSONALS Mr. W. J. Turnbull of the West Vancouver Lumber Company, has had as his guest his two brothers, Major G. M. Turnbull of Los Angeles, and Mr. Walter Turnbull, of Mannville, Alberta. 0 s 0 Mrs. H. Hearl of Ladner, has been visiting Mrs. J. MacKenzie, 22nd and Marine. Miss'J. D. McCurrach and Miss A. J. Sheppard, both of New Westminster, and Miss Smith, Vancouver Heights, are guests of the "Clachan." Mrs. J. Manning Scott of Van- couver, spent the weekend as the guest of Mrs. F. W. Tiffin, Caul- feild. 6 0 A vestry, the gift of Mrs. Pois- son, is being added to St. An- thony's Church. ~ n 0 Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McBain, Edmonton, and daughter are vis- iting Mr. McBain's mother, 29th and Waterfront. Mr. Armitage and family of Kerrisdale, have moved over to their cottage on 25th and Water- front. 0 ~ Mrs. W. A. Adair, "Riverside," West Vancouver, is spending a week at Alta Lake. . Mrs. Douglas Dewar, Alta- mont, West Vancouver, enter- tained at a beach party recently in honor of Miss Frances Jack- son Pratt, of New York, who will leave Vancouver the second week in August. 0 Mrs. McKenzie Matheson en- tertained at luncheon on Thurs- day at her home in Caulfeild. Her guests were Mrs. J. L. Dav- idson, Mrs. E. G. Blackwell, Mrs. Herbert Wood, Mrs. Jack Roaf, Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mrs. Angus Stewart and Mrs. Stuart Cam- eron. 0 Mr. and Mrs. J. Sigmore, Cyp- ress Park, have as their guests Dr. George F. Brebber of Nanai- mo, B. C., and his son and daugh- ter. Dr. Brebber is Mrs. Sig- more's brother. Mr. William Yeo of Calgary, and Miss Catherine Yeo of Bos- ton, who have been living at Mrs. Webster's cottage on 27th and Bellevue, returned home on Thursday. ~ 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Cruit have rent ed Mrs. McGowan's house, 25th and Waterfront. Rev. A. Harding Priest and Mrs. Priest returned on Wednes- day from a holiday trip on Van- couver Island. 0 ~ The Misses Mabil and Grace Burnham of Cobourg, Ontario, are on a visit to their sister, Mrs. Atkins, 18th and Marine. ~ s Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ross of Toronto, who are on a five months trip to the coast, are the guests of J. A. Davis, Dundar- ave. 0 0 Grace and Dorothy Mackenzie, daughters of Mr. Bnd Mrs. Mac- kenzie of the Dundarave Bakery, 22nd and Marine, have returned from a visit to Ladner. 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Todd, Bell- evue,Street, have returned to their home after spending a short holiday in Victoria. Proposed Golf Course. At the Wednesday night meeting of the Council a letter was read froln Mr. Hadyn Young outlining a scheme for a golf course, but as Mr. Young did not go into any great detail regard- ing his proposals, he was asked to attend the next meeting of the Council and to supply more details anent the matter, THE WEST VAN NEWS RICKET One of the Capilano Mains Bursts DERELICTS C. C. Vd WEST VANCOUVER C. C. Played at 14th Avc., City, Saturday, July 318t. WEST VAN. INNINGS: H. Booth, c & b Rcvclcy.................... 88 E. W. Baker, c Butt, b Rcvcloy.... 40 P. C. Chapman b Rcvcfcy .............. 2 C. Baywid, c & b Rcvclcy...... 22 W. Hoyle, b Rcvcfoy .................... 6 G. Emcrton-court, b Pillar ... 0 F. Hayyop, c & b Iyvino.................... 18 M. Emcyton-court, c Butt, b Iyvino 10 A. Rcryic, b Irviaa........................ 6 G. W. Hoyle, not out........................ 2 H. M. Bruton, b Iyvina.................. 0 Extras ........................................ 8 Total ... ............................. 146 Bowling Runs C. Rcvclcy .....,...... 67 Brooks ............................ 44 Pillar ................... 31 Butt ....... ......................... 8 Iyvinc .... ...................... 3 Wickets 6 0 I 0 4 A large part of the Municipal- ity was without water Monday morning following the blowing out of a joint on one of the six- teen-inch Capilano mains. The blowout occurred where the main is crossed by the Pacific Great Eastern Railway track. The break was first noticed at 8 o'lock Sunday night, accord- ing to James Duncan, Municipal Engineer, and all houses near the waterfront as far west as West Bay, were affected by the accident. Homes on the higher levels of the municipality and in Caulfeild and Whytecliff, which obtain water from the Brothers Creek system, were the only ones supplied until repairs had been effected. Reception Planned for H. H. Stevens DERELICTS INNINGS: Bagot, c Booth, b Baywid............ 19 Foster, c Baywid, b Chapman........ 3 McGregor, c G. E. Court, b Chapman 7 Brooks, b Baywis ............................ 0 Smith, b Chapman.................. I Iyvinc, stumped Hayfop, b Baker 32 Rcvcldy, retired ......................... 36 Pillar, b Baywid ............................ 36 Butt, b Barwid ............. ........ . .... 0 Ball, c Hayfop, b Baywid................ 4 Scadding, Dot out .......:............ 6 Extras ...................................... 10 Total ................................. . 163 Bowling Runs Wickets C. Baywis ........................ 4 8 6 P. C. Chapman .............. 33 3 E. W. Baker .................... 22 I W. Hoyle .................... 14 0 H. Booth ........................ 26 0 Plans are being made by Van- couver Conservatives to give Hon. H. H. Stevens, Minister of Customs, a rousing reception on his arrival in Vancouver from Ottawa. According to advices received from the minister, he will reach the city at 8 p.m. next Tuesday. While details of the reception to be given have not yet been completed, it is understood that it will take the form of a massed gathering, with bands, at the C.P.R. station, to be followed by a parade. Owing to the fact that the minister has but recently left the hospital and may be tired after his long trip on the train, the committee will not ask him to speak, but will escort him through the streets to his home.Next Game--West Vancouver vd. Lynn Valley at Lynn Valley, 2 p.m. Saturday, August 7th. Possible Liberal Nominees Friends of Dr. A. E. Martin are also still hopeful that Dr. Martin will consent to go before the convention to be held Satur- day night. Others spoken of are J. J. Dutton and Rev. Mr. Park- er, of Gibson's Landing, and other possible nominees, it is stated. FERRY RETURNS The Ferries during the month of July carried 78,265 passeng- ers, which is somewhat in ex- cess of the figures for the cor- responding month of last year. HOVV often you'e wishedyou had some more places to connect new lamps or the vacuum cleaner or your curling irons I Convenience outlets can be in- stalled in your house with very little bother. Any qualified electrician can do the work without marring your finishings in the least. Have it done during vacation thne. Ifomda fbugnas aucnacadabnyot $0-10 I I ShOe Repairing by Modern Methods We have now installed new and up-to-date electrical .machinery for every branch of shoe repair work. Bring your old shoes here snd have them repaired quickly and efficiently OUR NAN WILL CALL FOB AND DELIVER Wrights Shoe Repair MARINE DRIVE, AMBLESIDE Phone West 161 I Tin Malt Makes a I Pecksge Hops C)Q~ Good I Pfockage Celatine ~ ~~ Beverage AI so sorrbg cAps AND coRKs The Dundaraf)e West Vancouver Pharmacy PharmaCy G. N. snd B. Gemmsl Bey. Pbscmeelsts 3 doors East of Dundayava P.O. Phone West 606 G. N. snd B. Gemmuh Rea. Pbscmsclsts New Ambfcaido BaiMiag Phone West 37 DENTIST Phone Sep. 2384 lor Appointfaent Dr. W. J. Curry 301 Dominion Building Vancouver Dr. Curry gives personal attention to his patients. Moderate prices. 25 years'ractical exper- ence. West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th DAILY Freight'Service to Whytecliff ddnd way points. Ferguson's Motor Transfer 2446 Piarine Dme, Daadarare 184 Alexander St., Vaacoareer Phones: West 85 - Sey. 6217. PHOTOS EVERYBODY KNOWS About, Our THAT THE'""" King Studio 311 Hastings Street West Established 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop. W. CARLEY Maymo Dnva between 218t and 22nd West Vancouver Ras Phoae Wast 7IY HOUSEPAINTING KALSOMINING SIGNS, ETC. PIANO POLISHING Estimates Given STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Shortbread and Nut Loaves Daily Phone West 84 for Sand, Gravel Truck Work Eto. H P. Tearoe l 640 Maywood Ave. West Vancouver ED. BLACK'S WEST VAN TRANSFER We hsvo been Ro busy stocking our schools for thc Viator that we havo had do ncgfcct our coal customers. Lct Us glvc you a nguyd on your winter supply. PHONE ED. BLACK WEST 68 Sole agent for the CORRY SOOTLESS COAL HAVE OUR DELIVERY MAN CALL Phone West 27 Established 51/R Years C. J. OVERINCTON BARBER For the convenience of Rho ladies of the Didtfict I have had the tcldphoao installed PHONE WEST 135 and make an appoiatmcnt. 14th and Marine DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phone Wcat 6 FRESH MEAT AND FISH Wa Deliver Best Wood on North Shore Inside Fir Get our Special Price Now for Your Winter Supply Coal, Building Materials, Sand, Gravel, Etc. Marine Transfer (G. E. Currie, Prop) 25th and Martne Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed PxthCIPIC GREAT EASTERIhT RY. WEEK-DAY--WESTBOUND Tmtns leave North Vsneeuvev for su pelnls tn Whyteeudt--0.00, 7,00, 8.00, 0,61, Il.i1 ~.m., I.i1. 141, R.id, ~ .51, d.it, dmt, 8.11 snd Id.tR p.vn, EASTBOUND 'resins leave Wbyteculf fev su Deln4 te Nevih Vsnceuvevl--0.$ 0, T.dd. 8,dd. 10,$ 5 ann Id.dd, 1.$ 5, $ .$ 6, i.dd, 6A6, 8.$ 5, I.dd, 0.15 snd Il.od. SUNDAYS--WESTBOUND Tvslns leave North Vsnceuvec en Susdsys snd Beudeys fec sU Delete te WhyteeUIR ~t d.io mm., snd thea $0 minutes psst eseb hour untu 0.$0 pen. EASTBOUND Tvslns leave Whytecsd for su Delete te North Vsneeuvev at Rd minutes pest ecch beuv feces 0.16 nm. te d.dd D.m. yev fuvther lsfecmstlen pbene Nevtb $ 00 or Seymnus 0111, Dsseeudev Dept dm Gvsnvale Stveet, Vsnceuvev. B. C.